January 10, 1937
In memory of all the Love which has been poured out to the Host of Ascended Masters, and in the recognition which has been given Each One, do you realize, Precious Ones of the Light, that is a power of the activity of your attention which has been required? We have been waiting for that throughout the centuries, to direct forth the Currents of Energy which will help you to hold your attention more firmly, not only upon your “I AM Presence”; but on the Requirements for which you issue the Decrees, that produce Happiness and Perfection in your world.
Unless you saw, from the Inner standpoint, the enormous effect of a body of the Children of Light, as you have here tonight, issuing a Decree for blessing all mankind, you could not possibly comprehend what it means. Naturally, you gain from That Decree which calls forth a Definite Light Energy. Notice, did you ever hear that term before— Light Energy?
I tell you, We are entering into a Greater Activity than you have ever known; and that is why, I call your attention to these Certain Expressions which We shall use in the future; to give you a greater conviction and quicken into action, the Qualities which We have anchored within your feeling world, to produce Harmony and Perfection for you. You will not have the difficulty from New Year’s Day on, in holding firm to the Light within your feeling, which you have had in the past year. While it is true, you are Beacon Lights in the world of mankind’s creation; yet, even though That Light grows greater, you shall not be affected by discordant things. That Light will ere long, be strong enough in Its Own Radiance, as It goes forth—to
repel every discordant thing which attempts to touch your world. Will you please accept It, as a Powerful Activity from tonight—acting within your world, your body, your mental activity?
Is it not curious in the beginning of This Activity of the Messengers, quite a number of people thought, it was just another flash which would be soon passing out? Well you have not yet become quite well enough acquainted with the Ascended Masters, to realize They do not start something, which They do not see the way to finish!
So, today, you are entering into an opportunity which will not only bring you Happiness and Freedom; but will enable you to render a Service Transcendent beyond even your fondest expectations now; and I say to you, Beloved Ones, never was mankind so favored. You, today have every opportunity which the Heart can desire, as It is bursting Its bonds and entering Its Freedom. Think how long, the Heart has been held in bondage to the intellect.
What a Service was rendered by Beloved Saint Germain, when He brought This Knowledge of the “I AM Presence” forth to mankind! In the number today, who are earnestly applying the Law of the “I AM Presence,” what a Service has been rendered to mankind and the Earth! I give My Gratitude to you, the Light having expanded thru you, for being able to accept and apply This Knowledge; which We are as anxious for you to have, as you could possibly be to have It. Is that not a good combination? I should say a Perfect Combination.
Now will you enter with Me into that Great Determination, to harmonize your feeling; to call your Presence into action; and then stand by in Its Light, until the fulfilling of that, whatever it may be, comes into manifestation?
I want to say a word to the Group Leaders here and everywhere throughout America. Do not feel you are forgotten. We are watching the activity of every one; and the Group Leader who stands upon his or her own two feet and pours out Love and Blessings to That Group, will have all he or she can handle; but the Group Leader who is watching and criticizing other Group Leaders, will probably not have any.
You are entering, or have entered into definite Law and It acts, Precious Ones, according to your feeling to your associates! It is no
one’s fault but yours, if you do not hold your associates about you; for only as mankind pours forth Ascended Master Love and Kindliness, do people love to be in the Individual’s atmosphere. It is a Law of your Being, which you must come to recognize now! You cannot longer deny It! Therefore, Precious Ones, will you arouse yourselves into the Fullest Acknowledgment of your “I AM Presence”? Then, It cannot fail to come into action with clearness and definiteness in your own personal Self-control, thru your feeling.
I wish to express this: “What the Messengers do for the students, they do under Direction. This Messenger, when He places his hand on the student like that, never places it there of his own volition. Remember this! Please don’t urge Him to do a thing which He does not feel impelled to do! Please, Dear Students, don’t do those things with each other, unless you understand definitely what you are doing. This Good Brother has been trained, as a Clear and Definite Channel for Our Operation, for Our Work; and We have charged the activity to give him Joy, for the Tremendous service which He has rendered.
I want to say another word in commendation. When Our Precious Messengers returned from Honolulu, I called one into their midst and he has won a great Victory. In humble loving kindness he has served. So, Dear Ones, all of you as our Precious Messenger told you a few moments ago, have been chosen—not only by your “Mighty I AM Presence,” but by the Host of Ascended Masters; to be the Vanguard of This Great Perfection, which is coming swiftly into the world of manifestation of mankind. Notice I say “swiftly.”
Today, or since New Year’s Day a New and Greater Activity is taking place, within every one of your Precious Hearts. I want you to know this because, Dear Hearts, what is the use of telling something, unless you explain why and what the effects are to be. Notice again, the Power of your attention. When I call your attention to an Activity, it means at that moment thru your attention, it enables Us to do the Thing, which is required to give you the Assistance. Once you know that and really begin to feel It within you, the moment your attention is called to something, a Great Onrush from your Presence goes into action within you, to produce the results which are required.
Will you believe Me, when I tell you, within every one of you who has entered so earnestly into these Groups and those who were in the Shrine Class, a Very Definite Tremendous Activity is going on within you? Never allow your human self to requalify anything which occurs within you, with anything but Perfection. There is nothing in this World to fear!
I am getting quite personal. Why do you suppose the Name the “Divine Director” was given to Me? Not by Myself or Associates; but because it is My Privilege to direct Certain Currents of Energy, Very Definite Light Substance! When the Light within the Individual has expanded far enough, great enough; then, it is My Privilege to set aside time and space for that Individual; so one may more quickly enter into Freedom and Perfection, which the Expansion of the Light within discloses—please notice, I say, “discloses!”
I want you to feel, if you will, so close to Me that it enables Me to render This Service for you ! You will one day, come to know what it has meant, in the Provision having been made; so This Good Messenger has been enabled to receive Our Dictations in This Manner. It means Wonderful Things to you all!
Will you from this day on, never allow your human self to feel, anything which has been placed before you is unnecessary? The Use of the Violet Consuming Flame to set you Free from your human creation, is the ONLY MEANS in the world by which it can be done; and the need of charging your mind and body with the Perfection of the Presence, is imperative. I plead with you, don’t neglect these simple things! No matter what your activity of the day is, you can if you will, charge your mind and body in the morning, with the Energy of the Presence; so no matter how hard the work of the day is, you can be rested at night.
Now please apply These Laws and experience the Freedom which your Application brings to you. The Messengers have been compelled to prove This Truth in their own lives and they do it every day. Many of you are doing it, for you are Wholly Free, Precious Ones, in the Acknowledgment of your “I AM Presence”! There is not a thing in the world, It will not do for you; if you will harmonize your feeling and call It into action, but be firm and definite about it! You know you cannot accomplish anything with a half wishy-washy way
of doing it! Be calm, firm and determined to have the Perfection of your Presence, when you call It into action and It cannot fail!
Dear Hearts, I rejoice so exceedingly and have since the beginning of the Shrine Class, to see the advancement and the Expansion of your Light; the Great Freedom and Confidence which is coming into action within you; and the many things so many of you are doing, which give you Great Happiness in the Acknowledgment of your Presence. The blessed young people! Oh, what worlds of Happiness and Blessing they can have.
Do not forget your Chart, Dear Hearts, for one single day! I plead with you, don’t sleep at night, until you have given a few moments Acknowledgment of your Chart. Speak to It and the “I AM Presence” above you! Don’t be afraid of getting too familiar with your Presence; and don’t feel you have to bow and scrape before It. Just with the Fulness of Joy, acknowledge and say: “Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ here ‘I AM’—a Projection of Thyself! Glorify Thyself in me, in the Projection of Thy Wondrous Perfection and Mighty Directing Intelligence! Cause this body to glow with Thy Perfect Health and Strength.” Please FEEL THIS, as I am describing it! “Cause this mind and body to glow with the Fulness of Thy Health and Energy; with Thy Light Substance called forth from the Love Star, which cannot be requalified by human feeling. Charge me, my mind, body and world, with the Fulness of Thy Light Substance; and cause the Intelligence which Thou art, Oh ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ to sweep into action in my world; and produce Thy Perfection and hold Thy Dominion there.”
It is so wonderful, Precious Ones of the Light, to know you have contacted and become aware of that Great Infinite Intelligence, which can and does release into your world, everything you require; for the Glory, the Freedom and the Perfection which It wishes to express thru you; and with which It can only fill your world, by expressing thru you. After all the centuries you have waited and It has waited, to have an opportunity to give you This Assistance, which It could not do without your attention given to It—it is so wonderful!
You are moving in a Vast Sea of Light Substance in the Acknowledgment of your Presence! Were you to see the
Atmosphere of the room, as it is charged tonight, then you would know how Great is your Privilege; to move within This Light Substance, which is drawn here for your Blessing and the Eternal Expansion of your Light.
Believe Me when I say, you have entered into a Very Powerful Divine Activity; but Precious Ones, never allow your human self to cause you to feel faint. In the Presence of This Light Substance such a thing is incredible, impossible! Don’t let your human self qualify anything in your Groups with any feeling but the Strength, the Power and Joy of the “I AM Presence.” In your Heart is your Perfection! All these things which occur in mankind are but the Individual’s own human qualification and it is nonsense! You cannot faint unless you want to! All these things are human qualifications, which you can set aside in the Acknowledgment of your Presence! Be strong, be firm and practical in the Application of these Great Laws, that is what you should be!
Precious Ones, take your determined stand, to call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action! Go forth, in the Glory of Its Mighty Radiance and Directing Intelligence; and you can be sure that We will give you every Assistance possible, to your quick and Eternal Freedom. If you mean business as We do, then your Freedom will come quickly! I tell you in This Group and This Marvelous Activity, you do mean business. Go on, and on, and on, until there is not a vestige of the human left!
I rejoice with you exceedingly, Oh Precious Ones, in the Glory and the Victory which you are winning. Eternal is My Love, enfolding you unto your Freedom and Ascension! Remember We are One Great Family! We are just your Elder Brothers and Sisters, who have attained just a little ahead of you; and We, with so Great a Love, are making Every Effort the Great Cosmic Law permits, to give you Every Assistance possible! We plead with you month, after month, after month; to just harmonize yourselves and hold That Harmony, until We can help you win your Victory!
In behalf of the Great Host of Ascended Masters, We call the Great Light Substance forth tonight; to enfold each one of you, as your individual requirements may indicate; to hold that Light Substance active about you; supplying the Courage, the Happiness,
the Strength; and releasing the Supply of all required for your Happiness and Comfort; all that is necessary for your Service to the Light!
I say again to you, Precious Ones, I thank you for making the call and giving the Decrees! Please continue it, and you can and SHALL have your own Home of Light in which you may meet! The Light Substance knows no limit! The supply of money provided for mankind, is really not limited, for the great Presence gives all! As you issue your Decrees for your Auditorium, for your own building in which to serve the Light, then the Light will turn and serve you and supply it! There is naught you cannot have for the Service of the Light, whether it be a home, an automobile, organs, or airplanes; but don’t be impatient, I plead with you.
Go on making your Decrees! Do not limit them and you will be surprised what one year will supply to you; but when you say Those Decrees, don’t let your human have anything to say afterward! Make it be silent concerning your Decree, and your Decree will go on and be fulfilled. Remember, when you issue a Decree, the Power of the Universe goes into action to perform that Service; and unless you become inharmonious and allow your human feeling to affect It, your Decree will go on and act until the achievement is accomplished! It is a Law of the Universe, no one’s opinion! Therefore, if you do these things the results will be the Fulfillment of your Heart’s Desire!
I say to you tonight, if you will stand with Us, We will stand with you! That is a fair contract! Accept the Full Glory of your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” now! amplified by the Great Host of Ascended Masters and the Laws which They apply to your Assistance! Go forth with a Happy Heart, with a Courage and Confidence born of your “Mighty I AM Presence.” Then, leave the rest, as you issue your Decree, with the Wisdom of your Presence to be fulfilled; be glorified in the time in which It sees fit to produce the manifestation; and you will have in your world, that which will make your Happiness Complete! I thank you.
February 13, 1937
Mr. Ballard:
The Great Divine Director will speak His Wishes to the students, as He flashes the Words before me in Living Light. Will you feel within yourselves the Mighty Import of These Words?
In My Humble Endeavor to serve you, Oh Beloved Students of San Francisco, and those who are visiting here, it is with a Definite Purpose I have come to render a Service for you. From My Being, there have gone Threads of Light, Streams of Light, if you please, carrying Definite Qualities into your Hearts and your Feeling World; that you may more quickly enter into the Harmony and the Acceptance of your “Mighty I AM Presence”; and thereby gain your Victory, so you do not have to go thru a much longer period for Its Achievement.
A little less Powerful Service is being rendered for you, than there was to the Children—Rex, Bob, Nada and Pearl and This Good Brother, who came to Me in India. I have come to you here, in the comfort of this auditorium which is provided in your city. Will you feel and keep before your consciousness, that This Instruction is not an ordinary activity? Even from Our Octave of Light, It is an Extraordinary Activity! I may not set aside time and space for all of you, as a Group, as was done for those Blessed Children; but a Service occupying a similar position for you, has been rendered.
To the degree you can accept This Help and keep your feeling world harmonized, will you see the Out-picturing of Those Qualities more quickly; not only in producing Perfect Health in your body and more quickly solving the problems before you; but in quickly rising into that State of Consciousness where you no longer consider problems. In calling your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” into action, you not only solve the apparent ones, but It keeps you above
all problems. That is your Victory! That is the Achievement for which you have come into many embodiments!
Today, thru the Great Gracious Assistance of our Beloved Saint Germain, He chose of His Own Volition, to try out and prove—that with the Assistance of the Great Cosmic Law, the time had arrived, when great numbers of mankind could understand, appreciate and accept the Reality of their own “Mighty I AM Presence,” which the Chart shows to you definitely!
The Individual, who thinks This Great Knowledge Saint Germain has brought forth, is but imaginary, can of course receive but little benefit; because the repulsion of his or her own feeling of doubt, will repel Our Help; until such time, as those Individuals can feel the Great Acceptance of This Knowledge, This Truth, the Mightiest which the Earth can ever receive!
Your Knowledge of the Presence and the Acceptance of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” is the END of all Earthly Pilgrimage! Those who will apply This Truth as directed and refuse acceptance to appearances, will quickly enter into the Fulness of the Courage, Strength and Confidence which gives them the certain feeling that It is Really True.
You will understand, Beloved Ones, after centuries, hundreds and perhaps thousands of embodiments, in which each of you has lived, the gaining of your momentum of limitations, must necessarily be tremendous! Notice the vast difference in what you have known before, as the advancement of the mass—in comparison to your Individual Knowledge of your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”; and the Eye Picture which you have before you, thru which you are calling your three faculties of activity into vivid action for yourselves.
You may accomplish your Victory today, thru the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame; by calling your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action to pass It from your feet up, a Dazzling Radiance like a blow- torch, consuming everything discordant which you have drawn about you thru the centuries. Your achievement is definite, certain and quickly accomplished!
The accumulation of limitations which you have drawn about you thru the centuries, has been a long laborious process. Strange is it not, that mankind would willingly draw the people into more and
more dense and limited conditions? Yet, only when the people know the Great God Presence which beats their Hearts, can strength be sustained within the human form; which will enable them to hold their attention firm enough on their “Mighty I AM Presence,” to set them Free! Then, Its Mighty Energy may be released in Sufficient Quantity, Sufficient Power, to not only consume all discordant conditions and accumulations; but to draw from the Presence, those Mighty Currents of Energy—which sweep into the body like a Mighty River, if you please, and which will sweep out every imperfection.
You may wonder why We continually pound, and pound, and pound, these Definite Explanations to mankind—because they must understand This Truth. Those who refuse, will go on and spend many embodiments, before they have This Opportunity again; because those who pass out, consciously refusing This Knowledge today, will not be permitted to re-embody and gain the Glory which the next embodiment would bring.
When once the outer consciousness of mankind is given the Opportunity, and the stubbornness of the human and its ridicule, refuses acceptance to the Great Light and Truth of the Presence, then people will wait much longer than those who have not heard of It. There is only one thing in all this world of human activity, which will not allow any one on the face of This Earth to accept the “Mighty I AM Presence,” and that is the accumulated stubbornness of the human mind and feeling, the outer activity of it!
So, today, I do congratulate you, Oh Beloved Children of the Earth! Seeing the Expansion of the Light within you and your sincere earnestness, with Great Joy, I came forth into your city—into your midst; to try once again to give you Our Assistance, which will enable you to attain quick, certain, Eternal Freedom from the acceptance—now mark you! from the acceptance any longer, of these appearances which have bound you so long.
Does it sound simple, when you are asked to refuse acceptance of these appearances, when your very Life-energy has fed them to terrify, harass and prevent your achievement? You CAN turn from them now, in the Acknowledgment of your Presence; accept Its Perfection, the Mighty Currents of Energy flowing in, and thru your body, and out into your world; and have That Perfection now made
manifest in your world out here. That is a Great, Majestic Mighty Law which It is your Privilege to use.
So, today, every Assistance possible is being given to the sincere ones of mankind; to release them, not only from their own human creation drawn thru the centuries, but to give them the Great, Great and Wonderful Ascension—Free forever! from the wheel of birth and re-birth, which you have traced and re-traced so many, many times.
It does not matter whether people believe This or not, It is the Great Law; and It is not concerned with human opinions! It acts and those who cannot or will not accept It, will remain in the great wheel, embodiment after embodiment, until one day they wake up!
I know this good brother and sister, the Messengers, do not wish Me to say this, yet I am going to say it. Do you realize, and I am sure many of you do, what it means for someone to be strong enough; to stand before the World and carry This Great Truth, which Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth, for the Freedom of so many in so short a time? Do you wonder that We mention this? You should not, for I tell you but for This Truth, destruction would have found America unguarded! They in their Kindliness, Love and Humbleness have carried This Message with almost the Strength and Courage of an Ascended Being! So We congratulate them and you, for being able to accept the Great Truth personally; and apply It to your Freedom; but will you bear with Me, when I ask you to do it quickly?
You are no longer subject to your human creations or to the limitations which appear in the outer world. You, who go forth from This Class, are FREE BEINGS, if you only knew it, with THAT which has been anchored within your feeling! You are no longer subject to limitations of any kind; and if you will apply This Truth as asked; refuse acceptance to all appearances; then you shall go forth quickly and release in the Fulness of Its Mighty Power, Freedom which I tell you is yours!
I want to say a word to some of the very wonderful students, who have called the Presence into action sufficiently powerful, to make it possible for them to be in the various classes. I have watched the step-up, as you say in your outer parlance, from one Class to another, of the Great Intensity and Activity of the Radiance
poured forth; and the step-up in the clearness of their comprehension, even in This Class.
So then you know, My Precious Ones, what it means to be dauntless, firm and unyielding in your determination to have the Power of your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” expressed in and thru you, and out into your world. You can have It and do not accept anything else! Don’t be interfered with or misled by human opinions, when you go forth from This Class! Stand solely by your “Mighty I AM Presence.” Group Leaders of San Francisco, don’t allow a feeling of anything but Kindness to go forth! Unite and bring the Glory of God, the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” into All-powerful Action here in your city; and you will be blessed beyond your fondest hopes.
I ask you Precious Ones, Group Leaders of San Francisco, come together! Adjust yourselves! Harmonize yourselves and unite in a Great Activity! Let each Group go forth and do its Perfect Work; and each other Group bless it forever, forever and forever! Don’t one Group try to interfere with another! Go on—each one of you, in the Power of your Group! Be blessed with the Great Blessing which will be released! That will help you to go on, and on, and on, in This Great Radiance, which will be released in your Heart, mind and body. It is sustained in your city, for your Great Blessing, benefit and activity.
Will you accept your Freedom and your Ascension? Oh Beloved, Precious Ones, don’t let the human intellect of yourselves or anyone else assert to you—that the Ascension is but an imaginary dream! It is the most Wonderful Thing in all the Universe! It is the only means, by which you can be Free from the wheel of birth and rebirth! Then, in your Great Ascended Purified Body, the Electronic Energy and Force of your (the) “Mighty I AM Presence” render a Service Infinite in Its Activity.
We, who have Our Freedom, come to plead with mankind, to accept the Freedom which is offered. Out of the Glory of the Great Cosmic Light, We call Its Mighty Intelligence to descend into the Earth; take command of America, the people and its government; sweep into every activity, into all official places, the Glory of Its Mighty Directing Intelligence; so all may feel and quickly enter into
That Great Loving Harmony of God—where all is filled with only the Light of God, the Great Cosmic Light—where all are clothed in Garments of Light.
All who will accept, may live within the Glory of their “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” whose Garment of Light not only illumines your pathway, but becomes your Protecting Radiance, Invincible in Its Activity. Great and Mighty Light! release Thy Commanding Presence into the Earth, so all mankind may quickly enter into the Consciousness of Thy Great Freedom for all!
First quicken the Desire in the Heart which is surging in the Hearts of all mankind today. Then quickly release the Great Knowledge of This “Mighty I AM Presence”! In Its Great Current of Energy, which quickens the Light within their Hearts at Its Touch! Flow, Oh “Mighty I AM Presence” into the Heart, the mind and body of all mankind and assert Thyself! Take Thy Command! Go forth in Thy Mighty Conquering Presence and fill the Earth with Thy Mighty Glory! Such is Our Decree for you, Oh Beloved Ones, and all mankind!
My Love enfolds you always, unto your Freedom and Ascension.
March 2, 1937
Beloved Children of the Light, it having been My Joy and Privilege to minister to you during the past three days, will you be so kind, as to accept Those Qualities which I have anchored within your feeling world for constant use? One of Those Qualities is the ability for Greater Self-control and Mastery of your human feeling. To do this, will mean Freedom to you! Will you not accept all, which it has been My Humble Privilege to convey, to anchor there; that you may go forth on your way with less obstruction, humanly speaking?
Beginning in San Francisco, the Great Out-Pouring of the Cosmic Light, has made it possible for Certain Things to be done for mankind, which it would not be wise to explain yet; but which I am taking advantage of, to give the students all possible Assistance in their Victory to their Freedom!
There is only one way, Beloved Ones, by which you can gain the Mastery of yourself, your world and all substance. That is by constantly trying, until you have called your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action with Sufficient Power, to still your human thought; and compel it to be obedient to the Law of your Presence, which is Harmony. Thus, the Presence enables your Call to be answered with a sufficient VOLUME OF ENERGY, governed by Its Intelligence, to produce that which you require.
All These Laws are very practical and no one need be deprived of what you require any longer. Oh, that you may realize, you are having a Privilege only given to a few in the Retreats, only a short hundred years ago. A hundred years seems like a long time to you, does it not? But to Us it is like a day—a day of Great Joy and Achievement. One day, you will find it the same.
The need of mankind today, has made it possible for Us to render Such a Service, tonight! Some of you will only hear Me in the intellect! Many of you will hear Me with the intellect and feel It in your feeling world. Those who can feel the Truth of My Humble Endeavor
to assist you, will find It quickly active in your worlds; and may My Assistance cause many things to disappear from your worlds quickly, for which you have long prayed and hoped. Will you not take advantage of This Opportunity?
I could not and would not utter idle words to you; but every Word I utter to you tonight, shall carry with It, the Power of Execution; not as your execution is of the outer world, but of the Power of Use and Service. Oh, that you might all understand all It means to you.
The Blessed Students who have heard many of These Dictations, are feeling more and more powerfully the True Inner Meaning of Them; and what They mean to each Individual. Once, you understand the Words an Ascended Being speaks, carry in Them the Power of Achievement, you will begin to comprehend what Mighty Power These Dictations carry! Can you accept THEIR POWER in your feeling world? Won’t you try, so It may have Its FULL POWER of Operation and Action?
Oh, how We long to have mankind feel the True Import of These Words, so they may quickly dismiss all human consciousness of limitations; and call the “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, to dissolve all human creations which have ever been acquired. Then, how quickly each one would go forth—almost like a rocket—into his or her Permanent Achievement.
May I remind you, Precious Ones, that every particle of Achievement you accomplish, in the Knowledge of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” becomes a Permanent Thing? There is no slipping back in anything, which you call forth and achieve in the Knowledge of your Presence. It becomes a Permanently Established Thing and cannot be forgotten and cannot be lost! Today in the Requirement, according to the Great Cosmic Law, you have now drawn within you the Victory of Achievement! If you allow your human intellect to cause you again to doubt and fear, then you will have to wait another Opportunity of the Messengers, to re-establish This Work!
We are giving you the Opportunity here and did also in San Francisco, to utilize These Qualities which We are anchoring in your feeling world for Definite, but Powerful, Use! To the degree that you can feel This Help and let It begin to act, will you find Response and Manifestation in your outer world of activity.
So, tonight, you have entered a New World, the World of your “Mighty I AM Presence.” Will you say to Me: “I don’t feel any change in my body, I do not see any outward manifestation of It”? If that should be your feeling, you are not apt to; but if you can say sincerely: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ I accept These Qualities which have been given me for use! You set them into action now! ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ see that I have the feeling of the Truth and the Activity of These Qualities, quickly brought into my outer use and manifestation.” Then you will have Them ! You will begin quickly to experience the Truth of the Words I speak to you!
Before going on, I wish to say just a few Words to the Messengers: “The greatest need at the present time is in Philadelphia and New York, and then you will be directed what is to follow. Great need is in the World, tonight. Saint Germain will not be able to come and direct you, before you leave the city; and has asked Me to convey This Message to you.” Oh, that mankind might understand, what it means to have the Assistance of Great Wise Beings Who have gone the Pathway you are treading; having conquered and set Themselves Free into the Ascension! They are Those who know every struggle, every sorrow, everything any one of you experiences. Then, will you understand how it is within Our Ability, to give such Great Assistance? We know all that you suffer.
In the ages of long ago when I achieved My Freedom, it was not so difficult; but at the time Our Beloved Saint Germain attained His Freedom, it was a hundred times more difficult than you have to contend with today. In those ages, people had to hide in caves in the mountains to worship as Their Hearts dictated! Today, you have the Great Country of America! Oh, that you might know just what that Word means to you—AMERICA! OH, AMERICA! If you clearly knew what that Heavenly, Divine Word meant, you would almost wish to speak It like the words “I AM,” for It belongs to the “I AM.” One day, We shall tell you Its full Meaning.
Now, Precious Ones, I am speaking to the students who are firmly and with Great Determination holding to the Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence”: Your Goddess of Liberty in New York harbor, is but the symbol of that Mighty Being who is entering into the ruling world of America,—the Mighty Goddess of Liberty!
Do not fear ever! that the Great Law will fail to find Its Fulfilment in America; but those who have willingly chosen to serve the shadows, will one day know the Power of Her Radiation, which even now is saturating the Earth!
Oh, that you may know the Great Enfolding Radiance and Illumining Presence—the Great Change which is in your atmosphere, even today! Oh, Beloved Ones, when you breathe, feel and breathe the Fire-Breath of God, in which no imperfection can exist! As you think of It from time to time, feel yourselves breathing in That Mighty Fire-Breath of God, the Mighty Purifying Flame! the Unfed Flame! which purifies and strengthens every cell of your body, expanding the Light within your Heart; until It knows no interference, either from yourself or outside forces!
One day, when you are sufficiently prepared, I shall stand before you—as I stood before those Blessed Ones in the Cave of Light in India! Then, shall mankind realize the Great Beings Who have loved the World and have stood the Guards over it, are no myth of anyone’s imagination! So also, shall ALL mankind know the “Great I AM Presence,” Which has stood guard over it, when the people would have destroyed themselves. Precious Ones, Beloved of the Light! never again let a single thought or feeling enter your world, but praise of your “Mighty I AM Presence” which gives you Life! In Eternal Gratitude to Life, speak It before the World! Life alone pours forth to you Its Eternal, Its Ever-lasting Perfection! Yet, mankind in the lack of understanding, is constantly re-qualifying Its Mighty Currents of Energy, which would of their own volition, produce Beauty and Perfection in the human form. Those Currents of Energy, if left unchanged, would make it a Perfect Receptacle to the Outpouring of the Presence and glorify the people with Freedom quickly. Those Currents of Energy from the Presence would glorify them with Dominion, not from the human self, but over all substance. All form in the Universe, in the Octave of Earth, is composed of the One Substance—the Universal Substance of Electronic Light, which of Itself is Wholly Perfect.
Now you understand, Precious Hearts, the need of Self-control in your feeling world—stop all irritation—all destructive feeling, anger, hatred, jealousy or any of those qualities which fill your world
with distress. Stop it at once! Feel the Glory of the “Mighty I AM Presence” fill your world and flow forth with Happiness and Perfection! Only as you do that, can you have evidence of the Perfection which you long to have flow forth like a river into your world! We can only do it, as you give attention to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” thru Whom We must work! Will you not do this?
Will you not feel the Truth of Life—the Law of Life, which stands always ready to give you your Freedom? It is easy and sure—easy of Achievement with the Great Assistance which is being given.
How little you know, how many times in twenty-four hours, you, who have been drawn under This Mighty Radiation of Saint Germain, are given Protection and Assistance. He watches from the Great Octave of Light and when He is busy in other fields of Activity, He always has those who stand on guard to take His place, and watch over His Children—the Students of the Light! Whenever it is necessary, They are pouring forth Their Enfolding Radiance and Strength to encourage, to bless, to heal, to prosper all; and most of the students have no idea that it is being done. Won’t you accept this and feel Their Courage and Strength, to give you Help and always know you are enfolded and guarded; so you are never really alone?
Beloved Ones, I enfold you in My Mantle of Love! I charge your feeling world with Peace, with Self-control, with Mastery. Will you accept It, with the same Love with which I give It forth to you? If you will, then you are Free from tonight!
I convey the Love of Beloved Nada, of our Beloved Brother Jesus, of the Great Host of Ascended Masters and the Cosmic Beings, Who are ministering to mankind. The Beloved Lanto at the Retreat of the Royal Teton and Those in the Retreat in Arabia, send Their Love to the students of America. Already in India, the Masters, not yet ascended, are receiving and acknowledging the Beauty of This Knowledge of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which Saint Germain has brought forth. More and more, you will find them giving expression to It.
I ask you, Precious Children of the Light, to stand guard over your world; and if anything or any person attempts to belittle Saint Germain’s Activity, take your cue at once and be absent! I give you This as a standard, to watch and protect yourselves from unfortunate
suggestions! If you care to do This, then the Pathway is open! The doorways of doubt and fear are nailed back for you! Will you not feel that; and go forth thru those doors, into the Eternal Freedom of your “I AM Presence”? The Privilege is yours! The Power is yours! The Authority is yours! I invite you to step thru!
In the Eternal Love of your “Mighty I AM Presence” and My Mantle of Love, We enfold you unto your Freedom and Ascension! May It be quickly! In the Fulness of your Mastery and Self-control, may It be achieved quickly. I thank you.
April 21, 1937
Children of the Light, of the One Great Father, the “Mighty I AM Presence”! How fortunate you are after long, long centuries of your pilgrimage upon Earth, in various embodiments similar to this; always reaching out thru the Heart. Yet the intellect has been constantly refusing the Feeling, the Action of the Heart; having forgotten completely that the Heart was the Place of Divine Action.
It is True today, as it was in the Beginning; because your “Mighty I AM Presence” is anchored in your Heart. It makes your Physical Heart, the Heart of your “Mighty I AM Presence”—in action. As you come to know, that your Presence is above you, then giving It your attention, it brings into your outer world of activity, the Power of your Presence—whose Anchorage in the octave of the human Life, is in your Physical Heart.
Will you be kind enough, Precious Ones, to hold that thought tonight—while I am dictating to you; and feel It earnestly, because it is My Desire to do a Definite Work, while These Words are being voiced to you.
As you know, beginning in San Francisco, I came at Beloved Saint Germain’s Request, to assist the People of Earth. I came forth from My Home in the Light, after having rendered the Service in India, as described in the “Magic Presence.”
Saint Germain, after working for so many centuries for mankind, determined to try to awaken people again. Every time He would raise them to a certain point, rebellion in the human feeling at the discipline required—for the Release of the Mighty Energy from their own God Presence, would swing them aside.
In Our Discussions, We had to decide what was the most Powerful means, by which This Assistance could be given mankind. I said to Him: “I am willing to try with You and make a Final Effort, to release the Light within enough of mankind, so the people may have the Blessings, which It holds for them”!
The Light in your body comes from your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” and nowhere else! The persons who do not believe the “I AM Presence” is there, as described in This Chart, will remain in their chains. No one may say they shall not do so, if they wish. That is within the choice of the Individual; but I tell you, never in the history of the Earth, has there been such Tremendous Release of Light and Energy to bless mankind, as is coming forth at this time.
We are not compelling humanity to accept and use This; but We can and do give It forth with Greater and Greater Release of Power and Energy; as the students’ attention to their “Mighty I AM Presence” prepares them for It. If they will FEEL the Directions given, there is not a thing in the world which can prevent their Freedom, Success and their Ascension.
I want you to realize tonight, if you will, Precious Ones, there is no time in human Life and experience, when mankind has not been guarded by Those Great Ascended Beings and the Great Cosmic Beings! Otherwise mankind would not exist today; because of the accumulation of the discordant creations, which the people have drawn into the atmosphere of Earth. Their accumulated discord is the so-called astral or psychic world! In it, there is nothing but destructive qualities, generated and brought forth by mankind throughout the countless centuries; ever since mankind turned away from the Acknowledgment of each one’s “Mighty I AM Presence”; and that is many, many centuries ago!
(On December 2, 1939, the Ascended Masters finished consuming the astral or psychic plane over the United States of America; and they removed all the discarnates over America at the same time.)
I would not care to even draw your attention to the length of time; but today, for the first time in the history of the Earth, there has been released This Knowledge of the Ascended Masters in Its minutest detail; so mankind, if the people will take advantage of this, thru their calls to the Presence, can free themselves wholly and completely!
By the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, they can release themselves from every discordant thing, which they have ever drawn about them. The Individual, who is foolish enough not to wish to use
the Violet Consuming Flame, will remain in his chains and limitations. Without the Use of It, you cannot free yourself from your own creations; and so far as It being harmful is concerned, that is positively foolish; for the reason the human cannot produce the Violet Consuming Flame ! Your Presence, Who is All Perfection, is the Only One, aside from the Ascended Masters, who can produce that Violet Consuming Flame. At your call, the Presence rushes It thru your body and thru your world of activity and creations; dissolving all discordant creations from you and your world. That is the way, It sets you Free and is the Means by which you can, thru the Assistance of your Presence and the Call to the Ascended Masters, so purify your body, the Presence can enable you to make the Ascension.
The use of the Tube of Light about you is IMPERATIVE today! If you wish to move in your world, untouched by the discordant human creation about you, It is the only way you can do it.
While the Messengers are here with you, We shall endeavor to make this so absolutely clear in every detail; all those who want to, may have the Clearness, the Understanding and the Power released within them, of the Application which will set them Free during this class.
We have no desire to intrude anything upon anyone; but Precious Ones, there must be Tremendous Power in This Light being released thru these Blessed Messengers, when there is such furious opposition to them as there is today! Never has such vicious violent opposition touched anything, which has ever come forth in America, as these two Precious Ones have had to face, in the carrying forth of This Light! They have never asked anything of any one, except to love his or her own “Mighty I AM Presence” and harmonize himself or herself! They have never given forth anything but Love, Kindness and Harmony ! Yet this viciousness persists; and even the concentration of it going on all over the United States; by individuals trying to interfere with the Spreading of This Light.
In Los Angeles, in the Pan Pacific Class, Beloved Ones, everything was attempted the human could think of, to try and prevent that class. Well, it was more wonderful than ever! Much of
the same thing is being done in New York, to try to prevent the class here; but the class will go on untouched!” (And it did!)
These unfortunate individuals, who think they are opposing the Ballards and accusing them of all kinds of things—every word of which is falsehood, do they think for one moment, they are opposing the Ballards? The Ballards have not a thing to do with it, except to carry This Light; and they have had the Courage to face the “lions on the path and make them Airedales,” as Mrs. Shinn says. Dear Hearts, it is the Great Cosmic Light which these unfortunate individuals are facing, not the Ballards! If Mr. and Mrs. Ballard should suddenly ASCEND, do you think This Work would stop? As your phrase is used—“Not on your Life.”
You see We very often use your own expression, because it goes home clearly ofttimes. I tell you, Dear Ones, those unfortunate beings will meet their own destruction—every one of them—who opposes This Light and these Blessed Ones. They give forth nothing in this world but Love and kindness! They do give forth the Truth which will liberate and free every one of mankind; if each one will apply It with earnestness and determination. It will not apply Itself!
After the Messengers returned from Honolulu last summer, Their Work so far as their Requirements in This Activity were concerned, was finished. Saint Germain came to them in His Tangible Body and said: “Now you are Free”! If you wish to do so, you do not have to go on and battle farther in this,” and they said: “Our joy is to serve. If we can be of further Service, then we are ready to continue on; until enough of mankind understand their own ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ to hold the Balance for mankind and set the rest of them Free.”
Do you wonder, Beloved Ones of New York, why the Messengers have been so unyielding and firm; in demanding and holding every one firm and close to the Books which Beloved Saint Germain brought forth? Because the Truth is there Unadulterated— the Ascended Masters’ Words and Understanding—in which there is no human concept! Because Their Words are Power and are Cups of the Qualities which They carry! This Understanding will set mankind Free, as nothing else will do!
It is not, that there are not many wonderful things in the world; but We know This Knowledge is Unadulterated and COMPLETE as
given! It is that which We used! All of the Ascended Masters have used identically the Same Application, even the Same Wording and Expression, which is given to you by Saint Germain! All of this is given and held Unadulterated and Uninterfered with! It will give you your Freedom from limitations most quickly and your Ascension, if you will so decree It!
The Beauty and Power of It is, that any one who will start now, can in this embodiment have his or her Ascension. If such Individuals’ Light has not expanded sufficiently for the Accomplishment within this embodiment, they will come back in the Full Understanding of this “I AM Presence”; because they will be trained in between embodiments in the Knowledge of their “Mighty I AM Presence”! They will come back in the next embodiment, make the Ascension; and have their Eternal Freedom in that embodiment! These are Mighty Truths, Dear Hearts, you can believe them or not.
We are not concerned, Precious Ones, as the Messengers have said in their class, who accepts or don’t. Their part is to offer This Light and Its Application; and the people can take It and apply It to their Freedom, if they will. We never try to urge—I will not say, We do not “try to urge” for We do sometimes; but We never coerce, because mankind must come in, by its own Free will.
It is your Eternal Freedom, because everything you do thru your “I AM Presence,” becomes an Established Activity of the Power of the Presence in your feeling world. It becomes the Presence in action, to the degree you have called Its Power forth and It becomes anchored there.
We are talking Heart to Heart here, and I say: “As long as the students listen to the unhappy gossip, the criticism and the frightful falsehoods, which these vicious individuals have put forth concerning the Messengers, the students will remain in their limitations. The Messengers will go on doing their Work and themselves be wholly Free; but the student who accepts falsehoods, will remain in limitations.”
Dear Hearts, it is so Self-evident. How can any one fail to grasp it? The Messengers have pled with the students throughout these more than two years. They have said so often, Harmony is the IMPORTANT ACTIVITY within the feeling world of mankind; in order
to allow the Power of the Presence to have Its Dominion within the physical mind and body of mankind, to produce Its Perfection there. Without Harmony, you continue to clothe the Mighty Energy, which, if left in Its Natural Harmonious State, would quickly and readily set you Free! There is only one way to stop clothing it, and that is to hold Harmony in your feeling all the time!
With all the ugly things which have been said to this good brother and Mrs. Ballard, never an unkind thought or feeling goes out, even to those who do it! Because you see them powerful, firm and positive, don’t ever make the mistake, of thinking that any feeling goes out but Love and kindness. They have learned the Law and they are living It, an Eternal Example to mankind, if the people will but see it.
I want you to know tonight, not only you Precious Ones here, but every earnest sincere student in New York; that from My Body, goes out a Ray of Light and Energy into every Heart and each one’s feeling world; preparing them for this class beginning on Saturday; so they may have the greatest possible benefit from it. Then, if Harmony is maintained, how do you know, how soon the Messengers may come again!
You will notice, Precious Ones, whenever the Messengers have been able to reach cities twice a year, Harmony and Marvelous Activity have been maintained. Let us all join like one Mighty Wall of Light, all students in New York, in One Great Loving Harmonious Accord. For what? Not just your own Individual Expansion of your Light, which will naturally come; but for the mighty imperative need for the Protection of America.
Beloved Ones, you cannot imagine and I shall not attempt to voice to you, what stands before you; to be conquered in the Protection of America. These Precious Messengers have pled with mankind throughout these two years, more and more powerfully for that need. However, one day you will see how Great has been their Love and Blessing for America.
In These Mighty Decrees which have gone forth for the Protection and blessing of America, I tell you Dear Hearts, you would not be here today, if it had not been done. Now the foolishness in mankind may believe that or not; but We know This Truth only too
well; and if humanity will not listen, then experience must be the teacher and you know experience is a terrific teacher, is it not?
Won’t you turn to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” call the Power of the Violet Consuming Flame into action, to dissolve and consume every discordant thing from your world? Then, enter quickly into Joy and Freedom which the Presence holds for you; instead of going on in the experience Life, and thru the discord in your feeling, pass out of these bodies and come again into a similar condition.
Beloved Ones, do you not see mankind has been doing this very identical thing, thru the centuries? There is only one thing in the Universe, which can solve the problems of mankind and make the solving permanent; and that is calling the Power of the Presence into action; to fill and harmonize your world; to take command of mankind, and the governments of the world; and in That Call, really will come the Divine Guidance and Divine Power required. Then, as the Mighty Arcturus has said: “That Light as of a Thousand Suns shall descend into the Earth, dissolve and consume all human selfishness from the planet.”
Today, not only because We who know it, say so; but there are innumerable indications in your physical world, which, if mankind knew how to interpret them, verify the very Statements which have been made throughout This Activity! The end of the ages is here! Mankind can have Our Assistance by the Call to the “Mighty I AM Presence.” That is the Reason for This Knowledge being released; and for the Great Golden Age coming in quickly, producing Its Perfection for mankind. The people can cooperate and help bring It in; or they can go on and refuse acceptance of It; and go down in the discord of their own destruction! The choice is with mankind today! The Great Cyclic Law will not wait!
Mankind has been given opportunity, embodiment after embodiment; and now the Great Cosmic Light, a Great Wave of which is sweeping into the Earth on the seventh of this month, says no longer will That Light wait for the choice of mankind! It is sweeping into action! If mankind insists on allowing the destruction of the world of appearances to act in This Incoming Activity, then hundreds of thousands of mankind will have lost their opportunity.
I trust there is not one of the Beloved “I AM” Students in New York, who wants to take that chance! Now remember, We are speaking Heart to Heart tonight. Because Our Love is so great for you, who have made earnest sincere effort—in the Acknowledgment of your Presence; We insist if you will stand with Us, you shall not fail
—not one! That is how Great Our Love and how great the Love of the Messengers is for you; who were willing to go forth, when they could have been Free!
It seems incredible, Beloved Ones, there could exist among your wonderful civilization today, such viciousness in the feeling of mankind. I speak plainly to you, Dear Hearts; for I want you to feel your Authority, your Ability, your Power, to stand so firmly with your “Mighty I AM Presence,” no longer can discord touch you or your world.
We want you to be Free, but We cannot do this for you! We can help you tremendously! That is what I am endeavoring to do tonight; and I do say in all humbleness, since I began This Activity in San Francisco, the western part of your United States has made enormous advancement. Won’t you accept My Humble Efforts here throughout New York; and never let a moment’s discord touch you or your world again? Pour out Love and Blessings to all mankind—Oh, no matter what their mistakes have been! Mankind is full of mistakes. Who isn’t? Who shall judge what mistake is greater than another? All is a falling short of Perfection! Won’t you take that attitude and just let the Power of the Presence pour forth Its Mighty Activity of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love? As This Good Brother called to your attention tonight, let us take that up in the Activity of the Release of the Love from your Presence. How can it be? Only by your attention held to your Presence and the call thru your Power of Qualification; for the Power of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love; to flow forth thru you and out into your world, thru those Mighty Light Rays going forth from the Presence. Call them into action without limit! The Presence does not limit you, don’t you see that?
You can call the Presence to project a thousand or thousands of Its Rays everywhere to carry out Its Harmonious Activity in the bodies of mankind; into conditions everywhere; into your city, to give the Protection which it needs so much. You will never know how
much, I tell you frankly. Remember, Beloved Ones, and I say this with all earnestness, you now become the Guardians of the Light in New York! The Messengers have fulfilled their part in the United States. The students, as We told them in the West, are now the Guardians of This Light; and those who turn aside from This Stream of Light, will regret it thru the time that is to come.
This Light is True! The Instruction which Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth is True! The Experiences of this Good Brother are True! and there is not a single discrepancy in those books—not one! If mankind would clear away all viciousness in the feeling, the people would see the Truth which is there; BUT NO ONE CAN SEE THE TRUTH WHOSE FEELING WORLD IS FILLED WITH
VICIOUSNESS AND UNKINDNESS! Love, the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love, is the Open Door to the Fulness of This Truth! Each one must call forth the Ascended Masters’ Love from the Presence, to take command of his or her mind and body and hold Its Dominion!
So tonight, My Joy is Boundless, Oh Beloved Ones, for having the Privilege of rendering This Service to you. Dear Ones, do you think a thing is not tangible, because you do not see it? Don’t make that mistake, I plead with you! The most Tangible Things on the face of This Earth or anywhere else today, are Those Rays of Light going forth from My Heart into yours! Don’t make any mistake! I am not speaking of this form standing before you (Mr. Ballard’s). I am speaking of My Form which stands here by this Good Messenger. My Form and Light are Limitless and I am not a dis-embodied spirit, don’t make any mistake about THAT either!
Now Dear Ones, tonight, it is My Privilege to anchor These Streams of Light within your Hearts; and give you the Courage, Strength and Feeling of your Ability to call the Release of the Powers of your Presence into action; to set you and your world Free and into Divine Order. This Service is being rendered for every SINCERE STUDENT in New York tonight; and all who will accept It, will have Its Blessing and Benefit! One day, you will know We are more Tangible than you are. Our Bodies are Eternal, Wholly Perfect, and We have come from Those Great Octaves of Light, to render This Service to the Earth! Beloved Saint Germain, Jesus and Kuthumi were trained by Myself, in this Identical Understanding of the “Mighty
I AM Presence,” which Beloved Saint Germain has given to you, even to the exact Wording and the Application! That is why We urge you, Precious Ones, to hold closely to the OUTLINE, which I sanctioned in the West for your Group Activities. Hold closely to the Books and the Application they give you; because that carries Our Power and Action into your world, which will bring your Freedom most quickly.
We are not trying to deprive you of any Individual Expression or anything you might want to do yourself; but We know This will produce the Quickest Results for you, and that is why We ask you to do it! You are quite Free to acquiesce or not; but it is because We know It is the Best and Quickest Means, for you to gain your Freedom that We have asked this, and no other reason in the world! Don’t make any mistake about that!
Because the “I AM” Students will not use the Violet Consuming Flame, they come into great distress! I tell you, Precious Ones, It was released for the Freedom of mankind. It could not harm an unborn infant and those who will not use It, will not be Free! Remember, Beloved Ones, in your attention to your Presence, you are AUTOMATICALLY releasing Tremendously Greater Energy than you did, before you knew you had an “I AM Presence.”
Some of you still do not FEEL your Ability to release These Powers from your Presence to set you Free. Even NOW you—are releasing a hundredfold Greater Power and Energy, than you did before you knew This Presence three years ago! That is why We plead with you, Precious, Precious Hearts, to hold firm in your feeling; because as this Greater Energy comes forth thru you and into your world, if you continue to charge it with discord, don’t you see, it becomes tremendously more destructive? You cannot help it! It is the Law of your Life, when you give attention to your Presence, Greater Energy has to flow thru. It is not a matter of anybody’s choice, but It is the Law of your Being! It has to come thru! Then, think! If you continue to qualify it with discord, don’t you see how much more powerful it becomes, to act in your world?
That is why people are constantly swamped with discord in their minds and bodies; because for one reason or another, they have charged this Energy with discord or unkind feeling! Precious Ones,
can’t you believe Me, when I ask you please to not allow suspicion to begin to act in your world; or about persons, places or conditions. Please do not do it! Suspicion becomes self-destruction! Don’t do it, if you want to be Free. Don’t care what the other person is doing! YOUR PART IS TO HARMONIZE, BEAUTIFY AND PERFECT YOUR OWN WORLD, IN YOUR CALL TO THE PRESENCE; AND LET EVERY OTHER ONE TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN WORLD;
except to call the “Mighty I AM Presence,” to bless all mankind and that is the Greatest Thing you can do!
We want to make this so clear, so definite, so plain to you this time; that never again, can anything in the world trip you up and cause you to become confused. The Perfection of the “I AM Presence” is before you, Beloved Ones; and We are willing to the very limit, the Law of your Being permits, to give you Assistance unknown and unpermitted in the history of the Earth.
During the time the Messengers are here in this Class, won’t you tell all of these blessed ones, they are welcome to the class, if they wish to come? Tell them to forget everything which has disturbed them; and receive the Blessing which We want to give them. They will have great cause to rejoice if they will; because unless Sufficient Harmony can be established in New York this time, We cannot come again. The Messengers and We are pouring forth all the Love at Our Command, to bless and draw to Our Radiance those who wish to have It; and only Love and Kindness will ever go forth from the Messengers to every one, remember It!
Does this sound strange to you? Until We meet in Our Octave where We dwell, remember: As you go forth from this room tonight, you are a Part of Myself! Don’t make any mistake about that! I mean exactly Those Words! My Ray of Light has gone forth and anchored in each one of your Hearts! Therefore, you have become a Part of Me! Will you accept that and keep yourself reminded of It? Then, as you do so—refuse any longer to accept any discordant appearance, as having power to disturb you or act in your world.
If you will do this, then My Ray of Light and Energy which has gone forth into your Heart, will do Its Mighty Work for you; and I am sure there is not one in this room, who does not feel My Immeasurable Power of Divine Love, flood each one’s world, Being
and body! I am sure, there is not one who does not feel It definitely. That shall continue to act within you, Oh Precious Ones; and Oh, Our Love is so Great, so very Wonderful, and is the Eternal Power of the Universe acting within you!
May I remind you in preparation for the Class, remember Beloved Ones, when you call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, It knows no resistance nor interference of any kind! Therefore, It goes forth with the Power of the Universe to fulfill your requirements. Do you see then, how your earnest sincere effort could not fail in any way? It is the Supreme Opportunity of all your human pilgrimage upon Earth!
You know, Beloved Ones, if I were a human Being, you might accuse Me of sounding egotistical; but you know better than that! A Being of Light, Perfection and Freedom does not have those qualities existing within Him or Her. Therefore, when I say to you, the Great Power of My Love is anchored within your Heart, I mean it literally and physically, as well as Divinely!
Will you all—every one of you—do Me the kindness, before the opening of the Class, to read the last chapter of the Magic Presence? Will you do Me this kindness, and as you start to read on thru that chapter, will you be kind enough to feel yourself in the place of this Good Brother, during His Experience? It was Real, I assure you! Then, allow Me to do that which I wish to do for you. Oh, Precious Ones, please understand, We do not care about the puny human mistakes, which human beings have made. All We want is their earnestness in their attention to their “Mighty I AM Presence,” which will enable Us to do for them what they cannot do themselves; and which We cannot do for them unless, they will give their Earnest Attention to the Presence!
Do you not see, how thru the centuries, We were limited; because human Beings did not know their Presence? Without their attention to the Presence, We were not permitted—because the Law would not permit Us—to release This Help. Now the Great Cosmic Light does! Oh, the Glory for mankind! There was no Release of the Light into the Earth, except at long intervals. I mean there were no Great Cosmic Impulses of That Light to help mankind. Now since Beloved Saint Germain has brought This Activity forth, It comes with
Dynamic Power twice a year! This time, on the 7th of April, there was a Sufficient Activity of the Cosmic Law for the Light to release; because of the need and Blessing of mankind today! This will come again in July. On the seventh of July there will come a still Mightier Flow and Impulse of That Great Cosmic Light into the Earth!
I think most of you have read Washington’s Vision, if not, you will perhaps in the near future. I say to you, the last episode in His Vision which was a Mighty Reality, is what We are trying to prevent acting in America today. Only by enough Calls from the sincere students of the “I AM” in America, can it be prevented. When Beloved Saint Germain was talking last Sunday morning at this Precious One’s Group, We allowed this Good Brother to see the Activity of the Cosmic Light which took place! In the third episode of Washington’s Vision, you will notice the Great Being states, as the expression was used by the narrator: “that a dark angel in the center of the Atlantic,” was the one who seemed to be the instigator of that activity, which took place in what followed! IN THE PLACE OR POSITION OF THAT BEING, A PILLAR OF LIGHT WAS PLACED LAST SUNDAY MORNING IN THE CENTER OF THE ATLANTIC, WHICH WILL REMAIN AND DO ITS PERFECT WORK!
We mention fragments of These Great Activities for your Encouragement, Strength and Blessing. If enough of the “I AM” Students—I do not necessarily mean in numbers—but if enough Earnestness is released by These Mighty Decrees from mankind, then a great part of this destructive activity, which would otherwise take place and sweep over America, may be forestalled.
Is there any one of the Blessed Ones in America or the World today, who does not want to see that done? Then, do you not understand, Dear Hearts, what a tragedy it is, when Individuals are so unfortunate as to be vicious enough, to try and oppose these Beloved Messengers; in the Freedom and Protection which they alone have been responsible for bringing into America; to prevent such frightful destruction taking place in America? That frightful destruction is not only thru the cataclysmic activity; but it is the destructive thing which has been generated in Europe for centuries, which would one day try to sweep the Earth!
These are Mighty Truths, Dear Hearts. They are not to try and frighten anyone; but mankind needs to know that in the Call to the “Mighty I AM Presence,” is the only Power which can release enough energy, to bring about Protection and allow the Great Law of your Life to act; to prevent these things which otherwise must be the experience of mankind!
Mankind has gone thru thousands of embodiments in the experience Life; and the people have not gained any Freedom thru it. Now today, when the Light of the World stands before you, in the Understanding of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” and the calling of Its Power into action; then think what It means to you in These Wonderful Groups, who are issuing These Mighty Decrees with dynamic energy; to go forth in the mental and feeling world of mankind! The Mighty Majestic Far-reaching Activity of Those Decrees, is beyond the fondest hopes of any human intellect.
Tonight, We bring to your attention from the Great Cosmic Light, These Mighty Truths. If you can accept This Truth and feel Its Reality, then much can be done during This Class. We brought the Messengers here at this time, to save your New York. One day, not so far hence, you will know the Truth of My Words, which I have spoken to you tonight. Will not all of you take your stand for the Protection and Blessing of this Coming Class, so the Greatest Possible Good may come to New York out of it, and the Greatest Harmony possible? It is you, Precious Ones, here who need it, not the Messengers; but their Love has been great enough to face the frightful destructive feeling, sent out from these vicious ones in the world who are acting here. The Messengers’ Love has been great enough to give the Assistance.
Beloved Ones, you are Fortunate! Most Fortunate! and one day, you will every one of you tell Me so and repeat back to Me Those Words. Will you think for just one moment what It means to have become a Part of Myself! Now remember, It is not this physical form here I am speaking of, It is My Own Blazing Form of Light of which “I AM” speaking; and My Own Infinite Intelligence, by which “I AM” flashing These Words to this Good Brother, which he repeats to you. You have become a Part of That Self—Myself! Do you think you
would ever get away from Me? Think of it! You cannot escape now! Some who think they might, will find that is a mistake.
So Dear Ones, in the Glory of your privilege, go forth in the Full Power of Joy and the Consciousness of your Ability; to call forth from your Presence This Mighty Freedom and Limitless Activity of Itself. Ask It, to silence your human forever; to hold it bound and in obedience to the Great Law of Life! Let the Power of your Presence flood your world to alone act in your world, keeping it Free from human qualification of any kind. If you will do that, Precious Ones, in so short a time, you will begin to feel This Power releasing from the Light within you; which will positively give you all the Courage, Confidence and Freedom in Its Perfection which every Heart in the World craves.
So, tonight, in My Closing Words, I call your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” to take command of each mind and body; silence your human qualities; and cause them to remain silent and obedient to the Great Light within your Heart! I call That Light to take Its Command; to hold Its Dominion and to produce Its Perfection in you and your world! Then, you become a Pillar of Light, thru which the Power of the “I AM Presence” pours forth Its Radiance, into your environment everywhere.
The Glory of Our Light will cause people to come to you and inquire of the Glory, of the Peace and the Love which radiates from you! Then, will be your opportunity to explain to them the Knowledge of the Presence and the Chart; which gives them an Eye-picture and is a Powerful Means of their quickly entering into the Full Consciousness of their Presence; and the Perfection which It will bring forth thru them. It is not a matter of can It, or will It do so; but It does do so! The Light of your Being, the Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” compels It to go forth; as you understand and harmonize your feeling enough; and stop the qualification of that mighty Pure Perfect Energy which stands ever ready and waiting, to flood you and your world with Its Glory and Freedom from all limitations! Then you arise into your Ascension!
May 4, 1937
Beloved Children of Earth, your Pilgrimage is fast drawing to a close; and out of That Light from which you came, is flowing forth your Victory. Can you with Me comprehend for a few moments, the Light from which you came? The Light which is every moment beating your Heart; Out of That Great Fire-Breath of God, came your Individualization. The “Mighty I AM Presence” projected your Higher Mental Body, then the Ray by which your human form came into being! Contemplate with Me This Mighty Reality and no longer feel yourselves separate from that Great Light which gives you Life! That is your Life! That is your Intelligence and Power!
We, who know so well the Great Freedom, which comes alone from the Light; We who have It, because We have It, We know you can too! Will you not enter into Our Open Door, thru which Beloved Saint Germain has invited you to come; and no longer dwell upon the fragments of human creations? Can you bear it Oh, Beloved Children, to face the Truth; and know the fragments of Life which you are ordinarily using, are but the farthest outer covering of the Light; which is your Perfection, into which you may enter, if you will, in the Acknowledgment of your Presence, which is All-Wise, All-Powerful, and Whose Light fills the Earth? Do not let your attention go astray longer, for in your attention to the Presence, comes your Eternal Release. There is naught else to set you Free! Once you can hold yourself firm to your Presence, acknowledging It, calling It into action, then quickly comes your Release and Freedom!
We, who have attained the Victory, know all your Requirements, perhaps far better than you could even imagine. When We say to you, We know your Victory is CERTAIN, can you not accept It and let the Quality which We are knowing for you, enter in and perform Its Perfect Service for you? It seems to Me It is quite practical, quite logical.
Your teacher who taught you mathematics, who taught you English, had attained such knowledge up to that point, wherein he or she was your teacher. Today, We who have attained Freedom offer Our Services to you; because We have attained! Then you should be as open to This Help a far more Transcendent Privilege, than you were to your teacher in the schools of the physical world.
It is all quite as practical; still It is Transcendent, It is Unusual! Try to feel This, Beloved Ones, and no longer let human concepts cause you to doubt again and fear. If someone came to you and said, there was something wonderful, marvelous, over here in one of your magnificent buildings—would you hesitate to go and see for yourself, what it was and that it was there? Would you disbelieve someone and think that Chicago was not in existence—because you had not been there, or in Los Angeles? Do you not see how inconsistent the human intellect is? It joyously, willingly accepts some things and rebels tremendously at others; most of the time at the things which would give it the Greatest Freedom.
Beloved Saint Germain has brought to you This Transcendent Knowledge of the “I AM”—every Word of which is True, Vital, Living, Powerful! It is your Freedom! The Messengers have pled with you, offering so kindly every angle of Explanation; which will enable you to comprehend and understand, that It is your Application in your attention to the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which compels your Freedom. Notice! It compels your Freedom! It is not a matter of can It be accomplished; but It does compel It at your Call!
Now will you not accept This tonight in Its Fulness? With GREAT FIRMNESS set about your application, knowing It cannot fail. Then, it only means a sufficient amount of your application to produce the results you require. Do not waver in your application. Go on, and on, and on, until results are there. I tell you that you cannot fail! All the Ascended Ones tell you the same thing, because of Their Own Achievement! If you let your feeling world resist, then you but delay your Freedom; but if you will call your Presence to give you now, the Full Feeling of Its Victory, your Victory—then, do you not see how quickly, you will enter into the Fulness of Its Power?
Joyous, Wonderful is the Privilege within your grasp!
Do not give way to human concepts, to human impulses which would say to you: “Oh no, no, you are just deceiving yourself, you are not gaining the Victory you think you are.” That is what your human intellect would say to you. Then you say to it : “You have no power! No longer do you govern my world! You have led me into limitations for the last time! Now then step aside! Get out of my way! “I AM” going into the Light! “I AM” going into the Light!” The Life that enables you to speak Those Words, is the Power which carries you forward to Victory in the Light! There is naught which can stay your progress—naught that can stay the Expansion of your Light! Stand firm and unyielding! Know your Victory is Certain! Why? Because God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is beating your Heart and giving you Life is your Certain Victory! Naught in the world can prevent It—not even your own human creation!
Remember, one-third of your accumulation of the centuries has been dissolved and consumed for you! One-third of your probation is set aside! Oh, can you not, will you not, accept THAT in the Fulness of what It means to you? Try, for one moment, to comprehend what It means! Ask your Presence to give you the Full Comprehension of what It means to you; of the Great Assistance which is being given; of the Great Cosmic Light which makes all possible for you now.
In the great quantity of disembodied intelligences which are being taken out of the atmosphere of Earth, you will be Greatly Blest. That could not be done before. Will you not with Me, try in My Radiance, to comprehend the Vastness of this? Oh, the Limitless Assistance being given to mankind! It is as your people say in California—so “Unusual”! Beloved Ones, enter into This Comprehension now—as I utter Those Words! Feel It! Enter into your comprehension so It may act within your world All-powerfully!
I rejoice that I have been able to render you and your city This Service and how far reaching It is. Will you not enter into it Individually, and in your Groups, sustaining the Greatest Harmony possible? I do not ask you to be wholly Perfect; but I do ask you to maintain Harmony Individually and in your groups; so the Completeness of This which is now set into operation, may claim Its Great Victory before the end of this year! We are doing everything possible for your Assistance and for your city. It seems to Me all,
every one in your city, should be willing to accept Our Assistance and co-operate with It, to the Fulness of all It means to you.
Oh, how great is the Rejoicing of the Great Host of Light; because so many of mankind are understanding This Great Presence; calling It into action for the Blessing of all. For your encouragement, this morning in Europe, a Transcendent Miracle was performed. I doubt not you will see mention of it in your papers. Go on, and on, and on, Beloved Ones, in your Mighty Call to your Presence; in your Mighty Decrees, flooding the mental and feeling world of mankind with Our Great Perfection; for the Call in Those Decrees which are sent forth like a rocket, does do Its Perfect Work.
Great, Great is your Privilege in giving This Assistance to America and the World! Glorify yourselves as you feel the Transcendent Privilege which is yours! Tonight, while These Words are being spoken to you, the Final Activity is being given for your Freedom, if you will accept It.
There are many of you who have seemed to have the appearance of age, who can transform yourselves in a short time. Won’t you try it, knowing that your Life only requires Harmony in your feeling, to Beautify, Perfect and bring back to your form, its youth and beauty? It is not vain to wish to be beautiful, in order to express Perfection. It is not vain to have a form of Perfect Health, to respond to your desire for Service to the Light and produce Perfection! Mankind just lost the way and now is finding It again, in Our Home of Eternal Perfection, the “Mighty I AM.” Tonight, let us think of it, as a Great Homecoming. Forget this building, your old world for a moment. FEEL you have entered into This New World, where all the buildings are Beautiful and Perfect; where there is Happiness and all good things. Then in THAT FEELING, charge your feeling world with Its Reality, Eternally Sustained. As you go into the outer world again, you will find Completeness, Abundant Supply, soon finding its appearance in your world and use.
Call often on the Law of Forgiveness for all mistakes, and then say: “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! thru your Mighty Violet Consuming Flame, wipe out all memory, all appearance of mistakes which has found action in my world.” See how soon changes will take place; and in the place of that which has been disturbing and
terrifying, will come Peace and Rest which passeth understanding. Then, out of the Presence will pour everything you require. It is a Law of your Being. It cannot fail!
You are the Decreer of your world! Decree Its Perfection! Turn your attention where Perfection is, and Perfection must flow back in response, to fill your world! It is Powerful! It is Certain! It cannot fail, and I join Saint Germain in His Invitation: Come Oh, Beloved Ones! Enter thru Those Gates of Freedom, into the World of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” and have in use, all It holds for you!
The Love of the Entire Ascended Host, the Great Cosmic Beings, the Gods of the Mountains and the Angelic Host, pour forth to you now; and will continue to do so for your Strength, Encouragement and your Victory! Feel and accept Its Fulness!
I glorify you in My Love and Light! My Strength and Courage are your Scepter! Stand forth! Stand forth! My Victory is yours! Claim It! Feel It, and then find Its Full Expression in your Life and world!
While the Messengers’ human forms are absent from your city, never forget for a day, the Glory of your Victory now! Each day, as your Light expands, feel more and more Its Out-pouring. Then when they return, let the Fulness of It find Expression in holding your city in the Glory of That Light which knows no shadow, and never fails in Its Action ! You are That Light! You are the Guardians of That Light! Claim Its Fulness and abide therein! Your Victory is certain, because “I AM” the Victory of every child of Earth!
In Fondest Love, We enfold you, Oh Beloved Children of the Light.
May 23, 1937
Your Infinite Opportunity, Oh Children of Earth, is filled with a Charged Glory, yet unknown and experienced by mankind. Yours is the Joy, the Happiness, the Power of having come to know your own God-Self, the “Mighty I AM.” You may wonder why so many times the expression is used—“Your ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ ”; because It is the Mightiest Intelligence in the Universe—the Governor of your worlds, if you please, and the Governor of the Whole Universe! It has provided for you a Higher Mental Body, Your Own Christ Self, by which It releases Its Powers to YOU WITHOUT LIMIT.
When you will once set aside human desire, or call your Presence into action to give you the Strength to set aside, your human concepts; and allow the Light of your Presence to illumine your Mind and charge your feeling world with Its Mighty Harmony; then you will quickly enter into all Freedom which is yours.
Do not longer allow your human concepts to dominate your world and limit you! There is no limitation in all the Universe, but that which Individuals create for themselves! I say to you tonight, every one of you has the Power to release yourself at once, if you will! We see and know within your Heart the Light, the Power and Ability which are there! I say to you, assert your Dominion! Do not allow your human self longer to dominate you!
Because you might have made mistakes; and because you have surrounded yourself by your own human creation, still they have no other power except what you give them! I say to you tonight: Assert your Dominion in the Power of the Acknowledgment of your Presence; and no longer allow the outer world, to limit or deprive you of that which your Great God-Self holds ready to release at any given moment; when Enough Love, Enough Kindness, Enough Harmony go forth from your feeling world to that Mighty Presence. Then, will the Door be opened wide—the doors of doubt and fear
swept aside, by the Hands of your Presence; to glorify you and send you forth a Glorified Being of Freedom.
No longer need mankind remain in chains of its own forging! Only as the people refuse to accept, apply and continue to apply, until the results are there, may they be deprived of Freedom.
You are Beings of Light! Do not allow yourselves to linger longer in the world of human creations! You have learned, you have found your Source! You have found and have the Scepter of Dominion in your hand, by the Acceptance of your Presence, your “Mighty I AM.” Allow It by Harmony maintained, to flow forth into your world like a Mighty River and produce Its Perfection there.
On the Planets whose Light has expanded more than the Earth, there are those Beings of Natural Light and Freedom. On your Beloved Venus, whose Assistance has so long come to the Earth, They know what Peace and Harmony mean. They live in the Glory of Its Infinite Expression naturally! So you of Earth shall come to know
—notice Those Words—SHALL COME TO KNOW your Dominion, in the Acceptance of your “Mighty I AM Presence.” There is no power of human creation or otherwise, which will longer have power to detain you, in your world of human creation!
The Great Cosmic Light has said: “You must produce More Light, for there must come changes within the Earth, which will cause It to be produced”! Your opportunity is here, Oh Beloved Children, if you will call your Presence forth and stand by It; never doubting or fearing Its Ability to flood your world with Its Harmony and Perfection.
Those who still insist upon sending forth discord from their feeling world, must reap its result. Make no mistake about that! How gladly We would lift you out of all those human creations, if you would but just be FIRM AND STRONG. Glorify yourself in the Fulness of the Opportunity which is yours. Then, you will find the Glory of that Freedom filling your world and causing it to be the Perfection which every Heart knows; and has been reaching and reaching and reaching to find.
Your Light is the Light of God! You have heard the expression: “America is the Heart of the Earth; the Land of the ‘I AM’; the Land in which must come the First Ascended Master Freedom to mankind”!
May I remind you tonight, your Goddess of Liberty in the Harbor of New York is but the symbol of the Great Being, Who will one day come to be known to the children of Earth! I say to you, one day That Great Being, shall stand in the midst of mankind visible to all! Then the Earth will know what Harmony means.
Try to understand, Oh Beloved Ones, everything which irritates or disturbs you, is just the human creation which wants to longer hold its dominion within and about you. It should be your signal to call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, to take command of you and your world.
There is no power to harm you, even of your own creation, Beloved Ones! There is no power, I say to you, which has power to harm you even of your own creations, in the Acknowledgment of your Presence! Please, Oh Beloved Students of Saint Germain, know that neither your own creation nor anyone else’s has power to limit or harm you! Even the discarnate entities have no power to touch you or harm you, if you will take your stand in the Presence of Light and say to them: “Be gone”!
Do not yield to those things thru superstition, or belief, or by suggestion. The world is full of suggestions. Be Firm! you do not have to accept them. Be Firm! I plead with you! Don’t accept suggestions from anything or anybody. If you will draw That Tube of Light about you, you will have an Invincible Protection; which does not allow suggestions of any kind, to charge your world or find entrance there. I say to you now: Be Firm! Be Firm! Be Firm!
There is no power to act except your Presence, when once you come to know It! Become serene! Issue your Decrees! either for the Freedom of America or the removal of discarnates, and then go on about your work. Do not allow your contemplation to be on that which you do not want. You compel it to come into your world if you do; but stand firm in the Fulness of your Presence, which is the All- Power of your world.
Remember, your Higher Mental Body will release instantly into your body and world, everything you require, if you will but realize it! If you will but feel the Fulness of Its Power at your Call. Feel It flow thru! Even as I speak These Words! Feel that Power flow thru you from your Presence—an Invincible Activity, forever sustained and
active within your minds and bodies. It is True! It shall remain so within you, unless you insist upon allowing your attention to go and be fastened upon discordant things!
We are in This Class, making a Tremendous Effort to set you Free—every one here! If you will but follow Our Explanations and refuse to let fears or doubts trouble you, then you will have no struggle! I say to you, doubts and fears no longer have power to hold or bind you. Doubts and fears are dissolved from your world! Whatever has been accumulated there is dissolved. If you allow your attention to be on doubts and fears again, the fault is yours! In This Class they have been removed from your world. You are given the Opportunity to stand firm with your Presence, and no longer experience what you have created.
Remember, I have said to the Students of Saint Germain in America, one-third of all your accumulation of discord has been dissolved for you in your world, and I mean Every Word of it! One- third of what would be considered in the old occult parlance, one- third of your probation has been set aside for you—all the Students in America and the World, of the “I AM,” under Beloved Saint Germain. Will you not accept This and let the Fulness of Its Power act in your world, to produce Perfection for you?
Beloved Ones, is it so difficult to realize, that We are Wholly Free Beings wielding Infinite Power, today coming to render Assistance to the Children of Earth? Is it so difficult to feel It? Is it so difficult to accept the Infinite Power of Love and Freedom which We offer? Is it so difficult in the Acknowledgment of the Presence, to maintain Self-control? It means Harmony in your world, which allows these Great Currents of Energy, not only from your Presence, but Those Great Cosmic Currents to go forth with Their added Strength and Power—to strengthen and encourage you to keep on with your Call to the Presence; until every particle of resistance in your feeling world has failed to find power of action; and is dissolved by your attention held to your Presence—the Power and Presence of all Light!
Sufficient human creation has been dissolved for you in your feeling world, to let you have your Mastery quickly from today. Will you not understand, feel, believe and accept these—My Words to
you? I say to you, in this ten days, sufficient has been dissolved in the world of every one of you, to let you go Free in the Full Power of your Application and Freedom from today on.
Now then, when you can accept that, and allow Its Power to act, with your earnest, firm, sincere Application—you will find things in your world all reversed. Do not yield longer to the appearance world as having power. When I say to you, sufficient accumulation has been dissolved from your world, to give you the Strength and Power needed, to go forward from this day, Free Beings, will you refuse to accept it again? It is done, if you will turn away from everything which has disturbed you; and keep holding your attention to your Presence—not all day; but three times a day for thirty minutes, will enable you to hold your Dominion and Freedom.
Will you not accept this and have the Joy and Freedom which is here for you? Just feel Our Freedom now! This is not suggestion to you, It is simply calling your attention to that which has been accomplished for you; so you may feel more fully Its Reality; until you see SUFFICIENT OUTWARD MANIFESTATION in your Life and world, for you to know definitely the Truth of which I speak to you this moment.
YOUR FREEDOM! You must be determined in saying to all appearances: “You have no power”! It is True, if you will say it to appearances which are disturbing and mean it and feel it! Instantly all your world will stand Free from human appearance! Then in the Great Confidence of your Power, to hold in abeyance, things which have been previously disturbing, you will find your Infinite Power to call your Presence forth; and It will flow into your world just like a River of Light. It will perform Its Activity in Its own Harmony, Perfection and Purifying Power. It will allow the Intelligence of the Presence to take command of your world and make it one of Health, Beauty, Harmony, Perfection and Success.
Why does mankind so long for success? It is a Mighty Inner Impulse which urges the people on, and on, into Greater and Greater Perfection, if they but truly understood it. The Impulse within Life Itself, is expanding and producing Greater and Greater Perfection. Your Life, which is flowing in and thru you every moment, wants to
expand Itself; and wants to produce more, more, and more of Its Perfection and Beauty. Will you not allow It to do so? The Key is yours! It is in your hands ! Your Presence is the Power and the Intelligence! Allow It to take charge, command and direct your world; and have Its Love, Its Harmony, Beauty and Perfection!
Our Infinite Love abides and enfolds each one in Its Mighty Perfecting Presence! Oh, that all the people could quickly accept It; could feel Its Full Glory enveloping them. Remember Those Children, for whom it was My Joy to render a Service—Bob and Rex, Nada and Pearl, are already using Those Wondrous Powers of Light to bless mankind.
I rejoice with you in the Love which you pour out to these Blessed Messengers. Only in time to come, will you realize how blessed they are; and to think, Oh Beloved Ones, there have been those among the children of Earth, who were strong enough to stand against the impact of human destructive creation; and carry forth a Light in the World, then some of mankind hate them. It is only the ignorance of mankind which hates them, thru the lack of Understanding. One day, even those who have hated so greatly, will love as greatly as they have hated.
Do you know, It is a Great Truth; that one must have loved very greatly, to have hated so intensely? It is only a force acting thru human creation. It is not a Reality; but the Love of your Presence which is Life, and is Self-Luminous Intelligent Substance, is Real.
Compare for a moment the creation of mankind which in your expression is known as hate and its opposite, which is the Heart of God, your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” or Divine Love. Let us compare the two. This of human creation has no power, while that of Divine Love is the Power of the Universe at your service. Do you not see in any kindness of feeling, any goodwill to all, in calling CONSCIOUSLY the Love of your Presence to bless all, you are then acting on the side of Infinite Power; but to become irritated, means you are acting on the side of human creation, which has no power.
As you understand that, you will see the futility of allowing human feeling to longer govern your world; for when human creation is pushed aside, and told it has no power to longer act in your world
or affect you, then the Infinite Power says: “Thank you! Now I am ready to act at your Invitation with Infinite Power.”
So tonight, We have said to your human creation: “Henceforth be gone! You have no power! Oh Light of God, come forth in Your Infinite Love and take command of the mind and body of each one, his or her world and home! Hold Your Dominion and produce Your Active Presence there, with Full Infinite Power.” Please accept It and let It do Its Perfect Work.
Oh, that you might feel, when I speak These Words, they are Law to you in your world; to the degree that you can accept It! I am speaking These Words tonight and calling the Cosmic Law to act in your world and the world of every “I AM” Student in America and throughout the World—even thru the mental and feeling world of those who are not here. To you, I am speaking directly and the Three-fold Activity which is the Three-fold Flame of Life, responds to you.
In the Infinite power of Light, I clothe you! In the Infinite Power of Divine Love, I direct you! In the Infinite Power of My Strength, I sustain you! In the Infinite Power of My Courage, I charge you and your feeling world, with Such Serenity, Courage and Infinite Patience, that things which once disturbed you, now you may laugh at and say: “Be gone”! With My Joy, I charge your world to act there with Infinite Power, to give you such Self-control, Mastery and Joy, the Release comes for you of your Freedom!
Will you enter into My Infinite Love and let Me clothe you with Infinite Love and Light; so you may be held in My Fond Embrace of Light; and be a Part of My Love, to hold Its Infinite Action within and about you, unto your Freedom, your Victory and Ascension?
Beloved Ones, remember your Ascension is within your reach! It does not matter what your station seems to be at this moment. It has nothing to do with your Presence! It has not a thing to do with what your Presence might do for you at any moment; thru Sufficient Out- pouring of Love and Harmony to It. Try to feel that! Try to be Free now! Try to accept This which I offer! It is Real! It is Mighty! It is Infinite!
In the Fulness of My Love, I enfold you all and every student under Beloved Saint Germain in America and the World. May all
Blessed Students, who thru falsehood and gossip to which some people have listened and turned aside from This Great Stream of Life; again enter It and undo any mistakes which they have made and then, again have the Glory which This Light and Understanding brings them.
With Infinite Love, I enfold you always and hold you within My Radiance, until your Victory is achieved! I thank you.
June 7, 1937
Thy Eternal Victory has arrived, Oh Children of Earth! Into Its Infinite Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” you have entered! As you previously have given your Life, thru your attention, to the appearances of the outer world; so now shall you give your Life back to your Presence, for the Perfection which you will receive from It. The Law of Life is so simple; and yet so wholly forgotten by mankind, until Our Beloved Saint Germain brought It forth, to the attention of all again in Its Simplicity, yet in Its Majestic Action.
I congratulate you, Oh Beloved Students of Detroit and elsewhere, that you have been so privileged as to be interested and feel the Great Reality which It is. It has been My Privilege to render you a Service, which will last throughout the centuries. Will you kindly accept It, so the Fulness of Its Ever-increasing, Expanding Activity may take place within you and your world?
Your world should be very important to you, very essential; for it must become a World of Light or of darkness. You are the decreer, which It shall become. With the Outpouring of Love and Harmony, will come the flood of Eternal Light from your “Mighty I AM Presence,” which will lift you into your Eternal Freedom. Your attention upon the chaos of the outer world of mankind, will allow the darkness to surely fill your world. Choose! Oh Beloved Ones, which you shall serve!
I wish to say for your Protection in the future, the unfortunate individuals, who put forth the report, that since those three books were in print—“Unveiled Mysteries,” “The Magic Presence” and the “ ‘I AM’ Discourses,” Saint Germain is no longer directing This Activity
—are most unfortunate! Do not accept such unhappy falsehoods! In This Activity, Its Powers are increasing from the beginning, as all honest sincere students know.
I prompt you, because you will have to meet this, when the Messengers have gone on to other fields. Be sure you are strong
enough to stand against such a false assertion! I tell you any such report is false! You must choose again! It seems incredible human beings could be so unfortunate, as to think they could accept a part of a thing and not the whole of It. I PROMPT YOU TO BE ON GUARD! AND STAY ON GUARD!
Tonight, it is My Great Joy and Privilege to inform you, that for your city of Detroit, there is being rendered a Similar Service as in New York. I have called the Angels of the Sword of Blue Flame, to sweep thru your city every eight hours—to not only cleanse and purify the atmosphere, generated by human Beings’ unfortunate feeling; but to seize and bind all entities who are fostering inharmony in any way among mankind. You, as New York, will feel a change in the atmosphere. May you rejoice with Us in This Service which it is Our Joy to render!
Little does mankind yet understand, even in two and a half years, of what Mighty Invisible Power and Activity is suddenly being used for Blessing and Benefit. Yet all of your Powers of any great consequence which you use in your outer world, are from the Invisible. Why not ACCEPT FULLY within your feeling world, the Great Ascended Masters, the Great Cosmic Beings, Who are far more Real than you, and are operating with Limitless Power?
Then you will say to Me: “Why do They allow mankind to get in this condition”? My Dear Ones, the Great Ones have nothing to do about it. You are responsible for the condition you are in. The Great Host of Ascended Masters have nothing to do with it, nor have the Cosmic Beings; but you, in the fact that you had forgotten your own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” have grown into more and more dense vibratory action; which makes you less responsive, your brain, less responsive to the Higher Vibrations which the Ascended Masters give forth! Therefore, you, mankind everywhere is responsible for the limitations of Earth. God has nothing to do with it! The Angelic Hosts have nothing to do with it! Neither do the Ascended Masters, the Legions of Light or the Cosmic Beings!
Today, mankind is learning the Responsibility is on the Individual and in the Great Mercy of the Great Cosmic Light, there has come to you the Solution, the Power, the Intelligence and the Knowledge; by which you can call It into action to dissolve the accumulation utterly;
and free yourselves from your own creations. The whole mass of mankind, can be set Free thru your Call and the Mighty Decrees given; calling the Great Powers of the “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, in the mental and feeling world of mankind. It is the Power of the Universe—make no mistake about It!
I repeat to you tonight, when you call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, It knows no resistance nor interference. Its Powers sweep forward with the Power of the Universe to fulfill your Requirements. If the human understands and will keep the feeling harmonized long enough, so the Power flows thru uninterrupted, unqualified by the feeling within the human self; then shall you quickly enter into That Freedom and Glory of the Light which beats your Heart. It will fill your world quickly, if you will but give It a chance!
No longer, Beloved Ones, wait for this. Enter in by the COMMAND of your feeling world! Cause It to become still! Maintain Harmony, and the Light of your Presence at your Call, will flood your mind, Being and world; and you will know what It means to worship God in Reality. Your God of whom you have had but fragments of knowledge, you find is Individualized, a Mighty Intelligence! Then why longer limit Its Powers to act in you and your world?
There is not a thing in the world which can limit you, but yourself. The Power is here! The Intelligence is here! The Knowledge is before you; and to the degree that you can accept Its Full Power in your feeling, will It fill your world with Its Power and Mighty Directing Intelligence. Let no one longer say, “I can’t.” When the Individual says “I can’t” it means I do not want to! Do not yield to it, Beloved Ones!
Your Heart holds the Light, the Anchorage within your human form which is All-powerful! Accept Its Fulness and allow It to act! To your human intellect which is filled with doubts and fears, I say: Silence it! once and forever! Then feel the Release and the Freedom which will come to you. Then when you Acknowledge That Mighty Presence, feel Its Full Power flowing out into your world! It will quickly purify and harmonize everything and let you be FULLY CONSCIOUS OF ITS VICTORY.
No longer, Beloved Ones, need mankind wait. Your Presence acts Instantaneously! To the degree you can get your human feeling still, harmonious and remain so, will It fill your world quickly or require the human sense of time. Your Presence requires no time nor space! In your attention to your Presence, remember surely and steadily the limited sense of time and space as you feel it today, will disappear from your feeling and your consciousness. Many of you who have attended the Classes of the Messengers, already know That; already realize in these ten day Classes, it has seemed almost as a day many times. “It does not seem possible,” I often hear you say to each other. “Is it possible ten days have passed?” Do you not realize, you are losing the sense of time and space, which is your own Birthright in Reality?
Only as human Beings have limited themselves in their human concepts, have they become more and more limited, more and more aware of time and space; until they actually feel they have not sufficient time, to fulfill the Requirements of their daily duties for the Light. Yet, I tell you from actual experience, with your Call to the Presence and the flooding forth of Its Energy unqualified, every one of you who works for eight hours a day, could with ease do the work you actually do now, in three hours. That is what it means, to have the Activity of your “Mighty I AM Presence” acting within and thru your human form. There will be hundreds within two years, who will prove it, beyond the question of a doubt.
One of the wonderful students today, has told the Messengers repeatedly, he does three to five times the work he did, before he contacted This “1 AM” Activity in less hours and with greater ease; and with the assurance within him that his “Mighty I AM Presence” is enabling him in every action to render Divine Justice really. If people in all your courts, your attorneys, your industries, would only understand and call their “Mighty I AM Presence” into action; how quick their business and their world would be filled with Divine Justice, Order and Successful Achievement.
YOUR “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE”! Whether you have known It or not, if your Success has been great; it is because there was enough Stillness within your feeling world and enough Silent Recognition of
God; which enabled the Power of the Presence to release Its Energy into your world of activity. Only the Power of Your Presence could give you Success.
Do you know, Beloved Ones, why great industries have been formed thru one Individual? Why the Great Law enabled it to be done? Why, I ask you? Because there could not be brought together five people, who would harmonize long enough, to allow a Great Achievement for Permanent Constructive Accomplishment. Therefore, the Power had to be concentrated upon one Individual, so the God Intelligence could act, uninterfered with to establish your railroads; to establish your airlines; to establish your great industries everywhere. That is why I say to you, Students of the Light: Never again let your feelings criticize or condemn great industries; for if it had not been for them, you would have been far less advanced, than what you are today.
Remember the Advance of Life has nothing to do with Individual personality! The Advance of Life is governed by the Great Cosmic Law, and now when the Great Cosmic Law says to the Earth: “Emit more Light,” you who represent the Light—the ONLY POWER thru which the Light can come, must awaken! Thru your Awakening, the Earth will emit more Light, to take its place in the Great Scheme of Life. If it be not done by the Call of the Individuals to release That Light, then the Great Law and Nature, as you call it, will say to mankind: “No longer will I submit to your inharmony,” and She buries her opponents.
Do you not understand, Beloved Ones, why great cataclysms occur? Because of the building and ever-increasing inharmony, within the feeling world of mankind which saturates even the Earth. That is what has caused every great destructive activity which has ever been on the Earth, and you are now facing the last one! Do you wish to exist as slaves to depravity today, as the conditions are in Russia? We know the conditions which are there. Don’t let any Loyal American fail to stand by his Country and his People! You may wonder that One, Wholly Free from all earthly entanglements, speaks of the loyalty to your country! There will be those who will say, when this goes forth: “No Cosmic Being could have spoken Those Words.” I say to those critics: “Be silent! I speak, because I
am in the realm of your world! Because I know your requirements! and because I know, that if enough of mankind do not wake up and give Assistance, so shall Earth once again bury you and take her Freedom.
That is what is before mankind, and I say to all the Beloved “I AM” Students throughout America and the World: “You who have had the Courage to stand fearless, in the Acknowledgment of your Presence; issue these Decrees; and give forth your Life to the Assistance of America and the World, will one day reap the Reward which will be Eternal.
The reason 1 say this to you, is because those who have touched This Light and then turned to criticize and condemn It, will cry out for Mercy. Oh, what an unfortunate thing—and how they will cry for Mercy; because of their unfortunate human creations. It is not a matter of human opinions any longer, but it is a matter of the need of the World today.
That Call is coming from the Hearts of mankind, as never before in the World. Yet, the Assistance has been Greater than ever in the history of the World; for the people have the opportunity before them, in the Understanding of This Knowledge, which will enable them to send forth the Limitless Power of God’s Purifying, Perfecting Activity; and which will enable them to render this Necessary Service.
I say to you, Beloved Ones, your Beloved Saint Germain for more than two hundred years, has labored ceaselessly, for the Freedom and Blessing of mankind. Why was This Light brought forth here? Because in a period long past, the Glory and Perfection which was known then, existed here in your Beloved Land. Why do I speak of America? Because I too know here must come that Mighty Perfection, which was here once before; and It is the Final Activity for the Earth—make no mistake! Will you feel your responsibility, every one of you Beloved “I AM” Students; and let nothing make you waver or turn you aside from the Mighty Power of your Presence?
Why have I asked the students everywhere, to lay aside everything which they have known before; and enter into the Freedom and the Glory of the Books which Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth? Because They are the Greatest Power, the Clearest Understanding which has ever come forth to mankind.
Those Books bring the Pure Love, Power and Mighty Application which allow the Individual to go forward; and give This Freedom and Assistance to his fellow-man, America and the World. Unless people will understand The Law, take It up and live It, they will but delay the Incoming Perfection which would enter in and set all mankind Free. You have not so many years, to enter into the Final Decision!
I am charging your city, you, and the “I AM” Students of America tonight, while I speak to you, with Courage and Power. IF YOU WILL ALLOW IT TO ACT, IT WILL MAKE YOU FEARLESS AND DAUNTLESS IN YOUR STAND WITH THE PRESENCE; not only in
the Accomplishment of your Individual activities; but in calling forth This Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” which will do the Work that is required for the Freedom and Blessing of all mankind.
Why do I wish to establish a Center here and in New York? Why do We wish to establish a Certain Definite Center of Activity at certain points in the United States? Because a Great Pillar of Light can be drawn, which will pour out Its Radiance and will one day become the Unfed Flame! That Flame will pour forth Its Radiance for hundreds of miles; and enable mankind to enter into the Glory and Freedom which is each one’s Birthright; although so many have wholly forgotten That Birthright!
Tonight, Beloved Ones, I speak to you as One in your midst; One who loves humanity; One who is offering every Assistance the Law of the human octave will permit; and ever increases That Assistance, as the Cosmic Light permits It to act for your Freedom and quickly. We are asking the Co-operation of you Beloved Ones in the human octave, to make This Call, so We may amplify It to do This Work required. There is no other permanent means in the World. All other means have been tried and everything has failed; because mankind did not know the “Mighty I AM Presence”—which is the ONLY SUSTAINING POWER there is. Once the people really understand That Presence, they will know Its Call set into action, makes a Permanently Sustained Activity; which will continue, until all required is accomplished for mankind. We see and feel a Quality among you, which can become a Wondrous Power for the Light. Will you all, every one of you, remember to keep yourselves harmonized; so Great Power may flow thru, to do for you, your city and nation,
what is required? To the degree you get out of harmony, are you responsible for the failure, if it comes. Remember, it is Your Responsibility. This is why I speak to you with such Earnestness tonight, from My very Heart; to endeavor by This Radiance poured forth, to reach mankind in your city here. I am trying to reach those who have not been here; and awaken their consciousness, their feeling world, to begin to reach out from their Hearts, to touch This Great Work and let Its Freedom flow into their worlds.
AROUND YOU! These are Mighty Activities which are imperative for you! Will you use them and be Free? The Choice is yours, Beloved Ones.
Our Hearts, Our Mighty Light Rays are pouring out to you Unlimited Assistance! It remains for you to accept or reject. We cannot be harmed by disaster in your physical world, but your physical bodies can be! We plead with you for your Assistance, which enables all This to be done. Again I say, the choice is yours!
Remember, Oh Beloved Ones, Our Love pours forth a Limitless Stream of Energy and Intelligence; and It will continue to flood you and your world with the Fulness of Its Power and Freedom.
As tonight is the Close of this Mighty Radiance drawn for your Blessing, so will you take It into each one of your worlds of activity; and feel It ever increasing and expanding for your Blessing and Success, your Health and your Freedom? It is a Gift of Love and the Power of Our Divine Love pouring out thru your Heart, which is the Open Door to all the Perfection that exists; the only means by which It can flood your world.
My Heart enfolds you; My Light clothes you; My Energy will sustain you and the Intelligence of your “Mighty I AM Presence” called into action, will direct you unerringly in the Perfect Service which you should render. Call It into action and if Assistance be required, then We stand ready to give That Assistance.
No longer give way to limitations, Beloved Ones! Enter now the Gates of Freedom and close Them behind you—upon your world of limitations; so you may not again look back, upon that world of your own creation which has held you bound so long.
I thank you.
Mr. Ballard:
June 19, 1937
Beloved Ones, you might think this is just an enjoyable evening in which we meet together; but in the Activity of the Light, there is always a Deeper Underlying Cause; for the outer desires are often used to bring about the Blessings which are to be given.
A Three-fold Activity will take place for each one here. While the Divine Director is dictating and doing His Work, which He has already begun, Chananda and our Beloved Nada will also do a Certain Work which it is not necessary to mention.
Beloved Children of the Light! When I say Those Words tonight, I give Them a Fuller Deeper Quality than is ordinarily understood. These Hearts present, who are reaching out so earnestly and with such determination, for Freedom in every way, MUST FIND THE TIME AND ASSOCIATION WHEREIN THAT WHICH IS REQUIRED TO BE GIVEN, MIGHT HAVE NO INTERFERENCE IN ANY WAY.
You must remember, Beloved Ones, in your feeling world, there is the Consumer and Decreer of what you and your world shall be.
The unhappy part is, that thru the accumulation in the feeling world of mankind, obstruction was constantly charged forth; to interfere with the various achievements whatever they might be. Once you understand, in your Call to the Presence, you must make your Outer Conscious Effort at Self-control, by governing the feeling; then you will quickly have the Power of the Presence flowing thru, for any given purpose or accomplishment.
It is not sufficient to just continue to Call to the Presence, without an Earnest Sincere Effort to control your feeling from the outer standpoint! That is where many students have found difficulty in realizing they must make a certain effort upon their own part at Self-control; in order to give the Powerful Qualification and co-
operate with the Power of the Pure Energy of the Presence flowing forth.
You will find from tonight, as This is anchored clearly in your consciousness and feeling world, that every impulse which would produce discord, you will be able to silence instantly and stop its action from the outer standpoint; because you will know you are the Decreer for your world, and what shall act thru your feeling.
Even though there still be some accumulation in your feeling world, there is no reason why it should longer govern you. Fortunately, there have been many in your beloved city and the surrounding places, WHO HAVE BEEN STRONG ENOUGH TO REFUSE TO LISTEN TO GOSSIP; AND I MEAN BY THAT, ALL THINGS WHICH ARE LESS THAN THE PERFECTION OF THE PRESENCE; BECAUSE AFTER ALL, EVERYTHING ELSE IS BUT
GOSSIP. That is perhaps a gentle term to use, but nevertheless, only as Individuals see it is not a personal thing, can they free themselves.
The simple, very simple Requirement to allow the Presence to act, is the reason why so many people fail to quickly grasp It. The human always tries to make things complicated, because of its lack of understanding. When the Individual realizes there is only ONE SIMPLE THING NECESSARY, and that is to allow the Pure Energy to flow forth to fill his or her mind, body, world and activity, then his or her Calls are fulfilled quickly. Then, each one will know to call the Presence into action and make the Conscious Effort to control the feeling, will enable this to be quickly done, to produce the Perfection he or she requires.
As long as people listen to discordant things and destructive experiences, they will have them in their worlds. Out of the vast number of Students in your city, there are but very few who are strong enough, just from the Power of Radiation, to repel and refuse
acceptance or allow to register in their feeling world, a destructive quality or experience to which they may be listening. That is where the danger point lies for the Students today; because, if they momentarily listen, they are allowing to register—unknowingly, in their feeling worlds, the quality upon which their attention rests. That is why We have pled with the Students, thru the Messengers, not to listen to gossip or allow it in your worlds.
I began the Radiation in the San Francisco Class. We have been urging, and urging, and urging the Students everywhere; and holding their attention repeatedly, upon these more Simple Requirements; so they get the Full Understanding of their own Individual Requirements. It is necessary for them to do this; if they are to have the Perfection which the Presence wants to pour forth.
Now remember, Dear Ones, your Higher Mental Body knows absolutely everything you require. It will produce it for you; because It has the Full Power of the Presence and does wield the Full Power to produce any Requirement in your world; but It cannot and does not produce any destructive quality.
As you enter the Conscious Pathway, the Higher Mental Body will not release energy at anytime to the Student who has come into the Knowledge of the “I AM,” to produce any destructive quality; or which It sees in Its All-knowing Power, would be used for destruction! You will say to Me, then how do people continue to do things which are destructive? Because of the energy already called forth which is anchored in their worlds, and with which their feeling world is charged. When that energy is exhausted, they cannot and do not go farther, in their destructive activities. When they are exhausted, if they do not know the “I AM Presence,” they do not know how to replenish that energy.
You have before you in the outer world constant examples of it. The hypnotist who uses his energy to hypnotize thru a period of years, becomes exhausted and loses all his power; because he has used up all the energy with which his feeling world has been charged, and not knowing the Presence cannot call forth more.
The same is true with many Christian Science practitioners. Not knowing the difference between mental power and the actual Spiritual Power, which is the Energy from the Presence, they go on
and produce some astonishing results in their earlier experience. They do not know they are using just mental power; but they do produce certain results for the time being, and they are greatly elated over the certain results. Yet, they find later when that energy is exhausted, they cannot any longer do the work.
The evidence of This stands today in America before thousands of people. Many, many have come to the Messengers and have had the reason explained and in most instances, they have been people who replaced the energy in the acceptance of the “I AM Presence”; because there is no power in the world aside from your “I AM Presence.” There is no human being who has any power separate from the Presence. Even the outer self could not have any Life, except That supplied by the Presence which beats its Heart.
As you look at these things from This Great Law’s Standpoint, they are simplicity itself. Our unhappy critics who criticize Us for the simple language used, are but held within their own intellectual vanity. Why should We acquiesce to the human opinions of the world; knowing the Results which are produced by the simplicity of Our Language which has been used? We use your terminology to make it more forceful to you. Why should We try to use technical terminology, which does nothing but make confusion within Individuals?
We again call your attention to some things which We want you to go forth and use tonight, with a certain outer consciousness of your Presence acting thru your mind, body and world. I assure you, Beloved Ones, you must be more firm than ever; and refuse to listen to discord or gossip! They charge your world with their qualities; and if your mind—unknowingly—begins to revolve those qualities within itself, your world is charged with them and you must reap the results. When students come to a certain point in the Expansion of their Inner Light, their Zeal and Great Desire for Perfection is often preyed upon, to try to trip them up; but if the Students will listen carefully to the Messengers in this coming Class and use that which comes
forth, every one who comes into it will be Free!
We are determined, if the Students will listen to Us and be alert, to give them, not only the Outer Worded Expression of the Application and what It does; but the Quality which It contains, will be
anchored within their feeling worlds, to render the same Service for them. At this time, more than ordinary Assistance must be given and is given; but We cannot compel the action of the Individual.
We can only—and often do—give vivid promptings; but Individuals will have no trouble in calling the Presence into action, if they will only not listen to destructive discussions. I mean any form of gossip, judgment, condemnation; and all that kind of thing with which the atmosphere of humanity is charged. It is so much easier to listen from the human standpoint, than to repel it; but one must some day be firm enough to do it, and We want to get every one of you to that point, as with This Good Messenger; where even though you listen to it, you do not allow any of those qualities to register in your feeling world. Then, you will find there will be no inclination to get irritated or disturbed about any appearance in the appearance world.
I call your attention to this tonight so you may, if you care to, watch it! In the various activities which have taken place, the Light within each one expands, thru the Acceptance of the Power of the Radiation which We give. That Light becomes more and more intensified and certain Groups are being drawn together.
Do you think, Beloved Ones, really anything ever happens by chance? Surely you cannot think that! Even in the smaller things, there must be and is a cause back of every single thing, which you do in the outer. Now then, if you have allowed some destructive quality to register in your feeling world; and you are attempting to do something destructive, then if this pressure rushes forward, where does the fault lie? Really not with the Individual, not with the Intelligence which sent it forth; but in the lack of obedience to the Law of Harmony, is what allows discord to register in your feeling.
So you will see by that why We should not judge; why We should not condemn; and yet, why We should be firm and unyielding in Our Stand to the Light, the Harmony and the refusal to listen to discordant destructive things—regardless of what they may be about. Do you think that is asking too much? Is there anything of more importance in all the Universe, than your Freedom? Is there anything more wonderful in all the Universe than your Ascension? I think not! Now at this point, let Me remind you of something, for you may be of Inestimable Assistance to others. Many people, and many
among the Students, when the Idea of the Ascension came forth, thought they had but to call to the Presence and their Ascension would be forthcoming; regardless of what their attitude in the outer world was. How unfortunate that anyone could think such a thing, when all in Life is a harmonizing, refining process. To think such a thing, for one who has lived discordantly just in this Life, say for thirty or forty years; just a simple call to the Presence would give that one the Ascension, without any effort on such a person’s part, is childish ignorance. It would be childishness and a great mistake. There have been thousands who really thought so and who were really very sincere.
There is no limit, as the Messengers have told you, to what the Presence might do for you, at any given moment. That is why I explain this to you tonight. There are many who are still thinking, it does not require anything but their call to the Presence to gain their Ascension; regardless of what is going on in their feeling world. Again it is childish and foolish.
Harmony is the Law of the Universe! Unless It is maintained for a sufficient period of time, in the feeling world of each one, how can the energy flow forth unqualified? It cannot do it!
So from tonight, take your firm stand with the Presence. While This Messenger does not wish Me to use him as an example, nevertheless I must do it. I call your attention, Beloved Ones, to his experience. Up until he met his beloved companion, there was no one in the world to whom he could turn for Assistance. There was only one thing he could do; and that was stand and follow to the best of his ability, the Inner Promptings which came. Then, after the contact with Beloved Saint Germain, he was shown how very accurately, he had been following Those Inner Promptings.
If every one would only follow Those Inner promptings, you would all be able to hold to the Light; but Individuals allow their attention to outer things, to make them waver, wonder, question or doubt—when they are actually having these Inner Promptings all the time; some days not having them quite so strong as others. He did not always have them so strong that he was certain about everything, yet he continued to follow to the best of his ability. There was no one to whom he could go. That is why Beloved Saint
Germain, Nada and Myself have urged the Students, to feel the Full Power of their Presence to prompt them; then stand by It, until they can have the Full Outer Consciousness and Assurance, the Presence would always answer; because it is the Law of your Being, that It is compelled to answer.
You will soon gain a confidence in the outer, so every time you call to your Presence, instantly there will flow forth Its Mighty Energy, the Mighty Directing Intelligence, the Great Calm Certain Feeling within you, which gives you the Assurance of Its Accomplishment.
Tonight, as I refer to these various things, these Qualities are not only being anchored, but charged into your feeling world for action. Oh, Beloved Ones, it is action We need now! What do I mean by that? The Release thru your Decrees into the mental and feeling world of mankind, of This Mighty Charge and Activity. We repeatedly say to you, it is one of the Greatest Services which can be rendered; and in your Mighty Groups here, the Accomplishment has been wonderful I assure you, even in the past six months.
The ability to release Our Real Power of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love, is most commendable. Each one releases the Special Power and Activity of Divine Love required in each Group. Now mark you, Dear Ones, please notice this! Everywhere That Quality of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love is released, It becomes a Cohesive Quality and Activity, which keeps drawing more and more to Itself! You have noticed the moment some discord comes in, how the dissolving, disintegrating process starts and people withdraw. Again, when the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love begins to pour forth, which is the Cohesive Quality of Life, then people come back.
If only Beloved Mankind and the Beloved Students, would become cognizant of these actions which are going on before them constantly, how beautiful it would all be; but because of the pressure of the outer world, those things are passed over almost constantly. I ask you, if you will, to watch them and see how very wonderful is the Law of Life; how Unfailing, Unerring It is, in Its Activity when unqualified by human discord.
Remember what Beloved Saint Germain has said to you from the beginning: “the human ungoverned is more vicious than the animal in the jungle.” Never were Truer Words uttered! Therefore,
why accept the human and allow its disintegrating activity to begin to act in your world?
Beloved Ones, listen to Me carefully! Every moment you are listening to any kind of destructive qualities in any conversation, its disintegrating quality is then and there acting in your feeling world; because you admitted it thru your hearing. You don’t know that from the human standpoint, but We have watched it among the Earnest Students. We see the cause and effects, but unless you will allow Us to help you, how can We do it?
I am prompting you on these various points tonight, because everywhere you go, you are bound to meet these things. In humanity’s present state, you cannot avoid it. Do not ever be disturbed at appearances which have to be met and conquered; because until more of humanity come into the Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” human qualities and conditions are always there to be met. See how easily these conditions are governed, when the Presence comes into action; but how can the Presence act, if the feeling world is charged with irritation and disturbance?
Beloved Ones, Oh how Great Our Love is for you! How Great is Our Rejoicing at every single Victory which you gain; and how Our Love pours out to you like a Mighty River, knowing sooner or later your Victory must come. You think you love each other, but how can you know what Love really is; until you really know the Love which has Infinite Patience with the mistakes of mankind? Yet, when We see the Great Infinite Patience, being gained among many of the students and the Expansion of the Light within their Hearts, how greatly We rejoice and how much more We can then do!
Remember, your Victory is certain, if you will just follow these simple things. It is not complicated—the Victory of Life! It is so simple most of Its Great Qualities, because they are so simple, are believed to be untrue. Don’t ever admit failure in anything, no matter what the appearance world screams to you! Still say to it : “You have no power”! Oh, how much you could do for your own world, yourselves and others, when you say that!
Beloved Ones, do not at any time or in any way, allow fear of any kind to enter concerning the Messengers of This “I AM” Activity! Remember, the “Light of God never fails.” There have been a lot of
prophecies made, since the Messengers left here—all so foolish! Human gossip will continue, until the Cosmic Light, as you have been told, sweeps out all human selfishness and destructive qualities from the Earth! So until that time, remember God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” in you, is your Certain Victory! No other power exists in your world, unless you continue to admit it.
Do you know, your very attention having been called to your Presence, aside from your conscious call so earnestly to It, would release one day Its Full Power of Action into your world! Then how much more quickly It will come, if you refuse to accept or listen to destructive qualities of any kind. Then keep calling your Presence into action, until Its Whole Light floods your world.
Please be reminded again tonight—there is no battle in the Achievement of the Presence. You call Its Light forth thru your mind and body, into your feeling world,—the Light knows no resistance nor interference! It simply floods into you and out into your world; and the Fulness of This Light, being the Supremacy of the Universe and the Supreme Power of your world, just moves into action and all else dissolves before It. That is the way to feel concerning the Activity of your Presence. You don’t have to struggle!
Remember the simple words so often used : “You shall hold your Peace and the Presence will fight your battles.” It simply means, the moving of the Light of the Presence into your body, sweeping out all irritation, all discord of every kind and replacing it with all Perfection which is the Law. No imperfection can penetrate That Light, and when you call It into action—as a Tube of Light—as a Volume of Light flowing into your world, your body, It is quite a different thing.
Please notice this point carefully: It is quite a different thing, than when the Natural Light becomes clothed by your discordant qualities! That Light has become shut in, instead of the discord being shut out. When you place yourselves in a Tube of Light, do you not see the power of human qualification, cannot reclothe the Tube of Light, which you are calling into action? Its Volume is too Great! That is why, if you once understand, when you say, for instance: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ charge my mind and body with Your Mighty Energy, Your Strength and Courage,” or whatever the quality is you require,
That is the Light of the Presence filling your body; and Its Volume is too great to be reclothed by the quality which is within your feeling world at that particular time.
Notice This Activity carefully! When the Light comes in naturally and flows thru the nerves—as Energy and Points of Light within the cells of your body, It is not sufficiently powerful, to keep the quality in your feeling world, from clothing it with the density which is in your feeling. When you stand yourself in This Tube of Light or make yourself a Pillar of Light, the Volume of That Light is too great, to be clothed by the feeling of the Individual!
If you once understand this, and as you stand yourselves in This Tube of Light; or feel yourself a Tube or Pillar of Light, moving about in your daily activity, you will soon find all of your undesirable qualities will disappear—they must disappear!
I want to say to the Beloved Ones here, tonight, We shall endeavor to take all resistance out of your feeling world, concerning your present forms; so they take on their natural symmetry. Do not resist the Perfection of your Presence any longer. Just say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ now this is Your Form! Therefore, it has to be the Symmetry and Perfection which You are! Humanly, I take my mind off of It entirely! Therefore, ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ You take command of this body now; and bring it into Your Perfect Symmetry”; then be at Peace and rest about it. Every time the human has an opinion, say: “Hold on! You are to have no opinion”! and you will find the Presence will do This Perfectly!
I want to say: you are Free from this hour! Don’t longer accept anything else, any suggestion of anything else! If you will just feel This, and if you believe I speak the Truth, you will know, you will feel, your Freedom definitely in your feeling. Therefore, you will feel a strength sustained within you, which will give you Great Joy from this hour!
No matter what the outer appearance is, do not accept again for a single instant, any lack of strength, courage or power; because your Presence which beats your Heart is your Power, Strength, Energy, Courage and Everything Else which is required, to give you everything.
Remember what We have said: you shall all sing again with a Greater Power, than you have ever known! Accept That Charge, if you will, and let Its Full Power of Action go on within you. Don’t allow the appearance world to have any effect upon you again; but just in Great Joy say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ I accept the Fulness of Your Power! I say to all these appearances within or without my Being: ‘You have no power’! Therefore, I stand forth Free right now; forever held in the Embrace of the Light of my ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ always Free and Victorious.” So shall It be!
Beloved Ones, We see the Expansion of your Light! We see your Victory! Don’t ever for one instant, yield to any appearance longer. Say to every appearance in the outer world: “ ‘You have no power’! ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ You are the only Presence, Power and Intelligence acting here. Take command and hold Your Dominion and produce Your Perfection.”
I could go on, and on, and on, but after all, it is not so much a matter of what We say, but what you feel which counts! Won’t you feel tonight, your Absolute Freedom in every way; in your Perfect Health; in your Perfect Acceptance of your Mighty Directing Intelligence? It is there for your constant use!
Saint Germain, Nada and Myself thank you all for your sincere work; and We trust you will realize, it is only just the beginning of what can unfold from within. Go on, and on, in your Great Desire for Freedom and Victory; but refuse absolutely to listen to suggestions of the outer world; to prophecies or anything of that kind. The world is full of human opinions which are of no importance; but your attention to the Presence from which ALL Perfection comes, is of Very Great Importance! Stand firm within It and have Its Blessings.
Beloved Ones, what a Very Wonderful Thing it is to give Us your attention. Do you know, while you are sitting here, you are no more a part of the outer world of mankind, than if you had never lived in it? You are living these two hours in the World of the Ascended Masters. Can you not feel It? Can you not retain It ? You can, even though you move about in your daily activities in the outer world, still can you retain the feeling of these two hours or more.
So long, as the human conditions exist in the physical world as certain limitations, from which only the Ascension can free you, We
must wait! Oh, how many times, We would love to gather those Certain Individuals together and give This Assistance. It can only be done occasionally. Will each one of you hold the Memory of This Sacred within your Hearts always, for It is greatly to be cherished?
Do not be disturbed by the appearance world. Human Beings come and go, but the Law goes on forever; and We thank you for your noble efforts very much. Beloved Ones, do you not see how in every single effort to bring Enlightenment to another, you retain a Great Blessing within yourselves? How can human Beings go on, when they have touched the Light of their Presence, as some in your beloved city are doing, thinking they are deceiving others? How can they practice deception and go on thinking it is not known? How can Students of the “I AM” do this thing, yet there are those in your city who think they are deceiving others.
Tonight, I want to prompt you on those things, so you no longer accept them. Remember, human appearances are but the shifting sands of the desert. They have no power, but to confuse the one who accepts human reports! Don’t do it, Dear Ones! Anything which speaks of less than the Perfection of the Presence, you don’t want! Therefore, cast it out of your world! It does not belong there! Then, go on in the Great Joy of your Presence.
I wonder do you realize what it means for our Beloved Betty Mundy to take down all of this, which she has so faithfully done; and our Beloved Lotus to get this ready for the Students everywhere? In a conversation of this kind, don’t feel under obligation to use in published form, just every word I have said; because it is done to bring Certain Activities within you; but it is needed to stabilize and hold such a Firmness, that no longer is there a single moment yielded to less than the Perfection which you want.
I thank all of you for This Opportunity, to again give forth This Assistance, and one day you will see how much It has meant; but remember, you are not separate from Us and you know you cannot be separated from your “Mighty I AM Presence”! Therefore, why give power any longer to human appearances, to human discordant conversations? Why do it? I am sure, you will all be strong enough from this hour, to just simply hold the Wall of Light so strong, that not a discordant thing can register within your feeling world.
May each one of you ere long, drink from the “Crystal Cup.” Who shall say how soon, you may! Won’t you accept It, until Its Arrival in the Physical Form is yours?
Beloved Ones, the Experiences recorded of This Good Messenger, are only the beginning of what you may all experience; once all disturbance is removed from your feeling world! It is not difficult! Will you give Me your Assistance just for a few moments and serenely think of the Qualities which you desire most quickly made manifest in your experience? Then send that desire to your Presence to have it established, sustained and all-powerfully active henceforth in your feeling world for constant use, forever sustained? (silence) I rejoice with you, each one.
I think you do not quite realize, whenever your attention comes back to this evening, instantly you set into action These Qualities established within your feeling world. I don’t mean, you should continually allow your mind to dwell upon this evening; but as you naturally do return in attention to this evening, it will instantly set into action These Qualities, which I have established in you tonight. It is a very tremendous thing, if you once really realize it. It is quite the same, only It is a more Powerful Activity for you, when you give your attention to the “I AM Presence”—the Law of Its Being, is It must act for you.
When you give your attention to Beloved Saint Germain, Nada, Myself or the Beloved Jesus, that instant, Our Qualities are acting in your feeling world. If mankind really understood this, how quickly enormous, tremendous things could be accomplished; but because of the pull of the attention upon the outer world, it is constantly shifting, you see. Therefore, in the realization that your Presence is your Stabilizing Power, it holds you firm upon a given objective, upon a given call, then you see there is not a thing you cannot do. Not a thing you cannot do or accomplish; but be sure your motives are Right.
I clothe you each one, Oh Precious Children of the Light, in My Mantle of Light and Love! In It are These Qualities which you need for use. Just wear That Mantle always for Me, and let It do Its Perfect Work for you! Why do you suppose Saint Germain was known in Europe as the “Man with the Indigo Cape” ? Do you know that color
is the exact color of the Cosmic Screen in the Royal Teton, and It was used for a certain purpose?
I say to you Beloved Students, do you realize what a very great champion you have in Our Beloved Lotus? I am sure most of you realize the hours, and hours, and hours, while most of humanity are sleeping, she is working, working, and working, for the Freedom and Victory of the Students—a most wonderful thing.
Please do not wonder why We have had such an Intimate Conversation; but because of the Work to be done for you, just feel It, forever active within you and your world; knowing definitely, no longer can a single human quality interfere with the steady forward progress to your Freedom, in every manner.
I think, Dear Ones, I should say a word or two of our Beloved Nada. Really little has been said recently, but if you knew the Tremendous Work, She is doing constantly among the Students, your Hearts would leap for Joy. Her Tireless Efforts for each one!
It is so wonderful to come to a point of Understanding where praise or blame are alike of no effect! Where it is a Joyous Service in knowing every single effort is a Steady Winning of your Eternal Victory! It is so wonderful to have come to a point of Understanding, where you know the word “failure” is entirely out of your vocabulary! It does not exist, not for an instant in the world of any one of you under This Radiation! It has gone out of your world completely!
Regarding your financial supply, just feel your Presence open the Door of Its Treasure-house and release into your use everything which is required. If channels be used, then let the Wisdom of the Presence select those channels, so there could not be a single discordant experience! There could not be a single mistake; there could not be a single failure to have that which you require for use.
It is so Definite! It is so Powerful! Please feel It! Rest in It and know—the Dynamic Action of the Presence is producing those results! Why do I say “Dynamic Action of the Presence”? Because you must feel that under certain conditions. Until you have a Greater Sense of Freedom, you must feel it DYNAMICALLY ACTIVE! Then at each Call, will come the Result.
Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Nada, Beloved Master Jesus, Beloved Chananda, Cha Ara, David Lloyd, Rex, Bob, Nada and
Pearl; Mrs. and Mr. Rayborn, all wish Me to convey Their Love and Blessings to you. The Beloved Leto wants you to know, there no longer exists any uncertainty in you or your world. The Victory stands there ACTIVE within each one of you—in your feeling world. May it have Its Full Dominion now and forever sustained!
I thank you.
July 11, 1937
Children of the Light! From far away India, I draw the Mighty Currents, tonight, for your Blessing. You have just heard read to you, the Experiences in the Cave of Light, near Chananda’s Home in India. Tonight, while It is not visible to you, a less powerful Service is being rendered. Instead of the Light as It is there, I am using the Self-Luminous Intelligent Substance—which in Co-operation with the Great Light drawn, is Active within the room for every one! Mankind has travelled over the Earth in search of what you are receiving tonight; and even to those who might be here for the first time, I say: “Things do not just happen! All is under a Great Divine Law.”
Once the people understand It and realize, thru the Power of Harmony within their Beings, they can co-operate with the Great Law, to their Eternal Gratitude and Blessing. Then they will understand how Great is their Privilege in living in the present embodiment today. The Eastern world, except for a few individuals, has known so little of These Deeper Activities. Even the old occult method, did not teach Individuals how to gain their Freedom. It drew their attention to certain Requirements, but how to apply the Law was quite another thing!
Today, your Beloved Saint Germain has not left one thing unsaid or unexplained, in the Application for your Victory and Freedom. That is why never in the history of all embodiments, have you had the Privilege which stands before you tonight. In This Service which is rendered while I am talking to you, the Substance will remain untouched by any human qualification. To the degree you can accept This, will you find the disturbing things of your outer life and the limiting things, rapidly dissolving before you.
Do not misunderstand Me. This is not just so many words, but Mighty Qualities which the Words are describing to you. They are acting within your Inner World. What a Wonderful Thing it is, to become acquainted somewhat with your Inner World. So long, you
have thought that which you see out here, is all there was to Life. It is really just the shell of the Great Inner Light and Activity! Yet, mankind has thought, the human form was all there was.
Today, behold your Reality! Behold the God Presence which gives you Life; which has come to be known as the “Mighty I AM Presence,” whose very Words give Life and withdraw It. When mankind becomes filled with too much inharmony, then Life withdraws; and you are sent forth, to again return, build another form and try it again. Today that shall cease! To every one who will make earnest, sincere, honest effort, if not in this embodiment, then in the next, will the pilgrimage upon Earth cease.
Only as you call to your Presence and eventually make your Ascension, can you be Free from the wheel of birth and rebirth and the limitations of Earth. Only when you, in the Call of your Presence, allow It to dissolve and consume your human creations; and to the degree that the Earth loses its attraction for the denser human form, will you know what Freedom means!
Today the Law is given! The Application is given! The Scepter of Power is placed within your hands, in the Acknowledgment of your Presence! You can wield It to Perfection or fail to use It and remain in limitations. You are not children of Earth longer, even though you still dwell here! When your Light expands within your Heart as It is today, then I can truly and honestly say to you, you are no longer children of Earth. Will you accept It in Great Calm Gratitude? Feel It a Sacred Obligation and Understanding! Do not exploit It in the outer world, but feel with such Great Deep Gratitude, the remainder of the Activity for your Freedom, can quickly come into action.
My Work is always with the One Goal—the Ascension! It seems strange to the Western world, and yet why should it? Thousands and hundreds of thousands of people have preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus the Christ left the Example of the Ascension to mankind; and the Etheric Record which STANDS VIBRANT in the Etheric Realm of the Earth, is always beckoning mankind on, and on, and on; until one day all mankind will understand His Words given so long ago!
Why does not mankind understand? Because the Activity of the feeling world was forgotten! It is your feeling world which MUST BE
GOVERNED to gain the Victory! I am sure your Gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain is Eternal, for having brought forth This Marvelous Explanation; for you have all required to give you your Freedom and Victory. Remember, Beloved Ones, your Determined and Firm Application is IMPERATIVE! All Assistance which you require, in your call to the Presence, IF YOUR MOTIVE IS RIGHT, HONEST AND SINCERE, WILL BE GIVEN BY THE HOST OF ASCENDED MASTERS.
Never lose the memory of the fact, that your Application is the Activity by which your Freedom comes. You cannot say: “I am too tired tonight, to adore my Presence! I have been too busy today, to give attention to my Presence”—when your Freedom depends upon your Presence! As the Messenger has said to you, Beloved Ones, it does not mean that you should sit down in the corner and adore your Presence; but every moment in your daily activity, when your mind is not otherwise occupied, you can in a flash—send your adoration to your Presence! Feel the Release of Its Mighty Currents of Energy in and thru your body, which will keep you from being tired. That will give you Happiness in your service among mankind; and if called firmly into action, will provide every condition for your Happiness, Supply and Comfort. So don’t ever say, you have not time to adore your Presence!
Without your attention to your Presence, you will remain embodiment after embodiment in the conditions in which you find yourselves today or were in a year ago. Mankind drew itself into limitations, by its own misuse of the Free will. It was entirely of the people’s own volition, and now they must rise out of it by their Earnest Call to the Presence. They must keep it up until that Victory, be it days, hours, weeks, months or years, is accomplished.
One who will stand in and by his or her own “I AM Presence,” calling It into action, will have the Victory! Of that there is no question, and in This Assistance which is being given, could you but understand the Fulness of It, your Gratitude, your Love which has been so great to Beloved Saint Germain and the Messengers, would increase an hundred fold.
You are living in a Mighty Reality! The Laws of Life are acting with great speed within and around you. Do you understand,
Beloved Ones, whether you are awake or asleep, This Action of the Great Law is constantly going on within and around you! You for the time have forgotten It, in the attraction of the outer world. Yet the Inner Action is going on, directed by your Higher Mental Body. When your Call is sincere and firm, then will your Higher Mental Body release more and more of Its Mighty Energy, which dissolves and consumes all unlike Itself.
Do not give way to forgetfulness! Remember, you have entered the Race for Life. Listen, Beloved Ones! You have entered the Race for Life; for without your Victory, you will remain in the shadows of human discord and destruction.
You, in the outer world today, still by slight provocation and by the unfortunate human law, which mankind does not understand, place each other behind prison bars! Your prison of your own creation is the greatest one of all ! You, Dear Ones, in the limitations which have been yours in the past for so long, have felt if you could only burst those bonds which seemed to bind you, how you would go forth into Freedom! That Feeling was Real! There are thousands of people who have had that experience. They have felt, if they could only burst the something which seemed to hold and bind them, they could do much Greater Things. It was their own creation which they felt binding them. It was only a pressure of energy. It was only certain rates of vibration in the feeling! It was only whirls of energy in their emotional bodies!
Today, you have the Means of setting yourself Free. Will you apply It, Beloved Ones, and let Us help you quickly to your Freedom? It is so near! We are doing all the Law permits and in many instances, setting aside much of the action of the Law. Otherwise you, yourselves would be compelled to correct wrong conditions. You must give the Assistance, so more may enter into Greater Freedom, to give the Service needed at this time. Surely you understand do you not? In this, shall we call it—Special Service which is being rendered, it is to provide those to operate the Law stronger and stronger; in order to give the needed Assistance for the Freedom which must come forth, because the Call must come from you!
We are ready and have been waiting long. Your part now, is to make the Call with Great Earnestness and Sincerity, maintaining Harmony in the feeling in the face of any condition, no matter what, then the Release will come quickly.
There are many in this room tonight! I shall make it quite definite! There are more than three hundred people in this auditorium tonight, who could have their Freedom very quickly, if they would be firm and calm in their Call to the Presence; and command Complete Harmony in their feeling to be maintained! It is not difficult, Beloved Ones! It is only because there is not yet quite sufficient determination within you; to take command and hold control over your human self. THAT REQUIRES FIRMNESS AND UNYIELDING DETERMINATION.
Beloved Ones, when you are a little angered and you determine to have a thing, or do a thing, you exert abundance of energy, do you not? Well, isn’t this much more important—your Complete Freedom? You do not have to release the Full Power of Energy which you release in the tremendous flash of anger! All Energy which is released in your Achievement, must be a Steady Out-pouring—not intermittent! By intermittent activity, you lose much of what you gain; but when you with firm determination call your “I AM Presence” into action; take firm command of your human self and compel it to be obedient; you are balancing the Power of the Presence which is called forth into the physical octave. It is what is required for your quick Victory. As you do it, and I will help, you will find ere long, that which seemed so much obstruction, so limiting in the outer world, will have lost its power.
I trust I shall find you, when the Messengers return at Christmas time, the Most Marvelous Wondrous Free Beings! Won’t you accept This and let Its Perfect Activity take place in your world ? You can do it! It is for you! Allow no thing in the outer world to interrupt it!
Do not discuss This or say to each other: “I wonder after all, if that was just talk”? I urge you, to be careful! This is a Mighty Law set into action! Please be obedient and do not discuss this night with each other, if you want to be Free! Go with all the Gratitude and Sacredness of this night in Adoration to your Presence! Look not to
the right nor left! Listen not to anyone who would say anything discouraging to the Sacredness of This Night!
I understand you do not yet comprehend the Fulness of This; but it is not necessary to comprehend it all this moment. If you could I would say to you: “Be Free! Arise!” and It would be done; but your Requirements must be taken into consideration. To the degree you will do this, will you find yourself—a changed Being; and your world, a New World, which yesterday you could not have believed could take place by tomorrow! Now This is a Service being rendered. Will you accept It as a Sacred Blessing to you?
I thank you, Blessed Ones from the various cities, for making the Call to Me, to enable the Service to be rendered in the removing of discarnate entities from your environment, yourselves and your cities. I say to you tonight, Beloved Ones and you who may not be so familiar with This Activity: “The Greatest Blessing on the face of the Earth today, is in This Service of removing from the atmosphere of Earth, the Individuals who have passed from their bodies, which we call—discarnate entities.”
There are in your Earth’s atmosphere, hundreds of thousands of Individuals who cannot leave the Earth of their own volition; because of the conditions, they created before passing on! Today, the Great Cosmic Law has said this condition must be given a Dispensation! Therefore, as Authority of This Law, I have set It into action. Those who could not have reºmoved themselves from the darkness of their own creations in the astral or psychic world, which is a part of your Earth, are being released and removed by the hundreds of thousands. It is a Service never rendered on the face of this Earth before; and the Release of their pressure of discord in the atmosphere of your cities, is the Evidence that it is actually being done.[*]
Do you think We forget the rest of the World in This Service to America, when there is no race nor nation to Us? Then why do We urge you, to call and give This Service to America? Because America is the “Cup of Light” to the Earth. The Law, the Great Cosmic Law compels It to be so! It is not anyone’s particular desire; but because it is so, We must first render This Service and
Assistance to America, then This Light expands and the rest of the World may be Free!
Think of it, Beloved Ones! In the Far East, there was the Great Shamballa, where the Great Masters from Venus, Lords of the Flame from Venus, came and established the City of White. It remained there for centuries upon an island, They created for It and poured forth Their Radiance to mankind. Thru much of the East there was the worship and use of the Unfed Flame, where people came and took Fire from the Unfed Flame into their homes. That touch of the Unfed Flame lasted throughout the year.
In your use of This Great Call today, who of you shall say how soon—in your Honest Deep Sincere Effort, the Unfed Flame would become visible in your home, for which you have been asking! If you will call the Presence to establish It, who shall say when that will be done? I hope none will say It cannot be done!
Beloved Ones, I urge you, which I have never done on Earth before, to feel the deep Sincerity and the Truth of Our Sincere Effort to help you. I tell you Beloved Children of the Earth—all mankind in America! those who criticize or condemn these Beloved Messengers, should bow their faces in shame forever! They have given their all, going forth dauntless and fearless before the destructive activity of mankind; untouched by it—carrying This Truth without rest or thought of it! Then, I say to those who do that— shameless mankind! One day in the agony of those human Beings’ own creation, they will call to these Beloved Messengers, as never they called to anyone in the World.
We have told you, the Messengers have told you, no human Beings can escape reaping their own creation. Then, why will any Blessed One who claims to be an “I AM” Student, allow a quality of criticism to go forth for any reason whatsoever—because you know the Law! You cannot say you don’t! Every one of you knows the Law! It only means your DETERMINATION to have Self-control and you will have it.
So, I say to you tonight, the struggle of mankind has been very great; but if you will allow Us, We will help you, if you will give obedience to Our Requests. There are not many, you must notice that! We make few requests, but when We do, It means everything in
your Life Stream! Remember this! We want to help you so much, but We cannot help you, if you don’t want Us to do so.
Will you understand tonight, Beloved Ones, since the Messengers’ Class in San Francisco, I have left My Cosmic Activity to come and render This Service to the Classes! Each day, I have been present in every Class since then. It sounds very simple, doesn’t it; but if you will turn to your Presence for the feeling of what It means in the Blessing of mankind, I am sure you will feel clearly and definitely, It is not just idle expression. Today, I rejoice with you, in the Great, Great Blessing which came to you this afternoon— how very wonderful It is. Will you not join Me in My Determination to help you to be Free? To help you to Self-Mastery in every Requirement, which will give you your Freedom? I ask you, I invite you to let Us help you! Can We do more? I think not! We can do no more than to invite you to allow Us to assist you; and then, you take command thru your own Self-control; so the Power of your Presence may be released quickly, to do Its Perfect Work for you. I enfold you in the Fulness of My Love. As the Children in India became a Part of My Love, so today, you have become a Part of My Love. Try to feel what that means to you. Then in the Fulness of your Call to the Presence, ask It to give you the Courage and Strength, which will enable you to make your Call with such earnestness, the Instantaneous Response comes without limit.
Until We meet again, in the Fulness of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” thru whom I pour My Love—FEEL! ACCEPT IT AND BE FREE! “I AM” the Courage! “I AM” the Strength! “I AM” the Light within you, which gives you the Courage and Mastery of your human self. “I AM” the Full Power of Obedience within you, to every Requirement which makes for your Freedom!
In all the Universe there is but One Power, One Light, One Substance, One Intelligence—“I AM”—the Power of the Godhead; announcing Its Authority at your focus of activity in the physical octave. Remember, as you refer to the Godhead, use Those Words
—“I AM”! Do not follow Those Two Words with any negative expression or feeling; because if you do, then in your Call to the Presence, you make that negative activity tremendously more powerful in your Life. Do not ever say: I am sick; I am broke; I am
limited. Don’t do it, because then, you qualify the Power which you are calling forth, to produce that very quality and experience for you.
Instead, to every expression of pain in the body, limitation of finances or limitation of any kind whatsoever, say to such appearance: “ ‘You have no power’! I know my own God Presence, my ‘Mighty I AM’! I know there cannot act in my world any limiting thing any longer”! If there is pain in the body, say to that pain: “Be silent! ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! sweep out cause and effect of this.” Then feel It do it, and you will be commanders of your bodies in no time! You have the Assistance! Now use It! Do not yield to those conditions or appearances, which have frightened you and made you believe you were under their domination. You are no longer under the domination of pain; under the domination of disturbance; nor under the domination of limitation of any kind! You are not! Will you accept that and live it in feeling, so you may have your Freedom now? In the Infinite Light of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Great Host of Ascended Masters and the Great Cosmic Beings, We enfold you all in the Fulness of Their Infinite Light, Its Power, Its Activity, Its Love, Its Blessing! May Our enfolding Light cause you to feel only Love and Blessings pouring out from you forever!
We thank you for This Opportunity of calling your attention to Our Endeavor to assist you, the rest is with you. We are ready! We have released the Power, the Energy, the Intelligence to act! To the degree you will accept It and feel It, will It produce Our Perfection in your world!
In the Glory of Our Light of Infinite Power and Intelligence, I enfold you now and forever.
[*] On December 2, 1939, during the Class in Washington, D. C., the last of the remaining discarnate entities in the United States of America were taken away. The Circle of Blue Flame drawn, so no more would be allowed to enter and now as soon as Individuals pass out of the body, they are taken out of the atmosphere of Earth immediately.
At the same time, the astral or psychic plane was also consumed; for that was the accumulation of destructively qualified substance, thought and feeling forms, which had been held here for centuries.
This Transcendent Service to Our Blessed Country was accomplished by That Glorious Being, the Goddess of Light, Our Beloved Saint Germain and Others of the Ascended Masters who assisted. Our gratitude to Them is boundless and Eternal for That Transcendent Service.
We say to your doubting Thomases, We are not in the slightest concerned. If you wish to doubt, doubt and you will be the loser! If you will accept the Truth of This Law, I have told
you, you will be the Beneficiary in the Greatest Manner Possible! We are not concerned about those who doubt, but to all Earnest Students of America, We say: “Arise with the Scepter of your Dominion and all this condition in America which has endeavored to bring Her into destruction, shall dissolve from within her borders”!
August 1, 1937
Beloved Children of the Light, you have been taught much. Tonight, will you come with Me on a journey, so you may realize more than ordinarily, that which is a part of your world, yet unknown to you. I refer to your Great Inner Light (or Life) which is the Activity of your Reality, thru your Higher Mental Body. It is a Part of you so Real, so Magnificent, that if you suddenly became aware of the Perfection which you really are, your Joy would be so boundless.
I say to you who have the appearance of years, if you suddenly saw how beautiful, how youthful you really are, the appearance of age only having registered on the atomic structure of your body; how differently you would feel. This appearance of the outer structure is but an appearance. It is not your Reality, and yet it seems so real to you.
This is just the outer garment which you are wearing, upon which you have registered the discord, which has the appearance of limitation and age. Now, We are rapidly dissolving all of that; and you will stand forth Free, wholly Free from your own creations.
It was My Joy to render a Certain Service in which one-third of your own human creation, or that of all the “I AM” Students in America, was dissolved and consumed for you. The Love within This Class has made it possible for further Assistance of this kind to be given. I may not say just how much, but just rejoice in It.
Before We continue, the Service which I began yesterday, I wish you to know is a Most Remarkable Thing. This Service being rendered you, has not been tried within the Children of Earth, for more than two hundred thousand years. I tried It at first, only as an experiment, as to what could be done with a general group of the Students. I find It can be done for all, which is an Accomplishment that brings very Great Rejoicing to Me.
As the Beloved Messenger just read to you, when the Children were before Me in the Cave of Light in India, This Same Service was
rendered. Oh, feel instead of having to go to far-off India at great expense and use of time, I have come here to you! It is the first time in the History of the Earth, a Cosmic Being has really come in Person, to render the Children of Earth Such a Service.
Now, We can more definitely plan Our Activity for the Outward Progress and the Expansion of your Light. We can determine more definitely just what you will do. Does it sound unusual, as though We had not confidence in you? Not at all, because you have not known just what your human selves would do, and it is why We could not depend on you. I feel so certain ere long, I shall know just what I can depend on; and that is a very great deal, to enable us to go forward in the Progress of the Protection of your Beloved America.
As you sit here before Me, it is quite as though you were sitting in Chananda’s Audience Chamber, adjoining the Cave of Light. Tonight, as the Beloved Messenger asked you, will you feel you are actually sitting there in His Audience Chamber before Me, as was described to you? While just yet, I may not stand visible before you, as I did with those Children, yet “I AM” as Tangibly here. Therefore, in the Service which I am rendering tonight, will you be kind enough to accept It in the Fulness of Its Power, although you do not understand It? It is not necessary, but just have the Kindly Loving Feeling of Acceptance of all I am doing for you. That is all I require to do the Work.
While this is going on, I want to take you on a little Journey into the realms of discovery; and tell you why the need for the Protection of your America is so great. The destructive forces which have not yet been wholly brought into subjection—in the last lashing of the dragon’s tail, it has brought forth some of the most destructive agencies. During your recent world war, there were many discoveries brought forth which were so tragic, so drastic in their nature even then; but since then, still more destructive things, have been brought into the outer use. Yet, guardedly, We have watched they were not released.
Tonight, I have made you a part of the Great Protection, far more so than you know; and far more, than I may explain to you tonight—except to simply call your attention to It! I mean, not only
you who are here, but all of the Earnest “I AM” Students throughout America!
I want to say at this point, I am so sorry for those Blessed Ones who thru foolish human suggestion, have turned aside from This Pathway of Light. I am sorry indeed, for We wanted them to enter This Great Stream of Light and Perfection. Too late, they will see their mistake. We must move forward. We cannot wait for anyone or human idiosyncrasies. We would so love to have all who have once entered This Stream of Light, move forward with Us, but such is their choice.
I shall say something and please don’t let it seem startling to you. As in the training of Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl and those who were there, so today, We are taking advantage of opportunities. I find thru This Activity which I have started, many of you in your Higher Mental Bodies, can do Tremendous Work. That shall be utilized. First, thru the Assistance of your Higher Mental Bodies, you will be taught how to draw from the physical octave, the energy which is required. So your Higher Mental Body may project those Rays of Light, to render the Service which is needed today; until We can bring other Individuals to the point, where We can teach them in the outer intellectual mind, the use of These Rays. We see all which is occurring in the destructive activities! We must counter-balance that, by the use of the Light Rays! Now the Law of the Light is, We may not use a destructive force; but WE CAN DO OTHER THINGS! We can use the Constructive Powers, to govern the forces of darkness or destructive qualities; and this We are preparing to do!
Notice! but for your Beloved Saint Germain having brought you, as Students thus far, this would not have been possible. So you have Him to thank with all your Love and Gratitude, and I am sure you do. As He brought Bob, Rex, Nada, Pearl and those with them to the point where That Service could be rendered; so has He brought you today, in less than three years, to This Point—where This Service can be rendered in the outer world, of which you are a part—far more Transcendent, than I am just describing to you tonight.
You have been taught to say to the forces of darkness and to the human creation which is limiting: “You have no power”! Beloved Ones, send that forth with Greater and Greater Earnestness and
Intensity! Say with a Great Calm Majesty and Power from your Presence, to all human creation: “ ‘You have no Power’! Be thou dissolved by the Power of the Light” !
Individually, please do not miss one day, and especially at night, saying to all human creation: “In the Name of my ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence’ and the Power of the Ascended Masters, I say to all human creation: ‘You have no power’! ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and Great Cosmic Light! Project Thy Mighty Light Rays in and thru the Earth—establishing Thy Currents throughout the atmosphere of Earth; and cause all destructive qualities and activities there to cease to exist”! Then, We will do the rest.
These simple Calls which you are sending forth, make everything possible for Us, and it is you who need the Protection! It is your Beloved Humanity which needs Protection. When I have noticed among the Earnest Students such a great desire to serve, Oh Beloved Ones, if you in the silence of your own chamber, will make these Calls, as I have just explained, how Great will be your Service which you are rendering. Will you who are visiting here, please carry This with you to the Students in the various parts of America and the Group Leaders?
You might think We are accumulating a great deal for you to do. It does not mean, you must use all the things which are before you each day. Please understand this Beloved Students: “As you advance and We advance in the Activity which is required, and We offer certain Requirements for you to fulfill—do not let yourselves become confused by something which is added.” All is a stepping up process, as you use the term in electrical parlance. It is the Light ADVANCING, going forward into Greater Achievement and Freedom. Therefore, We may ask you to do many things in the future; but remember when you have entered the Steps into the Doorway of Light, you do not pull the Steps in with you. You leave the Steps there, for the others who are to follow on. As you are advancing and more is naturally required of you, then rejoice in it.
I say to the Group Leaders concerning this: Dear Hearts, don’t let your human quibble over following Directions. Joyously, Happily and Willingly just do what We Request! You don’t see and know, but We do; and We ask nothing in the world except what you can do,
and that which We know is of the Greatest Service. You could not in your limited state know; but We can in Our State!
When We request something, It is for your good! Just as yet remember, Beloved Ones, you are the Vanguard of the Light! For a little time, your Responsibility is Greater; because thru the Power of your Radiation your Call is making possible the Wider Expansion of This “I AM” Activity. Thru the Transcriptions and the Radio Work, which We are opening, you will find the Open Doorway to the Expansion of the Light and the reaching of people which is necessary. It is imperative that These Books flood forth to mankind as much as possible; for They contain and hold the Explanation and the Application, by which every human Being can set himself or herself Free. It is imperative the people have them for Constant Use; because the intellect does not retain enough from just hearing the Instruction!
I ask all, please do not keep reaching out for more Explanation. Take That which is before you and apply It with DETERMINATION, WITH FIRMNESS! The Explanation is all there, if you really understand It! Don’t let your intellect keep reaching out for various things; and guard your human self, so it does not run away and feel itself wiser than We.
Dear Ones, in the Service which you are rendering, I say again to you: “The Present Students of the ‘I AM’ under Saint Germain’s Radiation, are the Vanguard of the Light; and EACH ONE must feel the Courage of his or her own ‘I AM Presence,’ strong enough to carry This Light; until more of humanity can be brought into the Clearness of This Understanding. Then, they will share the responsibility with you; but today, the outer world does not understand how to call forth its Protection. Therefore, the people are as helpless as infants”!
I am telling you tonight, unless Individuals understand their own God-Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” they can give but fragmentary assistance. THEY CANNOT GIVE THE SUSTAINED ACTIVITY;
because they must know their Presence is above them, from which they can call Its Powers into action. Until Individuals understand this, they are constantly wavering like the pendulum of a clock and soon the Presence is forgotten!
No longer will people waver, but stand in the Light and draw to themselves their own! Oh, that you understood those Simple Words! Those Words are the Majesty of Creation!—“Stand in the Light and draw to yourselves your own”! Shall I put it just a little more definitely to you? From the Octaves of the Ascended Masters there are being lowered into the atmosphere of Earth, Certain Activities, which mean Assistance in Precipitation; which mean Assistance in the Use of the Light Rays; which mean Assistance in the Power of Self-control of the Individual! All This is Assistance independent of your Call! The World is once again being set Free, although its mistakes have been great. The Cosmic Light says once again: “Mankind is to be set Free from the sweat of its brow, for its livelihood; and as the Light intensifies within the Earth, will many of you come to understand the import of My Words tonight”!
We have in the Etheric Belt, within certain parts of the Earth, discoveries of which We have known for a long time; and to Those in the Retreats for more than one hundred years, which will give your America Its Perfect Freedom! The labor problem which has caused so much unhappiness and destruction, how quickly We could solve it.
The people have been wanting shorter hours. We could show you, how to produce all you require in two hours service a day. Then in the balance of that time, you could study for your own Perfection. How many of you can tell Me tonight, if you had or were required to render just two hours service a day—would you actually give the remainder of the eight hours, to study and make Application for your Freedom? I leave that to you!
Now then remember, you are entering a New Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light—which is Its Own Supply to the Children of Earth! This is not idle talk! We have no time for such things; but I am drawing your attention tonight, to Certain Things for a Very Definite Purpose; because It not only means your advancement, but It means the Assistance which you require.
You, in your great city tonight, are sitting within This Sanctuary of Light, as though the outer world did not exist, for these two hours while you are here! It is the Rarest Privilege and Activity on Earth, Beloved Ones. You are in This Charged Sacred Chamber of Light,
very much as if you were in the Cave of Light in India; only this building is not charged for centuries with the Light where only Perfection exists, as it is there. Yet, We are drawing and have drawn throughout the classes, These Mighty Light Rays into the room, which are fulfilling a very Similar Purpose for you! That is why, as your attention is called from one point to another, the opening is there for Us, to fill your world with whatever you desire. It is Light and Happiness!
I say again tonight, do not allow one single feeling to live in you of criticism or condemnation of another; even though such a one might have made mistakes. Pour out Our Ascended Master Divine Love! Raise the Loved One who has made mistakes into the Arms of Your Presence and forget all else! You will know such Happiness! Then, you will have done Your Part, to fulfill the Law of Light and Love.
So tonight, Dear Hearts, remember—to the degree you pour out the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love and Blessings, will the Door of your world open wide, into Our Eternal Light which releases all Perfection into your use; for your Blessing and for the Purifying and Perfecting of your bodies.
Can you actually believe My Words, when I say to you: “There are three hundred seventy-five people in this room, who could, if they would determine to do It and stand by It, make their Ascension in this embodiment? That is True”!
I am endeavoring in Many Ways to hold your consciousness into Our Mighty Reality, which takes from you all doubts, all fears and the human sense of limitation. They do not belong there! They are not yours! It is all just an accretion, and when you call your Presence into action to dissolve all of it, and replace it by the acceptance of all the Glories there are; you too, will feel more the Import of why I am calling your attention to these things tonight!
There are fifty people in this room, who could say to any destructive force—STOP! and it would be compelled to stop! Remember—the Light of Your Presence which gives you Life, can assert the Activity of the Sword of Blue Flame! With the number of Individuals whom I have mentioned, It could be called into action thru the Power of Divine Love and used in Divine Love.
Tonight, how My Heart rejoices in your very kind attention, so much is done. Beloved Ones, Great is Our Rejoicing. Will you please enter into This Rejoicing with Us, in the Achievement here? Remember, as in the Activity with the Children in India, so tonight, you are a Part of My Love and Light! FEEL IT as deeply as you can! Let Our Light do Its Perfect Work in, and thru you, and out into your world! I earnestly ask you no longer to give power to appearances, which cannot have it, so far as your world is concerned; unless you feed your Life Stream into them by your attention.
Remember, that is so important! Nothing of a destructive nature can touch you or your world, except thru your attention, you feed your Life into it. Try to feel This Truth with Great Loving Firmness. Then, remind yourselves NO LONGER shall your attention be focused upon limiting, destructive or disturbing things; or your Life be fed into them, to add to the world’s unhappiness.
If you have a feeling of unkindness within you to someone else, then you are by your attention, feeding your Life Stream possibly to harm the other, as well as limit yourself. Do you see, Precious Ones, how there is always a double activity in discord? If you feel unkindly to another, you are adding to the burden of that Individual and limiting yourself.
I am so grateful you understand this clearly now, and will keep yourselves reminded, when the temptation comes to have an unkind or discordant feeling, simply say: “Oh no, too long this has been, but no longer! I shall stand in Loving Kindness to all and in the Light of my ‘I AM Presence’; so Its Great Self-Luminous Intelligent Substance, may flood my world and produce everything I require.”
In the Fulness of My Love, I enfold you and that of the Great Host of Ascended Masters, the Legion of Light and the Great Cosmic Beings; who are watching you so closely, trusting, hoping, you will assert your Dominion of Self-control; so the World may be flooded by your Love, the Radiance of the Great Presence and the Host of Light, to give the Service needed to set all mankind Free.
Remember, We are never separated! When you have called to your “I AM Presence,” call to Beloved Saint Germain, Myself—any one of the Ascended Masters, Sanat Kumara or the Cosmic Beings. Then Assistance will come, but try earnestly to receive from your
Presence at your Call, all you require; because in It, you gain the Victory.
We love to assist, but you must FIRST try every means within your power, to call your own “I AM Presence” into action. Then, if you cannot quite accomplish it, We shall supply the Courage, Strength and Assistance necessary; but do not longer feel, you cannot gain the Victory over anything. We have now given you the Assistance! Try earnestly every way you know; and then, if you need Assistance, It shall come forth to you. Please remember that!
You know your Presence and Ours are not limited in any manner whatsoever! Just feel This which fills you with Our Joy and Courage of the Infinite Power of Light! Feel It ever-expanding within you; unto the Glory of your Victory—then your Ascension; Free forever in the Octave of Light with Us. One day, We shall have many Happy Visits over the Experiences of today. I thank you.
August II, 1937
Out of the Glory of the Light which is within your Hearts, I shall endeavor tonight, to call forth into action in your world, something of the Powers of Our Light of which you have not yet become aware.
In the Authority which I wield, so far as time and space are concerned, and in the Service which I have been able to render, I am watching the opportunity more and more each day, to render Still Further Service to the students. Thru the Great Cosmic Law, which made it possible to consume one-third of all human accumulation of the past—still I am not satisfied! I think there is still more which can be done!
To every one of you Beloved Children of the Light, who is making such earnest sincere effort, who of you shall say to Me, what I may do for you! I say this even to former students—will you tonight as never before, feel the Reality of Your Freedom; the Power of your Presence surging in and thru you, while I am talking to you? Try to feel that Flood of Light, flow in, thru, and around your body; and into your world, just like water pouring thru your body.
It is so very wonderful, once you can begin to feel the Tangibility of Those Great Currents; because as you become accustomed to It, you can feel It flow thru your body; just as though water were running over your body; or something running thru the flesh of your body. The Vibratory Action, which the Currents of Energy from your Presence produce, goes thru your flesh, quite as readily as the blood flows thru your veins! This is how today in the Service We are endeavoring to give, Our Vibratory Action will so hasten your Victory. It is why We are taking advantage of these opportunities in visiting the Groups; or as the Messengers visit your Groups, We give This Service.
Do any of you think for one moment, Our Words are idle talk? I trust not! It is a Mighty Real Thing, Dear Hearts! You may not quite realize It yet; but We, the Ascended Beings, are the Reality! You—
yet in the limited state, are the unreality; because only in unreality does imperfection exist!
After all, what produces limitation and imperfection of any kind? Certainly not your “I AM Presence”! Then, what does produce it ? Your qualification acting within your feeling world, Dear Hearts! It is the only thing in the world which stands between you and the Perfection which We have. Think of it! Think of it, Beloved Ones! Just your power of qualification, acting within your feeling world, is all that stands between you and the Great Perfection and Freedom which We have!
It is not difficult. You today, can be in Our Same Position; and stand beside Us in such a short time; in comparison with the long period in which you have been drawing yourselves into these limitations. Think of the Mercy of the Great Law, Dear Hearts, that has provided the Means by which Beloved Saint Germain has brought This Understanding, so magnificently to your attention; for you have been centuries, hundreds of centuries, bringing yourselves into this present limitation! Yet, it is absolutely True, in a few months at most, you can—by calling your Presence into action, to use the Violet Consuming Flame, free yourself completely from every discordant and undesirable accumulation of the centuries.
The proof stands before you, and I am going to give the Messenger a Surprise tonight. He wondered why the change took place in the mode of His receiving These Dictations on his return from Honolulu. That was because the last vestige of his own human accumulation, had been consumed.
Remember, please Dear Ones tonight, as the Momentum is gained by the Application of the Students, you are not just in Seattle; you are one with all the Sincere Students—in the mental and feeling world throughout America! Will you please try and remember, in your Application when you are earnest, sincere and determined, you are then acting within the stratum or octave of every other “I AM” Student in America! That is why These Decrees are so powerful to set you Free; because you are having the combined efforts of all for the same purpose.
In rendering the Service to America and your fellowmen, I may not yet say to you, just how much you amplify and intensify your own
Call, for your own Individual Freedom; but remember, a Service of that kind may do for you, what no single human effort would do; because when you Joyously and Willingly give Service to America and your fellowman, you have entered into a Vast Stream of Perfection, Activity and Power!
As you come to realize this, you will see every single effort you make, toward your Freedom and Perfection—in the Acknowledgment of your Presence, becomes a Powerful Thing in your Life, There is no limit to what can be done for you! That is why I have made some seemingly, almost drastic Statements recently; because I want you, if you will, to awaken to the Reality that your Presence is All-powerful. Its Light knows no resistance nor interference, when you call It into action; and to the degree you can feel It, will you have a Speed and Activity, not only in the perfecting of the atomic structure of your body, but in the Expansion of your Light.
In the activity of your world, there is no limit! Try to feel it as never before! I want to say to some of the Blessed Ones here in Seattle who have felt considerable struggle: please do not let your human self govern you longer, in This Understanding of your “I AM Presence.” Try to release It! I will help you! Place everything in the Hands of your Presence! Your Presence is your Treasure-house! Its Wisdom governs everything concerning the Release of the money or what else you require for use. It is the Authority! It is the Certain Release, and if channels be used, Dear Ones, then the Wisdom of your Presence will select those channels! It will bring you in touch with whatever is required, if you really put things in the Hands of the Presence; to release all you require for use. It cannot fail.
Don’t let your human make you waver or longer feel, because of the appearance world, you still exist in the same state, you were in yesterday. Not one of you Beloved Students in Seattle, is the same as you were yesterday. Why? Because We are doing a Tremendous Work in your city; and you will see the result of It later! For everyone who is earnest and sincere, We are releasing into his or her world of activity, a Power from which those Blessed Ones will see the Results.
No matter how great the stress may seem, even tonight, still say to that appearance: “You have no power! There is only One Power which is governing my world and bringing the Release of what I require into my use right now”! When you take that positive firm attitude, there is no human vibratory action in the outer world in which you move, that can touch or delay the Release of this which you require.
For anyone who wants a position say: “Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ take command of my mind and body! Place me in Your position, where You wish me to be; and cause me to feel and know that no human Being nor creation has any power to prevent it. Therefore, take me Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into My Own Right Activity—My Own Right Service and do it right now”! If you will take the Firm Determined Attitude and know your Presence is the Governing Power of your world; and of all else where It wishes to place you, your Victory will come! Do you see no one can be deprived of the Service he or she requires; or the money which such Individuals require for their comfort, shelter and clothing?
Oh for that time, which once before existed in your Beloved America, when everything came forth from the Octave above, precipitated into the use of mankind; clothing, food and everything which was required. Does it seem far off today? Not nearly so far, as you might think!
Remember, the Great Cosmic Light of which the Messengers speak so often, is the Mightiest Power in the Universe! That Cosmic Light as It comes more and more into the Governing Activity of the Earth, just like the Light from your “I AM Presence”—knows no obstruction; knows no interference; and the Cosmic Light is steadily and surely flooding into the Earth everywhere! It is why I mention these things for your encouragement, Dear Ones. FEEL IT! OH FEEL IT! as never before!
If you knew, what your feeling could do, you would be Free within a few hours. Your feeling world is the governing activity; and when you are still enough, your Call to the Presence begins to release Its Mighty Energy, flowing forth like a Mighty River into your world—carrying with It, every good thing which you desire for use. There could be no failure to a Mighty Activity of this kind!
As you are listening to These Words, I am charging into your feeling world Our Conviction! I am sure every one of you will feel It definitely active in your world; to give you Courage, Confidence and Strength; because It all must come from your Presence. The human does not have the Courage, Power and Strength which sustains Individuals thru all conditions; but the Presence does. It will release It into your use, and does do it, as is being proven in hundreds of thousands of cases.
Won’t you take the attitude, tonight and henceforth, as the Messenger has so often urged the students to do; when anything shows an appearance in your world of activity which is distressing or limiting—in the first thought you have and the first feeling which operates, before anything else has a chance, just say: “No you don’t have any power”! or use the word STOP! As you utter That Word, the Power from your Presence goes forth and holds it, as it were, from your world. Then say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ Take charge here! Project Your Mighty Presence and Energy into this condition! Bring Perfection and Divine Justice out of it”! If you will do this, you will find no difficulty in releasing the Power of the Presence into action in your world, to perform any given service which you require!
So far as your health is concerned, Dear Ones, don’t let your human make you feel, you must yield longer to the appearance of distress or ill health. It has no power! What produces pain, distress and ill health in the body? Discord in the feeling and the belief of the mass of mankind, they are subject to such a condition, which they really are not!
This is where you students of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” can be a Magnificent Example to the rest of mankind. So many of the Beloved Students, are the Standing, Living Wondrous Proof of Health established in the body! It is magnificent!
Now let Us for a moment, step forth and see what We may do in This Magnificent Service to be rendered for Our Beloved America today! Don’t question Its great need! If you saw as We do, the need, you would give your utmost to make your Call to the “I AM Presence” with such Determination, that all required would be released into action! into the mental and feeling world of mankind and the Earth; for America’s Protection and the Blessing of mankind.
On the other hand, for your encouragement, I want to say, since the Messengers came to San Francisco, a Service has been rendered which would to the human, seem absolutely incredible in every way. Not only in America, but in Europe, the great accumulated war entity, is rapidly being dissolved over Europe. I tell you, Beloved Ones, after so many centuries of the lethargy of mankind, it is wonderful to see the Awakening, sufficiently within three short years, less than three years! The people are beginning to call with such earnestness; and release these things from the Presence today. Beloved Ones, it is Unparalleled in the History of Earth!
These things which are invisible to you, are as Tangible to Us as your physical bodies are. Therefore, We do not say these things just for your encouragement. We do it to give you Strength and Power to go on, and on, and on, in This Mighty Call which is doing so much more, than any one could imagine.
Again, I say to you: DON’T give Power nor attention to the appearance world! When only such a short time ago, I was able to render the Service for Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl and those who were there; and then I see the Service which those Children render today, it is Marvelous. Their Service is again to be in America. They are standing guard and watching over. Today, a frightfully destructive activity was about to find expression, when they caused it to fail utterly! Those Blessed Children are working every hour, for They do not require rest. Because of the Wonderful Service Beloved Saint Germain has given Them, They are rendering an Amazing Service for Him today. Oh, that you could understand and feel This Reality! I know you do to some extent, but could you feel Really Saint Germain’s Love and Gratitude to you Loyal Blessed Ones, who are calling forth so earnestly His Great Release, you would see how VERY WONDERFUL it is.
In this Class, those Blessed Children will render a Magnificent Service again! How They long to stir up the young people in America, to the Acknowledgment of the “Mighty I AM Presence”! Oh, in great numbers, so they can render a Service and Assistance, which They are so powerfully able and capable of doing. It will be done! There is no question about it! As the Children have been
moving among the young people in the colleges and Universities; it is very wonderful what They are achieving; what They are accomplishing.
You know how magnificent our young people are today! They are the beginning of the Incoming Perfection of physical form, for most of the young people today have magnificent bodies. Do everything you can to keep those bodies Perfect and Wonderful as they are now; because they become a Mighty Power, as the Out- picturing of the Presence intensifies, for that Service which needs to be rendered.
Tonight, in the Magnificent Vibratory action which is in the room, I long to lift you up and away into Our Octave; where you might see and know all the Perfection which exists; all that is before you, one day you will know and share. Be so firm and determined, Beloved Ones, in your Call to the Presence. Don’t just look for Results; but go on, and on, in your Call, as though you had everything in the world which you needed; and just loved your Presence and loved to call It into action. Such is the need of the outer self which wins the Mighty Victory.
Suppose your outer need is great! So long as your attention is on it, how can it be dissolved? That is what is the matter, your attention has been too much on the condition, instead of the Presence which dissolves it. As you become aware of this just as if you broke the chains, say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! I am not going to get in the way any more! Everything is in Your Hands! Take command of my mind and body and of my world.” If it is one whom you want to help, say: “’Mighty I AM Presence!’ Take command of that mind and body and his or her world! Produce Your Perfection and hold Your Dominion! Sweep Your Mighty Currents in and thru the body; and out into the world of the Individual; see that one does the Right and Perfect thing, for his or her Success and Accomplishment.”
Don’t yield to appearances, Beloved Ones! They have no power, except what you give them; and as you come to realize and feel the Fulness of the Authority and Power which is yours; you will find not a single thing stands in your way; not a single delay will come in your application, for the Results which you require. If it is some
emergency, then the Greater Release of the Power will go into action, to fulfill the Requirement of the emergency.
Do you know with the Presence there are no emergencies; because your Higher Mental Body knows far ahead; and as you become still and call to the Presence, you will come to know these things ahead; just the same as your Higher Mental Body does. It is not that you cannot know them; but because of the density of the vibratory action of the structure of your brain and body; they do not record the finer vibrations, which would reveal to you these things, you would so often like to know. This is the practical manner of governing your world, and that is what Attainment means! It is what being still in the outer means.
Your human vibratory action must be still, if you want to have clear definite results, in your call to the Presence.
Suppose you needed Additional Understanding, Knowledge or Directing Intelligence for a given objective. Your Presence and your Higher Mental Body already know what it is you require; and if your outer were still enough and your brain structure vibrating rapidly enough; you would know clearly, definitely and instantly, everything you require; not only today, but days and weeks ahead.
This comes to the important point, Beloved Ones—where the need of mankind is sufficient obedience to the Law of your Life. It brings about the Freedom and Attunement of your brain structure; wherein, you can receive from your Higher Mental Body, the Clear Definite Direction! Sometimes, the Beloved Students jump at conclusions, and when it is still their own human desire acting, they feel it is the Presence. Then, they find they have made mistakes; but in such instances, they should not be discouraged.
So many times Students have felt they were in connection with Saint Germain and really were not! I urge you to be very discriminating. Don’t be in a hurry, in your Call to the Presence. When you begin to receive Definite Powerful Direction, you will know It clearly and surely; but don’t jump at any conclusion! Wait until you are sure. If Beloved Saint Germain communicates with you, there will be no uncertainty about it, be sure of that! Don’t accept someone’s communication claiming to be Saint Germain. Be sure it is Him.
We have had many instances to correct in that respect. So be careful! It is not going to delay your Freedom, to wait and demand to know unmistakably. Not at all, and may hasten it tremendously! One blessed lady, when the Messengers were in Portland, believed as firmly as she lived, that she had been receiving communications from Saint Germain. The Messenger knew instantly she had not. He waited for the time to try and explain; but it did not arrive while the Class was on there. Afterwards, a letter came from this blessed one. The Messenger had made the call to Beloved Saint Germain to go and show her the Truth. Simultaneously, she was impelled to make the Call. The time had arrived for the Communication, and with very great firmness, she said: “Now if this communication is not from Saint Germain, see it does not occur,” and it did not occur! Then, she knew the Truth of the Words the Messenger had said to her. It was not Saint Germain communicating with her; and the blessed one was set Free then and there. It was a Magnificent Thing. She was a most earnest person, who believed absolutely she was right; yet the Messenger knew instantly, she was being deceived.
A number of instances of this kind have occurred, so I prompt you, Dear Ones tonight, don’t accept those things, unless some very Definite Powerful Proof has been given; because the sinister force, or that which We call the sinister force, which is discordant human creation, tries to hold its reign over mankind.
In twenty-four hours, the Service which has been rendered your city here, is delightful beyond words. Thousands and thousands of discarnate entities have been taken from your city in twenty-four hours! You have no idea how mankind is affected, by the Individuals who cannot leave the Earth, who long for association with human Beings. Remember always, the Mercy of the Great Law which has made possible This Service for the Earth! Do you realize, only a few years ago, This Service could not have been rendered; because enough of the Free Will of the Individual could not be set aside, until the Great Cosmic Law made It possible.
Do you understand? I feel you do not just understand what We mean, when We speak of the Great Cosmic Light. It is an Activity of the Law of Life for the Earth, directed by a Group of Masters, which the Messengers refer to as the Great Central Sun. That Cosmic Light
is projected into the Earth, by These Great and Mighty Beings Themselves; a Consciously Projected Activity, Dear Ones! It is not an involuntary activity, when We refer to the Great Cosmic Light; but It is projected by This Group of Cosmic Beings who govern This System of Planets. In the seven physical planets, to your System, it acts as a “V” shape, and your Earth is at the lowest point. You came down this side (the left side) and you go up this side. (the right side) You came down here consciously, by turning your attention away from your own “Mighty I AM Presence.” You kept lowering and lowering the rate of vibratory action by your attention on things, instead of the Presence; until you find yourself in your present state of density.
Now, you will begin ascending into These Planets above the Earth. Venus is your next one above the Earth on the upward trend. Therefore, Beloved Ones, that is why Venus and the Great Kumaras have been and were Those who of Their Own Volition, offered Their Service to the Earth. They offered It to mankind to whom They could give Assistance; because mankind must in its next step, go to the Great Ones on Venus, if the people do not make their Ascension here now. I do not mean in the next embodiment, but one day the Advance of the Light within Individuals impels them into certain localities.
Those who are now in the Understanding of their “Mighty I AM Presence,” making the Call for Assistance, and decreeing for their Ascension in this embodiment, can have Help. Should they for any reason not accomplish it, they will carry This Exact Knowledge with them; when they have thrown off the body. They will go into the Octave of Light and continue their Instruction of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” When they come back into embodiment again, they will bring with them in childhood, This Full Understanding of the “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Application of Its Laws. They will then make the Ascension quickly in the next embodiment.
That is the Far-reaching Power and Understanding of your Presence! It is why the Messengers have said to you and why We say to you: “It cannot fail in any manner.” As the Messenger has said to you so often, if you will do but One thing in an emergency; still yourself and say: “I AM,” “I AM,” “I AM,” you would release the Power
of your Presence into action! Then and there, when you utter Those Words firmly like that, It is Divinity announcing Its Power and Action at your point in the Universe, where It is expressed. There are no words in the vocabulary of any language which touch one thousandth part the Power of Those Two Words—“I AM.”
That is why We ask all, please, in all reference to your God- head or to Divinity, use the Words “I AM”—or “Mighty I AM Presence”! Do not go on using your old terminology or the things which you have known. They do not carry the Same Power as the Words “I AM”—your “Mighty I AM Presence.” Think of what It means, in the vibratory action, to say: “My ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ ” Its Power is released into and thru your body, every time you say that; and if you say It with Great Firmness and Determination, then the Intensification of your Presence and Its Energy which beats your Heart, is released into and thru your body into action.
There is another point, I want to refer to tonight. Beloved Ones, why do not all have the Clearness of the vibratory action in the brain, which gives them the Clear Direction from the Higher Mental Body? Because of various things which have caused the density of the brain structure; until it does not vibrate rapidly enough, to let the Direction of the Presence come thru.
Shall I make another Very Drastic Statement to you? There is not One Student of the “I AM,” who has been in This Understanding one year and is really in earnest, who has not stepped up a receptivity of the Vibratory Action of his or her brain, more than fifty percent in one year! That ought to be encouraging. It is True! It is Absolutely True!
The various habits of mankind which have made the brain structure dense, must be discontinued. They are alcoholic beverages, narcotics and smoke. Smoke is worse than other kinds of use of tobacco in that respect; for the smoke penetrates the fine cells of the brain; and if beloved mankind knew what inhaling smoke did, the people certainly never would do it the second time. These qualities Individuals have drawn into themselves from the appearance world; by the activity of the sinister force, who wanted to make the brain so dense, that mankind could not receive the Divine Direction from the Presence.
Another activity is the waste of the sex energy, which draws from the brain, the Illuminating Power which would cause it to vibrate more rapidly. Then, the density comes also from meat in the system. Too much starch also makes it dense. Those are the five particular activities, which have created greater density in the brain structure of mankind; to prevent it vibrating rapidly enough, to receive clearly and definitely from the Higher Mental Body, whatever would set the people Free, like that. (wave of hand)
These are actual Laws which you are compelled to live in and under. If Individuals wish to correct these conditions themselves, if they have made these mistakes; then We are ready to give Every Assistance Possible. We never judge or condemn mankind; but remember, Beloved Ones, you must be strong in your stand with your Presence; because of your own human creations; because of the mass atmospheric pressure of all mankind in which you are constantly moving.
It is why one has to be strong in the Acceptance of and holding fast to the “I AM Presence”; and it is why the Progress and Expansion of the Light of the Messengers has been so Tremendous; BECAUSE THEY WERE FIRM AND DETERMINED. After Beloved
Saint Germain explained to them what was required, they were dynamite in standing guard over their own worlds. They made such Dynamic Application, as you could scarcely imagine; but that is what is required. At first, you must necessarily make firm Determined, Dynamic Application. Then, you will soon break thru, dissolve and consume the accumulation of discord about you, which has prevented your Freedom.
Beloved Ones, when such a Wonderful Condition exists, as is here in this room, We just long to take you in Our Arms and hold you there for a few moments; until every vestige of everything which has ever been accumulated, is dissolved and you stand Free! How We long to do it; but mankind must thru its own Application set Individuals Free! Wherever the effort is in earnest, We will give Assistance to the limit. Never doubt that, Beloved Ones. You are never alone when you have entered This Stream of Light; never in the world, because some of Us are always watching over, to see
where Assistance is needed, for We know far better than you, when It is needed.
Tonight in this most delightful hour, may you feel the Full Release of all that is yours! I say to you: do not longer accept any limitation! The Power of your “Mighty I AM Presence” take command of you and your world! Silence the human within each one! Cause it to be obedient to the Great Law of Life! Cause it to cease forever, requalifying this Pure, Perfect Energy which flows forth from the Presence and into your body, with any discordant feeling. Take command of each body, “Mighty I AM Presence” tonight! Hold the human so calm and serene, Joyful and filled with the Great Loving Harmony and Blessing; that Its Energy flows forth just like a Mighty River, performing Its Purifying Service! Then, let It go out into your world, harmonizing everything and bringing the Release of everything which is required.
I charge your Higher Mental Body, every one, tonight, from this moment—to stand guard over these bodies, with such Invincible Power that no longer is the human discordant. No longer, does it accept the appearance world of discord and limitations; but in the Great Calm Serenity, thru calling to the Presence; receive Its Out- pouring Limitlessly in Its action to produce Health, Harmony, Joy, Courage and Strength in the body. It goes out into the world of each one, producing Its Harmonizing Activity; Its Successful Achievement and filling each one with the Conscious Power of his or her own “Mighty I AM Presence.” Keep It flowing forth with Its Mighty Directing Intelligence, which makes no mistakes.
“Mighty I AM Presence”! tonight, assert Your Dominion in every one! Glorify Yourself in Your Expression thru mankind without limit! To those who are in this room tonight, for which a Special Service can be rendered, see It is rendered this hour!
In the Fulness of Our Love and Blessings, the Host of Ascended Masters, the Legion of Light and the Great Cosmic Beings, release into the world of these Blessed Ones—the Courage and Strength, Self-control and Dominion. There they can give co-operation to the Law of Life, the “Mighty I AM Presence”—which will enable It to release quickly, Its Mighty Power of the Violet Consuming Flame; to dissolve and consume every vestige of human creation about them.
By Its Mighty Directing Intelligence, pour forth Its Mighty Intelligent Direction and show them the Way of Life which the Presence is!
Our Love enfolds you always unto your Freedom and Ascension. Try to accept even your Ascension as Real now! for the Final Goal of all pilgrimage upon Earth, is your Ascension, all of which is as practical as anything in your outer world. Try to feel all of This Great Reality of Freedom. Live in It! Be it! Then see how quickly, It will come into the Full Power of Expression forever sustained!
I thank you.
August 15, 1937
Beloved Ones of Seattle, sometime ago you will remember, because of the Out-pouring of the Great Cosmic Light to mankind, I was able to set aside the action of time and space. In other words, dissolve and consume for you and all of the Students of the “I AM” throughout America—one-third of their own human creation. If you understood this, it would give every one Infinite Joy, Courage and Strength!
Now, I have an added Joy to relate to you today. Since the twenty-first of July, when the recent Great Release of the Cosmic Light struck the Earth; I have been able to dissolve and consume another one-third of your own human creation for you! That means two-thirds of your own human accumulation of the centuries, including the present—has been dissolved and consumed for you!
That is how Great Our Love is for you! It means every sincere “I AM” Student in America and the World; for many have now become sincere Students in almost every country of the World. Will you try for just a few moments, to feel with Me just what THAT means to you? Beloved Saint Germain told you, your own human creation was ten times more pressure upon you, than the atmospheric pressure of Earth. Then it means also, two-thirds of the pressure of your own human creation is released from you, from your physical world. Why do I call your attention to this? Because of the Power of your Attention, which gives you the Realization; for I know you believe, I tell you the Truth.
Notice this carefully, for I am endeavoring to give you the Full Feeling—that two-thirds of your own human creation have been dissolved and consumed for you. It means two-thirds of the pressure, which is wholly an independent activity from the usual effect of your own creation, has been released from acting upon you. It is a Tremendous Thing, Beloved Ones; and it makes your own effort in your own Call to your Presence, two-thirds easier for you.
That has gone into Activity, since the twenty-first of July, since twelve o’clock on the beginning of the twenty-first. I wish you might feel quite definitely, all of These Great Cosmic Activities which sweep into action for the Earth, are a very definite thing. Ordinarily, all of the Cosmic Activity of the Earth came in, as a Gentle Blending into the atmosphere of Earth; because mankind was not yet sufficiently prepared; but as This “I AM” Activity has continued to act thru your Decrees, in Its Various Pulsations to Earth; mankind has been prepared. Now like that (a wave of the hand) It comes in a sweep, instead of the Gentle Activity which was required before. This is why We want your Attention to be on these things; because thru your Attention, much more can be done for you, than if you were not aware of It.
Let Me assure you, Beloved Ones, your Attention is so Powerful! Remind yourselves every morning, when you awake: “Now what my attention is on I become! Where my attention is, there I am”! Then you won’t want to let your attention be on destructive or limiting things; because you know you become what you contemplate.
Every moment your attention is on gossip, criticism or condemnation, you are becoming that yourself! You may be ever so innocent of any feeling; but if you begin to revolve or discuss criticism, condemnation, judgment, hatred, anger, jealousy and all those things; you are charging them into your world, which you will have to experience to some degree! This is why the Power of your Attention is the most Gigantic Thing in the use of mankind today!
Your Power of Qualification and your physical eyesight, your vision, have a triple activity, which if governed constructively, will fill your world quickly with Perfection of every description! It is why in This Explanation today, I take the opportunity again to remind you of these things.
Don’t think any one of you escapes! That is why I want to use this opportunity, to say to the Groups in Seattle, you waste your time; if you allow yourselves to criticize, condemn or judge anyone, any person, place or condition! You are not harming any other person; but you are harming yourselves, by filling your worlds with the quality upon which your attention rests. You cannot avoid it! So don’t be foolish, Dear Ones! You should be thinking about yourselves. You
cannot harm anyone else, but you do harm yourselves more than you will ever know; by a continuation of any of those activities— criticism or gossip!
I know this Good Messenger will pardon Me for interrupting with a few Explanations; but do you realize what sometimes one sentence of gossip will do? It will wreck human lives! You do KNOW It in your calm moments! THEN, DO NOT LET ANY EXCITEMENT OR FIT OF ANGER, CAUSE YOU TO SAY UNKIND THINGS, SOMETIMES FALSEHOODS—COMPLETELY! BECAUSE ANGER KNOWS NO DISCRIMINATION! IT CARES ABOUT NOTHING EXCEPT TO DESTROY! IF THAT QUALITY IS ACTING IN YOU, THEN FOR THAT MOMENT, THERE IS ONLY DESTRUCTION ACTING.
These are vital things! You who touch This Stream of Light and have come to know the “I AM Presence,” must know such discordant feeling is not permissible; for it is you who are being destroyed, limited and interfered with! You don’t harm anyone else! You might affect them temporarily, but very little; especially you cannot affect the Students of the “I AM,” who know how to protect themselves! Dear Hearts, I could cite to you in your earthly activity, thousands and thousands of homes and families which have been wrecked, by a sudden angry vicious sentence or remark. Oh, as you value your lives, Beloved Ones of the Light, never allow yourselves to say an unkind word, about another one of your fellow Beings! One day, you will have to face it. Now in the Onrush of the Great Cosmic Light into the outer world, which is coming more and more quickly, you won’t have so much time to escape it!
We have been compelled to stand by and see happy families, happy husbands and wives separated by vicious gossip, in which there was not a Word of Truth! It is a tragedy before the face of mankind! That thing is done constantly! Over the bridge games, in the social gossip of the world, tragedy is created each day! Oh, the pity, the pity of it!
Sometimes people think they can say a word, a sentence of falsehood; and they know it is false when they say it. Yet that impulse comes on and acts; and then destruction starts and it
gathers. Homes, happiness and sometimes whole embodiments are destroyed—by a thoughtless, cruel, unkind word.
We see! We have to see! all of such unhappiness acting within mankind! Today when the opportunity is so great and Complete Understanding is before you, in how to govern these things—why they produce certain effects and limitations upon mankind—won’t you join Us; every one of you, in stopping instantly every attempt at gossip? Oh, it is the most frightful thing in the activity of mankind! We know of one instance now, where the greatest injustice is being done; and those who have started it, will weep in sorrow for the mistake.
I prompt you, We want you to be Free; but you cannot do it, Precious Ones of the Light, as long as you allow these qualities to act in your feeling world, and give expression to them. There is no provocation for these things! It is only because the old destructive momentum generated by mankind, is acting in the atmosphere of Earth; and people, who do not know how to protect themselves, take it on. It is like one impulse after another, forming a momentum! The moment people get too much gin, they begin to talk! If they get a little excited, they begin to talk! If they become a little angered, they begin to talk! That is the human impulse of the destructive qualities within the human Being.
It is why under the old order, the students who went to the Retreat, were held in Absolute Silence for from three to five years! They never were allowed to speak a word! That taught one obedience! You today, are being taught by the experience of the outer world.
The Light is before you! Use it, Dear Ones, and have the Blessing and the Freedom which It brings! Remember, you are the Chooser, the Decreer how this energy is going to act in your world! Don’t make any mistake about it. If you insist on allowing discord to act within your feeling world, falsehood and gossip; then you will reap those qualities and it is a most unhappy reaping.
So today, in My Calling your attention to the Achievement which has been attained; whose Blessing We are so happy to have given to the Students of the “I AM” throughout the World; and in the prepared atmosphere today, I have taken the opportunity to prompt
you again; not to do the things which bring destruction into your world.
I thank you very much!
September 18, 1937
Beloved Students of America! Great is your Privilege! Imperative is the need of your Call to God, your “Mighty I AM Presence”; to release Its Power into the activity of the physical world, to give the Assistance to mankind which is necessary today.
The world, as you commonly use the term, is “on the spot”— before the Great Cosmic Light! It will not tolerate longer mankind’s tardiness, let us call it, in giving forth the assistance which is required today.
If you have not known it before, you shall tonight! There is no destructive force in the Earth or anywhere else which is not caused by human Beings! The only place where the destructive force exists is upon your Earth and in its atmosphere; which is known as the psychic or astral world. Make no mistake about it; in the psychic or astral world, which is but discordant human creation, there is no good thing; and there are no gradations of that octave of vibratory action!
Everything of a destructive nature which is generated by mankind, is held within that octave from the surface of the Earth up to approximately seven thousand feet. It is known as the astral or psychic world; in which humanity is compelled to move all the time unless—observe the Chart—unless mankind will understand the “I AM Presence,” the Individualized Presence of God; and call It into action to form about the outer self the Tube of Light, which can be made Invincible to all surrounding discord. As Individuals call the Presence to do this, they will find themselves enveloped in a Tube of Invincible Protection; in which they can move among mankind, untouched by discord.
Students everywhere throughout America, who have been earnest and sincere and called the Presence into action to produce the Tube of Light, have had Its Results! Mrs. Ballard and This Good Messenger have been compelled to call That into action in order to
survive; and they have gone forth expanding the Activity of the Light, untouched by the discord of the outer world.
So you too, Beloved Ones, if you will call the Presence to formulate This Tube of Light about you, can do the same thing. It is a part of yourself! Observe the Chart! Again, That Stream of Light and Energy is you! When you call the Presence into action, to formulate This Tube of Light about you, the Higher Mental Body takes the Radiance from your Call up to the Presence, which forms the Tube of Light and establishes It about you as definitely as a wall of steel.
Remember, That Light which comes from your Presence is Self- Luminous, Intelligent Substance; from which everything in human form came forth or ever will come. Your experience in human forms, is but your Life clothed in the more condensed discord of human feeling; thru which That Mighty Light and Energy is trying to expand Perfection. Remember, the greater density, is caused by the discord which has generated in your feelings. Discord is the only thing which makes density of form.
Once you free yourselves and your feeling world, which is as far as your hands extend around you—sometimes farther—from every discord and hold your world Harmonious; you will find the Powers of the Presence flowing thru; and Perfection will reign in your world! Then, the Limitless Presence and Supply of everything you need for your use, will come forth with the ease of breathing. It is the Natural Law of your Being!
You, thru discord have closed the door, by giving power to the appearance world; which has not one ounce of power, so far as you or your world are concerned, except what is given it. How do you do it? By your attention upon the appearance of limitations, which feeds your Life into it, to come back and limit you. Without your energy it could not touch your world; because it has to come into your world by your Stream of Life and Energy, which goes out thru the Power of your attention!
Beloved Ones, remember, you have three faculties within your Being, each one of which is All-powerful! Your Attention; your Visualization, which is your physical eye-sight; and your Power of Qualification! That which is invisible to you, is the thing which plays the greatest havoc in your world, and it is your power of qualification;
because everything which comes into your world, must come THRU YOU into your world of activity. If your feeling is discordant, then it will carry whatever that discord is, into your world and produce of its kind.
These are things which mankind has not understood and the people have gone on, and on and on, feeding discord thru their feeling. All the time their discord was being carried thru this Mighty Current of Energy out into their worlds; producing discord, chaos, limitation and failure.
I tell you, Dear Ones, no person on the face of this Earth, who once becomes aware of the “I AM Presence,” which beats each Heart; who will give It sincere, earnest attention and call Its Powers into action, will ever find himself or herself in need of anything. Individuals will have Omnipresent in their worlds for use, everything their Hearts desire, and there is no exception to It!
The feeling world of mankind, must be kept Harmonious, so it no longer clothes with discord, this Energy which flows from the Presence and goes out into the World. That Powerful Energy will go out into your world and produce Harmony and Perfection everywhere. Then, every one who touches your world, will have the use of everything which is required.
The human limitation within mankind, has made the people feel
—because they have forgotten the “I AM Presence”—that all is here within the human form; and its authority is the intellect. The people have felt it is what the Individual sees out here, from which they must gather their power of achievement. Behold the Chart! When so- called death ensues, observe the form which was active a moment before. It no longer has Power, Intelligence nor Action! Then, what happened? Where was That Energy? Where was That Activity? Where was That Power, by which the human form acted a few moments before? Within the Stream of Energy which comes from the Heart of God, your “I AM Presence”!
Remember, Dear Hearts, That Stream of Light and Energy is not just a Principle; but It holds within It the Intelligence, the Power, the Action which every human Being is using and requires in order to have action. Then knowing that, how can any human Being in the outer world, claim Power unto its intellect of itself? It has been the
mistake of all mankind! Thru intellectual attainment in all outer activities of Life; law, medicine, music, where the Individual thru practice and application of the outer, has attained a certain degree of mastery, it has claimed the Power in those particular streams of activity, according to their understanding at the time.
While their attention was on the outer things and the desire was acting, It was the Power, Intelligence and Activity of the Presence, which gave them whatever achievement they had. When the people understand this and know everything comes from the “I AM Presence” which gives them Life; they will place the Power where It belongs. They will be enabled to draw This Power forth in a Tremendously Greater Volume; and sweep out of their worlds, every limiting discordant thing, which ever had been drawn there—even though the individuals physically were responsible for it.
When one understands, how to call on the Law of Forgiveness, for all mistakes which have ever been made, it is One of the Greatest Things any Individual can do! Then, you prove to the Presence you want to be set Right; you are not claiming Powers which do not belong to your physical body; because all comes from your Presence! When you call to your “I AM Presence,” acknowledging It as the Only Power, you will be able to release into your world of activity—from your Life Stream, This Great Power and Energy which is without limit, exactly as We are able to wield It today!
Think of those Precious Children—Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl, whom Beloved Saint Germain brought to Me in India at Chananda’s Home! There in the Cave of Blazing Light, they were set Free forever! Today, think of it, Beloved Ones! Those Children made that long journey there physically. Today, I have come to you. Does It mean anything to you? It might sound like a childish question; but I say it for a Reason, even to the former students. “Does that mean anything to you”? Everything in the world, Precious Ones!
Try to follow Me, just a few moments, in feeling what the Power and Release of Our Power of Divine Love means in your world! While the Messenger is repeating My Words to you, I stand here connecting Myself with your Heart, every one of you. Will you notice I do not ask your permission. Then I am enabled to render you a
Service which the outer could not possibly comprehend at the moment; but THAT, which I do for you will continue forever; until you, thru your own Call to the Presence, set yourselves Free.
Dear Ones, please use the Terminology which We have given you. The Words, “I AM,” as written in English today, have come down from the Beginning of mankind’s appearance upon the Earth. In the Royal Teton—on your map, known as the Grand Teton, there are the Records of these civilizations—every one which has ever been on Earth. In every language which was used during those many civilizations—the Words, “I AM” as written in English today are there; showing Those Two Words are the Power of God.
Mankind needs to learn to use Those Words, as We do. In any crisis, if the Individual did not think of anything else just for the moment, and would say: “I AM,” “I AM,” “I AM,” It would release the Powers of the Presence into action! Ofttimes it would perform a so- called Miracle for him or her, then and there! That is the Power of those Two Words; and there are no two words in the vocabulary of human experience, which release the Power Those Two Words do. The Words, “God,” “Divine Mind,” “Divinity” and all other Terminology used to express the Godhead, do not contain the Power the Words “I AM” do. That is the Reason why Beloved Saint Germain has brought This Use of the “I AM” forth to mankind at this time. It is the Power which sets the people Free! Why? Because It is their own Life!
Your “Mighty I AM Presence,” your Individualized Presence of God which beats your Heart, is your Life; and your Life contains everything which is for your Perfection. Beloved Ones, in That Stream of Light and Energy from your Presence, is everything required for the Perfection of you and your world and It is without limit! Only as you have felt limitation from the appearance world, have you limited yourselves! It is not the Presence who has limited you. Today, you are in a position in This Understanding of your Presence, to set yourselves Free in a comparatively short time.
We have gone thru the experiences of mankind. My Experience of course was a long time ago. Beloved Saint Germain and Those who have more recently made the Ascension—for instance the Children, Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl, have been able to set themselves Free!
The Beloved Master, Jesus, left the Example to mankind, but who believed It? Who was willing to try to fulfill It? Yet, He said: “All These Things I have done, ye shall do”!
Beloved Ones, why is Saint Germain the One today, Who was chosen by the Great Cosmic Light, to bring forth This Activity? Because the Seventh Ray, under which He is acting, compels Him to be the One to bring forth the Freedom of mankind! America being the “Crystal Cup” which is the Freedom of the Earth, compels America to be the Focal Point of That Freedom for the World. It is not a matter of anyone’s choice. It is a Law, a Great Cosmic Law, which has made Saint Germain the Active Individual for Our Freedom. It is the Cosmic Law which has made America, the “Cup” to release the Light of the future!
Think of it, in India, where so Great a Light has been among a few; yet the great mass of people in India, are bound far worse than you are. Why? Because the teaching which has come forth in the past, has taught the people of India meditation; in which hundreds and thousands of them sit down in a posture; and release themselves from the body and go out into Samadhi. They do go into That Exquisite Realm or Octave of Light; but what good is it doing?
The need, today, is to bring Our Perfection down into the human octave—where mankind has created the discord; and to produce Perfection here! Unless mankind understands the “I AM Presence,” there is no hope of ever bringing That Perfection in Its Fulness into the physical octave, where It is required to set mankind Free.
It is why, today, there is no Knowledge in the whole world, which can do for mankind what the Understanding of this “Mighty I AM Presence” can do for you! I say to you as the Messengers have said time, and time again: “Whether you ever heard of the Messengers again or not; if you will give your attention to your own God Presence, the ‘Mighty I AM,’ and harmoniously abide within It; by the very Power of your attention to It, you would not need anyone in the world to tell you the Power of Life; or how to bring your own God Presence forth into action! It is the ONLY WAY mankind is to be Free in this World”!
Today, the Greatness, the Power, with which you can set yourself Free in This Acknowledgment, is unparalleled in the history
of the Earth; and I say this, as One who knows; One who has followed civilization after civilization thru centuries without number!
Beloved people, I plead with you, do not accept for one single moment more, there is such a thing as death in this Universe. There never was and never will be! What seems to be so, is but the change of form. When the body is cast aside, the Energy which comes thru the top of your head and anchors within your Heart, simply disconnects and withdraws into the Higher Mental Body of the Individual, who is reasonably constructive. Between your human form and your God-Self, your “Mighty I AM,” is your Higher Mental Body—a Form just as Tangible in Its Own Octave, as your flesh body is here. It is your Discriminating Selective Intelligence which acts with the Power of the Presence! It knows the Perfection which the Presence is, and knows the imperfection which you have drawn about you, but will not accept it into Its own World. When you call to your Presence, the Great Law and Power of the Universe, is set into action to fulfill your command, your Decree, and It cannot fail! It is impossible! If It seems to, it is only because your human doubts and fears have rushed in, with such power they have carried their qualities into your feeling and out into your world to produce more of their kind.
It is why We say to you, if you will harmonize your feeling and maintain Harmony; then call your “I AM Presence” into action; there is not a thing in the world, It will not produce for you—not one thing! There is no Power to resist your Presence in the World. All the human Beings in the World, have no Power against your Presence! All the limitations in your world have no Power, except the Power which you give them thru your attention! Will you believe that and set about at once, to set yourselves Free in the Acknowledgment of your Presence?
Because you have made mistakes, is no reason you should longer live in them! It is quite within your own choice! You can be Free, if you will! If you believe what I say, you can be Free in no time! If you will not believe It, then you will have to go on in your limitations! One day, Beloved Ones, you will realize We do not talk to hear Ourselves. We are far beyond exploitation; but We Love mankind with a Love which the human cannot yet understand;
because We see the Light within mankind expanding to the Power and Point, where the people can be given This Unlimited Assistance which We are offering, and they shall have It!
When I have come into these Classes, seeing the need of mankind and the Service I could render; seeing, feeling, and hearing the Call of those Beloved Students throughout America, It would melt a heart of stone. Sometimes in the secret of their own chamber, such a Call goes out from their Hearts, It would melt a stone. Then do you think for one moment, I would not respond to that and give the Assistance those Blessed Beings require; to set them Free, as quickly as possible, from all they have accumulated throughout the centuries?
Don’t make any mistake! I am no dis-embodied spirit speaking! “I AM” a Cosmic Being, Who knows no limitation! I wield Power which with a Wave of My Hand could lift this building and cause it to float in the air! That is what it means, in My coming to render This Assistance to mankind! Let whoever wants to, believe it or not, as they like! One day, not so far distant, Beloved Ones, you will begin to see the Power of the Infinite Light; manifested upon Earth once again, as It did eight hundred thousand years ago!
Human Beings in their human sense of time, have so limited themselves in believing all there is in existence, is within the scope of the human vision. If it were, it would be a travesty upon the Activity of the Universe. You, who might be here for the first time, be kind enough to take one of those Charts, either in the book or the single Chart and hold It before yourself every night before you retire! Speak to the “I AM Presence,” represented in the Chart, which beats your Heart! Continue with kindliness and earnest desire, to have and know the Truth; and tell Me in six months, if you do not have the Proof within yourself of what That Presence is to you?
This is a Law and an Understanding which every human Being can prove to himself or herself, if each one will. If people do not want to, it is quite their own affair, but We are calling to the people of Earth, who want to be Free; who will set aside all human concepts of what they suppose might be, and enter into This Stream of Light; call the Presence into action and have the Proof within themselves—the ONLY THING which amounts to anything is God, the “Mighty I AM
Presence”! It is their Instantaneous Freedom from the mistakes of the human creation of Earth! It is within the reach of every one in This Understanding!
Beloved Ones, I must offer a Word to you, tonight, concerning that Magnificent Being, the Ascended Master, Saint Germain, who has brought to you This Magnificent Understanding. Remember, Saint Germain said to Me in the beginning, He would try This out and I said to Him: “Do you think, you can find some strong enough in the outer world of mankind, to stand against what will be forced and focused at them, if they undertake to spread This Light?” He said: “I think I can.”
Then, the Beloved Nada and Lanto, Who is in charge of the Retreat at the Royal Teton, were the Only Ones who stood with Beloved Saint Germain, in His Feeling It could be done! Saint Germain knew, because He had looked into the Life Stream of the Messengers, who were once His Children; and saw that with their obedience, It could be done. It has been done, thanks to His Wondrous Presence!
Dear People, out of the humble efforts of the Messengers, more than three hundred thousand people in America and the World, today, are having their Freedom, in three short years! This is what I want you to understand, if you will:
No matter what your mistakes have been, there is not a thing which cannot be remedied, if you will call on the Law of Forgiveness! Call your “I AM Presence” into action, to dissolve and consume every discordant thing! Then you can have your Freedom! You do not longer have to live in the limitations and mistakes you have made in the past.
Remember to observe the Chart! You see there represented, the Tube of Light and the Violet Consuming Flame. No human Being on This Earth, can be Free from his or her own human creations; unless each one will call his or her own God Presence to establish the Tube of Light about that one! Then call the Violet Consuming Flame within It, to pass from the feet up thru the physical body; and that one’s mental and feeling world—like a great blowtorch, which gives you the feeling and sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT! It will dissolve and
consume every discordant thing which has ever been drawn about you.
Every Individual can do This, who will! It is how Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, the Messengers, have been enabled to carry This Activity forward; because they move within That Tube of Light. Twice a day, they use the Violet Consuming Flame to keep every discordant thing dissolved, which had ever been accumulated thru their activities and embodiments.
Whether you believe it or not, you have lived hundreds and perhaps thousands of embodiments similar to this. If that startles you, I would just rest in it awhile. It is True! Suppose you have lived thousands of embodiments, similar to this. Necessarily the mistakes may have been many and great. Then think of the Mercy of the Great Law, the Light of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence”—which has provided a Means, by which in a few weeks or months, you can dissolve and consume the cause of every discordant thing, which has ever been accumulated about you thru the centuries! Dear People, no such Thing was ever known in the history of the World, as This Opportunity which stands before you today! Now understand We are wholly unconcerned who believes or who does not! We present The Law to mankind! All may use It, if they will! If they won’t, they will continue on in their limitation and distress; but the Opportunity is here, to call forth This Law into action and be Free; from everything that distresses you in any manner whatsoever!
It does not mean you can just say: “Now here ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ You can do this,” then you run along and do anything you please! It means you are compelled to give obedience to This Great Presence and the Light, which is; first, Harmony in your feeling; then call Its Powers into action; then cease the old human habits, which have charged your world with discord and imperfection! That means
—now hold tight to your chairs—Dear Hearts: all destructive habits must cease from your Life! It means the sex activity must cease, which is not for pro-creation of your kind! It means tobacco must go in all its forms! It means all intoxicants must go in all their forms! It means all dope must cease from the Earth forever! It means that every human Being who listens to agitation of any kind, whether it be
communism or whether it be the unions, is depriving that one of Freedom!
Let Me just for a moment, call your attention to the need of the World today. In every civilization which has ever been, the same thing has occurred over, and over and over again—always ending in the destruction of the civilization; by this same element which is called communism and the strike agitators in the world. Their destruction drives in and stirs mankind up to where it has no Governing Intelligence; and the destruction becomes so great in the world, that people destroy themselves; and those who do not destroy themselves are destroyed by each other!
Look at the Orient today! Look in Spain! Dear People, if you saw all actually taking place there today, you would not care to look the second time.
Why have We come from our Great Cosmic Activities, to try to help mankind understand the need of today? Because America is the “Cup of Light” to the World; and to prevent this destruction coming into your America. Dear People, unless enough of mankind make This Call to the Presence, that same thing will sweep your America! As you may know, if you care to observe today, the destructive element is unparalleled in the Orient; for no quarter is given men, women or children of any kind. Everything is destroyed, before the onrush of its destructive power.
That is what We are trying to prevent coming into your Blessed America! Why do We give This Assistance to America? Because America must be the “Cup of Light,” for the World, if it is to exist! Because in a previous time It was the “Cup of Light”! It has come again into a Cycle where It must be the “Cup of Light” now; or the World will not survive! Dear Ones, the proof is before anyone of mankind who cares to look!
In the Call of the Beloved “I AM” Students of America today, the Service rendered had been UNPARALLELED in the history of the Earth; which proves enough of mankind are calling. We are nearing THAT POINT—where the Power of the Presence, the Light of God, will again rule upon Earth; and bring Its Mighty Activity into Dominion! This is how We know what is required; and what will bring the Dominion of the Light and Its Perfection on Earth.
So today, if you care to give assistance, the Power of your Presence, will answer your Call. These Blessed Ones here, have so marvelously and faithfully been issuing These Mighty Decrees; for the Blessing and Freedom of America and Europe, as you have heard them tonight. Can any of mankind render so Great a Service to their fellow Beings across the Earth; as those Mighty Decrees issued for the Freedom of Europe, Asia and the Orient from the ravages of war! There is only One Power, One Presence in the Universe, which is the Solution of these things; whether it be for the Individual or the nation. That is the Power of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence,” called into action!
AS AN OMNIPRESENCE! That is why This Activity produces such Powerful Results in the Life of the Individual. IT IS THE ONLY PERMANENT SOLUTION OF ANYTHING THERE IS; and if enough
of humanity will call, the Solution of the many problems in the city, the state, the Nation will be released; and their conditions will be solved by This Light of God!
Remember, as the blessed brother said tonight, as you go forth, you will receive Washington’s Vision. The third episode referred to there, is the thing We are trying to prevent! Remember, That Great Being, the Goddess of Liberty, Whom one day you shall know, said to him: “If necessary, the Light as of a Thousand Suns would descend into the Earth; and dissolve all human selfishness and discord from the planet.” That is The Law! That will be done! The Great Arcturus in His Dictation, used almost identically the Same Words! If it were not for the Release of Our Great Light, there would not be a hope for humanity today!
Is there any one in this room who actually feels this which is occurring in China today, could not come into your city? Do not make that mistake ! You do not know how soon it could come; and in the
use of destructive powers today, in fifteen minutes, the largest city in America could be destroyed!
You are facing a mighty crisis! Do not look upon it lightly, I plead with you! When I said to you, “We do not talk to hear Ourselves,” I want you to remember It; but We are trying to strengthen and encourage you; to give forth such a Powerful Call to your “I AM Presence”; and Release such a Power of Its Activity, that This Service can be rendered to mankind and the Earth. This Help can be given, if enough call.
We are Free! We are in no danger, but you are! Then, will you join Us in all the Powers of your Being, to make That Call to your own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM”—to release such Power into the Earth, none of these things, dare enter your world of America?
We always take advantage of the opportunities, such as Constitution Day! We observed among mankind, that which gives Us the Greatest Rejoicing possible. When those great parades went like a river thru the streets of the city (Boston); and We saw the people in lines on either side, when That Wondrous Flag came forth, raise their hats to Their Flag—then We knew the Heart of America was not asleep! Then We knew in the Heart of every human Being, is a Love for That Flag, which represents Freedom to the Earth!
Remember, Dear Hearts, the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor represents, a Great Cosmic Being—Who will one day release Her Power into the Earth and assist mankind. Today, Our Assistance from every conceivable angle, is coming in to bless mankind and the Earth.
Will each of you with Us, go down in the Records of the Earth, as one who loved his fellow man enough, to call to his own God Presence so powerfully, It would release those Powers which protected them and set them Free? We are making the Call for you; but We had no power to do that, until Beloved Saint Germain brought your attention to your Authority, your Ability, your Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” Then, We began to release more and more Power of the Cosmic Light to assist you!
As It goes on, one day, you shall know the Truth of every Word that the Messengers have spoken to you, in behalf of America and Her Freedom; and the Glory of God which shall again reign upon
Earth! The “Light of God never fails” in anything! You are That Light which beats your Heart ! Your Heart is the “Light of God that never fails” in anything!
I thank you!
September 30, 1937
Beloved Students of Boston and all who are here from other parts of America, I wish you to know today, for your great strength and encouragement; that Three Great Achievements have been accomplished thus far, during this Class. One concerning your City of Boston and two concerning your Beloved America, Our Beloved America. They are Achievements, which We could scarcely have hoped for, when This Class began. The Law does not permit Me to give you a detailed Explanation of this at the present, but whenever It does, you shall have It. It is best at the present that no further outer attention be given to It, except to know of the Great Achievement.
We have been trying for almost eight months, to bring about certain conditions, which to some degree had to come from the release of the feeling within the students, which would enable Us to do this; for remember, in all We do for America and yourselves, We must have a certain amount of your FEELING or Out-pouring of Adoration and Gratitude to accomplish It.
Try to be at Peace, all of you, concerning the number of Students here. The number is not so important. While it is always appreciated by Us, yet it is the volume of the Power of Divine Love, Gratitude and Acceptance RELEASED, which enables the Work to be done. It is why We have not said this to you in just so many words, but I shall do it now: “There is a very Great Reason for your 100% Groups and that is the feeling which you release there. I ask the Individuals who are members of those 100% Groups; do you not have a different feeling within you, in entering the 100% Groups, than you do in what is termed an ordinary Group? Do you not feel a more Sacred Power and Greater Firmness in your feelings than otherwise? If you have not noticed It, I ask you to watch It; because that is the case, as We have observed.”
Whatever will call forth from you thru the feeling, the Most Divine, the Most Sacred Feeling of the Power of Achievement, gives
you the Greatest Power; not only in your Assistance to America, but to your own Individual world. It is why every earnest sincere student should watch. I do not mean this from an outer standpoint; but analyze just what feeling is operating in you, occasionally; so you may hold it in obedience to the greatest extent, for the Requirements of the Presence.
You have no idea, Beloved Ones, how old momentum, unknown to you in the outer at the present, acts subtly in your feeling world. That is why the Guard is always needed, every night and morning. At night before you retire, and in the morning when you awaken, call the Presence to set That Guard into action, in and over your feeling world. As you do It, you will find Tremendous Assistance given.
Our Rejoicing is so great, in being able to accomplish these things, for These Three Points Accomplished are eternally sustained. I thank you for your willingness, not to be curious to know all about It. Do you know, Dear Hearts, and because this is so remarkable, I must mention it to you: when I referred to this, there was no curiosity went forth from any one! That I consider an amazing achievement within you! You rested in what I said. Thank you with all My Heart. Once you understand It you will rejoice. It is magnificent, for it shows a poise gained within you of Self-control, Precious Ones. Never lose It! I congratulate you!
Now, it is not My Intent to talk to you further than to acquaint you with this; because of what the Power of your attention does. Dear Precious People, your attention is the Most Powerful Thing. Once you can realize the Fulness of what you can do by the Power of your attention, there will not be one thing in the world which will retard, interfere with or bind you any longer. Your attention upon the “I AM Presence” is the Release of Infinite Power for every single Requirement of yours or whatever you might wish to do for others.
In My Closing Words, I want to assure you today, there have been released into this room, perhaps the Most Powerful Healing Currents in any of the Classes. There are so many calling forth to This Class for Assistance from all over America, that We are releasing this intentionally. Now will you be kind enough by the Power of your attention, to direct These Currents of Energy to anyone whom you know to be worthy; or to whom you want to give
assistance, so they may have the Help? It is a Wonderful Opportunity.
Also while I have this opportunity, I wish to thank the People of Boston, who have come here for the first time, who have accepted; and who have already received such a Great Blessing. I assure you, each one, that it is just the beginning of the Freedom and Blessing, which you can have and call forth into your world.
I might offer this suggestion to you and to all Students and Group Leaders throughout America: If you will stand by firmly in your Call; and ask the “I AM Presence,” to reach out Its Hands and bring the earnest sincere people, who are seeking This Light, into the Classes, into your Groups and keep out all others; you will find you will gain a Momentum; and the Selective Intelligence of the Higher Mental Body of each one, will actually reach out Its Hands and by the Power of Attraction, draw to These Classes and the Groups, the earnest sincere people who really want the Light; those who do not feel antagonistic; and are willing to put aside their own pre-conceived ideas, at least, to find out whether they care for This Understanding.
Recently, We have observed that particular activity among the Groups and the students everywhere. Where It has been adhered to closely, the attendance has expanded much more rapidly, than if there be a feeling within the Group Leader or Individuals, they have to do something outwardly to get the attention of the people.
There are two activities and perhaps the Radio is the greatest power of getting the attention of the people, than any other thing. The reason for that is this: with the Transcriptions and Mrs. Ballard’s Work over the Radio, when the people are listening to the Radio, they are wholly quiet and in their own atmosphere. There is nothing to distract the attention from the words to which they are listening.
Now, Beloved Ones, I am not criticizing the students of the Classes; but let Me just remind you, when someone walks into the room, you know how quick the attention goes to that Individual, until he or she sits down and is quiet. Notice, how easily things in the room or a movement will take your attention. I ask you for your own blessing to pay no attention to who comes in or goes out; but hold your attention upon what is being given! If you will train yourselves to
do it, you will sometimes grasp points which you pass over in that moment, which would be of Infinite Blessing to you.
I ask you to watch it. Because of old habit, the moment there is an unusual movement somewhere, the attention wants to go there; and unless you hold it in a firm grasp, it will do it. The safe way on the point of concentration, as the Messenger once said to you in the Class, is when you have before you a point of Achievement, you want to hold all your forces concentrated and focused upon it. You cannot afford to let outer activity draw your attention here and there, if you want to have Quick Accomplishment. As you hold your attention steady, it holds your forces in its one direction. Then, hold it steady there, until the Power surges in, and all of a sudden like that (wave of hand), it bursts thru and the Accomplishment is complete.
That is the power of your outer co-operation, in calling the Great Powers of the Presence forth, to any given requirement. As you watch and train yourselves to do these things, you can have so much quicker results in anything, which you call forth into action.
So will you watch it just within yourselves—not in others. Just take yourselves in command and see how you can best and most quickly utilize the Powers of the Presence which you are calling forth; and hold your outer in an Absolutely Immovable Focus, until the accomplishment is complete. As you train yourself to do these simple things, it becomes the Most Marvelous Thing in your Life. Now that does not require any great effort so to speak; but just a Great Calm Determination to do it. Try it, Dear Ones, and see how Great the Blessing is which will be yours.
I wish to thank every one present and at various points all over America; for the assistance in releasing the Power from the physical octave, which has enabled Us to accomplish These Wonderful Things. Then, may I ask you to do the same thing within the Individual? Now These Achievements have been accomplished, do not let down! Watch It! Do not allow your outer self to let down or feel: “Now that is accomplished, we can ease up.” You know what the outer self does—it wants to rest. It does not need it! Say to it: “Now go right on”! Give praise and thanks for This Accomplishment and say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ sweep in and accomplish the next thing with your Infinite Power.” Feel your Great Joy and Enthusiasm
in the next Accomplishment. Oh, Dear Ones, it is so wonderful! It is so tremendous! Once you understand what is being accomplished.
We have Faith in you, in every “I AM” Student in America! Will you not, in Our faith in you, stand as One Great Pillar of Light, each one of you to all the others and have all that is required?
My Love and Blessings enfold you, each one, always, and I say to those who have come so great a distance: Whatever We can do to add to your Freedom, your Supply, your Happiness, shall be done!
I thank you.
November 21, 1937
Tonight, Beloved Students, let Me call your attention to the Requirements, in releasing the Greater Activity of your Life Stream to bring your Heart’s Desire in the use of things in the outer world.
You have thought to gather from without, the things, the happiness and the conditions which you thought were necessary for your success; and for all that your Heart desires; but all have found it futile; have found it a great mistake. They have not found satisfaction, because there was no place of Permanent Anchorage; no Source to which they could give their attention and hold it there in a definite focus.
Beloved Ones, hold your attention for a moment upon Me, so I am able to anchor within your feeling, the Reason why it is imperative to have an anchorage for your attention; to keep it from wavering from point to point, and condition to condition. That is why you have your limitations today; because you have not known any place, upon which you could fix your attention, in order to have a definite action.
Tonight, if you will be kind enough to follow My Words, you will understand, as you come to know the Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” is above, you have found your Source of Life, which is the Individualized Presence of God. It is why We, as Ascended Beings, as Cosmic Beings, have Our Freedom today; because We found That Presence! We, like the rest of humanity, would have remained in our limitation; if there had not been Those Who were Greater than We at that time, called Our Attention to and assisted Us, to hold our attention upon the Source of Our Life.
You of the South have not had the direct contact with the Messengers which many of the other students have, and have not had many of these explanations. I want you to realize tonight when you cast off those bodies, the body lays there with all the organs, of its physical activities. Those organs are there as they were before;
but where did That Intelligence, That Life, That Activity, That Light, That Power, That Substance go? Why does the body lay there helpless?
Behold the Chart! All the Life, Intelligence, Substance and Activity came thru that Stream of Life from the “Mighty I AM Presence,” into the body and anchored within the human Heart! When the Life Stream withdrew, the human form was helpless. You think and mankind has been so prone to think, in order for something to exist, one must see something out here. People think, they must have something in their grasp to understand that it was Real. I tell you everything you use, which is of any Power, is invisible and you know it. You do not see the energy you are using! You do not see the current of electricity which goes thru those wires and brings the Light into the room; but it is there and you acknowledge and accept its use.
Tonight, I want you to fix in your mind, whatever power you use, and the Intelligence you have used for any achievement in your human activity, came thru That Stream of Light from your own God Presence and anchored within your Heart! It gave Action to the body and Life to these human forms. Without That Stream of Light, you do not have action of the form.
Until mankind understands this and finds the “I AM Presence” and Power, to which it can anchor the attention and hold it anchored, there is no way or means to release Greater Power of Energy than people are experiencing today. Steadily and surely have they drawn themselves into the density and limitations which they are experiencing today, and by their own volition. No one asked them to do it, but they kept saying: “This is the authority, and this is the authority,” meaning the outer intellect, and in that they made their great mistake.
Dear People, you think your intellect is the knower, the doer. Where is it, when the body lies helpless? The brain is still there, but it does not act! Let us look at these things practically, so you can have Our Assistance which you need. The brain no longer acts. Then the Power and Intelligence which acted thru the brain came thru That Stream of Light and Energy. EVERYTHING YOU ARE OR
Tonight, try to feel in all the previous understanding you have had, from every source of metaphysics, you were taught to govern your thought. It is but a fragment of the cause of conditions in comparison to your feeling! Your feeling is your Power-House, and unless you know how to govern it, you are lost! You cannot govern your thought—and no human Being ever did—without governing your feeling; because your feeling will flash before your thought has a chance to act. Think it over and see! Otherwise, why would Individuals suddenly without provocation, feel the blood surge thru the body in a fit of anger, until it looks like the veins would burst? It acts the opposite thru fear. The circulation recedes and almost stops, because fear is congestion.
Do you wonder why sometimes your body suddenly is charged with pain and distress? Because some fear has seized you, it congests your circulation and makes it almost unable to act; while with intense anger, the feeling released, charges your circulation forth with such force and power, that you think your veins will burst.
Let us look at these things sensibly and practically. This Understanding of Life, is the most practical thing on the face of This Earth. If mankind once understands It, the people will see they have a Scepter of Power and Application to apply in their Lives and nothing can resist It.
You Beloved Students who understand This Presence, know that which you call forth is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance! It sweeps in, thru and around your body and sweeps out all imperfection. If you can so change It by your Power of qualification, you will be able to quickly release yourselves, from disturbance or limitation of any kind.
Limitation, is because you are giving power to something outside of yourself, when beating your Heart is the Intelligence of the Universe. AS LONG AS YOU DEPEND UPON SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF THIS PRESENCE, WHICH GIVES YOU LIFE, THEN YOU WILL REMAIN IN YOUR LIMITATIONS. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
You have lived in hundreds and thousands of embodiments, similar to these, and there has not been so much progress. We see and understand the pride of human intellect; but those people keep right on losing the bodies all the time one embodiment after another! If the intellect were the Knower and All-powerful, then it would be able to regulate and govern the energy of your body; and keep Eternal Youth in the body, but it does not do it. Why not? Because, until mankind understands the feeling world must be held Harmonious, in order to allow the Power of the Presence to flow thru into action and produce results, the people will not have Its Perfection.
The Messengers have pled with the people all over America; and shown the need of keeping the feeling harmonious. Yet, some of the Blessed Earnest Students go right on having all the discordant feeling they please; and releasing all the energy, all the discord and criticism they desire! We have seen some of those who pretend to love each other so much, criticize each other severely, so are you to blame for this or not ? Well the one who does it will one day see his or her great mistake.
Why will you earnest, Beloved Sincere Students not listen to Us when We know This Law; when We tell you, that until you keep Harmony in your feeling, you will not have Harmony or your Release? Then, you wonder what is the matter, you do not have Results from your Application. What is the use of pleading and calling to the Presence, if you are going to allow your feeling to criticize and condemn at the slightest provocation? What is the use?
Some of you have had three years of Instruction. Beloved Ones, your opportunity is not going to last much longer, if you continue to allow your feeling to govern your world. The imperative Demand of your life—not someone saying so, but the Demand of your Life today, is continued Harmony in your feeling. If you do not do it, you are going to pay the penalty. You Dear People, who have been in This Activity for three years and won’t do that, don’t blame somebody else. Blame yourself! Look at yourself and see what is wrong. Do not be blaming the other person all the time for something!
I am determined, with your permission, to break down and cut you Free, from this fiendish thing, of continuing to allow your feeling to do these things! I am not criticizing you, but I am firm and determined, if you will allow Me to help you cut yourselves Free from this condition. Do not yield to these things! I want you to be Free and have the Great Blessing which This Understanding of the Presence brings; and your Instantaneous Answer to your application! You cannot have it, Dear People, unless you do harmonize your feeling.
There are some blessed people for whom the Messengers have worked and worked and tried to help; and they keep asking them for more help, but they won’t control their feeling. I say again, do not keep looking at the other person’s faults, but look at yours and see what is the matter with you! That is what counts, Dear People. There is not a thing the matter, except what is the matter with yourself! Just get that! and hold it forever! Then you will thank Me for the day when you shake My Hand, for being firm enough, to give you the Strength and Power to control this thing forever!
Oh, We love you so greatly and We know how close some of you are to your Freedom; but you cannot go on, if you are going to allow your feeling of irritation and criticism of those you claim to love, to longer control you. You cannot do it! There is no use kidding yourselves. You will notice, I use your own expressions, because I want you to understand what I mean. I want you to know, We are using the language which you understand, even if We do use slang. We are doing it, because you understand and know what the feeling and meaning of it is. If you want to criticize Us, all right; but you are going to hear and comprehend in the language which you do understand!
Look at yourselves, every one of you; and do not ever say your friend was the cause of the disturbance within you! Take that—every one, tonight, unto yourself! Look yourself in the face and say: “Here, what is there in me I can correct, which makes me a more Perfect person”? Then you will find the remedy, correct those habits and be happy. You will know such Happiness, as you never can know otherwise!
Oh, do not blame persons, places and conditions for the thing which is within yourself! That is why the Messenger said tonight in
the beginning: Oh, Dear People, cut yourselves Free from the psychic and spiritualistic things, which open you to all the discordant entities there are! As long as you do whatever opens you to these things, you will never know Happiness, Success nor Freedom. You cannot do it. Why? Because today, the Great Law of Life demands your attention; demands your calling on the Law of Forgiveness, for all mistakes you have made; not only yourselves but all mankind! COULD YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER AND RELEASE WHICH WOULD COME TO YOU IN ONE HALF HOUR, IN GREAT EARNEST SINCERE CALLING ON THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS FOR ALL YOUR MISTAKES, DEAR HEARTS, YOU WOULD REJOICE FOREVER.
Don’t think it is all the other person. Call on the Law of Forgiveness, for yourself and all mankind. Then, hold your feeling Harmonious and at Peace, and you will see the Glory of your Presence and Its Perfect Manifestation in and thru your body; for thru your Call, is the Action and Great Quick Powerful Means of doing it.
You cannot be Free, Dear Ones, as long as those qualities of discord act in your world! It is not possible! We have seen your great earnest sincere Call thru your Mighty Decrees! Can’t you feel tonight, as you never did in your Life, Our Great Love for you? Why are We so in earnest? and why do We not hesitate to point you to yourself? Because you are the only cause of any limitation or disturbance which ever came into your world. There is no other cause but yourself, Dear People. Try to see and feel it.
You must understand, I am speaking to you with such Great Love tonight; but you have got to understand these things, if you want to be Free quickly. Oh, do not wander around longer! Straighten your spine and say: “Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! take out of me every discordant feeling of every kind! Charge and fill my mind and body with Your Great Peace! Your Great Happiness! Your Great Strength! Hold Your Dominion over my feeling and let the Power of Your Glorious Presence flood forth and thru into my world; to harmonize, Perfect it. Take command and produce Your Perfection everywhere.” Then, you can have it quickly, Beloved Ones. There is
no other way! There is no thing which is permanent but the Perfection of your Presence.
While I am talking to you, the Great Goddess of Liberty is doing Her Great Work in your feeling world. The day you come to know what that means, you will truly rejoice. I may not explain It to you tonight, there is not time; but one day, you will all know what that has meant.
I say to you, and especially those of the Students who understand something of This “I AM Activity”: “As you have heard One after Another of these Great Cosmic Beings come forth, to the assistance of mankind now—because the Great Cosmic Light demands it, you can have Their Courage, Their Strength, Their Consciousness, the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness—to assist you to your Victory, if you will! Give your attention, first to your own God Presence, then to some one of the Ascended Beings and say: ‘Great Beings of Light, I need Your Assistance! I need Your Courage and Strength, until I am strong enough to stand on my own two feet; and in my Call to my Presence, hold my Scepter of Power and Dominion sustained.’ That is what every one will reach one day.”
I urge you to realize, it is not necessary to wait years, in order to have This Great Victory. You can have It now, if you will but allow Us to help you; if you will follow the Simple Explanations We give, but if Individuals will not do this, then We cannot help them. There is no question about that! We know the Law! We live It! We are the Law! We know how to tell you what to do and how to do it! We can tell you the exact results, if you will follow Our Directions; but We cannot tell what the human of an Individual is going to do. Not even the Individual himself or herself knows.
Oh look yourself straight in the face! If necessary go to your mirror and look at your image there and say to it: “Now you have had your dominion for the last time! Henceforth, my ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ takes command of this body and directs and governs it! In the future, you be silent,” and you will have the Greatest Release imaginable.
I say to you Beloved Students, who have been in This Activity two or three years: Do you not sometimes when you are thinking or calling to your Presence, still feel a sort of vagueness about it? You
don’t always feel quite sure of yourself, do you? That is because you have allowed your attention to be divided between the appearance world and with your “I AM Presence.” You must be able, as in the Mighty Decree given by the Messenger in the opening of the Class, to say to the appearance world, which is but human creation: “You have no power to longer touch or act within my world.” Be firm and determined! You will repel first, all discord which tries to come into your world; then by the Power of your Call to the Presence, to use the Violet Consuming Flame, you will keep dissolved everything which attempts to find discordant expression in your world. IT IS THE ONLY WAY!
We see, Oh We see so clearly, the struggle of some of the Blessed Ones; and their Hearts are so good. Yet because their feeling does not follow their attention in the application, they do not have the Full Results in the control of their human feeling. I cannot tell you tonight in so many words, how My Heart goes out to you. I can see the struggle you are having and the unhappiness which comes out of it. Don’t let it do it! Say to all human feeling: “Be silent! Stop this nonsense I will have no more of it”! Then, you will find, how quickly the human will subside within you. It must be done, Dear Ones, sometime, somewhere! So let Us do it now! Go forward into That Great Victory which your Application will bring.
Behold the Chart with Me, for just a moment! The Stream of Light and Energy comes from your “I AM Presence,” the Source of your Life! When you call to That Great Intelligence and Presence with intense feeling, It floods your mind and body with Its Invincible Stream of Light; which is Self-luminous Intelligent Substance, Energy and Activity. If your thought and feeling were still enough, Free enough from the feeling of discord, your Call would sweep every discord out of your body and out of your feeling world that instant; because the Light IS All-powerful! It knows no resistance nor interference; and when you call It forth into action, It proceeds with the Power of the Universe to fulfill your Requirement. Won’t you feel It and let It come forth and do Its Mighty Work for you at your every Call!
We don’t want you to go on, and on, not having the Results you should have! We want you to have them NOW! There is nothing in
the world, but your own feeling which can stand between you and the Complete Fulfillment of your Call right then and there. Won’t you feel that, Precious Ones tonight, and let Us give you the Strength and Courage to help, which will enable you to go forth tomorrow Victorious in everything thru your Call to the Presence? Your “I AM Presence” is the Power of the Universe and will fill you and your world with Its Directing Intelligence.
Say: “Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! see that I never make another mistake! See that Your Mighty Directing Intelligence takes command of my mind, body and feeling; and directs me unerringly in the Perfect Thing I should do; to have the Greatest Release from your Mighty Presence.” Your “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” cannot fail you!
At this point, let Me assure you first, the Most Magnificent Activity We have ever seen on the face of This Earth, has been thru these Mighty Decrees, issued by these Beloved Students all over America. I want you to know how very great they are and how powerful!
You can believe it or not, but I tell you, your Panama Canal would not exist today; if it had not been for the Call of the students thru these Decrees! Your Eastern Coast from Philadelphia to Maine, would not have been there today, but for the Call which has enabled Us to govern the energy and activity in the gas belts. It is the same on the Western Coast of your beloved California.
In San Francisco, when the Messengers were there, a great earth-quake was scheduled to come forth. This Beloved Messenger went there, not telling even the Staff, the danger from the human standpoint which they were going into; but having Full Confidence in the Call to the Presence that it would be governed, and it was! Then, still people will continue their inharmony.
The Release and Activity of the Goddess of Liberty and Myself today, together with Saint Germain and the Other Ascended Masters who are assisting, give you the Full Feeling of the Importance of This Great Light; and the Importance of your own Decrees for the Freedom, Health, Blessing and Supply of everything which you require.
Think of it! human Beings are living in ill health, limitations of every description, when the Greatest Intelligence in the Universe is beating their Hearts. They are in those conditions, because they have forgotten the Presence was there.
Dear People, if you will understand, not in your head, but in your feeling that your Presence is there; and It will answer your Call with Its Resistless Power and Intelligence, there is not one thing, you can ask, which will not be yours, if it be Constructive.
Remember, your Higher Mental Body which stands between your physical body and your God-Self, is your Discriminating Intelligence. Your Higher Mental Body will not longer release Its Energy, if you are going to use it destructively. The only energy which is used destructively, is what mankind has already accumulated from the past. You might say to Me: “Why does mankind continue to do that”? Because the Energy which is All- powerful, is charged into the feeling world. Sometimes it is what the people have accumulated from previous destructive activities; and they can only continue, while the energy already accumulated lasts. When it is gone, they cannot gather any more.
That is what is the matter with people today, who have been powerful and energetic and they collapse. They think, what has happened to Me? What has become of This Power, I was once able to use to bless others and myself? There have been so many Christian Science practitioners who have come to the Messengers in secret, saying those very words: “What has happened to me? I have been a practitioner for years, but what has happened now? I don’t seem to be able to do the same things, I once did!”
This is the Explanation. Precious People, they were using mental power and did not know it! When they exhausted their reservoir of energy which had already been drawn forth, they did not know how to release more! No one can release It without this exact Ascended Master Knowledge of the “I AM Presence”—except in a fragmentary manner. Once the Energy which was gathered about them is gone, without the Call to the “I AM Presence”; you cannot replace it in this embodiment.
This is the Explanation of so many Blessed Precious Ones. There are hundreds today who are interested in Christian Science,
who have had that exact experience. Sometimes, they fear to go and ask why or what the reason is. Let Me say to you tonight, Precious Hearts—there is not one thing in the whole wide world of human creation, which any human Being in the Understanding of his or her “I AM Presence,” should fear; and using the terminology of the blessed Christian Scientists, they malpractice themselves and do not know it.
We have no preference for any one! We state the Law. We love every one—the Christian Scientists, Unity, the orthodox people, all mankind. We love them equally the same; but We never hesitate to tell them their short comings. If they have made mistakes, they should be strong enough to see it and hear it kindly.
To think of God as an Omnipresence, is but to receive a fragmentary part of Its Power. Only as you have an Individualized Focus, can you have a Greater Power. For instance, take your reading glass: if you hold it focused, the sun comes thru and sets the paper on fire. If you keep moving the reading glass, there is not such a focus. This is a very good simile of mankind’s thought and feeling, which is swinging all the time, from one thing to another.
When you understand your Presence, then you can focus your attention upon the Goal; upon the objective of your Victory thru your attention. The Energy will flow there—the Energy from the Presence, perform the Service and win the Victory every time. Where your attention is, there your Life and Energy flow. If it be on the Presence, the Energy flows in. If it be on the lower things of Life, destruction flows into your Life Energy and destroys your human form.
Precious People, bear with Me a moment. Feel this deeply, as I show it to you! Your Life follows your attention, and flows to the
objective, upon which your attention is fixed and you cannot prevent it! Therefore, if your attention has been fixed upon human creations and limitations, you have to experience human limitations and creations in your world. When you turn it to the Presence and hold it there, keeping your feeling harmonious, you will quickly begin to release a Greater Intensification of the Light and Energy from your Presence; which will flow in, harmonize and produce Instantaneous Results at your Call. It requires momentum! It requires continued activity! When We say—turn to your Presence, We do not mean all day long; but powerfully and definitely several times a day.
There are a few people who can turn instantly, who have never known of the Presence; and feel It so instantly in their feeling and intellect, that they can upon the issuing of a Decree, have it fulfilled, but those people are not many. According to the FEELING OF INTENSITY, can they have Those Results; but if your nature is such you need to make definite application, then do not hesitate to continue, until the Results are there.
Your Application to your Presence cannot fail! It is Self- Luminous, Intelligent Substance which goes forth at your Call; there is nothing to resist and there is nothing can interfere with That Light which goes forth! It will dissolve all unlike Itself as It goes forth. It is the Power of the Universe! Therefore, as you understand It, and as you make your Call and realize why It is not just a Principle of Life, energy and action, you will know why That Light cannot be resisted. It is because the Light is Self-Conscious Intelligence—Self-Luminous Intelligent Substance.
It is why, Dear People, the most terrific viciousness ever focused at two human beings, has been focused at these Messengers, for no reason at all; but it does not touch them nor interfere with This Activity. This is why We sometimes take up these points with the Blessed Students; because for the people who try to injure them, it is a pitiful thing. Individuals who send out destructive thoughts and feeling will reap them—every one!
The Messengers never wished harm to any human Being in their lives and never shall. They love and bless every human Being
—even those who criticize and condemn them and send vicious projections at them. They know the Law and they are living It; but the
unfortunate human Beings who will not believe that, will have to reap their viciousness sent out. They are most unfortunate indeed, for one day, they will understand how great has been their mistake.
This is why We take these things up concerning your activities definitely and clearly, so all may understand, if they will. You are soon going to have to choose whether you will control your feeling or not. That is why I say this, so positively. Do not ever look around and blame any one else for anything. You are the only person who is concerned. If a mistake seems to be made, call the Presence into action to correct it and take your mind off it. Then you will be Free! IT IS THE ONLY WAY! In this Great Release of Light, Power and Energy, only when you are ascended, will you come to know how great has been the Blessing of this night and of this day. Sometimes, We long to release within you the All-seeing-eye which makes no mistakes; so you might see what is going on in your so-called invisible world. To Us there is no invisible world anywhere! There is no such a thing, and the so-called invisible is only to the human octave. Everything is visible, when you are Free from the limitations of the human octave. Everything is visible, I say to you! Therefore, do not let the appearance world of the human octave longer limit you, distress you or hold your attention. Just feel with the Strength, Power and Courage of your Presence, Its Great Energy go forth and set you Free.
There is no reason in the world why you should continue longer in any limitations; if you care to take and apply These Laws and have the Freedom which They bring. There are a great many people today, who can quickly have This Freedom, if they only will! We cannot compel you to do it ! We have no desire to, but Our Love is Great Enough to give every Assistance possible, at your Call; and to give you the Strength and Energy, until you stand Victorious yourself.
Tonight, for a few moments, will you just still yourselves and let the Full Power of This Radiance, take Its Dominion in your feeling world; and just fulfill Its Mighty Desire there, to set you Free in the Glory of Its Activity? Turn your attention for a few moments to your own Great God Presence and let Its Powers flow in, thru and about you and have the Glory which It is!
Great Presence of Life, charge into the feeling world of each one, the Full Glory of Your Courage, Strength and Confidence in each one’s Call to the Presence; so there is released instantly, the Full Glory of Its Power to govern; to control the feeling world of each one; and to hold Its Dominion in Perfect Harmony thru each one; until the Fulness of Its Power finds Its Complete Dominion in the Activity of the outer Life.
Cause each one to feel that his or her Life Stream, is the Action of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” in the human form; which can be intensified, until Its Glory fills the entire body, releasing the Light which is within every cell. Cause each one to feel the Continuous Out-pouring of Its Great Light and Freedom which sets all Free and quickly. We call This and charge It to become Eternally Sustained and active within each one; produce Its Dominion; and take command of the feeling world; hold it so Harmonious in Feeling, Thought and Speech, that no longer does irritation of any kind find a resting place within the human form! We decree this to be the Victory for each one! May Our Call tonight, remain in the consciousness of each one for his or her Freedom; so It may each day intensify in Its Action to produce those results.
In the Full Glory and Power of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Love and Blessings of the Ascended Masters, the Legions of Light and the Great Cosmic Beings, I enfold you tonight, Beloved Ones; in Our Ever-expanding, Intensified Activity of your own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM”; to flood your world with everything you require in the Service of the Light—money, food, clothes, conveyance, transportation, anything which is required.
“Mighty I AM Presence,” take command of these minds and bodies! hold them so Harmonious the Release from Thy Great Treasure-house, comes forth in all required, to give them the Happiness and Freedom which comes alone from Thee! Make This a permanently sustained Mighty Activity, within the Life and World of each one!
I thank you.
December 22, 1937
My Dear Beloved Children of the Light ! We are so grateful to find an opportunity to voice to you that which is within the Heart of Light; for if you have not thought of it in this way, do so now. Remember your Heart, while to the human sense seems physical, is Really a Heart of Light! My Heart—every Ascended Master’s Heart, is a Heart of Light in Reality. Yours is a Heart of Light in Its Expansion!
Let Us for the time being, listen with the Heart tonight! Feel with the Heart tonight, and release the Mighty Outpouring of Ascended Master Divine Love thru each Heart. I wish to render a Certain Service for you, if you will do this. Just still the intellect and let the Heart listen and FEEL ALL I wish to give to It.
Before we continue, please try to feel your Heart and My Heart are One; for in Reality that is True. Then, from My Heart to yours, can be conveyed My Power of Radiation, which will do for you what the spoken word cannot possibly do! Therefore, while you are listening to My Words, let the Vibratory Action of MY Words act within your world.
In the first place, you are entering now into a Freedom, a Presence, an Activity of the Cosmic Light which holds about you— outside of your own Individual effort, a Certain Radiance, a Certain Power of Assistance. This is being done for the Students throughout America and the World; and especially those who will be present at the coming Class. As the vast number of students have been calling for this to be the Most Powerful Class yet, so shall It be a Class unparalleled in the history and experience of the Messengers and yourselves.
As the Messenger said, you have been calling for Our Visible Tangible Presence. In your cities where the greatest need is, several of the Ascended Masters have in the past few days moved in the Visible, Tangible Bodies; to release into the octave of Earth, a
Certain Power of Radiation which is required to govern the conditions at this time; for you are at a crisis, as the Beloved John said last night, rarely reached on the Earth.
Had it not been for your Mighty Decrees which have been issued, going forth in the mental and feeling world, disaster would have come before now. During the Great Himalaya’s Dictation, when the Messengers were here before, from that hour, there were established thru the atmosphere of Earth, Air Currents to carry the Words or Qualities, which the Ascended Masters convey during These Dictations. These are carried forth from the Classes wherever they are held. This has never been experienced on Earth before; and it had to be done, to give the Protection which America and Her Beloved People need today.
Shall I say something to you tonight, which may seem startling? Yet do not feel it so. The sinister activity in Europe, seeing it has accomplished about as much destruction as it can at the present time, recently made a tremendous surge, to try to reach into your Beloved America. Well, it failed again, because of This Mighty Preparatory Work.
I say to you tonight, Beloved Students: in the Name of your God, your “Mighty I AM Presence,” grow not impatient in your application! You sometimes question Its Power of Activity. Possibly you may not see so much of the manifestation in your Individual Life; but, Beloved People, it is not a matter of your Individual Life! It is a matter of the Protection of America and the preparing of a condition, in which mankind may live; for without it, your bodies unascended would know no happiness here.
As you have been prompted from the beginning of the Activity of the Messengers, much has led up to this culminating point of activity; where either the destruction would sweep in or the Power of Light would be sufficient to repel it; and later the Great Cosmic Light dissolve and consume it from the Earth forever! So don’t, Oh don’t, worry about your Individual Selves, Beloved Ones. You can be sure after a Service, such as has been and is being rendered, you will have Assistance. Don’t question the care of your own Individual Life.
How in the Name of the Great Presence of Light, could any human Being who is sincere in the Call to the Presence, for the
Protection of America and its People; how could he or she fail to have It fill that one’s world, which would later Out-picture as Magnificent Majesty and Victory of the Light, individually speaking? It could not be otherwise! Life, Beloved Ones, never fails Its Creation!
Try to feel at One with Me tonight! While This Radiance is pouring forth into your world, forget for the moment that I am an Ascended Being, a Cosmic Being. Forget it is anything but the Power and Activity of your own Life! We must get you to feel more Powerfully the Reality which is your Life ACTING. We are the Power of Life ACTING! Our Understanding, Our Ability is beyond yours! Think again! Still We are the Power and the Presence of Light ACTING; and this is what We want you to feel, with such great earnestness. Then you remove from your world—your feeling world, any feeling there is anything unusual about the Activity of This Great Law of Life, which produces these Results for you and the World.
Beloved Ones, as long as there is a feeling or sense of something mystical about This Great Law, you are holding It to some degree from you; from rushing in and doing Its Perfect Work for you. All of the teachings of mankind have made the Action of the Great Law of Life to the human sense, something mystical! It is not! Even the Ascension is as practical as your mathematics; because It is the Action of your Life, directed by the Great Individualized God Presence, your “Mighty I AM.”
Tonight, let us enter into the practical feeling, that your Presence of Life is the Intelligence and Power which is doing these things for mankind and the World. So far as the Protection of America is concerned, will you feel with Me for a moment, the Fulfilment of the Promise of the Great Ones, whom you have now come to know as the Great Goddess of Liberty and the Mighty Arcturus? Each One has promised, if necessary, that “The Light of a Thousand Suns,” shall descend into the Earth, dissolve and consume all human selfishness and discord from the planet! These Promises are Real! It does mean your co-operation with the Great Cosmic Law; and We are nearing the Balancing Activity, thru these Mighty Calls of the people of Earth.
Then, have courage to go on, and on, and on, in these Mighty Decrees! Naturally, if you believe My Words, it will give you a Greater
Courage and Strength, a Greater Depth of Feeling, in Its release thru These Decrees—into the mental and feeling world of mankind; to perform This Service which is required and It is all a PERFECTLY NATURAL PROCESS. As you become more aware of it, you begin to feel as you must now, the Fulfilment of your Calls. Beginning with the Shrine Class, you will find this acting with Tremendously Greater Power in your world; and you will begin to see more rapidly the Out- picturing of your Call.
I want to congratulate our Beloved Mr. and Mrs. Sindelar on the Magazine, for standing against destructive forces which have rarely been felt upon this Earth. Now their great struggle is passed, and I congratulate them. I wish to shake their hands, thru the Messenger’s.
Beloved Students, I want to say to those who have sometimes felt critical or impatient: you have no more idea than an infant, what these Blessed Ones have had to stand against from the sinister force of human creation; for this Magazine has been a thorn in the side of the sinister activity, prodding it and will continue to! A Stronger Guard is this night placed about them, their home and activity; and a greater happiness will fill each one, their worlds and activity.
The Messengers stood against the great onslaught in the beginning, gaining their momentum, and now they can laugh at all human destructive activities and know they have no power! So these Beloved Ones will be able to say to all destructive forces : “You have no power! Get thee hence”! That is what We want every one of the Precious Students to be able to do, thru the Harmony in the feeling— say to all limiting destructive forces or appearances of any kind: “You have no power! Get thee hence”!—and it will be done!
You cannot imagine what it means to stand as a target for all the vicious forces of the Earth; for remember the Whole Earth is now coming to know of This Activity. In every country in the World, It has become known. Today, some of the unfortunate Blessed Ones, who have let vicious gossip turn them aside, are seeing their mistakes and will see them more and more; until they return home to This Great Stream of Light.
All the vicious human opinions on Earth, dear people, don’t matter! Why will mankind not understand and see the first Fundamental of Life is—what Individuals send forth, they must reap! Why will people not understand and believe that—before it is too late; and they have to reap the frightful destruction they send out? Again, We shall be patient, and you will see it return upon its creator. We have been patient through many centuries, will you not be patient with Us a few years? You will see all the Proof any human Being desires of This Great Law; but It is not affected by human opinions concerning It. We are not affected by human opinions! We utilize the Great Law to the Fullest Degree, which the Law of the Individual will permit, as each one’s own Light expands. Therefore We see the Glory. More and more people, the students especially, are coming to a point—where they are more and more unaffected by silly human gossip.
You must be unaffected by all gossip, for it is of the human.
As the Great Goddess of Liberty said in West Palm Beach: “It is well for each one to take an inventory of himself or herself. See wherein you can give Greater Obedience to the Law of your Life, for It is exacting, I assure you. The Law of Life is no respecter of persons! Whatever you create in your world, you will experience, even today”!
We see the Expansion of the Light within the students and their firm—Oh, so much firmer determination to stand unyielding, even to listening to destructive experiences! It is the Mightiest Thing in human Beings’ experience. Any human Being who will take his or her stand; and refuse to listen to any discordant thing, will find that one’s world flooded with Perfection and the good things of Life!
It is why the Messengers have pounded, and pounded, and pounded, This One Mighty Truth to the Students from the beginning. They shall continue, until the Beloved Ones get this Point into their consciousness so powerfully, they will no longer be affected by discordant things. You must do it, if you wish ever to be Free! That is why, tonight, I am taking this opportunity, to prompt you once again, in the preparation for this Class; because a Power will be released never before known.
Let Me prompt you! To every student who comes into the Shrine Auditorium, I say please, do not allow one thought or feeling of your own concept, to requalify the Release of This Mighty Energy! We must be firm! There is no reason why anyone should come into that Class and not feel a Power, a Joy, an Exhilaration, a Healing Presence, unparalleled on the face of this Earth! Don’t let anyone come into the Auditorium and get faint or disturbed! Such things are going to cease! It only is the requalification, by one’s own human feeling. Take your stand and don’t do this! Then, you will receive the Fulness of the Healing Power.
Any person coming into the room who will harmonize his or her feeling and sustain it sufficiently, will go forth healed of every condition which has ever beset that one. Now, do you wish to take advantage of it? I prompt you, don’t either in your Individual Life or in this Class, allow one single human feeling to requalify the Release of this Powerful Energy, for It will come forth from your Presence as well as from Us. It cannot produce anything but Perfection for you; Greater Harmony, Greater Joy, Greater Health and Strength! So do not let the human requalify It! Don’t think I am criticizing you, Beloved Ones, tonight, but I refer you to Beloved Saint Germain’s Words. A lady who was in the home of the Messengers in their early experiences, had the habit of fainting quite often; so during Beloved Saint Germain’s Dictations of the “I AM” Discourses in their home, He took up the subject and sent word to the lady: “Now don’t faint any more”! He said, “you don’t have to faint unless you want to.” Well the lady never fainted again.
Precious Hearts, I wish to help you feel and see the requalification of the action of the energy, within your world, which produces these conditions. If any person, the moment he or she feels some slight disturbance will say:
“Here, stop that! I will not have it”! in ninety percent of the cases, they will stop the whole action. You know when you begin to feel faint, you get more and more faint.
Do you know, alertness is a most magnificent thing? We are trying to convey to you—to be alert to all conditions, whether they be physical conditions and appearances in the outer world; or whatever it is that is affecting you or your world. If you will say, “STOP”! right
then, you release the Power which is the controlling element of the condition whatever it may be. If it be an appearance as an outside condition, if you will instantly take command of yourself and say: “Stop! you shall not enter my world! You shall not disturb me”! you will find yourself in FULL COMMAND of your world and the conditions which surround you.
Beloved Ones, how do you suppose We control conditions? By that very identical thing! Naturally, We are able to release a Greater Power than you are; but still We must help you make a beginning; and the sooner We do, the quicker you are Master of your world. In the Fulness of the Love, the Power of Divine Love, which I am able to release to you; if you will do this, I will assist you to a Victory and Speed of Achievement which will delight you.
We think the time has come, when the Beloved Students everywhere, must feel and make manifest This Dominion in their lives. There always comes a time in the Life and Expansion of the Light of every Individual, where after a certain amount of prompting, each one is left as you often term it—“upon his own, to sink or swim.” Does that sound cruel? No! We often feel the Call of students, longing to lay their heads upon Our Chests and weep; to arouse Our Sympathy to take their defense. Well, you may lay your heads upon Our Chests, but not to weep; only to rejoice by the Power of your own Victory!
Sometimes, when the feeling comes to Us—Oh, if the Ascended Masters are all this, why don’t They do something? They are doing plenty all the time, but let Me remind you, the Messengers did not have Us pick them up and carry them around! They had to apply the Law for their own Protection; for everything which they have, and when you will apply as dynamically as they have; and when you will refuse acceptance into your world of all foolish human gossip, you will have your Freedom then and there!
Is it not comical, that after all the Magnificent Work the Messengers have done, the Wonderful Light they have brought to mankind, there are still a few who cannot help but gossip? Isn’t it comical? It is not serious, not at all; but it shows you what you should avoid.
I bring this point to you tonight, for I think it will be of great assistance. When you hear of, or someone expresses some destructive or discordant thing, won’t you be alert and say silently: ‘There is something which I must avoid; or I will be reaping the same thing he or she is.” It is a marvelous means of prompting yourself to avoid the things, the destructive qualities acting, which you see acting in others.
Remember, another thing: every one who expresses discord of any kind—now this is concerning the General Law of Life—is but counter-acting the Great Light, called forth to bring Release and Freedom to mankind. Do you see that? Already the world is weighted down, by human creations of discord throughout the many centuries. Relief must come now, if mankind is to survive. We are doing everything possible to be done. If you do not think We are Truthful, then of course you have lost the Benefit which We try to give; but when We see from Our Unlimited Standpoint, your Requirement, won’t you let Us help you to quickly become Free from every limiting thing? We are all right! We are perfectly safe, but I question your safety, unless you are willing to give This Obedience.
It is wonderful, Beloved Ones, so very wonderful to come to the point, where you are alert and see the activities about you, the effects which they are producing and what is acting. Then, you will always be Master of the situation; but the moment something can sweep you into some kind of discord, it has its foot on your neck; just as definitely as you would put your physical foot on the neck of an Individual, and you know what that means! It means you are under its control for the time being.
This is sufficient for your prompting. Now let us take a little happier consideration in the achievement. Will you listen carefully to Me, while I state a few things which should mean Everything in the world to you! Let Me remind you, of the beginning of My Effort in San Francisco, when I attempted to give you Greater Assistance, in the consuming of one-third of your own accumulation of the centuries. Sometimes, you expect your friends to render you a service do you not? Sometimes to do you favors! Well do you think your physical friends are as willing to render you a Service as I was? Let us think deeply, this is meaning a Great Deal. I was willing to render This
Service for every honest, earnest, sincere “I AM” Student, which I did! I did My Part! Then came the time, when another one-third was consumed! Do not feel, I have done that for any one who has not been willing to give the Obedience required; but the Great Release to those who have obeyed, is manifest today in their Lives.
Now has come the Great Astrea! I question the Wisdom, tonight, of stating to you, the number of discarnates who have been taken out of the Earth’s atmosphere in the past eight months; for We have a Record of every one. Bookkeepers and accountants in the physical world think you have considerable to do; but I tell you, the Records We are compelled to keep far surpass yours; and believe Me, as accurate as your Records are here, so are Our Records accurate. I shall think it over and perhaps, give you in definite figures, the number which have been removed from the Earth in the past eight months.
That is why all over America, the pressure upon Individuals is so tremendously less today; and why there are hundreds of thousands who feel it definitely. This does not mean just the “I AM” Students; because it has taken the pressure from thousands and thousands of people who never heard of This “I AM” Activity; but THAT is the Service which must be rendered mankind. People who are relieved from the pressure of their relatives and friends in their invisible association, are feeling definitely This Great, This Tremendous Release.
We are just having a little resume, tonight. Think of it, the Beloved Goddess of Liberty, was the Great Wisdom and Power which gave Washington the Vision, you have come to know so well
—the third episode of which, We are trying now to prevent acting in your Beloved Country. She, in Her Great Wisdom, saw down the centuries what would affect America; and thru Mighty Saint Germain’s Great and Wondrous Activity, is making possible to avoid the third and most destructive thing, which would ever overtake the Earth. Because it meant, if that should be victorious, there would be no place on the Earth decent for mankind to live.
My Dear People, My Dear Beloved Students of the Light, if you knew the conditions which exist in Europe and the Orient today, you
would call as never before in your Life. I tell you, you have not a fragmentary idea of the actual conditions which exist today.
Allow Me to remind you, why did Her Great Presence—Her Great Wisdom in the final closing of Her Vision say, to Washington: “That if necessary, the Great Light as of a Thousand Suns would descend into the Earth?” Because Her Wisdom saw the wavering attitude of mankind. Why do you suppose, We have been so earnestly endeavoring to bring the Expansion of the Light in enough of mankind to a point, where We could positively depend on Individuals standing by the Light of their “I AM Presence”? For the very reason, there must be some correspondence, must be some Means of Direction in the Octave of Earth, by which the Great Cosmic Law could act. It is why and how, Beloved Ones, you are acting under a Definite Law of Life which makes no mistakes. That Life is your own “Mighty I AM Presence.”
The Individuals who will earnestly turn and give their attention to their “I AM Presence” WITH FEELING, DETERMINED FEELING, will soon find all mistakes ceasing from their Lives. This is why, We have pled and implored the students for these three years, to come to an anchorage in the Light of their own Wondrous Presence.
Oh, think of it! That Great Presence of Light, is the Most Wondrous Thing in the Whole Universe—regardless of the Octaves of Light! That Presence, your “Mighty I AM,” is the Most Wondrous Presence and Being in the Whole Universe—actually beating your Hearts, your physical Hearts! Only now, are the greater number of mankind coming to feel this with a greater intensity; and becoming more and more firm against all discordant things.
Precious People, to hold Complete Harmony in your feeling; refuse to listen to or express a discordant thing, would within one year, fill your world with such Happiness, Perfection and the Supply of all you require, as is inconceivable in your mind, even today!
Look at your Beloved Messengers whom you love so much. Only a few years ago, they were in the same limitations as all mankind. This Beloved Brother, how he struggled thru those years. Today, he is no more the same Being that he was ten years ago, than as if he were from another planet. That is why the proof stands before you, beloved people of Earth.
To anyone, who is honest and sincere and wants to see the Living Proof, I say, it is before you all the time; of the Magnificent, Powerful Manifestation of the Sincere Application of the Laws of Life; thru the attention to the Great God Presence, the “Mighty I AM.” That is why We have Limitless Patience. Today, when We see for the first time in many centuries, the Actual Tremendous Progress being made, then can you feel with Me, the Rejoicing in Our Hearts? It is Magnificent, Beloved Ones! It is Magnificent beyond all expression, to find at last the Response from Beloved Individuals who have so long forgotten their Source.
Within the last few days, We were in a Great Conference concerning the Immediate Requirements of the Earth; and all agreed with such Rejoicing, the Response today was coming to the Great Balance; for the Light, Protection and Blessing of mankind and your Beloved America. It is a wonderful thing. Never in four hundred centuries, has such a Response been given by mankind.
Now let Us all give gratitude. Except for the Mighty Determination of the Beloved Saint Germain, this would not be today. He was the One who took the Responsibility! Remember that, Beloved Ones, and try never to forget it! He was the One who took the reins, took the Responsibility for the failure or Achievement. I won’t say what it would have meant had He failed. You, I am sure in your Greatest Love have never contemplated such a thing! Then, do you wonder only last night, He spoke of the Accomplishment; and poured forth His Love and Gratitude not only to the Messengers and the Beloved Sindelars; but to all the students for holding the fort and sending forth This Wondrous Magazine, which is doing so much more in the World, than anyone dreams of, at this time. Do you wonder He and We pour forth such Great Gratitude to the students everywhere? Remember you are the Great Family of Light! To the degree you refuse to give forth or listen to discord, are you aiding TREMENDOUSLY in the Great Victory soon to be determined.
I want to say a word to you tonight, in behalf of your Beloved Lotus. Could you know the hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, and hours, she works—day and almost all night, for the demand has grown greater, to render This Service to beloved mankind. Our
Beloved Betty, who so willingly works, until her fingers split on the ends from the constant use of the typewriter.
You cannot imagine, and as they cannot imagine, the Marvelous Service which the blessed Sindelars render here in this Center of Activity. Oh, I plead with you for your own Light, never criticize them! Please do not do it! They need your Love, your Strength, to give them the happiness needed, in their wonderful service rendered to mankind.
Take for instance, your environment here in Southern California. If every student would earnestly and sincerely pour out Ascended Master Love and Blessings to every other student, what a Transformation would take place in your Life inside of sixty days! Won’t you let Us help you? Won’t you let us give you Our Strength, Our Courage, Our Serenity and Poise within your own feeling, which enable this Mighty Release to go forth continually?
I know how many times great floods come forth and then there is a lull; because of disturbance, when if That Flood of kindness could be continued, how quickly every discordant thing would be swept out of your world. Then, in its place, would come the Glory of Light from the Presence, which is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance; and It would bring you Its Eternal, Its Ever-lasting Blessing. This is why We never tire in prompting, in bringing forth to your attention, the need of the hour; the Requirements for all, for Life is exacting, Beloved Ones.
So, tonight, this Wondrous Release is going forth and is enfolding you. Remember, It is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance. It is why in the beginning, I asked you to try to feel yourself in the Great Focus of Light from Your Presence in your Heart, so you might bring Its Great Focus here. Thru your attention, It brings the Focal Power of Our Great Light and Energy, to your point right here in the Universe.
Oh, that you might understand in its Fulness, what the simple Power of your attention means. In one’s fondest imagination yet, there is none who grasps the Fulness of this One Great Activity. Remember, there is no mistake about it—where your attention is, there you are; and what your attention is on, you become!
Will you allow Me to prompt you tonight? Don’t, I plead with you, ever let your mind revert to a single thing which has passed. If you would do that, Beloved Ones, what Release would come in a few hours. The reminder of the undesirable things which have passed, constantly bringing them back to the activity of your world today is useless—absolutely useless; and to so many, so very detrimental! Don’t do it! What is passed is gone, if you let it be gone forever. What you are today is what matters; for what you are today, you make for tomorrow. If you bring the past into it, then the past will become tomorrow!
Think! Oh, Beloved Ones! think of what mankind has been doing so long! Stop forever the bringing of the past, into the conditions of tomorrow, thru the power of your feeling. Oh, draw a powerful line behind you and do not ever look back! If something undesirable occurs in your Life, don’t begin to wonder; why did that act? why did that occur? Just say: “Thank God it was not worse! Thank God, I had the Blessing! Thank God I had the Protection! What a Wonderful, Wonderful Freedom and Blessing is bound to come out of it.”
Tonight, determine as never before in your Life, to wipe completely out of your memory, everything which has passed; and if you have made mistakes, don’t, I plead with you, condemn yourself. Call on the Law of Forgiveness and forget the thing forever! Oh, Blessed Ones, when you suddenly begin to be aware of the mistakes of the past, don’t make a greater mistake by revolving your attention upon them. Simply with joy and thanksgiving call on the Law of Forgiveness and say: “Thank God, I don’t have that any more.” Then say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence!’ take command of me and see I don’t make it occur again today or in the future.”
How I rejoice with you, in the Great Victory which you are gaining over these simple things. It is the simple things, which you pass over daily, that make for the building of your Foundation which cannot be interrupted or interfered with; and all you use with which to do it are those three faculties. Think of it! The Simplicity and Power of those three faculties—your attention, your vision and your power of qualification. They are the Moulding Power of your Whole Life. Control them! Call your Presence to control them; because they are the Power of the Universe.
If you have difficulty in your outer environment, then know your Presence is the Fulness of all Power required for any accomplishment; for Self-control or whatever it may be. Therefore, in Its Glory you see—you must see with me—your Victory now!
Beloved Ones, in the Fulness of My Great Love, and the Love of the Ascended Host of Light, I call forth the Fulness of Its Infinite Enfolding Presence; and may This Radiance released tonight, fill you and your world with such Joy, Courage, Strength, Happiness and Dominion, that never again from this hour, will anything but Perfection touch or fill your world.
I thank you.
February 6, 1938
Beloved Students and Friends, while I know quite well you are not looking for it, yet shall I give you outwardly, some Reward for your great Love and kindness; which has made it possible in this Class, to do for you, your city and America that which is far beyond anything, We had expected to accomplish.
The human creation has been completely dissolved and consumed, for three hundred seventy-three people who have been in this Class. We could scarcely have hoped for such an Achievement. We feel it quite unnecessary to enumerate those Individuals; but I am sure within a few days, many will know definitely.
In the limited human concepts, I realize it is not easy for you to comprehend, what your Beloved Saint Germain has accomplished in Europe. This is the point I wish every one of you, to know definitely: You have been a part of That Accomplishment by the Harmony, the Love and Kindness which you have released here. Do you clearly and fully understand yet, the Release of your energy thru the atomic structure of your body, is imperative in Our need today? We must have a contact thru the physical substance of Earth.
We have left this octave and it is mankind who has created these conditions. Individuals must of their own volition release energy thru the human structure; which makes it possible for Us to give the Assistance mankind needs. It would be impossible, and I say so frankly, for people of their own volition, without Our Assistance to protect themselves in America today.
I think you do not comprehend Beloved Saint Germain’s Reference to what He did in Europe. It should have conveyed to you the need of Our Assistance! The Law of Life is such, We may not intrude Ourselves upon you; much as We have always wished to give Assistance. There are enough in America understanding, the Presence—and each day the Understanding is growing clearer, for
the students everywhere to know the necessity of releasing This Energy.
Why do you suppose We urged, and urged, the use of these Decrees? Because We found it the only and possibly the best manner of getting you to release the energy, which We require! We amplify the energy required, to perform This Service of Protection for you and America. I think you more clearly than ever before understand it.
You have had the proof in your own experience here, of what it means to step up your Decrees and your singing to a certain tempo, which gives a joyous Release of the energy. Do you realize there is a Balance in every activity of Life? Your scales for weighing the precious metals are a very good example. When the Scale of Life stands at Balance, all the Forces of your Being are working Harmoniously and to the Greatest Constructive Purpose; but if one side is at a low ebb, then you are not working to the best advantage. When your Decrees and songs lag in tempo, it means you are not coming up to the point, where you are releasing this Energy which We require. I am very happy to make this so clear to you.
I want you Blessed Ones in San Francisco and Los Angeles to know Our Feeling! At the close of this Class today, We feel that not in four hundred years have San Francisco and Los Angeles been as safe as they are today. You may all who are earnest and sincere, justly take credit for it. I want you, every one who is sincere and in earnest, to feel how great a part you are of This Mighty Activity.
It does not make one particle of difference whether you are a frail lady, a child, or a frail gentleman; you can make your firm determined sincere Call to the Presence, and it is the imperative need. It is the Intensity and Honesty of Purpose, which is needed so greatly today; because the atmosphere of the world is charged with deceit. In the outer activities of mankind, many people have conceived the idea, if one were a little sharper and more alert in his employing of shrewd business activities, and could put something over on another, it was all right. THAT DAY HAS PASSED, BELOVED ONES, FOREVER FROM THE EARTH; AND NO ONE WILL EVER AGAIN SUCCEED IN THE FUTURE WHO PRACTICES DECEIT.
Whether it be in achievement or your business activity of the outer world, the Balance of the Scales of Life, is going to be compelled by the Great Cosmic Light! You will remember this for some years to come. You can scarcely hope for things to be Miraculously Transformed; but you can enter into Great Harmony and Perfection, regardless of many of mankind who must still make Application! YOU CANNOT HAVE PERFECTION, YOU CANNOT HAVE FREEDOM, WITHOUT YOUR OWN EARNEST SINCERE APPLICATION. THAT IS YOUR PART OF THE BALANCE TO LIFE!
Life has been supplying you with Energy all thru the centuries and what have you given back to Life? The only Judge of that is your Higher Mental Body. It has a Full and Complete Record, as to the Constructive or destructive activities which you have served.
After all which has been said, I am quite sure now, you realize not one human Being can be Free, who refuses to give obedience to Our Humble Requests and maintain Harmony in the feeling! Let us draw a crude illustration. In your electrical power house which supplies the current of energy for your cities, if the wheels and other things in that mechanism were out of order, how long do you think you would have your electricity or Light? Your feeling world represents identically the same thing to you; because it is your Power-house! If it is in turmoil and you are disturbed, then how can the Light within you go forth and harmonize and accomplish what you wish?
You do not know what I know, but I shall tell you something today; and if you care to believe Me, you will see in contemplation, how True It is. Do you think it is just your physical efforts which accomplish things in the outer world? Beloved Ones, it is the Light, the Energy of your Presence, which goes forth before you and accomplishes what you desire. When you realize Harmony is the IMPERATIVE thing in your feeling, so this energy may flow forth and go out in Its Full Power, Its Purity, Its Perfection; then you will have no difficulty in making yourself successful in your outer efforts, in the outer world. Until mankind understands that, the people will go on in their distress and limitations.
As students today, there is no longer the slightest excuse for you not having what you need for your happiness and comfort. You
should be able to govern the vibratory action about you, and call forth the Power of your Presence, to draw about you the effects or things your Heart craves.
You might say: “How about our families who do not agree with us”? That is a very important point. The True Understanding of This Presence is the Greatest Harmonizing Perfecting Activity in the Entire Universe. Now why have so many seeming disagreements occurred in families? Because the human tried to be the Doer. Precious Ones, now think it over! I urge you never to argue the question of This Understanding with anyone—your family or anyone else! Leave all Free to come to This Understanding and into It, whenever they are ready. If you pull them in by urging, they are very apt to begin to try to pick flaws. If people come in of their own volition, they come because the Light within them has drawn them; and it will be the rarest thing for them to ever turn aside for any length of time.
As the Messengers have told you, This Light, This Understanding which Beloved Saint Germain has brought to you, is clear! It is All-powerful! It is Mighty to set mankind Free; and I say to you as One of Authority: you will not have any Knowledge, any Application, any Information, any Instruction come forth, which will even touch It, in the next two or three hundred years. You will remember, when This Understanding was to come forth, even before the Messengers knew It, We decided with Those from Venus in the Royal Teton: This “I AM” Activity must come forth in simple language which the layman and the child could understand. All technical terminology, all foreign expression must be left out; because America was the “Cup of Light” of the future; and the only spot on the face of This Earth, where there was a possibility of bringing about the Right Condition for the Incoming Golden Age.
Would you like Me to tell you in figures, how many more will join you in the next six months? I do not mean just here, but all over the United States and in different parts of the World—and I mean by that those who will come into the Application of the Work? You have a little more than three hundred seventy-four thousand members I believe now. I have not checked it up Myself, but Beloved Saint Germain has the record, and when the Messengers return to the
Shrine Class in July, there will be more than two hundred thousand added to that number. I shall not say how many more. This should be of sufficient encouragement for you all to know, unless this were the Eternal Truth of Life, It could not expand and draw to Itself Its own.
You have seen all of the various angles of Truth already. Those who have been drawn to this “I AM” Activity far exceed anything else. This has brought True Understanding! In This Ascended Master Understanding, you have the culmination of all. There is not one thing left unsaid, or unexplained by which you may gain your Victory. Therefore, those who will stand by and apply It, will have their Eternal Freedom.
I say to you, as One who has Authority to set aside time and space—to dissolve and consume the human accumulation, the creation of Individuals; and to remove the discarnates from the Earth
—there is not one of you, who cannot have your Freedom in every way quickly, by two simple things.
Since you have come to know the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” take a firm unyielding stand to hold Harmony in your feeling and make your Earnest Application. There is not one of you, who could not be Free in six months. I trust those, for whom their own human creations have been dissolved and consumed, will feel and take advantage of the Opportunity with greater power in their Application; greater intensity, greater earnestness and greater Determination. Beloved Ones, when you have lived for centuries in human creations and accumulation which has been gathered up to this time—you of course do not realize it; but the feeling, the power and the energy released thru discord, has made this condition of today. In order to reverse, dissolve and consume it, you must know you are undoing in a few weeks or a few months, what you have been centuries, hundreds of centuries accumulating! If you really understand and know your Privilege today, is the Greatest Privilege of all your pilgrimages upon Earth; you will realize the Great Mercy of the Great Law of Life, which provided a Means of doing it.
You will remember the Great Astrea, Myself, Beloved Saint Germain, Jesus and Various Ones who are Certain Authority for Certain Activities. Do you suppose We just of Our Own Desire
became This? Oh No! The Great Law of Life, which is governed by Those Great Beings whom Beloved Saint Germain has presented to you, as the Central Focus of Power for This System of Worlds, made Us the Authority for These Special Activities. Then you know that We act wholly thru the Authority of Life.
Your Higher Mental Body knows your Requirement, why you are in this particular embodiment; and what brought you here. We may not interfere with that, unless We receive the Call from your “I AM Presence,” thru your Higher Mental Body. Do not come back and say to the Messengers: “There is a contradiction.” Beloved Ones, there could not be a contradiction in the Law of Life! It is the Individual’s lack of Understanding, which some people seize upon and by which they try to find discrepancies.
This Law of Life is Unerring! It makes no mistakes! We live in accord with It and are obeying It! When your Higher Mental Body calls to Us, for the Assistance which must be rendered, not a thing in all human creation could prevent It!
Let us clear this. You might say: “Why does the Higher Mental Body, whose Focus of Life is All-wise and All-powerful, call on Us”? The Messengers have explained, but I want you to have it definitely clear this time! When you have accumulated about you, all the discord which is your creation of the past; you do not always obey the Direction from your Higher Mental Body. We, as Ascended Beings having gone thru all this process; having attained Our Ascension thru Self-Conscious Effort, thru This Identical Application
EVERY REQUIREMENT. You will pardon Me, if I use this expression
—but the stubborn human Being, who will not yield and respond to the impulse from its own Higher Mental Body, must sometimes be given Assistance, in order to let that Impulse thru. When We pour Our Light Radiation, which is Our Means of Assistance, We take out of the Individual’s feeling, the stubborn rebellion or resistance, so the Power of Its Presence can get thru to render the Service.
Now do you understand why in this Class, you feel so wonderful; you feel so at Peace and Rest; and you feel as though you could accomplish anything? Because the Stilling of your human, has made it possible for the Current of Energy from your Presence,
to flow forth unqualified by anything, but the Harmony which is within your feeling.
When Individuals come into the room to criticize and condemn, they are filled with turmoil in their feeling. They could not receive anything, if it were to save their lives. It would be impossible! Therefore, they should be Honorable enough to stay away. This is the Law I am citing to you—the Law of your Life, each one’s Life. Therefore, those who have a desire to revolve discord; find discrepancies; or something wrong, will find it; because the wrong is in their own consciousness and feeling; and so far as they are able to see, they see only what is within their own feeling! Their feeling is their desire world; and they only desire what is within their own feeling! That is why one who is out of harmony, coming into the room, would not receive anything, except sometimes to get so uncomfortable, that one would go out.
In the realization of your Privilege today, will you take a firm command on yourselves, knowing the simple Requirements? It is not much to do really, when it enables you to have such a Release, that you will never again know what it is, to meet the problems of the outer world with fear and trembling.
Oh, think of it, Beloved Children of Earth, here is This Great Presence of all Life, which is giving you Life and Intelligence and beating your Heart, functioning every activity of your body; doing all this for you. Can’t you give just a little obedience, the little which is required, to let the Light from the Presence, flow untouched by human qualification; in order to render This Service and release the Happiness and Perfection which is just waiting, waiting, waiting to push Itself thru today?
The Simplicity of it is what mankind has overlooked. Do you see why the Great Wisdom compelled These Books, to come forth in simple language and the Understanding which all might grasp? It is the Only Way mankind can get the Clearness, the Perfect Understanding of Life. All said in Those Books, every Explanation, is the Law of the Action of your Life! everyone’s Life! Our Life! When We say to you, Beloved Ones, We made this Identical Application, We mean every word of It. There is but one Application in the Universe which sets mankind Free. It is first, the Understanding that
you have an Individualized God Presence above you—the distance makes no difference. From your “I AM Presence,” comes the Stream of Life and Energy anchoring into your own Heart, and It gives you Life, Intelligence and Activity. IT IS THE ONLY THING IN THE WORLD WHICH WILL GIVE MANKIND FREEDOM.
Then, knowing you have brought yourselves into this condition, by the lack of Understanding and the unwillingness to do certain things; or by not knowing you should do certain things; it has allowed discord to accumulate for centuries. The Great Mercy of Life has said: “Now my children, I will give you one more Opportunity.” This is Life for the moment speaking to you. “I have brought forth from My Secret Chamber of Life, the Fulness of the Understanding of Life.”
The one who is vicious will not understand this of course; because he or she cannot understand anything but his or her own viciousness, for such a person does not want to; but the one who is sincere and in earnest, who will still himself or herself, will know without one word from anybody, the Truth of this Instruction! Every Heart knows It, and if every Heart is left alone, It will continue to know It daily, with Greater Power and Expansion of the Light.
The Blessed Ones, who do not realize the need of standing within the Radiance of their own “I AM Presence,” and refusing to listen to false gossip, will be wavering for the time being. It will make it more difficult for themselves to apply This Law; until they have the Evidence within themselves in their own experience, of the Infinite Power of This Law and Its Application to produce exactly that for which they call.
You have heard the Messenger say it again, and again, your Call is compelled to be answered! Why? Now notice this point! What is it within you which makes the call? What is the Intelligence, the Energy, the Light which enables you to voice the words or feel the feeling? It is Life, isn’t it? Could there be anything else? It is Life, and if left alone to Its Perfection, It will always cause you to feel and do the Right Thing. Then It is Life, the Secret of Life revealing Itself to you!
Why has It not done so before? Because That Secret of Life could only be revealed and held in Its Purity, by Those Who had freed themselves from Earth’s limitations. Do you not see? How
could one yet in the limitations of your world, give you the Fulness of Life without limitations? It would not be possible! Therefore, We Who have attained Our Freedom from these limitations, know exactly how to do it. Every human Being or every Being while that one was still in the human quality, who gained Freedom, came thru this same Application; because there is only one Way. It is to understand your Individualized “I AM Presence,” Its Laws, Its Whereabouts, Its Connection with you and your connection with It; and then apply the Law of your Being!
Again, why are We needed? Because Our Words are “Cups” which carry the Ascended Masters’ Perfection and Qualities into your feeling world, your Life and Its Activity. That is why you need Us. Does it sound like We urged Ourselves upon you? I trust not, but This is the Law of Life!
Do you expect your children in kindergarten or the first grade, to understand the advanced studies in your schools? Would We expect you in your present state, to suddenly transform yourselves; and understand with the Fulness which We do? That would hardly be reasonable would it? Yet, there will be Individuals among you in the next twenty years, who will to the outer sense seem to do this. In fact Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl have, but it was My Great Joy and Privilege to render the Service, which almost did that; because their Life Streams happened to be clean and Free from too much discord. You have never received an explanation for it, have you? I am sure the Messengers will appreciate this themselves. Why was it Rex, Bob, Nada, Pearl and the Messenger were brought to Me? BECAUSE IN PREVIOUS LIVES, THEY HAD COME WITHIN A CONTINUED HARMONIOUS ACTIVITY AND RADIANCE. In a
former embodiment, which it is not necessary for Me to describe, they made a Mighty Decree, understanding at that time the Law of rebirth. They decreed with a Powerful Mighty Decree, in all following embodiments, until they attained their Perfection, they would only take on embodiments where they were in Perfect Harmony; and of course it had to be fulfilled. There have been many who have done it, but this is one of the instances in which it has been My Joy to assist and to explain to you the Reason for it.
Let Me remind you of the Great Power and Privilege which is yours. We have not thought it wise, to say too much, but you today in this atmosphere cannot misunderstand it. Charge your Higher Mental Body on going to sleep, to pour back Its Mighty Currents of Energy—healing if that is required; harmonizing or controlling your physical body. If you would call It to take Full Action on your awakening in the morning, you would find some very Joyful and sometimes Astounding Results!
Will you remember your Higher Mental Body is the Governor of you and your world out here, if given a chance? Because of discord, It has not been able to do Its Work. Thru your power or requalifying and clothing the energy, which goes out into your world, it produced the result of the feeling with which it was clothed.
If you want to maintain Harmony in your feeling, then charge your Higher Mental Body to make you do it. It is only waiting for the invitation. Now mark you! the difference between the human effort to do something and making the Call to the Intelligence and Power which has the Authority to do it. The human of itself has no authority! For instance, when you are using what we term the human will, it is the gathered energy in the outer activity of your world and you charge that forth. It is filled with human qualities and of course it does not produce the results you want. When you turn to your Presence and call Its Power, which is Light, Self-luminous Intelligent Substance into action—It knowing no resistance nor interference, you are bound to get the Results of Perfection. I mean outside of your outer achievement which is required. In addition to your outer accomplishment, you have called into action the Greater Power of Perfection into your feeling world. This is the greatest need of today. Will you feel It and hold to It with Definite Precision, so you may have this quick, Great Eternally Sustained and Ever-lasting Blessing?
Do you realize, Beloved Ones, there is being rendered for you the same Identical Service, a part of it, which was rendered Rex, Bob, Nada and Pearl? They were brought to Us; We are brought to you, to render This Service, because of the conditions which exist and the need of the World. There is no time and in other ways, you are not prepared to come to Us, as they did in India and in the Royal Teton or the Cave of Symbols. Therefore, We must come and give you the Assistance. We never could have done it in the world, if you had not been made acquainted with your “I AM Presence”; and been making These Earnest Determined Calls for your Freedom and Perfection. Do you see now, you are beginning to comply with the Law of your Life and return to It, something of what It has given you? I urge you today; do not mind, if We keep repeating these things, because it is so necessary. Charge, keep charging, yourselves with the Perfection of your Presence; with Self-Control, with Discrimination and all the various qualities, you wish to have brought forth. Stand unyielding, because there is never one of your Calls which can fail. I want you to realize that.
Let Me show you how impossible it is, for any Call to fail. If you made an Earnest Sincere Call to your Presence for anything, and you, for an unexpected reason, became voluntarily disturbed, the energy for the Fulfillment could not come forth. It would wait there and when you became Harmonious enough again, It would come thru and do Its Work.
It is the Law of Life and is why the Messengers have said to you, when you call your Presence into action, It is an Eternally Sustained Activity. It is an Eternally Sustained Achievement and you do not have to repeat and repeat it. When you call your Presence into action and the Result is produced, It is there and nothing has to be repeated. It is why everything in the Application of your Presence is a Permanent Accomplishment.
We want you to feel this, for in the Glory of your Life, the Stream of Energy which gives you Life, is all the Power and Intelligence there is anywhere in the World, so far as your individual world is concerned. It is the only part you can contact. You cannot go anywhere outside your own world, Dear Hearts, it is impossible! You touch the world of others, but that does not belong to you! The only
thing is the Perfecting of your own self and your world; and when you do It, you will find all around you changing too.
I know of no one thing which gives you a clearer definite idea, of what one Individual in the presence of others, with the proper Understanding, can do thru his or her Radiance, than “The Servant in the House.” That play illustrates to mankind how one with a Great Calm Out-pouring of This Radiance, can harmonize, bless and bring into Perfection, every one within his or her environment; if that one be strong enough to stand untouched by the surrounding discord.
You as “I AM” Students today, are in a position to do this, if you but realize it. You can stand in the midst of your world and hold a Great Calm Serenity and Peace. Then, as you call the Powers of your Presence to go forth, Its Radiance will go out; and all about you will become harmonized and bless you. When you do not do that, it is because you allow your attention to be fixed on the discord about you; instead of the Powers of the Presence which control it.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to bring this forth today, and to be a part of your happiness and your Love. The Great Volume of your Love which has gone forth from this room, will remain an Eternal Memory in this city. We are utilizing that to the fullest extent; and when certain things are shortly accomplished, We shall return to bless you with the Fulness which you could scarcely comprehend today.
Remember, in the Great Kindly Out-pouring of the Ascended Masters’ Love and Blessings, is the Open Door to your Complete Freedom. I do not mean, you should allow conditions of inharmony to submerge you; or Individuals walk over you—humanly speaking. Not at all, but in the Great Calm Majesty of your Presence, no one will want to walk over you; no one will want to disagree with you, if the Radiance is sufficient. That is why, Beloved Ones, so many times vicious Individuals have come to the Messenger; and usually he stands perfectly quiet, until His Radiance has an opportunity to enfold them, then their viciousness is gone. So it is with every one of you.
Every one of you today is an Out-pouring of your Great Presence of Life which is all Harmony, all Power and Perfection. You are now understanding how to keep your feeling so harmonious, you
do not requalify Its Energy as It goes forth. Therefore, Its Power is a thousand fold greater, than It was before; when you continued to requalify it, with the feeling which was within you. I am so grateful for I see so many of you who are going to be able to hold That Harmony; and therefore, win your Victory so quickly!
I shall say something else which I trust will give you Great Happiness. For two hundred eighty-three of the “I AM” students, time and space has been set aside. It means, the pressure of your human creation is withheld from you; and much of the pressure of Earth. This will make your Application much easier, much more powerful. So I say, from today, enter into the Fulness of your Life, by your Earnest Sincere Application.
WORLD. Just go right on, with your own Application and let the Powers of Life, your Presence, flood your Being and world with all It is. Thus you save yourself from handling human opinions and their interference with your world.
Many times, We have seen the Blessed Students mention some experience, some application to another and a few days later find, it had all vanished. All the Joy which they had experienced had gone! HOLD ALL YOUR ACHIEVEMENT IN THE SACREDNESS OF
YOUR OWN HEART. Look neither right nor left, but go on in your Application and have the Joy, Glory and Freedom which Life will give you; for all this is but Life. You are being made acquainted with your Life; and how to call Its Great Perfection into action and manifestation into a world, where human creation has reigned for centuries.
Now the Light is taking Its Dominion and don’t mind, if human things about you struggle and resist. Remember, so far as your world is concerned, when you call This Light into action, It knows no resistance nor interference, but proceeds to perfect your world. As your Harmony goes out you will assist, by Its Radiation, every one you contact to attain a Like Perfection.
I thank you and bless you, Beloved Ones, with the Fulness of My Love and clothe you in the Consciousness which is Mine; that Feeling which is Mine; to endeavor to give you the Assistance of Self-Control in Its Fulness. Then you may enjoy the Fulness of the Perfection of Life, as It flows forth into Perfect Manifestation in your outer world, and releases Its Activity and Experience.
I thank you.
March 6, 1938
Beloved Students, in all that is being accomplished and yet to be done, We thank you with the Power of Light for your assistance; your stand with the Light to make the Call which humanity needs. I know it is not easy for you to realize, not seeing from the Inner Activity of the Law, just all required and the need of your great great assistance.
We, from the Octaves of Light and Freedom, long so much when the opportunity is so great, to release mankind from all human accumulation and all which has bound them. As many of you have come to know, it has been My Great Privilege to assist many many students, in dissolving and consuming the last particle of their own human accumulation. Do you realize, Beloved Ones, just what THAT means?
When Beloved Saint Germain has told you repeatedly, the pressure of your own human creation—before any of it was dissolved—was ten times that of the atmospheric pressure of Earth; then you must understand, what it means to be released from such pressure of your own human creation. You have often felt in your outer general experience, sometimes a buoyancy and Lightness; then again a tremendous pressure as though you were being dragged down. It is because in the moments of the feeling of Lightness in your feeling world, not thru your attention, but thru your feeling, a Radiance has come, a Release of which you are outwardly unaware. Yet it is sufficient to really lift you or momentarily repel, your own human creation and its pressure.
Today, I rejoice during this Class, for many many of you here, it will be My Privilege to dissolve and consume the remainder of your own human creation! I know quite well how earnestly many many of you have been working and making That Call. Will you try to feel with Me just for a few moments, how vital and important your Call is!
The mass of mankind does not understand. The people are unable to make the Call, because until one knows This Great Presence of All Life, the “Mighty I AM,” the Power in your Calls is but slight; in comparison to what It means, when you know your own Source of Life, the “Mighty I AM.” Today, it devolves upon the Students of America, until more join them which is coming so rapidly, to make This Call with such Earnestness—not with any stress or strain; but with just such Earnestness and Determination that it gives Us the opportunity to do all We require.
Let Me explain something again today, because it is not understood generally, even among the students. I am going to try to clear this in your minds; for once it is clear, you will find an Inner Change in your experience. When you decree—when you make the Call to your “Mighty I AM Presence” and the Ascended Masters, the Legion of Light and the Cosmic Beings, you are releasing Substance from within your feeling world and your physical body. Now notice this particularly—from your physical body!
This Substance is the Requirement which We need, in order to release and then amplify It, with the Great Purity and Perfection of the Substance of Life; to bring about the changes which are being made. The progress, the Advancement so far, has been beyond our fondest hopes. Mankind has responded in the most wonderful manner; and I congratulate you here and the students everywhere, upon your ability to release This Energy and Substance which We require.
Today, Beloved Ones, sixty percent of the Victory of the Light has already been attained and We hope to make it much more here. By the time We have reached New York, We hope for an achievement which will lift every “I AM” Student in America and the World into the Glory of their Eternal Victory. It does not only mean your Individual Freedom; but the accumulation of mankind of the centuries, must be dissolved and consumed completely, for whatever is to be done in the future. Without this consuming, mankind is constantly interfered with, interrupted at the most vital moments. Then, disappointment besets Individuals, sometimes delaying the Expansion of their Light indefinitely.
So today, We want you to become so anchored that not a single thing in the appearance world, will interrupt nor interfere with all which is to be done individually and for America. I quite realize, sometimes, even among the students, Individuals wonder why We keep stressing the need of America. Well Dear Ones, if America is not protected, you will have no place to call your home. Do you not see how important this is? Suppose something destroyed your physical home and you were unable to prevent it, temporarily you would be housed somewhere, would you not? So it is in America today.
America is the last spot on Earth where Our Perfection can come forth. It is vital for all the Students to realize this; because it will enable them to release the Power for the Protection of America. Then, as their own Individual Life Streams become cleansed, purified and set into Divine Order; in the Perfection, in Action, which the Presence is and holds for them, they will find the Glory of Its Dominion sustained!
In all you hold dear for your Loved Ones, for America and the Glory of all which is yet to follow, you will find Its Infinite Power of Action ever increasing; intensifying and spreading everywhere into the World to do Its Perfect Work.
Here is an illustration which will possibly help you to feel more clearly, the Glory of that which is not only the Activity in your Call from the Presence, but the Assistance We give. Suppose before you, who are sitting here today, there were a Great Light like a Great Sun; and from It came Streams of Light and Energy to each one of you. This is actually what is taking place! It means that in co- operation with your Call to your Presence and the Cosmic Beings, those Great Beings of Light, are constantly giving you Assistance of which the outer does not even dream!
As you become aware of This and begin to feel It earnestly within your Being, Oh how Great will be the Change: first, in your feeling world and then in the outer activity. When you begin to see— shall We call it, the Natural Harmonizing Activity of your world of action, all that goes forth is a Radiation from your Presence; amplified many times by the Ascended Ones and producing this condition of Harmony which is required first; because without it
Beloved Ones, you cannot have the Full Blessing and Benefit which is being released.
One thing may explain to some of you the Inner Activities. As you are calling forth This Great Light, This Great Substance, Intelligence or Energy; It is Light-Substance which you are really calling forth! It comes into your world of action, It brings a release into your world, which the human cannot possibly comprehend at this time. As you become more acquainted with the Presence, know that to still yourself, is the means of letting Its Power come forth. Then Its very Vibratory Action, as It flows out into your world, will quiet and harmonize your Entire Being still more.
(At this point many came into the room)
Wait just a few moments, until the movement in the room is stilled. I cannot give you the Release which I wish to give, until it is quieted down. (Pause)
INTEND. So I thank you very kindly for that quiet now.
Your Life Stream, as you call forth This Greater Release of the Energy required to cleanse, purify and harmonize your world, is the One Great Substance, which is Light! We are endeavoring so earnestly to have all realize, in your Call for This Light, which is released from your Presence or from the Ascended Masters, is the Activity required! Of course It is always first from your Presence, then amplified by the Ascended Masters; but That Substance of Light is One and the same. The Ascended Masters, as They stand in Their Purity and Perfection today, are One with the Purity and Perfection of the “I AM Presence,” of you who are yet unascended.
Notice why the Assistance of the Ascended Master is so important at this time. Do not misunderstand Me. All from the Ascended Masters’ Octave, is of course Perfection; but in order to try to convey to you these Octaves or steps, the Ascended Masters’, is the first step beyond the human. Our Ascended Master Octave is
Wholly Perfect. To help give you the idea, We would place the Legion of Light next. Then would come the Cosmic Beings—if you wish to look at This Activity as steps. This is why, mankind has not understood the need of the Assistance of the Ascended Masters. They are the Consciousness, the feeling all mankind requires today, in Its Perfecting Activity.
Without the Assistance of the Ascended Masters, Beloved Ones, I tell you frankly there would not be three percent of the people today, who would have the strength to stand up under their own creations; and that of the mass of mankind to Free themselves! Therefore, they must have more than their own assistance. That is why Beloved Saint Germain brought forth This Amazing Understanding of the Law of your own Life.
Will you understand today, that We as Ascended Beings or Cosmic Beings, are just your own Life more advanced; Higher in Its rate of Vibratory Action, than you experience here in the physical octave? Notice the Chart. It is the Stream of Life and Energy anchored within your physical Heart which gives you Life. That Life is the One Life of the Whole Universe!
For your Greater Understanding, your “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is the Individualized Presence of Life, is the Image and Likeness of God, as you previously understood. It is the Focus of your Individual Activity. It has been necessary for mankind to understand the Individual Focus is there above everyone; and will be sustained in any activity, upon which the attention might be focused. WITHOUT IT NO ONE—NOT EVEN YOU IN YOUR OWN LIVES, HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SUSTAIN A CONSTRUCTIVE ACTIVITY
CONTINUOUSLY. Constant change of attention causes the change of the Currents of Energy. You wonder why sometimes, things move rapidly and then a lull occurs in the activity in your own Life. Simply, because you have not known your “I AM Presence.” Now that you do know It and you will call to have all your Application sustained, you will find a steady Advancement; a steady climbing and in many instances, just as though you were climbing a steep mountain. It is a very good simile of what is actually taking place in the vibratory action of your world; as you turn your attention and hold it upon your
I now convey to you, the importance of concentration! I mean by that, the holding of your attention upon the goal which you wish to attain. If it be in the business world, your attention held definitely upon the goal, releases the Power and Energy in your own Life. It is the only thing that can act for you. Another’s Life Stream cannot enter into yours, only by the Power of Radiation to give temporary assistance. Therefore, as your own attention is held upon the goal, your Power of Light from your Presence, is feeding into it. The more intensified your feeling and determination, the greater is the Release of the Power, to produce Perfection in the achievement you require.
This is the Power of Concentration and the ONLY MEANS by which it can be sustained. Whether it be your Freedom, your Ascension or your business activity, matters not, the same Law is acting. So many are calling for their financial Freedom. They think so earnestly it is going to be helpful. Well do not be disappointed, but let Me try to clear this for you. If you will give sufficient earnest attention to your Presence—as your Treasure-house from which all must come, you will find outer conditions will harmonize; and come into harmonious accord with that which will bring you the money supply you require! It is the ONLY PERMANENT MEANS of doing it.
If you try with the forces of the outer world, to accomplish what you desire, you may attain a certain amount of success; but there is no assurance of its permanency. You see that manifest everywhere about you. The Individual who will turn to his or her Great Presence wholly; accept It constantly as that one’s Treasure-house, from which all money supply and everything else must come—all other supply— will have set into action, the Greatest Law in the Universe. It will be permanently sustained; and there is no human element which can change or destroy it.
That is the point I want to have you understand at this time in the world’s activity; because the outer world is in the most unstable condition which you can possibly imagine. So do not depend upon the stability of your outer world, which is governed largely yet in your commercial activity, by the whims of humankind. I do not mean, there are not many honest sincere Individuals for there are; but they
are in the minority. The great majority of mankind, feeling tremendous pressure, feel justified in using the subterfuge of human means to supply themselves.
Today, I shall acquaint you with the conditions which exist in Europe and the World! Mankind over the entire World is feeling this pressure. With a great number of the people, it is acting as a sense of fear; and their fear comes from their desire for supply. I plead with you—all of you earnest sincere “I AM” Students, erase that from your feeling world, by the Call to your Presence. Do not let the fear of your supply enter into your feeling world. If you do, you build it up and make it most difficult for Us to give you the Assistance, which will bring you CONSTANT FINANCIAL SUPPLY.
We know quite as well as you do, the need of it today, so long as it is the means of your exchange; but there are perhaps twelve Individuals in the World, today, who have millions at their command, whose fear is the greatest you ever witnessed! It seems incredible; but I tell you it is True; and that is what has brought this tremendous pressure upon mankind; from the financial standpoint and in the industrial world! They are trying to concentrate and gather all within their own control! I ask you to watch it! All of a sudden, you will find it is like an explosion, and they will find their hold upon mankind forever released!
That is why Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth This “I AM” Activity; and why We are making This Tremendous Effort to assist mankind. It is to give the people the Conscious Understanding of the Laws which are acting about them; so they may free themselves from this condition of fear and doubt, which bind them to all kinds of destructive feeling.
I say to you as students, you have been affected here quite the same as other places in the United States; by vicious false gossip concerning the Reality of This Work, and concerning the Messengers; but if you listen to it, you are the ones who are deprived. Because some vicious Individual spreads false gossip, it does not mean that it is true; but if mankind accepts it, then the people are deprived. The Messengers will go on doing Their Work, because It is Real! It is True! It is Mighty, but the Individuals who
allow themselves to be affected by vicious things, are the ones who are the losers.
We cannot say to Individuals you shall accept This Wondrous Understanding! Get it clearly, Dear Ones! During this Class, let Our Light anchor you so firmly, that not a thing in your world can affect you discordantly. You should know that forever. Bear in mind This is not the Messenger talking to you; but the One who has come to be known as the Great Divine Director. I am that Cosmic Being, Who is flashing These Words before him! Now hold That in mind! I am the One who is Authority for the Law of Life; and if you will understand It, you will see I speak with Authority. With the obedience of mankind to the slightest Request, which We ask, you will have your Freedom! Without obedience, We cannot give you the Assistance required.
The rebellion in a few of mankind, when I sanctioned the Group Outline, showed they did not understand the need of the people or the mass of the students. The need of the Protection for America, was the reason. Do you think, Beloved Ones, I would attempt to influence you; or attempt to govern you, when I know as no other Being does, what your Free Will means? Therefore, it is with the Greatest Loving-kindness We present These Laws for mankind’s use. They are here for your Blessing!
There is not one thing of which We talk that is not concerning your Life; Its Law and Its Action. There is nothing mystical! Dismiss every particle of such nonsense! Your Life, the Life of the Universe of which you are a part, makes It the most practical thing in the whole world and activity of mankind. There is nothing in the physical world today, which is as practical as This Great Activity of the Law of your own Life; because you are dealing with Vibration and Substance; and every feeling which goes forth from you, is setting a cause into action to produce results for you.
That is why We know this. We went thru the human experience in gaining Our Freedom, the same as you are. Knowing your Requirements, We have so kindly offered Our Assistance; but if mankind says We do not exist; it is the Messenger’s own activity, which is giving this forth; then you have lost to a large extent, the Blessing of Our Vibratory Action; with which We release you thru your Call, from all limitations.
In My Privilege to assist the number who have been released so far, could you see this moment, the Release from the Inner Standpoint for these Individuals, your Joy would be Boundless forever. Just because you have not seen some Miraculous Out- picturing thru and from those Individuals, is not the slightest reason to think, It has not been accomplished. This is why I say to you today, go on, and on, and on, in your Application; not worrying, not being definitely concerned about the results. If you do, you are so apt to fix your attention upon the results, instead of the Power which produces them. You will see at once it is what mankind has been doing. The people are fixing their attention upon the result out here all the time, instead of Its Power of Release.
In this preparation today, for the coming Class, there is no one thing in which We rejoice so greatly, as the opportunity to visit the Groups; and to those who are present, bring a Certain Attunement for the Greater Blessing released in the Class Work.
Did it ever occur to you why these Classes became ten day Classes? Why was it not different? Because it represents the Balance between the human and the Divine. Whatever is more than that, will mean an added Power, to the Accomplishment of Balancing for all mankind. You do not know outwardly, what it means to hold the Balance over the human from the Ascended Masters’ Octave; for the Release of Our Light into the octave which is a lower vibratory action. We see and know so clearly what that means; how so many have been lifted out of their limitations; and had the Complete Release from this lower octave, while still moving in it. We know there is no limit to what can be accomplished for the students. Try to realize with Me today, aside from yourselves who are students, these Mighty Decrees going forth in the mental and feeling world of mankind, are reaching thousands and thousands of people who have not yet touched This Work. It is acting in their feeling world. The moment the slightest thing comes to call their attention to This Mighty Presence, their “Mighty I AM,” their feeling is prepared and ready to receive It.
It is why the Transcriptions and the Radio Broadcasts, have done so much for the Blessing of mankind and they are bringing such a tremendous number of people into This Understanding.
Therefore, remember in your Group Work and in your Decree Work, you are rendering a Service Indescribable and Unparalleled in the history of the Earth. If it had not been for that, We could not have hoped to have saved humanity, from the condition which threatens the entire World.
I said mankind might, one day, be surprised at another Transformation which would take place in Russia. I still maintain It! The change in the feeling world of those people, may bring a great Transformation there, and We are pouring the Light forth for It. The destructive element in that great country, is fast losing its power. It is why recently, We asked the students everywhere to give their assistance to Europe and the Orient. We are trying an Experiment and so far it is beyond Our expectations.
As We have found Ourselves reaching a certain point of safety in America, We have been utilizing some of This Power, released from—let Me call them—the Great American people, because they are! Who on Earth is so great as those, who give forth their Life Energy, so We may utilize It, to bless mankind and the world? Should Our Experiment succeed, you will see a Transformation in Europe which will be the Greatest Miracle you ever witnessed!
We cannot yet tell you the outcome, for We cannot depend upon Europe, as We do upon the students of America, today. Let Me call your attention to something you might have heard, some of you. Beloved Saint Germain performed This Tremendous Service. When it was planned to send a secret fleet of airplanes with their destructive power at night over America, to spread devastation, He prevented that plan’s success. Five times, He intercepted the messenger, who tried to carry it out. At last, He compelled their destruction back into the messenger in order to prevent it. Then, He went to the instigator, who is at the head of a great army—made Himself visible to him—and said to him: “If you try this again, I will destroy every plane and all that is in them; and then if you persist, I will destroy your entire army, and if you think I cannot do it, try Me out” !
It is what comes from the Activity of the Great Cosmic Light, which on the seventh day of the Shrine Class, made it possible for the viciousness of Individuals to be returned upon their creators!
There is no wrong in doing that! There is no viciousness about it. Get this clear in your minds; because if you don’t, you will find yourselves meeting obstruction! The World today, is under the pressure of vicious destructive human qualities. All mankind is to some degree responsible for it; but those who have utilized the destructive force, to get the governing power over mankind, to compel the people to be subservient, will find themselves meeting their own creation. When they are compelled to look upon it, they will see their own destruction.
This is not a matter of My Opinion, your opinion nor anyone’s opinion. It is the Law of Life which is the Law of cause and effect; and when the cause of destructive qualities comes to a certain point of action, the reverse of that action takes place! Not all human Beings on Earth nor Ourselves, can prevent it; because it is the creation of mankind returned upon its creator.
Now you will see how great is your Privilege in the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame; and the Understanding of the Power of your Presence which is Life; to draw about you the Tube of Light, which is your Protection. THE POWER OF THE VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME DISSOLVES AND CONSUMES YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL CREATION, SO YOU MAY NOT LOOK UPON IT. YOU NO LONGER FEEL ITS EFFECTS. YOU CANNOT IMAGINE EVEN IN YOUR FONDEST IMAGINATION, WHAT THAT MEANS TO YOU!
Utilize This Power, Beloved Students, and call your Presence into action as never before; to use the Violet Consuming Flame thru your physical body, your mental and feeling world with dynamic power! Already you have consumed the larger percent—I mean ALL EARNEST SINCERE STUDENTS—have consumed the larger percent of their own accumulation; but there are some who are trying to do this with their intellects. They are not producing the results in their feeling world. I say to you today, be sure your feeling is following the activity of your attention.
Then, what do I mean by that in regard to the Violet Consuming Flame? If you say just from your neck up: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! dissolve and consume all my discordant accumulation by the Power of the Violet Consuming Flame,” a slight result is produced; but if you are aware, your feeling is sustaining your call, then you will find
Results which are astonishing, take place in your Life. Watch your feeling follows your Call or the Power of your attention in everything you do. Whether it be in your outer business or what it is, makes no difference; the same Law is acting, whether it is for your own Purification or your business.
As you understand this, you will compel your feeling to arise as it were, and go forth on the Power of your attention. That is the Power of Accomplishment. You have heard Us say mankind in the past has used only one of the Trinity of Action; sometimes Power, sometimes Divine Love, sometimes Wisdom; but just one in itself, is not sufficient in the World today. Divine Love is not sufficient, because It lacks the Discrimination, which is within Wisdom; and on the other hand, if Power is not acting the force of action is lacking, to produce quick results.
Today, in order to relieve mankind from the mistakes of the past, Beloved Saint Germain brought forth This Understanding and the Eye Picture before you of your own God Presence; which compels Love, Wisdom and Power to act in Perfect Balance at your call to the “I AM Presence.” You will see then how constant, how definite it has made the Balanced Action of Life in you and your world. Without It, you only have partial results, because one element has been missing, sometimes two; but today in the Call to your Presence, there cannot be anything lacking or missing in the Total Result, and the Completeness of It which you require.
As you understand this, you will see how Self-evident it is, and with that will come an ease, rest and confidence in your feeling, which never was there before. This is what your feeling needs. It has been so accustomed to agitation, worry, disturbance, doubts and fear. Oh yes, disturbed feeling has been acting a thousand times, when you did not even imagine it! That is the worst part of it. If you were only aware of all these things, you could stop them; but if you are unaware of them, how can you stop them or have any effect upon them?
In the Great Understanding of This Law of the “I AM Presence,” again you have the Same Trinity of Action thru your physical form, which is called forth from your Presence, and again it is the Balancing Activity. You have your vision, your attention and your
power of qualification; acting within the human form and feeling world. It again is the Balance; cooperating Perfectly with the Call to the Presence, which is Love, Wisdom and Power in Action.
Dear Ones, if you were to see in the past, how your Power of qualification has been acting and clothing your Energy, producing just the opposite results from which you intend, you would be so astonished! No words could explain. Today, that is fast being remedied; and as We watch the Activity within the Life Streams of Individuals who are earnest, sincere students, We see the constant change. In eighty percent—notice how tremendous—in eighty percent, the results are tremendous.
I touch upon this point to give you the Strength, and Encouragement, to know you are not failing in your Application; not even the one who is producing the least results. Please feel This; for who of you shall say what moment, you will strike a Certain Vibratory Action. The Power of your Presence releases in one tremendous sweep, and brings you to the point of Balance, wherein comes the Great Release from your Presence, governing all activities in your world.
Sometimes Individuals have thought in the Magazine, there were contradictions of that which is in the books. It is not so! Dear Ones, the books give the Fundamental Law of Life! In the Magazine, different angles of that Law are touched upon; and if there seems to be a contradiction, remember it is only referring to Another Activity, another Explanation of the Same Mighty Thing. So do not let your human mind begin to feel, there are contradictions in This Activity. It is impossible in the Ascended Masters’ Work. So if there seems to be, it is just a lack of discrimination within the human intellect, which makes you feel it for the moment, because of the suggestion which is given forth.
There are a few unfortunate Individuals who have spread the falsehood, the Ascended Masters had made mistakes; the Messengers had made mistakes; and in Beloved Saint Germain’s dismissal of certain Individuals, said: “Could an Ascended Master have written Those Words” ? Well, They just did! Because it was imperative to place that human viciousness where it could no longer misrepresent the Truth, in the pretense of representing This Law.
Every Individual who condemns the Messengers and This Work, will find himself or herself out of the Radiance of the Ascended Masters. Not only that, but those Individuals say: “I still have my Presence.” I wonder! Do they? They still have their Presence attached to their physical Hearts; but they do not stop to see their viciousness released toward persons, places and conditions, clothes every ounce of the energy which goes into their Beings with destructive qualities! Therefore, they have shut off the Perfection of their own Presence, from acting in their worlds.
Do you not see this Beloved Ones? It does not make any difference what the provocation is; not only the Messengers and This Activity, but whoever once has known This Law and then allows viciousness or discord to control, is creating that one’s own destruction; and if you will watch, you will see it done. There is nothing can stop it but themselves!
We plead with the people and give them the Correct Understanding of the Law. Many still go on believing, they can send forth any feeling they choose and not reap the results! Such a thing is impossible! I am not condemning those unfortunate Individuals, but I am citing the Law which acts! The Law of Life is no respecter of persons! It is cause sent forth, which produces effect, and that is all there is to it! It is the Law of Life acting and nothing but themselves can change It, as long as they hold to such a vicious attitude.
Therefore, I say to you ladies and gentlemen, in your activity of the outer world, if somebody has done a wrong to you, please do not let yourselves become angry or feel vicious toward that one; because then you are harming yourselves! They cannot harm you. Suppose one swept away from you all the money you had; do you think for one moment, that can interfere with your Great Life acting to again produce more; if you hold your feeling harmonious, and pour forth Kindness and Blessing to that unfortunate Individual? The one depriving you temporarily, is the one who is most unfortunate, not you.
If only blessed mankind could understand this. In the experience of the depression a few short years ago, what a Release would have come. How those within the next five years following, would have restored all their loss, if they had known this “I AM Presence”; and
how to call It into action. Because the Same Power and Intelligence is there in the individual, which was there before the loss, so-called, took place.
If you and mankind will understand These Laws and utilize Them, there is not a thing acting in this World, which can harm or deprive you! That is why I say today, according to the Great Cosmic Law, there is no one in the World who has wealth, who is sure of sustaining it, without the Knowledge of This Presence. The very forces of human destructive creation are pounding at these individuals to try and deprive them. Every one of mankind who will hold himself or herself harmonious; accept the “I AM Presence” as the Treasure-house; refuse to be agitated or disturbed by the appearance of the outer world; will find his or her own individual world, supplied abundantly with every good thing.
Allow Me to cite you to the Messengers. My dear people, they are the Greatest Living Example of This Law in the World. They started out in Chicago without money, except enough to get to Philadelphia, trusting the Presence. Not only trusting, but calling It into action with the most dynamic power you ever witnessed. See what has been done in three and a half years—unparalleled in the history of the Earth by two people, without one word of advertising to the outside world. They proved the Law absolutely in their financial supply in the Call to the Presence; to bring to them the people who could accept This Law and have This Freedom, and to keep out all others.
Therefore, one has but to look at the action of the Law and see there Its Fulfillment without question. That is why I cite these things to you, so you may see they have been the Fulfillment of the Law and are today.
Never was such viciousness driven at any two human Beings on Earth as has been at them. Why? Because the destructive qualities of mankind know This Light is their annulment; know it is the Freedom of all mankind. That is the only reason! Individuals allow themselves to be made claws of the destructive force, to try to interfere with This Activity, but they have no power to do it!
As you understand These Laws, when disturbing conditions confront you, your attitude should be your Call to the Light; so far as
your own Protection and the Harmonizing of your world is concerned. Then the Full Result and Power of your Presence may come forth. I tell you, Dear Ones, it is not a matter of persons, places nor conditions! It is a matter of the Harmony in your own feeling, which allows the Power of the Presence to flow forth and produce these NATURAL CONDITIONS for you. It will do it every time! There is no such thing as failure in This Light; because It is Light which goes into action and knows no resistance. Even the destructive quality of mankind never attempts to interfere with the Light, because it knows, it cannot do it.
As you look upon It as Self-luminous Intelligent Substance, you know your Call is compelled to be answered, by the very Light which beats your Heart and gives you activity. Today, people have within their grasp, the Scepter of their own Freedom and Dominion over the conditions of Earth. Believe Me Dear Hearts, when I say there is not one of you, who cannot stand in the midst of everything—I mean in the Power of your Presence, and remain untouched by the disturbance around you. Go on, and on, and on, into the Perfection and Freedom, which your Heart knows is True and which you crave and want.
At first, when you enter This Great Stream of Light, it means a Great Firm Determined Stand to the Light; and the refusal to accept the gossip of mankind from those who do not understand. Therefore, all who are strong enough to do that, will go forward, on, and on, and on.
You as Individuals who are not Group Leaders, have only to be concerned about your own individual world, aside from your Decrees for the blessing of America; but the Messengers have been the focus of all the viciousness of mankind, and they have remained untouched by It! They always will, but it is because of their dynamic Application; and they still do it and will as long as they are serving in the outer world!
It is imperative! until Individuals have made their Ascension. You cannot be Free, without your own dynamic Application, because you are moving in the seething vortex of human discordant creation all the time.
I thank you with all My Heart for your attention; and for that which has been anchored within your feeling world to bless you. Oh, it is not just the Words which I have spoken; they but hold your attention, while into your feeling world, is the Power of Light anchored to bless you forever. It is Our Great Victory for your assistance. In these wondrous groups it is the response, which makes it possible for Us to anchor Our Power of Light into your feeling world; which not only dissolves and purifies; but gives you a Strength and Courage which sets you Free, if you but realize it.
Things which bothered and disturbed you before, will never do it after today; if you will just keep yourself reminded of this. Oh, I want you to know so much, how Really Free you are. I hope, I trust for those who attend This Class, before the ten days are past, it will be My Joy to dissolve and consume the human accumulation of ninety percent of all who are present. You may be sure, Beloved Ones, to the limit the Great Law of Life permits, will this be done, not only for your Freedom; but the Greater Assistance you may give, for the Blessing of mankind and the Protection of America.
We have watched the Individuals for whom this has been done. The release of their energy, their substance for use has in most instances been ten times that which was released before it was done. So you know what It means in your own individual lives, as well as the Assistance for America.
Today, Our Rejoicing is very great. If you only knew what the Freedom of your America means to you; and how those vicious claws have tried to enter into your government. They have tried to enter into your industries; tried to prevent your aerial service; trying to cripple your Beloved America; and this excess taxation tries to enslave you; which is always the signal for the final enslavement of all mankind! Oh, Dear People, it is quite different this time than ever before; for when the flood of Cosmic Light strikes the mass of the people, then courage goes forth; and they arise and annihilate their own would-be destroyers.
That is not sufficient. Take Russia today for instance! One man has been traded for another continuously, since the Czar was disposed of. Just changing one effect for another. That is not sufficient; but from the Heart of those people—there must arise a
mighty sincere Honest Individual, whom the people will at once see is their friend; and then would come the solution of the same problem in every country in the world.
Treachery and deceit in high places, has brought the distrust of the mass of mankind and they do not know upon whom they can depend; but as the Cosmic Light increases Its Intensification in the Earth, We are trying to so adjust It, there will be raised up in those countries—Individuals of Power, which will call forth the Power of Light to sustain them in their Honesty, Honor, Integrity and Blessing to their fellow-man. It is the only hope!
We hope they will reach a great fruition; and possibly as We find progress, We may ask the Students of the United States to add a special Decree for this. You have been using the Decree that Ascended Master Friends be raised up everywhere—a most magnificent thing; but now decree a Great Honest, Honorable Individual whose Light is strong enough, be raised up in every country in Europe; and the confidence of the people rest there; so the Power of Light’s Constructive Activity takes Its Dominion.
One more thing I want to say to you. You may not comprehend it; but at least in your attention, you can and contemplate it, if you will. Beginning in this Class, there will go forth a Power of Radiation to Russia and her people, to try to bring the Great—the vast Remedy which is needed. Should this become victorious, then you can feel a Gratitude and Service rendered which will be beyond all words to describe. Remember, the beginning of this destructive element was in Russia, in connection with the three individuals in New York, who started this frightful destruction to mankind and the Earth.
Once not so long ago, We thought there seemed to be no hope to bring this transformation into Russia; but recent evidence there, has given Us renewed hope; so We will do Our Utmost to pour forth a Radiation to the mass of her people; to do what We could scarcely hope for a short time ago.
You are not only solving your own problems and holding America’s Protection; but see how It is reaching into the Whole Earth! It seems so fragmentary to you I know, but in every country in the World, there are Groups of “I AM” Students; some places small,
but enough so We may focus This Mighty Power of Light at those points.
In South Africa, where as Washington’s Vision has shown, was to arise that great cloud to submerge America; there has been drawn and established a Mighty Sincere Group of “I AM” Students. It is magnificent! Shall I tell you what they said concerning some destructive literature which went even to Africa? You know how the sinister thing, tries to do such things, tries to spread its destruction everywhere. When its destructive literature reached those students, momentarily they were shocked. Then they gathered themselves together and said: “Well if those Messengers are good enough for the Ascended Masters, then they are good enough for us,” and they dispelled the whole thing at once! That was magnificent, and what A Great Truth they uttered!
Therefore, Beloved Ones, you see how these destructive elements have no power, if there is only a Nucleus for this Anchor of the Light within a place or locality. In the various countries of Europe, wonderful sincere Groups of Students are applying these Decrees with dynamic Power; and We shall give them more than Ordinary Assistance, you can be sure!
I want you to know how great is your Blessing and Privilege. This Light, your “I AM Presence,” your Life, is the Freedom of yourself and the World. So let us enter in with renewed Enthusiasm, Joy and Energy into your Decree Work, for It releases the Substance required. You cannot help but know, as you render This Service to America and mankind, it would be impossible for you not to have your own Freedom.
Just one more word concerning your finances. Dear Hearts, please accept this and feel it with all the Power of your Being! There is not one of you here, or among the “I AM” Students, who is earnest and sincere, who could not before retiring, stand and raise your hands to the Presence something like this and then say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence!’ I refuse acceptance of any financial limitation any longer! I positively refuse it! Take command of me and my feeling world! Release thru Your Power of Divine Love, the supply of money I require now!”
There is not one of you who could not have it released in forty- eight hours, if you would only realize it. Try to feel that, with renewed enthusiasm and a Tremendous Release of energy. It will bring about your Freedom in this respect, so It gives you rest and Peace in your feeling, that your Application does tremendously more in all you require.
I am determined, if you will allow Me, to assist every sincere “I AM” Student in America to be Free, from all feeling of financial limitation. Such a thing is not possible in the Understanding of your “I AM Presence.” If there has been a great momentum built, by the human sense of limitation; then call your Presence to dissolve and consume every vestige of it in your feeling world; because your feeling world is your Power-house, and there is where the things act. There cannot one thing outpicture in your physical body which does not have its cause in your feeling world, and just remember that. I call into action today, the Mighty Love, Wisdom and Power of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” to take command of your mind, body, your feeling and your world of activity; produce Its Perfection and hold Its Dominion, and bring to everyone his or her complete financial release from all limitations. Take out of each one’s feeling world every feeling, which has accepted financial limitation, because of the appearance world! Set all Free, Great Presence of Life, and give them such Courage and Strength, Joy and Enthusiasm in their Application; the results become so instantaneous, that all doubts and
fears vanish from their world forever.
In the Power of Our Great Light: Goddess of Liberty, Victory and Goddess of Light! in Thy Trinity of Action, clothe these Beloved Ones in Thy Garments of Light; which hold Thy Radiance in constant action about them; fill and charge their worlds with Thy Dynamic Action of Courage, Strength and Victory of the Light!
I thank you.
April 24, 1938
Beloved Students of Detroit, I am grateful for this opportunity to render a Service to you today, in preparation for the coming Class, which I trust will be acceptable to all of you. The need of mankind today, is warding off the destructive conditions which exist, where destructive Individuals are trying to impose themselves upon mankind. We firmly believe with your co-operation, that ninety percent of the destructive intent which it was thought would be released upon mankind, may be avoided.
I am saying this for the first time in Our Experience, or the Messenger’s experience, in conveying it to mankind. So much has been accomplished by the Mighty Decrees of the students, throughout America and the World. We Ourselves could not have believed, We could find such response from mankind. I say to you Beloved Ones, you will never know until you are Ascended Beings, the Service you have rendered. So many times, you have thought you were not rendering much Service, yet you were earnest and sincere in releasing These Mighty Decrees. It is very wonderful and it has made possible so much, which We could scarcely have hoped for, that Our Rejoicing I think, is far greater than yours.
On the opening day of This Class, there will be a Greater Release and Action of the Cosmic Light into the human octave, than has been thus far. It means everything. The Messengers even do not know it; but why do you suppose it happened that you have a twelve- day Class here? The Messengers started in to have a ten-day Class as usual, but it so happened it became a twelve-day Class. There must have been a far Greater Reason for It than the outer human knows. Will you please give attention and comprehend these things which seem just ordinary? From the Inner Standpoint, they are most extraordinary; because It is the Action of the Divine Law of your Being, or shall We say the Being of Life.
Because of what will be released, not only for your blessed selves here and the people of Detroit, who may not even be interested, Its far reaching Activity will pour out into the World. That is the reason why this has become a twelve-day Class. Even the blessed ones who are in charge of the Cathedral, thought those two days were taken; yet it was found they were not. There is a Governing Power and Intelligence, Precious People which once you comprehend It makes you stand firm. The Understanding and Acknowledgment of your Power to use these Inner Laws, frees you from human conditions. You bring these Laws into action in the human octave. Then you will understand, you are no longer subject to the conditions which exist here.
Believe Me when I say, you can move in the world untouched by the conditions about you; if you are firm enough in the Acknowledgment of your Presence. It will release Its Tube of Light about your human body and your feeling world; to make you Invincible to the impact of human creation around you. (Wave of hand which repels.) Beloved Ones, if you saw from Our Standpoint, as you move among the creations of mankind, you would see a sudden action, constantly sending its impact against the human form.
If you do not believe in, understand or call your “I AM Presence” into action, to hold Its Tube of Light about you, discordant conditions constantly affect you just like that—(waving motion of hand) everywhere you move. When discord reaches into your physical body and affects you physically, it has first acted in your feeling world. Most of the time, you are wholly unaware of it, except when you are conscious of some disturbance.
As you come to comprehend these Simple Laws, everything is just the Natural Practical Law of Life; which it is your Right and Privilege to use in the Fuller Understanding, to which you have not yet become accustomed. It does not make any difference what your manifestations have been up to date, in your Acknowledgment of the Presence of Life; it is nothing, to what you can call into action, as you go forth!
Pardon Me, if I digress just a moment, since the Vibratory Action is Right. I want to place this before you. In all the seeming opposition
to This “I AM” Activity—for no reason at all, and all the falsehoods which have been uttered concerning the Messengers and the Work, during the Washington Class; the Great Cosmic Laws were set into action, which will cause opposition to disappear from the Earth! Watch it! We do not talk to hear Ourselves, but We state Laws. We never refer to a personality, when We are stating These Laws; except in some specific instance, where work was required.
Know and feel the Power in the last Decree you issued in the opening of the meeting! If you know that Decree with the All-power of your feeling, you will find your world adamant against human disturbing conditions! When you can say to all the appearance world and human creation: “You have no power”! Mean It and feel It with the Infinite Power of Light! which is your Being, then you will find yourselves Invincible within the Presence of Light! It is Invincible and you can move in the world everywhere, releasing the Inner Power; and yet not accepting the outer into your feeling world, which limits and disturbs you.
Therefore, today as the atmosphere becomes more and more stilled and harmonized in the room; I want to render for you a Service, which it has been My Joy so many times to do! It is the releasing and dissolving wherever possible of your human creation. So you may have a Greater Release from the pressure which has often caused you to fail in the achievement, which you would so love to have had.
Let Me urge you today, to no longer give power to persons, places or conditions to interrupt, interfere with—or limit you in any way! Now in order to comprehend this, you must realize not one thing can enter your world or any condition whatever, except thru your attention, by which you connect your own Life Stream with it. It is IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANYTHING TO REACH OR ENTER YOUR WORLD WITHOUT YOUR ATTENTION UPON IT.
That is why, Beloved Ones, today, please close the door and seal it, on everything which has been in the past—up to this hour! Close it now and let Me help you to close that door! Lock it and seal it, so not once again, does your attention ever go back to what has been, whether it is good, bad or indifferent! Erase it! Shut the door! Then as you turn and face your “I AM Presence,” know henceforth,
only Its Intelligence, Presence and Power, with all Its Glory and Harmony, are acting in and thru your body and feeling world. Then, you will rejoice so much at the changed conditions. Your Life, world and activity will be filled with successful achievement, with happiness which you cannot comprehend, until you do that!
Beloved Ones, do you think what you have called happiness up to this time, is Real Happiness? Oh, you cannot believe how Great the Happiness from your Presence is, until you begin to experience It. I tell you, the Happiness in the Acknowledgment of your Presence, is the only Real Source of Happiness in This Universe. It continues to pour in at your Call and as you realize the imperative need is for you to keep your feeling harmonious. Then no longer your qualification of discord clothes your Life Energy. You will feel and know definitely, the Energy has poured forth just like a Mighty River out into your world of action—harmonizing everything and holding Its Dominion. When something is required, and you hold the Harmony; then by a Decree, it comes forth and acts in your world with the Speed of Lightning.
That is the Law and Action of the “I AM Presence.” There are thousands and thousands of the students today, who have experienced It time, and time again. They are realizing the only reason why their application has not produced extraordinary results in the past, was because unknown to themselves, discord was still acting in the feeling. While the intellect was refusing it, still in the feeling the qualification of discord was going on; qualifying the energy with the discord of the past. You cannot afford to do that! YOU MUST, BELOVED ONES, TAKE YOUR STAND AND SHUT THAT THING OFF OR SAY TO YOUR FEELING: “STOP! BE SILENT”! TURN YOUR ATTENTION TO THE PRESENCE AND HAVE ITS GLORY AND BLESSING.
You do not perhaps realize, how firm you must be, toward your own feeling world. When it has gained a momentum of centuries, you are under its pressure. You might say to Me: “Well suppose I don’t know I have lived before? Do I still have the accumulation of the centuries in this embodiment”? Yes! I will explain to you why. Because in all of the accumulation of the centuries, even though you
did not know it could be dissolved; if you have not set the Law of Life into action which would dissolve it, then it still remains.
All the accumulation, all the discord which has been in your experience of the past, still remains about you and in your world. Believe it or not! You meet all that accumulation, when you come back into this embodiment. It is just waiting there for you, because it belongs to you; and you cannot get away from it, until you know this Presence of all Life; and call It to use the Violet Consuming Flame to dissolve and consume every bit of your accumulation of discord. The Mercy or Glory of your Presence, will at your call, dissolve and consume every particle of your accumulation of discord of the centuries; in a few weeks or a few months at most, if the person is very sincere and in earnest!
Therefore, Beloved Ones, you have in your hands the Dominion to set yourselves wholly Free, no matter what the mistakes of the past have been. Is there any Greater Mercy than the Presence of Life, which says to wayward mankind: “ ‘I AM’ not interested in your mistakes! I want you to be Free! As quick as you will listen to Me, and turn away from whatever has caused you to create the discord and limitations which you experience, then ‘I AM’ ready! ‘I AM’ the Presence of all Life, ready to forgive your mistakes, at your Call on the Law of Forgiveness! ‘I AM’ ready to forget all which has been; and then set the Violet Consuming Flame into action to dissolve and consume every particle of that for you.”
Do you know, every one of blessed mankind is so good at Heart; but because destructive conditions have beset the people sometimes, it has made them feel almost fiendish. That does not belong to them—never! It is an imposed condition from the generated creation of mankind’s discord. The Blessed Ones do not know that and sometimes yield to destructive force; causing themselves to lose their physical Freedom for an entire embodiment. Look at your institutions, your asylums, your institutions of incarceration, your prisons, full to running over. Why? Because mankind not understanding, has yielded to this impact and impulse of human discordant creation. The people do not understand their power of qualification and what their attention does in continuous attention held upon hate, anger, condemnation or whatever the
destructive condition may be. They have gone thru into the octave or stratum, where all the discordant accumulation of mankind is gathered; and it has rushed in upon them and they are helpless before it.
Beloved Students and people of Detroit! If mankind understood that one point alone, it would be worth a whole life-time of experience; if Individuals really grasped what it means! People have gone serenely along in their limitations; not knowing every time they give way to some discordant thing, if it be continued long enough, they will go thru into the mass accumulation of the discord, and the mass pressure will rush in upon them!
Beloved Students, whom We love so greatly, please listen to Us and give obedience to your Law of Life, understanding every time you yield in your feeling to discord, criticism, condemnation, judgment or any of those qualities, which are destructive; you will invite the whole mass creation to enter your world and act there! Because previous understanding has caused individuals to believe they were justified in self-protection; or whatever you choose to call it, does not change the Action of the Law of Energy! In the old statement, think of it! “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” which meant beat the other fellow to it, in all those destructive qualities. That is just exactly what mankind has been doing thru the centuries!
One man of power—human power, says to his associates: “Let’s have a war,” and he proceeds to agitate certain activities of mankind to produce it! For what? Praise to the “Great I AM Presence” of Life, mankind for the first time in the history of the world, is awakening to what the war forces are doing!
Now, the Great Cosmic Light has said to unhappy mankind : “Your accumulation has become too great!” and to the Great Ascended Masters, It has said: “Let us help once again and give the people one more opportunity to free themselves from these conditions; and explain to them in a simple manner, why the conditions have existed throughout the centuries which get beyond their control.” It is all just because mankind has not understood the Presence of Life!
As you value everything which you hold dear in your Life and the future of the centuries before you, REMEMBER THAT CHART IS CORRECT! It gives you the exact eye picture of your position physically to your own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM”; and unless mankind will understand that and accept It, as a Reality in the feeling world, humanity will go on, and on, and I would not attempt to picture into what!
Oh, Dear People, do not make any mistake about Us. We are not calamity howlers; but We are putting before you, the Exact Truth of Life, which It is your privilege to accept and utilize, if you will. If you will not, it is quite your own business; but let Me tell you, the person or student who has touched This Light and allows himself or herself to be turned aside, by some silly human thing acting, is most unfortunate indeed!
In every city where the Messengers have been, there have been a few, who thru silly human gossip, have allowed themselves to be turned from This Great Pathway of Light—the most Beautiful, Magnificent Thing on the face of This Earth. Watch them! They will drink the dregs of the cup, they have filled with destruction, and there is no describing it! We do not wish it upon them. The Messengers do not wish it upon them; but We have explained to you, the Law of Life which compels It to act. There is nothing but themselves who can change it. So long as they allow their feeling to continue pouring forth destructive discordant activity; because it is their own energy acting. This energy flows thru naturally, as We might say, thru your Life Stream. It is going all the time. Energy does not discriminate! You are the discriminating Intelligence of your world; who should say how your energy shall act thru you and your world; but mankind has not understood that. Therefore, how were people to govern it?
Today, the Beloved Saint Germain has brought to you, the Clear, Simple Understanding which a child can comprehend. It is Majestic and All-powerful in Its Action, for the Individual when applied. Let Us take you by the hand and help you to understand and apply It, with Dynamic Power and Energy. Then see how quickly your world will be first stilled. Then, as This Pure Wondrous Energy flows forth and out into your world, you will find those who hated you will turn and love you; those who opposed you, will want to serve you in the Glory of
Life; because your Out-pouring of Love has touched their world, refined it; and made it responsive to the Power of Life which is Light. Life is acting everywhere!
Precious Ones in this audience today, do you understand, you are but the Individualization of the One Great Life? If one of you sitting in this audience, were suddenly to turn and hate the rest, then those in the audience to some degree—knowingly or unknowingly, would be affected by that feeling which was sent into the room, if they did not understand how to protect themselves. Individuals are doing this constantly and believing they are not affected by it; but too late, they realize they are their own destruction.
Then, you will be in a position to call the Powers of your Presence forth to cleanse, purify and set your world into order; and have the Glory, the Presence, and the Perfection of All Life acting in your world.
Think of it! Never in the experience of outer activity have such things been done, and I just refer to two or three. The Great Victory you will understand by His Name, is all Victory implies. His Name is a Quality, a Power, an Authority! When He has offered to charge the Substance of Light, which is His Power of Victory into the feeling world of every honest, sincere student; in the Name of God, your “Mighty I AM Presence,” do you realize what that means to you! His Power is Assistance for Victory in your world on the side of Light! The Mighty Goddess of Liberty has offered to charge your world with Her Power of Liberty; which is Her Quality of Action to give you Assistance. In My Humble Efforts, “I AM” the Director of Those Mighty Light Rays, I offer to dissolve and consume your human creation; as I find Individuals who are Earnest, Honest and Sincere in making their Application. Where their Streams of Life make it possible for Me to render that Service, I never lose an opportunity to give Assistance; to dissolve and consume the remainder of their human discordant qualities, which have been drawn into the feeling world.
Remember, everything in Life is a Trinity of Action. Perhaps, I should explain to you why these particular qualities are being
charged into the feeling world of the students everywhere. The demand for the World and our America especially, is Victory thru Liberty—in the acknowledgment of the Presence of all Life, which is the “Mighty I AM.” America must have Invincible Protection. It is not a matter of can it, but America must have It! We are the Power and the Authority by the Full Co-operation of the Cosmic Beings of Light. Then can you tell Me honestly from your Heart, there is any human creation in the Universe which has any Power to oppose Our Authority of Life?
OF WHAT THIS MEANS. Let Me remind you again, that which We refer to as the Cosmic Light, is not just an Universal Activity which is prevalent everywhere! The Cosmic Light to which We refer, is a Consciously Drawn and Projected Power of Light Substance into the Earth; by the Great Group of Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, from what you have come to know as the Great Central Sun; which is the Heart Focus of Life and Light to This System of Worlds.
Now is the only time, It has ever acted upon the Earth in more than two million years, because the need is so great; in order to hold the unity in This System of Worlds. Your planet has become known
—Oh, let us put it, as a “shadow planet”; because of the discord long generated by mankind. Do you realize what it would mean, if the Earth failed in its Expansion of the Light as required; in relation to the other planets of This System? You don’t know that, the intellect cannot comprehend it, but We do!
Do you wonder why Beloved Saint Germain wanted to bring forth This Light to the Earth, in the last effort to free mankind? Let Me tell you something, you could never repay Him in a million years for the Service, which He has rendered to the Earth and to mankind. Then, to think there are Individuals in America so depraved, as to condemn, criticize and put forth the vicious fiendish false statement, that the Messengers are trying to replace Beloved Jesus with Saint Germain; trying to ridicule the Dictations of These Great Beings of Light! The ignorance and fiendishness of unfortunate Individuals, is but a claw of the sinister force, to spread their poisonous breath among the students.
I say to you Beloved People of Detroit, fiendish human Beings will pay the penalty, as no human Being on the face of This Earth can understand; for the falsehoods they have spread concerning the Messengers and This Work—not the Messengers so much, as This Work, which is the Light of every human Being’s Life. You watch! The end of their rope is at hand. Human Beings so imbued with the fiendishness and falsehood as to spread apparent opposition to This Light, do it only to gain money. They have failed, as all destructive forces must fail! I say that to every human being who opposes This Light; because there is nothing the Messengers give forth, which is not beautiful and constructive, and for the Freedom of mankind. It is a Service to the Earth which has never been rendered.
If you allow yourselves to be affected by such false things, you will pay the penalty; and you will continue in your limitations. I speak with Authority! I want the Blessed People and Students to have their Freedom; and be untouched by the fiendish falsehoods which are spread. Therefore, stand in the Light of your “I AM Presence,” Beloved Ones, and have your Freedom!
When human Beings allow destructive qualities to pour forth, they must pay the penalty; because it is the Law of their Life! It is not that anybody wishes anything upon them, but the Law of their Life must act; and the qualities which those human Beings send forth, return home to act in their worlds. There is nothing can prevent it but themselves; and the acceptance of the Presence which dissolves and consumes it.
Let me remind you, there is no one thing so important today, outside of the Acknowledgment of the “I AM Presence,” as to call It into action, to use the Violet Consuming Flame; so all discord and accumulation can be dissolved and consumed from your world! You cannot comprehend what this means to you in the intellect; but if you will only give obedience and make the earnest sincere Call to your Presence; That Work will be done! Remember, when you call your Presence to form the Tube of Light about you; and set the Violet Consuming Flame into action and continue It, it is done! The Presence always answers! Then, don’t let your human requalify it again; or believe it is not acting! If you do, with such a continued feeling, you will shatter that which you have called the Presence to
produce for you; because you are the Authority, the Decreer for your world. Its energy will act according to your Decree—your feeling, because you are a Being of Free Will.
It is why, as you comprehend these Simple Laws of Life and set Them into action; you become an Invincible Being, whose Power of Light is the Governing Intelligence and Activity of your world.
Beloved Ones, Oh, rejoice! Do not accept in your world, financial limitation—or limitation of any kind, ill health—or disturbance. This Power of Light anchored within your Heart is the Power of Life, the Power of the Universe; the Greatest Intelligence which exists. Its Mighty Energy released in the body, will dissolve and consume, cause and effect, not only in the body, but in the feeling world of the Individual; and of every condition which disturbs you or causes pain or distress.
If you realized it, you could stand and raise your hands to the Presence, as if you grasped the Power, the Substance of the Presence and drew It down on the body. You could draw it into your body and all pain and disturbance would be dissolved—which was ever created there, and at once! You don’t have to wait days and weeks to do it! Today, in the Intelligent Release of the Energy of the Individual by the Power of the Presence, YOU CAN WITH THE HANDS REACH INTO THE SUBSTANCE OF THE PRESENCE AND SWEEP OUT ALL DISCORD IN YOUR BODY OR WORLD.
Try to feel that, and feel the Authority of the Presence which is All- powerful, to charge your world with It and do it now! Then, so quickly feel the Freedom which is yours, the Health and the Joy!
You cannot have Happiness, Dear Hearts, if your body is racked with pain and distress! No one can be happy in that condition! Suppose we took a body, for illustration, which was racked with pain from whatever cause, it does not matter. If the Individual in the midst of pain, would stand and give his or her attention to the Presence and call It into action with dynamic energy, in ten minutes; he or she could sweep the pain out of that body, and make no mistake about it! It is possible, if enough Dynamic Energy is released.
I am determined Individuals shall understand their Authority for Health! their Authority for Happiness! their Authority for the Release, from the Treasure-house of their Presence, of the money supply
which they require! By the Powers of Light, I command that to take place in the feeling world of mankind everywhere; and hold Its Dominion, so Individuals may awaken and be the Glorified Beings which the Light that beats their Hearts, entitles them to be!
If people do not love themselves enough, then I Love them enough; to give an Added Assistance which will awaken them into the full Power, Authority and Glory of their own Beings, their Life, their “Mighty I AM”! They can call Its Intensified Power into action, so It may purify, cleanse and set their worlds into order—to give them the Happiness which comes alone, in Perfect Health and the Acknowledgment of Life which is without limit! That Happiness is Eternal for each one.
Therefore, today Great is your Privilege! Great, Great is your Privilege! Individuals have lived so long, believing they must still be subject to the conditions of their own mistakes. Today they have This Light! We know their mistakes may no longer be allowed to rule them. THINK OF IT, THERE IS NOT ONE THING IN THE UNIVERSE, WHICH CONDEMNS OR CRITICIZES YOU, BUT YOURSELVES.
Let Me say something else—this is so Magnificent! Human Beings who criticize, condemn, judge or release any of those qualities, are criticizing and condemning themselves because they are Life. They are condemning Life, which has never offered them anything but Good! Oh, that mankind, wayward mankind, would understand these Simple Activities of Life; and then give the necessary obedience, to allow all mistakes to be erased from Individuals’ worlds forever!
In the Fulness of all you hold dear, remember Precious People, first there is the Acknowledgment of your Presence of all Life, as you observe It on the Chart! Don’t you see you are a Part of That Great Perfection? You cannot be deprived of It, if you will give It attention. Then realize the Imperative Demand of Life; not the demand of someone, but the Imperative Demand of Life, so you no longer requalify Its Great Pure Energy, as It is flowing into your body and out into your world. By understanding the imperative need of doing it, you will allow That Energy to go forth in Its Natural Practical Activity;
to produce Health, Happiness and the Limitless Supply of everything you need, for use in your world.
It is the most Practical Law in all the Universe! There is nothing in the physical world today in mechanics or anything else, which is so practical as This Law of Life when understood; to produce dynamic, definite, certain, All-powerful Results! IT CANNOT FAIL AND NEVER DID! I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT,
BELOVED PEOPLE ! Your Application, if you are honest, sincere and determined cannot fail! It never did! If it seems to, it is only because some quality is still acting in your feeling world, of which you are unaware; or you are continuing to accept the appearance.
Let Me make just one illustration and that is concerning money supply. I have watched among the students, a few Individuals who make the Call dynamically and earnestly, and ten minutes after, will begin to accept in their feeling world as true, the appearance of their financial limitation. You cannot have Results and do that, not in the Quick Full Manner you would like to have. Of course, as you continue to call, it will beat down human feeling. Stand guard over your feeling, when you have made your Dynamic Application for your money supply; and the moment any slightest feeling of doubt or discord starts, stop it and say: “Stop! Not one thing is going to generate here, to interfere with This Call! My Presence is the Authority and Power in my world! Don’t you attempt to interfere”! Then, you will govern the feeling within yourself, as sure as “I AM” telling you, and you must do it! Then, after awhile, when you make your Application human feeling will not be there to act!
Take the Messenger for illustration. Blessed People, you will never know, what He went thru in those earlier years. Even when Beloved Saint Germain sent them forth to give out This Work, still some doubts and fears were in Him. When He understood how to silence that feeling with an iron grip, and make it be still; in a short time, it was no longer there to act. Today, when He issues a Decree, He knows there is no opposition, and of course the answer is there! The answer is within the Call!
We saw him reading a letter last night, or this morning about 2:00 o’clock, and a blessed one had made the Call for help. The letter stated: “You did not answer my letter, and yet the Healing was
Complete.” Beloved Ones, if you were to understand and realize the thousands of answers, Instantaneous Healings of conditions and bodies; and all the limitations of mankind—which are released at His Call, you would know, that you too, can do the same thing. Only He has gained the Full Confidence in His Call to the Presence, which no longer allows requalification to act upon the energy as He calls It forth. You can do the same and you must do it; because you must make your own Application.
You are the one in your world who must take the initiative. Then, whatever assistance can be given is well and good; but REMEMBER, NO ONE CAN TAKE YOUR PLACE IN YOUR
WORLD. You must be firm, determined and dynamic in YOUR APPLICATION—especially at first; until you break down the human creations, which have pressed upon you and limited you, as you understand it, thru this embodiment. Remember, there cannot be any effect in your world, without a cause for it! EVERY CAUSE IS FIRST IN THE FEELING WORLD, BEFORE IT CAN OUTPICTURE IN THE PHYSICAL BODY OR IN YOUR WORLD OF ACTION. Therefore, if
the cause of limitations and discord is removed, then there is nothing left to interrupt This Great Pure Mighty Energy of the Presence as It flows forth!
Beloved Ones, is there any one of you who doubts the Reality of the Eye Picture, which the Chart represents to you; that your Presence is really there above you—the Presence of ALL Life? Let Us show you the proof, Dear Hearts! Take a human form which an hour ago was so happy, energetic, filled with Light, Buoyancy and Power. When Life has withdrawn, the body lies there helpless. All the organs, all the faculties which were acting are there still, but the body is helpless! Then where was that Intelligence, power, substance, energy, and activity, which was acting thru that body? Right there in the Stream of Life and Energy from the Presence of ALL Life. When It withdrew, the body was helpless. Then everything which ever acted thru that form, all the Power, Intelligence or whatever it might have been, was the Power and the qualities, which came thru the Stream of Life beating each human Heart.
You cannot deny that! There is not a human Being on the face of This Earth who can deny it. There was a Presence of Life which
was in that form which is no longer active. The Presence of Life was carrying each quality thru the human form and out into the Individual’s world. Then, you know you have found the Source of Intelligence, of Power, of Life, of Action, of All Supply there is in the World.
Let us no longer be limited in the feeling world, by the idea and feeling that supply depends upon human Beings in your midst! As long as you continue to accept it, you will find yourself limited. Cut it off and turn to your Presence—the Treasure-House of the Universe
—and your world. Then, remember THIS, Beloved Ones, Oh please HOLD THIS firmly before yourself forever!
When you call to your Presence for your money supply or any supply you require for use, Your Presence, is your Treasure-House actually, practically and literally! It probably would not release coined money in your hands just yet; but It is the Power of Intelligence at your Call, which sets Its Energy into action in your body. All persons, places and conditions, required to bring financial money supply into your hands—by the Wisdom, Power and Love of the Presence, will be set into action to bring it to you. You will be caused to harmonize yourself and do whatever you are required to do, to co-operate with the Activity of Life which produces that result for you.
Oh Dear Hearts, once you would only understand it, you could not be deprived of anything you need for your use. It would be impossible! There is not one human Being on This Earth, who owns anything. Oh, if mankind would only understand that! You don’t even own your bodies! If you did, you would keep them! Now notice how practical all this is! If you owned those bodies, you would keep them, wouldn’t you? At least as long as you wanted to. Then, somewhere something is missing!
Life is always Omnipresent and acting! It is your Limitless Supply of all you require for use! Your Presence is the Individualized Presence of God, who holds within Its Radiance and Power, the Supply of all things; in substance, in energy, in quality! As It releases the Intelligent Substance or Energy, into action in the human octave, the conditions are brought about for a Complete and Full Release of what you require. Don’t you see how It cannot fail in a single instance? It just cannot do it.
Then, what you need to do is to watch, and if you are not having a quick and Full Response to your Call—don’t be discouraged, but say: “Hold on here now! What is the matter with me? What is acting here which should not? What am I not doing that I should?” Then, call the Presence into action and say: “ ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! let me know definitely now what is the reason here.” Be practical! Don’t be afraid of anything, but be so practical and say: “Here let this thing stop right now! I have made the Call and I know it must be answered! Whatever human quality is in me, take it out”! Be firm about it, and Oh, how quickly, you will find your Calls being answered with Great Speed and Power! It is Magnificent!
I want to say just a few words in regard to the great industries of today. A Great Law is entering into the industrial world—the Power of Light! One of your blessed citizens, in his Heart is responding so wonderfully to the Great Laws of Life. His Light has held Its Dominion over the most destructive of forces which would have destroyed him. He is your beloved Henry Ford. I am not trying to exploit your beloved friend; but I am stating the Laws of Life. Had it not been for him and his stand against the destructive forces, which tried at one time to wipe him out of existence; the industrial world would have been in such chaos today, that most of mankind would not have had enough to eat. He was the strength and courage to the other industries of the World in his stand; because he knows God, the Presence of all Life!
Notice—today, the demand of the Activities of Life in the industrial world is imperative; and the heads of great industries are coming to realize, the old methods can be used no more! There are still a few who hold on; still trying at least to hold fast to the old ideas; but they cannot survive and do it! We believe in giving Justice and when We see an Individual who has built himself into the great, almost limitless success which Mr. Ford has, then We believe in giving credit where it is due. His only support, his only protection, his only achievement, has been in his Power of Conscious Attention to the Light. No matter what the criticism of him may have been, be careful you do not accept it! If there were now and then an Individual in his service, who might have made mistakes, don’t forget, he may not have been responsible for it.
So it is in all walks of Life. It is not always the head of industries or conditions who may be responsible; because they are not always able to govern the action of those in their employ. Just as a spy from a foreign country might enter into your America; and gain information which would be your destruction, would the government be to blame for that? Possibly in a slight degree in lack of alertness, but the penalty would be on the Individual who did it.
Now remember, Dear Ones, I am prompting you for a Great Definite Reason. In the children’s experiences in India, when Rex discovered a spy in the midst of the Brotherhood—notice the reason! The atmosphere of the Brotherhood had been charged by the spy, so they might not feel, see or detect his presence! Rex coming in from an outside atmosphere, wholly Free from it, was enabled to detect it! Notice what that means to the world, when you clear your atmosphere of human pressure. By calling your Presence into action, you will be alert, to detect the conditions which are about to touch your world—which would affect, limit or harm you.
Therefore, as you sense it, you can say to the wrong condition: “You have no power! Be thou dissolved and consumed by the Power of Light!” and it is done! Instead of it finding action in your world, it will have disappeared before it reached your world! That is the Power of Alertness and detection; and it is why We call with all the earnestness of Our Beings, for the students to become more and more alert; in the Acknowledgment of their Presence and all the conditions which touch their worlds; so they may be prompted.
Let Me also correct a thing which has been acting within mankind concerning promptings or the premonition of things. Such a thing is not given as an inevitable occurrence to act in your world but you are being prompted to issue your Mighty Decree, so it may be dissolved and consumed. Then, it cannot act in your world! Mankind has been accepting premonitions and promptings throughout the centuries; and have believed because Individuals received them, they must act in their worlds. Because such a prompting was received, you may say: “Be thou dissolved and consumed”! and it would be so! Remember, that as you value your progress!
Beloved Ones, My Joy is Boundless! Will you rejoice with Me, in the Service which it has been possible to render, while the
Messenger was voicing My Words to you! Seventy-five per cent of you who are in this room, have enabled Me to dissolve and consume seventy-five percent of your own human creation! My Gratitude and Joy is very Great! Accept It please! Then, as you enter into the class know you have entered into your Eternal—your Permanent Freedom; and no longer accept any condition or appearance, as having power to limit or disturb you again.
Oh, will you feel how Real all this is? I am none the less Real, because you do not see Me. Because My Vibratory Action raises My Body of Light, beyond your physical sight, is no reason why I am not Real! I am more Real than you; believe it or not! Please do not believe a thing is not Real, because it is invisible; for all the Great Powers in the World which are being used are invisible!
Many thousands of students have seen the Calls of the Messengers answered with definite precision. Now, as the Great Momentum of the large number of students, who in their great loyalty are joining in these Wondrous Decrees, the Power has become Mighty. Many of the things which were thought to take place in the World, have not taken place. All of you earnest, Blessed Ones, have been a part of That Great Service in the Mighty Decrees which you have issued. We congratulate all the students who are able to release such a Mighty Power of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love and Blessings, for It is the Secret of all things!
The refusal to accept or listen to human gossip is the Open Door to solve your problems. There the Out-pouring of the Ascended Masters Divine Love and Blessing is the Open Door, to the Out- pouring from the Presence, which will solve all things. We rejoice, so many of the students after such a long time and many repetitions of This Instruction, are beginning to understand, the first imperative need in their worlds, is to refuse to listen to or voice destruction; send forth discordant qualities; or even to allow them to act within their feeling. Then, as they pour out Divine Love and Blessings to all persons, places, conditions and things, the Whole Universe will flood their worlds with money, supply, happiness, health, strength and courage; because they are complying with the great Law of Life!
I thank you for this opportunity, to offer My Humble Assistance in that which has been rendered; and may the Glory of Our Happiness
ever intensify and increase within your feeling world and consciousness! Remember—to you and all the students, has been offered the Use of the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness and Substance; which cannot be requalified by human qualification. Call It into action in your world! Charge your body with It and let Its Perfect Work go on, unto your Full Perfection. Then, you attain your Ascension into the Eternal body of Light. Oh, Beloved Ones, how wonderful it is that mankind can have the Opportunity to come home and live within the Happiness, the Glory and the Perfection which Life has always held for all Individuals; but which mankind had forgotten.
The Love and Blessings of the Great Host of Ascended Masters, the Legions of Light and the Cosmic Beings, flood your Beings and worlds and enfold you in Their Eternal Perfection.
We Love and Bless you!
June 19, 1938
Beloved Students and Friends, while These Words are spoken to you by the Messenger, it shall be My Pleasure to release approximately sixty percent of those in the room from the most discordant accumulation, which they have drawn about themselves thru the centuries.
Perhaps you do not understand exactly what I mean; but you have accumulated more or less discord throughout the centuries and it is still about you. Few of the students have used the Violet Consuming Flame with sufficient intensity, to allow the Great Presence to have dissolved their human accumulation completely. Tonight, I shall endeavor to finish that for many of you.
Since your sincerity, since your stand for the Light in Denver has been so unusual, then shall your reward come in your own release; and those for whom it is accomplished, will feel it without question within a few days.
Therefore, tonight, will you be kind enough to accept the Radiance poured forth to you, about you and in your feeling world, to render This Service? Remember, this is at the Call of your Own Life. There is but One Power in the Universe to act and It is your own Life! We are a Part of That One Great Life more in advance than you. Having set Ourselves Free ages ago, We are in a position to help mankind today, and the need is imperative!
Therefore, during this class, the Greatest Work has gone on of any class of the Messengers. We congratulate you on your harmonized feeling, on your Love and Out-pouring, which makes this possible; for outside of the Direct Attention to the Great Presence of Life, your Harmony is the most important thing. If you but knew it, It is the Key to all things.
In all We have experienced and are observing among mankind today, I marvel Individuals have not seen in the terrific experiences they have passed thru, that it is their inharmony, which is producing
all the limitations and discord for them. The human self has so long attempted to hold its dominion, that it refuses with stubborn resistance, to accept Its Presence of Life, which would set it Free so quickly. So, tonight, according to your acceptance, may you have This Great Blessing enfold you. Beloved Children of the Light, in the Service which We are rendering to the Earth, it is an Eternally Sustained Activity always! There is no thing, no action which We start, that We do not sustain, until its Full Achievement. Therefore, as you have been drawn into this Class Room, by the Light within your own Heart, then you are to a definite degree, filled with Sufficient Light to draw this which will bless you. It is always your own Light which acts; but as you call, as the Messengers call, and the Full Force of Our Assistance comes into action, all resistance recedes, dissolves and disappears!
Therefore, in the people’s lack of understanding, they have endeavored to govern and bring each other into submission and under each other’s domination; creating all kinds of discord under which they had to live. When you understand, you have the Great Presence of Life to turn to, then all which has terrified you in the world of human action, dissolves and disappears before the Call to your Great Presence.
You must understand this definitely and fully; and know tonight, that you are Master of your own selves and your world, thru your attention to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” which brings Its Intelligence and Power into action.
Tonight, I thank the Messenger, especially at this time, for having read the excerpt from the Magic Presence. We have brought into action, a Powerful Activity—the Most Powerful so far in the class. It is the Activity from the Cave of Light in India. It is My Pleasure to draw forth and hold you in Its Radiance for this hour; so you may absorb, receive and be blessed eternally by Its Action, which comes alone from the Power of Light.
You feel quite disappointed, if at any time your fixtures are out of order, your connections, and you have no Light. This Light of which We speak, is far more important than your Lights here. The lack of Inner Light is darkness of the darkest kind; and if you were to discern those whom We refer to as earth-bound; who have lived depraved
lives upon This Earth and cannot leave it, you would realize something of what the lack of Inner Light means! Were you to observe such earth-bound people, you would see each one has created for himself a density of darkness which is unknown in any condition of the outer life. That is what mankind so glibly speaks of as earth-bound Individuals; little dreaming in such darkness, the Individual suffers agonies beyond anything mankind can suffer in the human form.
Your Call to the Great Presence of Light, is the Only Power which can dissolve and consume your creations. That Wondrous Chart gives you the eye picture of the Violet Consuming Flame, by which you may be set Free; and only then, will mankind feel and understand the Importance of the Presence.
You are no longer subject to your mistakes, because you have made them. There is not a thing in the Universe which condemns Individuals but themselves. They think themselves very wise. They criticize, condemn and blame each other, for what is alone within themselves! Do not forget it! THERE CANNOT ANYTHING ENTER YOUR WORLD, UNLESS THERE IS SOMETHING TO ATTRACT IT OR CORRESPOND TO IT!
How is it, Beloved Ones, as many of you know, the Messengers live in a charmed world of their own, untouched by the viciousness of mankind? Is it not the proof that, when your attention is withheld from any destructive force; and you know human creation has no power, you can move in the world untouched by its discord? Therefore, if you will but understand this, you will find yourselves quickly moving
in the world, in your own Harmony called forth from your Presence; and It becomes the Governing Power and Intelligence of your world!
The Privilege, the Opportunity is yours. Therefore, if you will take this Opportunity, make your Application, We will give whatever added Assistance, is required to give you the Victory and quickly.
In the Power of Radiance which has been released to the Earth; and in the Call thus far, the accumulated application of mankind, is sufficient to hold the Balance for every earnest sincere student. When I see silly ignorant mankind grinning and smirking at the Great Wall of Light, one day, they shall see how they have missed their Opportunity. As if the Great Light, as if the Messengers, as if We were concerned with mankind’s belief or unbelief! They are quite Free to accept or reject; but one day, when the Hearts of the people are wracked in agony, they will wish they had taken the Opportunity offered; and with the Assistance of the Mighty Radiation which is being released to mankind, had attained their Victory and Freedom quickly.
Our Rejoicing in being able to render you This Service, Beloved Ones, is very Great. You cannot possibly imagine, until you have entered into Greater Freedom what THIS means! When We see the Hearts of mankind reaching so earnestly for Freedom, do you wonder at this time, We make every Effort possible, to watch and guard you, as though you were little children? You perhaps do not appreciate that; but when the human is silenced sufficiently, thru the feeling, will you begin to understand and appreciate all It means to you individually.
The gathered momentum of the activity of men’s minds, is the governing power of a Nation. If it be mis-directed, then the Nation is filled with chaos; and unless it be corrected, there will be the destruction of that civilization.
We have watched civilization after civilization come and go upon This Earth. We have watched mankind in embodiment today; and a few think they know something about Life. They think they know something about the Laws of Life! You are just beginning to learn. Believe it, Dear Ones, when mankind is willing to turn first to the Presence of All Life, the “Mighty I AM,” and then to the Ascended Masters, Individuals will come to understand and know once and for
all time, the Truth of Life. Only a Being who has set Himself or Herself Free, by the Power of that one’s own Application and the Understanding of Life, is in a position to convey the Truth to mankind.
This is why the Work your Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth to you, is producing such tremendous results today. The puny mind of mankind which criticizes and condemns His Work, will one day long to have It, when it is too late. I plead with you, do not be so foolish. If you do not care for a thing, at least do not condemn it, then you have saved yourself much. No one in the Universe, not even Ourselves, wants you to do something you do not want to do. Therefore, you are Free Beings, except with each other. You are not willing to give each other Freedom, so of course you do not have It yourself!
Now realize, beloved students, friends, relatives and fellow associates; if you want your Freedom, you have to give Freedom to everyone else you know. Unless you do, you will remain bound yourself, for It is the Law of Life. Therefore, profit by This Wisdom which We give. There are no mistakes in It. It is mankind in its bondage who needs Freedom. If We are willing to attempt to give Our Assistance, mankind should be willing to accept It; at least enough to try It out and see whether It will not produce definite results. That at least should be the logical activity of mankind.
In the activity of your physical life, if you are not quite familiar with a thing, you experiment and see whether it is useful to you. In the Great Laws of Life, when presented by Those who have set Themselves Free by This Identical Application, mankind ought to be willing to try It out and see. Fortunately, great great numbers of mankind have been willing to try It out and are having Freedom now. From Our Standpoint, Beloved Ones, and I speak of it only for your encouragement—if you cannot see the Example of the Messengers, then there is not a great deal of hope! They have stood against the greatest fierceness ever projected at two human Beings; yet they remain untouched, because they must be the Example of
the Law to mankind.
As students, you are expected to become the Same Example to your fellow-man. Therefore, you must study, apply the Law and
prove the Law to yourselves; which gives you the confidence to say to your fellow-man: “I know the Law, because I have proved It.” Every one of you can do it, for I say to you, no human Being in embodiment in this world can prove This Law wrong; and anyone from a child six years old on can prove It Right, if such a person really wants to.
That is why, you are not dealing with a questionable action of Life; you are dealing with the Powerful Almighty Law of your own Life, which is actually beating your Heart. It will give you the strength and power in your Call to the Presence of all Life, to win the Victory over all conditions which are before you.
Let us anchor It so strong, tonight, within your feeling world for constant action, that you never forget It. Your Call to your Life never failed in the world, never could. If you follow your Call with doubts and let human conditions and suggestions of mankind rush in upon you; if you respond to them, instead of standing with your Call and the Presence of All Life, you are very apt to be disappointed.
Remember, you are the Authority in your world and no one else! Not your dearest friend, not your husband nor wife can say to the other what you shall do; for those who bind are thus bound! Remember THAT! Beloved Ones. Say not to your fellow-man: “DO THUS AND SO.” SAY TO YOUR FELLOW-MAN: “THE BLESSINGS OF THE ETERNAL LIGHT OF GOD REST UPON YOU. GO FORTH THE VICTORY OF LIFE”! THEN YOU WILL HAVE FULFILLED YOUR OBLIGATION TO YOUR FELLOW-MAN; BUT EVERY WORD, EVERY FEELING OF CRITICISM YOU PASS TO EACH OTHER, YOU ARE SETTING YOURSELF INTO GREATER BONDAGE. DON’T FORGET IT!
I say to you Beloved Group Leaders, not only here, but everywhere in America and the World: as you value your existence, as you value your Progress and Freedom, don’t criticize other Group Leaders; don’t criticize students of other Group Leaders; DON’T CRITICIZE EACH OTHER, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER! THEN, YOU WILL FIND YOUR FREEDOM QUICKLY. Whether it be
person, place or condition matters not. It is the quality which you generate and set into action in your own feeling world that always deprives you.
Let everyone understand It tonight and while human creation is being dissolved for you, let This Charge go into your world and stand there—the Ascended Master Self-luminous Intelligent Substance for action, which you cannot requalify. In having removed for you the substance in your Life which you could requalify, should you not be grateful to Life, which has called Us into action to render This Service?
All you are or ever hope to be, depends upon your acceptance of This Light, your own “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence”; and your willingness to apply the Law set before you. In the comfort of your own city, I have brought to you, that for which mankind has searched for centuries. Many of you I see appreciate it greatly; therefore, to you be the Freedom of Life!
Beloved Ones, in all which exists upon This Earth or within the human octave, there is not one thing of importance except your Life. You have given authority and power without limit, to everything in the world but your own Life! Then, you wonder why you are not Free, or why you are in distress and limitation. Do you not see, as you have looked upon human creation, you thought it was the authority and power; giving it your Life, to send back its discord, limitations and distress to act in your world?
Look how quickly the whole world of the Messengers reversed, when they began to refuse acceptance of the human creation and outer appearance in their world. When they called the Great Presence of Life into action, see how quickly they were Free; and doing that which no one of mankind has ever done before; calling forth the Power of Light to supply and serve them, and It has not failed!
Ladies and gentlemen, in your business association, if you would call forth the Power of Light, knowing and accepting your “Mighty I AM Presence”—as the only acting Intelligence in the world of business; you would see how quickly you would reverse all discordant conditions which have ever been. You would charge all those activities with the Power of Light, which knows no opposite. It is Invincible in Its Onward Movement, toward the Expanding Perfection which It is; for It carries away every discord, drawing it in and dissolving it, so far as your individual world is concerned.
You do not have to be failures; you do not have to be subject to the conditions you see about you! If a thousand people were in distress about you, and you stood alone with your own God Presence, the “Mighty I AM,” your world would be filled with Happiness, Supply and Free from the surrounding conditions, no matter what they were!
That is why I say to you tonight, earnest, sincere, Beloved Students of the “I AM”: Never again listen to silly human gossip which says to you: “Why don’t you apply the Law”? Because that sinister thing wants to discourage you. When you have proven the Law, which you will, if you don’t listen to human gossip; then turn and hold steadfast to your Presence; and one day, those critical Individuals will crawl around like a whining dog at your heels and say: “Help me”! We have seen it done time and again!
Some who have hated and condemned the Messengers, have been compelled to call to them for help; and the Messengers were kind enough to give it, after the greatest and fiercest condemnation. That is the Power of Divine Love which they exert! That is the Power of Divine Love in the Blessing they send forth to mankind! That is the Blessing which all mankind should be giving to each other; and as you pour the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love, Blessings and Kindness to each other, the Presence and Power of Light, will flood you and your world with all the Perfection which It holds for you.
Remember, as that description was read to you tonight, of My Service to the Children, with all the Love and Kindness of My Heart, I say: “Remember ‘I AM’ THAT Same Being rendering you a little less Powerful Service; for in the numbers here who are unprepared, I cannot do the same thing fully which I did for Bob and Rex, Nada and Pearl and Those who were there! I can and have started into action in your world, the same Great Light, the same Mighty Activity, which according to your great Love, kindness and acceptance, will go on, and on, and on; in Its action of the Freeing, Purifying, Cleansing Power within you and your world. Then, one day not so long hence, you will begin to see the Result of that Purification and of the Out-pouring of the Light of God, the ‘Mighty I AM.’ ”
Each day, It will surge forth more and more powerfully thru your body, thru your feeling world; and you will then see the Greater
Harmony moving before you. That which had disturbed you and Individuals who had obstructed your way, will move out of your world; and the Presence of Life will move forward, producing the Victory of Light for you!
I commend you, tonight, to the Full Glory of God, your “Mighty I AM Presence.” May Its Full Power of Action take command of your mind and body, your world of action and produce Its Perfection and hold Its Dominion there.
I call to the Higher Mental Body of each one, to stand guard; and see you are wholly receptive to the Power of your Presence; and that you earnestly make the Call which will enable Its Great Power of Life, to surge forth and give you the Blessings which everybody in embodiment craves to have, even the scoffers; even the doubters! When they are alone within their own chambers or upon their beds of straw, they will see that their scoffing and their doubt placed them on the bed of straw and privation. It does not pay to scoff at Life! It does not pay to criticize and condemn the Power of Light which is offered; for one day, mankind will want It and It will be absent!
Beloved Ones, in pleading with you to enter into the Full Activity of Life; and give the co-operation and obedience, which are necessary for the Greater Release, will you not give that obedience joyfully and willingly? I know all of you sincere students of the “I AM,” will gladly.
Stand unyielding in the Great Presence of your Life! In commending you into the Hands of the Mighty Activity of that Great Presence tonight, and in speaking to your Higher Mental Bodies, I say: “Bless these children in the human form with such Obedience, such Joy and Happiness in their feeling world; such Harmony maintained, that quickly the Power of Light will bring into their experience, the Evidence which satisfies anyone—even the most skeptical—of the Power of Light, to set them Free and give them the Freedom which is their due”!
I thank you.
August 21, 1938
Out of the Glory of all the Presence of Life holds for you tonight, I greet you in the Name, Power and the Substance of Light.
Come with Me into Our Great Octave of Light, and while These Words are voiced to you, allow Me to assist you thru the Power of your comprehension, to realize mankind is entering the Gateway of Freedom. The Power, the Glory of all which Life has so long wanted to release into your worlds, is beginning to have the opportunity.
It does not matter how much you want a thing brought into physical manifestation, if you do not comply with the Law of Life which produces it, still you do not have it! Therefore, tonight, It is My Joy to render a Service for you, and at the same time render a Service for your city; for since you are citizens of Oakland and have your homes here, then you need more than just your Individual Freedom, do you not? You need the environmental conditions which make for your happiness. Beloved Students, remember in all you call forth for yourselves, call forth the Harmony, Perfection and Out- pouring of Light from the PRESENCE OF ALL LIFE, TO YOUR CITY. In every city where there are a thousand or more students, those students—if they but realized it—could by the issuing of these Mighty Decrees and calling to the Presence of Life, regulate all conditions in the city Harmoniously and Perfectly! You don’t see that
yet, but I assure you, We have proved it time and again!
Therefore, in coming into your city for the first time, to establish the Mighty Out-pouring of Light here; to see the earnestness with which you have sent forth these Mighty Decrees; and the determination and steadfastness of it, you could no longer be denied.
Please understand Me, when I say to you, that when Life within you calls, do you really realize what It means? You think you call of your outer volition. That is true, but what is it which enables you to
call? It is the Intelligence, the Energy, the Power you use, Life in Its All-powerful Activity! Then, It is Life which is calling.
Suppose an emergency suddenly appears in your Life and with very great earnestness and intensity, you make the Call for help, for assistance, for release, for supply; then is it not Life which is making that Call, even thru your outer volition? I say to you, Beloved Ones, when you understand all which acts thru you is the Power of Life; then you see and know, you are the Director. You must be the Director of your energy, your Life. The energy itself will not discriminate as you call it forth; but when you call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, Love, Wisdom and Power are acting in balanced form.
Therefore, whether you outwardly understood the fulness of all which was required or not, your motive underlying would be correct. It would be right. When you understand the Presence of Life will not release energy any longer for destructive purposes; then you will understand why all destructive creations of Individuals or conditions, are rapidly becoming helpless, to further interfere with or intrude upon mankind, to limit or disturb longer.
The Great Cosmic Light which is steadily being released to the physical world, is doing a Work words fail utterly to express. Only as you would see with the All-Seeing-Eye within you, could you comprehend what I mean, because words do not convey it. Yet, I say to you, the achievement of the past six months—in the Calls of the Beloved Students all over America and the World, is a Service unparalleled in the history of the Earth.
As We, in the first meeting here, established these Mighty Currents of Energy for you individually, for your city; and for all that is required here, We want you to feel all One. San Francisco, Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and all the surrounding environment, won’t you feel just ONE? Won’t you feel a Great Happiness thru harmonious cooperation in all you call forth? To do that, means a Power released which you would scarcely comprehend at this time. As you are calling for mankind’s Freedom and the Protection of America, you are rendering a Service, which intensifies your own Individual answer to your requirements beyond words to explain.
These Mighty Decrees, We have suggested for the Blessing of mankind and the Protection of America, are first, rendering a Great Service to the whole of mankind; and also rendering a Great Service to your environment; which must produce COMPLETE HARMONY and the release of all you require in your Individual life.
You have all understood and heard it presented from various angles, it is more blessed to give than to receive. That is quite true, if you understand what you are giving! Most of you interpret that to mean money alone; or the Out-pouring of Love and Blessings alone; or health, strength, courage and all those qualities which mankind requires; but it is more than just that. The Call to Life means Absolute Freedom, which your Mighty Goddess of Liberty represents to America and the World. You will remember Those Great Ones represent to you Freedom, Victory and Peace.
They are more than just a thought, Beloved Ones. Those Beings are Real! Those Beings have Cosmic Power and wield Cosmic Power! Therefore, in all you wish to have done, They are ready and willing when you give obedience to Life; to charge your feeling world, which is your Powerhouse, with the Qualities They possess!
The Mighty Victory is the Power of Victory in action in your feeling world! The Goddess of Liberty is the Liberty and Glory of Life! The various Other Ones are Freedom and Peace. When you understand what the Goddess of Peace has done—which We shall mention during the Class here, you will know It is a Transcendent Service.
It could not have been done, if the war entity of the World had not been consumed. She would not have come forth! Had She not seen and known this could be done, She would have remained within the Great Silence!
Think of it, Beloved Ones! one whole hemisphere in the throes of the destructive power—the worst ever expressed upon Earth! Those destructive Individuals are using the great cunning of the black magicians, who are prompting them—urging these destructive forces on, and on, and on. They find their urging of little avail; for since the consuming of the war entity, there is no power there to feed and sustain them! Therefore the things they did easily and quickly before and where they found ready response, they are failing to find
that speed of response today and they are amazed. They cannot understand what in the world has happened that their authority and dominion has suddenly ceased; and they can no longer influence mankind as completely as they once did so very recently!
Think of it, you who have worked so earnestly and served so earnestly in these Mighty Decrees. Oh, Beloved Ones, never tire, never grow weary; because if you realize It is the Power of your Presence acting, you cannot be exhausted in rendering that service.
I say to you: Freedom is at hand for every earnest sincere student! Don’t let anything suggest otherwise or disturb your feelings; but in your great adoration and attention to your Presence, know you are then and there, releasing the Full Power of Life, which wants so much to give you Its Freedom. Why do We respond to your Calls? Now notice this very carefully. Why do We respond to your Calls? Not because of your outer volition; but because it is the Power of your Life which is calling; and all Foci of Life, which We are, and you are, must give obedience to Life. You might say to Me: How is it the Great Cosmic Beings must give obedience to Life? Because Our Attainment of Freedom, came by first giving obedience to Life. Then, when your Presence of Life calls to Us, is there anything in the Universe which could prevent Our answering your Call? Think of it! Beloved Ones, you are not any longer at the mercy of destructive forces or limiting conditions; because you have come to know Life and Its Mighty Focus, the Presence of the “Mighty I AM,” which beats every one of your Hearts! Oh, don’t think for one second your Presence is not there; or that It is not Mighty Real. If your Presence were not there, you would not be here! Don’t forget it!
That Presence supplies you with Life as the Wondrous Chart shows; and when you accept It in the Fulness of your feeling, then you will have the answers clearly and more and more quickly, to your Calls, as the Messengers have proven. They receive Instantaneous Answers constantly to their Calls today, but they did not four years ago. They called days and weeks, many times, for the Victory of each Call; but they stuck to it, until the answer came; and that is the position of all mankind today.
When you start to make your Call stand by it, until the answer comes. Then, you will see how more and more quickly and
powerfully, will your Presence of Life answer your calls, until all of you too will have your answers instantly. That is the Power and Presence of Life waiting and wanting you to have This Great Freedom, This Great Happiness.
forgotten your Presence of Life and you gave all power to the appearance world; you suffered under those appearances, having mis-placed your attention, having mis-placed your vision. You accepted more, and more, and more, of limitations; giving more and more Power to persons, places and conditions; which had no power to limit or disturb you, except—now notice carefully—that you fed your Life Stream into them by the Power of your attention and vision, your physical sight.
Think of it, and know that not one inharmonious, destructive or limiting thing can touch you or affect your world; if it cannot get your attention! IT MUST HAVE YOUR LIFE STREAM TURNED TO IT, IN
ORDER TO REACH YOU. Many of the students do not yet see that. They know it intellectually, but in their feeling, they are not accepting the fact, that what their attention is upon, they are feeding their Life into it, to compel it back into their worlds.
Please get this, tonight, in preparation for Our Coming Class. You will hear things in this Class—the Laws of Life, which you have never heard. I want you to be so joyous, so firm, so determined in your application in the use of the Violet Consuming Flame, that you are ready in the FULNESS OF YOUR COMPREHENSION, to grasp everything which is said and apply it to yourself. Don’t think what We say is meant for the other fellow. It is meant for every one of you everywhere; because It is the Explanation of Life. All We give is the Explanation of your Life.
All your Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth to you, is just the Explanation, the Application of your Mighty Presence, the Law of Life! There is not a thing unusual or mysterious about it; and Oh, try to understand and feel that. Then, when you understand It, you will see how in your application, you are Master of any condition which confronts you.
In the experience of the Messengers, as conditions arise which are distressing to mankind, when their bodies come into the environment, those conditions change. Sometimes that is necessary, so those conditions dissolve and disappear. Nobody can deny it, because it has been done many many times, and the great numbers of students have seen it take place. Do not let anyone be foolish enough in thought to refute This Statement; because it is True. Whatever the Messengers have done, every one of you can do. Their Happiness and Freedom is complete. Therefore, when they call for something, it immediately appears.
When you understand you are the Authority in your world, and as long as you hold your Life Stream free from feeding into limiting appearances, places or conditions—you will have the Full Glory of Life. It will pour like a Great River into your activity, to spread Its Great—Its Mighty Blessing to you.
YOUR GREAT PRESENCE, this Mighty Stream of Light and Energy which is beating your Heart, animating your body. That is the Power of the Universe! IT WOULD ASSERT ITS FULL POWER, IF YOU DID NOT INTERFERE WITH IT BY DISCORD IN YOUR FEELING.
Life would take charge quickly and naturally! You would not have to urge It! Since you have created about yourself, these limitations of discord and all in your feeling world; the discord must be cleared away. It must in order to allow Life once again to take Its natural flow; and hold Its dominion thru your bodies to produce Perfection IN YOUR WORLD OF ACTION. LIFE WILL DO IT!
This is why, Beloved Ones, in all the Activity of Life in Its Perfection, there is not one destructive thing. Then, what has
produced destruction in your world? Mankind’s qualification of the Wondrous Energy of Life. Energy flows constantly! Do you have to call for action of energy in the use of Life ordinarily speaking? You do not consider it, do you? You go to sleep at night. If you are feeling comfortable, you do not question whether you are going to wake up in the morning or not, do you? Now suppose you get scared on going to sleep, that you would not wake up. If you were scared enough, you probably would not wake up. You do not feel afraid to go to sleep! You trust Life in some ways magnificently, don’t you; but in other ways, you don’t trust It at all.
Notice! Is it not strange how Individuals are constantly in conflict with themselves? They trust Life so magnificently to take care of the body, until they have done something which produces inharmony there. Then they say: “What in the world is the matter here”? Not stopping for one moment to see, they were the only cause for it. It could not be in their worlds and could not act in the body nor in their worlds, unless they were its creator.
Is it not very wonderful, Beloved Ones? Thank you, tonight, for your comprehension. Thank you. Oh, be clear and definite in your comprehension of these Simple Great Majestic Laws. I am preparing you tonight, for the Great Blessings which shall be yours, and I want you to feel Them. I want you to see, how you alone are responsible in your world. When you see this, then I can help you, as you could not even imagine; to clear your world of all limiting discordant conditions; so, when you call Life into action, you will have Instantaneous Mighty Results. That is what every one should have. There is not one of you who should not be able to make the Call now and inside of three hours have the answer. Many of you are coming to this point now.
Until it arrives, be firm and determined in your application; for that is the way you dissolve, consume and break down all of these conditions, which have disturbed and limited you. You cannot do it without your application. Don’t think for one moment, Life is going to do these things for you, without your application! THE GREATEST NEED IN THE WORLD TODAY, IS THE APPLICATION OF LIFE.
Individuals have had it before them in every conceivable activity, in the attempt to explain Life! Think of it, in the old methods,
everything was made so mysterious! More and more subtle and cunning has become the remainder of human destructive creation, which We call the sinister force! Orders are being established— several of them in America and the world, where they say to you, when you enter the doors: “You must take an oath never to mention one thing which goes on in here.” When somebody says that, you had better turn and go the other direction. They are concentrating on America just now. Remember! because you will be approached. Many of the “I AM” Students have already been. A thing which asks this of you is no good! Don’t believe it for a second.
I am prompting you, because I see it. Some of the students who took that oath and attended once, not a thing in the world could ever get them to return to another meeting. Dear Ones, if you care to follow Us, We will from time to time, prompt you to keep yourselves Free from the clutches of such things.
We have urged the people to keep away from all things psychic, spiritualistic, astrology, numerology and all those things which breed and breathe limitations into your world! If you do not care to listen to Us and then you experience unhappiness, remember We tried to help you! We don’t say what you shall do! If you insist on going on with the things which limit and distress you, well Who are We to say you should not! You are Beings of Free Will. We want to help you, but We cannot do it, if you do not want Us to. We certainly would not intrude into your world in the physical, any more than We would intrude into your physical home without your invitation; or your friends in the physical world would. Oh, now and then one would, but most of them would not intrude, without your invitation.
If you do not want something undesirable in your home, do not invite it! There are many ways of invitation. You can by the feeling, invite a thing! You can by the intellect, invite a thing; and you can by taking your physical body into an environment of the thing, invite it. You know the old statement—“Certain of mankind rush in where angels fear to tread.” That is constantly going on among mankind.
Would you, if you saw a building in your city where every immoral or destructive force and action was going on, deliberately walk into it? Not if you were wise. I say this to you, as students, knowing the Power and Protection of your Presence.
It is just the same as you, in your calling forth the Presence and issuing your Mighty Decrees. If you do not balance that by Self- control in your feeling world; you are not going to get the results you desire. Just because you issue your Decrees and call the Powers of the Presence forth, it does not mean, you will have Perfection. You must make some effort at Self-control, in order to balance the condition of the Powers which you are calling forth; because they grow greater and the energy grows more powerful. Won’t you see that?
One thing, I want to say so very much, tonight, to the young people here and to the young people everywhere: When you come to know your Great Presence of Life; and you begin to feel Its Great Power surging forth in Its expression of Divine Love do not interpret it as falling in Love. If you have felt or experienced inharmony in your home or your associates; then you find some person with whom you feel very harmonious always be careful and do not interpret it, as humanly falling in Love. That is perhaps the greatest danger among the students today. We have seen a number succumb to it. Stand guard, Beloved Ones! You can love just as greatly without caressing each other, as you can by holding each other in your arms. That is where mankind’s danger is today.
The outer world has taught Individuals, the very things which release the pent up feeling of all mankind. It rushes forth and is uncontrollable; but when you understand how to govern and guard the feeling of kindliness and harmony which goes forth, you make it a blessing to others. Then you will never fall a prey to the sinister force, by the Out-pouring of your Divine Love to another. Remember! This is very vital! We want to forestall all of these things.
Remember! The need has been so great for the Protection of America; and all so urgent, the Messengers have not had time to take up these many things, except occasionally. So when We call it to your attention, just make a note of it if necessary; so you keep yourselves reminded of this particular activity. It means everything to you!
OVER AGAIN. Use this for an illustration, if you like. I am flashing These Words to the Messenger. My Out-pouring of Divine Love to you, so far transcends anything you are yet aware of, there is no comparison; but could any one qualify My Love in any way with the human? This is the way mankind should feel to each other.
DESIRE DOES CEASE TO BE. Replacing it comes the Greatest Power of Divine Order, producing Divine Happiness, producing Perfect Action and Direction of the Forces of Life and Love thru your Being. That is why Self-control in all things, is necessary!
Do you not see how in the lack of Understanding of all Life means, you have constantly been misusing that which would otherwise produce Perfection? You have done this, by your lack of Understanding and wrong qualification of the one Mighty Energy of Life!
Suppose, one of you poured forth a great Power of Divine Love and Blessing to another; and the one receiving, would interpret It in human qualities, you would have lost the Blessing completely. Do you not see that? See how mankind in the great energy which would
so bless Individuals, in their mistaken qualification of it have been producing the opposite effect of what they intended—if not at first, it grew into that.
In This Explanation, I am charging into your feeling world, the Comprehension of it—the anchoring of My Power to hold this sustained for you, if you care to accept it. I would not intrude, I assure you, if you do not care to do this! It is here ready to serve you, but I would like so much to set you Free. If you care to accept It into your feeling world for constant action, I assure you before the close of This Class, you will know what Happiness and Freedom mean.
Freedom is not license, Beloved Ones! Freedom is the Greatest Consideration for the Rights and Blessings of others; and I want you to feel that tonight. Feel Our Freedom, which is the Divine Order of Life, acting within your feeling world—the most Beautiful Thing.
I say for your encouragement, to Me it is quite wonderful. While I have been Flashing These Words to you, in your comprehension and acceptance the Light expanding within your bodies, has sent forth Its Radiance. Now you feel gratitude, you feel kindliness and all that, so far as you are capable in the outer expression; but think how much Greater is your Light, which I see releasing Itself; and going forth from within your physical body—how much greater It is! Then, do you not see, how We who are able to see the slightest Manifestation or Radiance going forth, are able to determine who is accepting? Do you not see, how We are able to determine who is accepting or who is not? To the degree you are accepting may We render Assistance. All this is quite Natural, only mankind has not believed It. Individuals have thought the Great Presence of Life, would flood them with every good thing without effort upon their part. In your requirements in the commercial world, you think you must labor so many hours; that you must put forth tremendous physical effort. Well at the present, you do have to do so; but look at the great Truth of Life! If you would decree for your Presence of Life, to release from Its Treasure-house the Limitless supply of money; all else required for your Service to the Light; or whatever you wish to do; you would have fulfilled the requirements of Life. If you reach out here thru your physical efforts without That Call, you will find yourself
making more, more and more physical effort with less and less results!
This is why, as the Messengers have told the students throughout the classes, as long as you reach out to your fellowman for something; believing it must come from there, so long will you remain limited; and ofttimes more and more. Life has always wanted you to turn to Its Mighty Focus, which the “Mighty I AM” is; because It is your supply of everything which exists in the World. You may not quite see this; but unless the Power of your Presence acts thru your human efforts, it amounts to nothing, as many of you have found.
You work and strain and struggle with great stress in your human efforts; and barely have enough to cover your back and to feed yourself. That is not Right! When Nature has provided everything in lavish abundance for all mankind’s requirements; what has happened, when some of mankind do not have abundance? Because they have been reaching out more and more to human Beings, persons, places and conditions—expecting to receive from there.
Turn to your Beloved “Mighty I AM Presence” and I am now speaking directly concerning your money supply! If you will listen, FEEL and turn to your Presence, accept It as the Treasure-house of your world; make the Call to your Presence, to release into your hands and use the money and supply you require; then the Wisdom of the Presence with Its Light Rays, will reach out! Whatever channels the Presence in Its Great Wisdom wishes to use, will come to your assistance. There is nothing in the World can stop it. Oh, FEEL that, Beloved Ones, tonight! I want to see you Free from these things which distress and agitate you so greatly.
Straighten up your spine and make your call to the Presence. Then, if you are firm and determined, see how quickly, It will clear your world and release into your hands and use whatever you require.
There is not one in America who needs to be limited, if he or she would understand This Law of Life, which Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth to you and apply It. It is so practical, the most practical thing in all Life! You must see This for It is Life’s Great Power acting, and only awaiting your Call throughout these many many centuries.
Tonight, My Joy is so great in being able to render This Service for you but not without your effort; because if you do not believe what I have said to you; you have cut yourself away from Me, and I cannot help you! WE ARE REAL! AND TONIGHT, AS I STAND ABOVE YOUR BUILDING HERE, THERE IS NO BUILDING, NO SUBSTANCE BETWEEN ME AND THIS GOOD MESSENGER AND
YOURSELVES. Does that sound queer and strange to you? You see the roof here, but to Me there is no roof. There is nothing between Me and you.
Try to feel this in all rapid vibratory action of substance. As It raises in its speed of action, there is no obstruction! My Vibratory Action, being so much more rapid than yours and the building here, naturally there is no obstruction to My Radiance thru it—My Presence thru it. When once mankind comes to see and understand This Law, individuals will see how there is no necessity for limitations or distress of any kind.
Let Us help you during This Class to let the Full Power of the Light of your Presence, flow into your Being and world and direct you by Its Mighty Intelligence; hold you in Its Mighty Invincible Protection; and charge your world, your feeling world, with Our Power of Divine Love which cannot be humanly requalified.
Won’t you accept It in your Individual Decrees? Charge forth the Out-pouring of the ASCENDED MASTERS’ DIVINE LOVE IN YOUR
CALL TO YOUR PRESENCE; to bless your friends, associates and mankind. No one can requalify Our Love humanly. Then Our Divine Love pouring forth, will do Its Perfect Work which you wish for each one. This is how you are the director of all you call forth; and it will
produce exact results! If you do not understand your power of qualification to do things constructively, the energy will act otherwise! What may be the result?
You are in a position, understanding This Law now, to know what to do and how to do it. With your determined application, exact results will be produced, as exact as mathematics. The Messengers have proved this so conclusively to the world. There is not one constructive desire in your feeling world, which cannot be supplied or granted; if you will do these few simple things.
Think of it, the desires of twenty years of these Messengers have been fulfilled! Because they have served mankind so earnestly, so willingly, so obediently; they have opened the Door-way to the Instantaneous Answer to their Calls. Beloved Ones, do not accept any longer there is a person, place or condition which can confront you, limit you; or deprive you of a single thing. Such opposition cannot exist if you do not accept it in your feeling world.
Now train yourselves, because you cannot move in the physical world today, without looking upon these things to some extent. For instance, you see an accident—so-called, and you immediately feel tension and distress, if you don’t know This Law! If you do know This Law, when you see an accident occur, instead of being disturbed, you call to your Presence with a great calm sincerity, to render Its Service to bless all there. Then, your Presence projects a Mighty Light Ray into that condition; and will bring Perfection out of it, which you could not even imagine. This is how It acts.
Now remember, the old concept has taught the people that they receive premonitions; they receive promptings of this, that or the other thing, which is going to occur. My dear people, please understand and see these promptings were given to prevent the thing occurring, instead of accepting it to act in your world. This is where mankind has made such great mistakes! Constantly thru their feeling, Individuals have been receiving promptings; but they do not understand them or know how to interpret them. Then, they say: “I am due for an accident; I am due for a loss.” They accept it and of course it will take place. Instead of saying, when they receive a prompting: “Thank you! That will not take place in my world.” Then it would never take place; it could not. Unless people refuse
acceptance to such things and apply This Law, they are constantly allowing limiting things to have greater power over themselves.
The Messengers today, at the slightest intimation of the thing say: “You have no power! Get OUT”! and it gets out! You may do the same thing, if you will; but the moment you begin to accept a thing in your feeling, you are giving it power to act there to disturb, limit or distress you. It is not necessary, Dear Ones.
Be alert, be determined and the first thing that confronts you, which would have heretofore frightened you say: “Oh no, you frightened me once; but you will never frighten me again, for you have no power”! If you would do that you would see such a thing shrivel up and your courage rise. You would know definitely, it had no power to frighten, limit, disturb or deprive you in any way.
When these two Messengers became aware of this, what joy filled their Beings. At the least intimation today, of such suggestions about the nation or Individuals, they stand and say to each appearance: “You have no power. Be thou dissolved by the Power of the Mighty Light Rays”! Therefore a Service is rendered, which you could not imagine. If I were to tell you the Actual Truth of the Service, they have rendered the Nation, by their Individual Decrees in this manner, you would be the most astounded people. It is being done constantly.
Therefore, Beloved Ones, you can do the same thing. The Messengers still have physical bodies like yours—perhaps the vibratory action is a little more rapid; but they are still physical bodies. In their great loving, willing obedience, they have been cleansed and purified, until the Power called forth from the Presence finds no obstruction; and It rushes forward like a Mighty Avalanche to answer their Calls.
So let it do for you the same thing. You must be as firm and determined as they have been, and you will have exactly the same results; because Life makes no mistakes! Mankind does, but Life never! Therefore, as you give obedience to Life, then Life will serve you in the Fulness of Its Great Power.
Just for a few moments, will you still yourselves? Don’t cross your feet or hands. Just make yourselves willingly obedient and open to these Great Currents of Energy, as I call them forth; to pour thru
your bodies, your feeling world, so This Service may be rendered completely for you tonight.
I speak directly to the “Mighty I AM Presence,” of each one. I command the Higher Mental Body of each one, to release and pour forth the Mighty Current of the Unfed Flame thru and under the feet of each one. Hold in Its Mighty Action, the Violet Consuming Flame so all impurity may be washed out of the human body; out of the feeling world and into the Mighty Violet Consuming Flame, to free these Beloved Ones tonight! Render This Service so powerfully, Higher Mental Body of each one, that they may feel It now; and awaken in the morning, glorified by the Power of the Light which beats their Hearts. With Its Mighty Courage, Strength and Power flowing thru, may each be a world of such Happiness, Courage, Strength, the Full Power and Feeling of their Dominion over all conditions. Then nothing longer obstructs the way in their feeling world, to this Mighty Presence of Light, as It flows forth to perform Its Service for them.
We stand in the Presence of Life as Its Mighty Power and Currents of Energy are flooding forth now into and thru your bodies, sweeping out all imperfection! The Light when you call It forth, knows no opposition. It flows in, thru and around your physical body; thru your feeling world, dissolving, consuming and sweeping out every limiting discordant, destructive quality which has been acting there. Then, as you remain harmonious accepting this—qualify It eternally sustained in action for you; so It may render this Perfect Service.
When you retire tonight, going to your peaceful wondrous rest, which you shall have—call your Presence of Life, your Higher Mental Body, to release Its Mighty Current of Energy while your body sleeps. Then, there is no resistance. Charge it with the Perfection of Life! Qualify it to dissolve and consume every discordant thing, which has ever been there. Then, as you awaken in the morning remind yourself with the Joy of all Life, that your Great Blessing is Joy! Its Mighty Action and Perfection manifesting in you and your world; filled with the Glory of all Life holds, in Its Mighty Stream, as It flows into your body, beats your Heart and gives you action.
We thank You Mighty Presence of Life for answering This Command; for holding It sustained forever, until each hour, each day,
greater Harmony, greater Perfection manifest within the body, the mental and feeling world of each one; charged with the Glory of all Happiness which is the Perfection of Life, now and forever sustained.
I thank you.
September 25,1938
Beloved People of America, in endeavoring to assist you in the understanding and operation of the Laws of Life, remember, you are an Individualized Presence of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence” of Light! Therefore, you have Authority even in the human octave, thru your Call to the Presence of Life, to call forth whatever you will; knowing of course your motive must be Constructive and your Desire blessing everywhere you move; and that means Life, your fellow- man and your activities.
As long as mankind understands that all destructive forces and their qualities, eventually return upon the Individual who generates them; then there should be no desire anywhere among the people of Earth to do things which mankind is constantly doing, and which bring the reaction of discordant activities upon Individuals.
We have become Free, thru Our Conscious Application of the Great Law of Life. Your Beloved Saint Germain has brought forth the Exact Law of Life, Its Perfect Application—the Complete Understanding of Its Application. You may apply It, if you will. The Individual who will earnestly apply It, will have all the Proof anyone desires, that This Law, the Explanation and the Application which He has brought forth, is True! Unless one uses the Law thru his own application, how can anyone know Its Power? For instance, you may listen to a Truth, but if you do not believe It, how can you be blessed by It?
In all the Simplicity of Life and Its Majestic Power, you must understand that Life acts thru Its Energy, Its Power, Its Light! To understand and have the use of It, you must have some Definite Application. In your mathematical work in school, you have a way and means by which you work out and solve the problems. Life has always provided the EXACT MEANS; and when I say “exact” I mean just that, by which mankind may solve its own problems. What you
call problems after all, are just opportunities in Life, by which Individuals strengthen their Spiritual Powers, their spiritual muscles, as it were; and release into their world of action, the Power of Life in greater intensity.
Beloved People of America, mankind has arrived at last at the understanding for those who care to study, where the people are no longer slaves of circumstances. Remember, Beloved People of America, the conditions which exist today, are here because Individuals have succumbed to the idea, that some outside conditions had power to limit or subject them! In order to have the fulness of what you require, you must overcome such an idea. YOU MUST REMOVE THE FEELING IN YOU, THAT SOMETHING OUTSIDE OF YOU HAS MORE POWER THAN THE LIGHT WHICH IS WITHIN YOU.
With great firmness stand by the Power of your Life, to which you have not heretofore given very much consideration. You have accepted It constantly in the small part of It which has been flowing forth into your world of action; because, unless you know the Source of a thing, unless you know the Power which is there, how can you have its use?
If you have a piece of machinery in the mechanical world; and it has many levers, setting certain parts of that machinery into operation; if you pull the wrong lever, you will get a wrong result; but if you understand your levers and pull the right one, you will have the exact result you expect. It is identically the same way in applying the Great Laws of Life! Once you understand, you have the Authority to act in the human octave in your human form, to call forth the Power of Life, to produce Harmony and Perfection in you and your world, then you are complying with the Law of Life and Its Requirement. As you go on, continuing to call It forth, clearer and clearer will come the Understanding from within you, of what This Application means in the Requirement of your Life. Then, as you understand more and more, the Power released is greater; your confidence is strengthened, and you say: well I accomplished that! Then you go on, and on, from one achievement to another.
Beloved People of America, and Beloved “I AM” Students, you have nothing in the future to fear, not one thing! In This
Understanding of the Law of Life, you become Master and Controller of the ENERGY which flows forth at your command. I say, “at your Command,” because you are the Decreer for your world, as to where and how that energy is going to act. At your Command, the Power of the Energy of Life, will flow forth to a given objective; if you understand the Power of Concentration and the need of holding your attention upon your Goal!
Perhaps you do not realize and understand that your concentration is your attention! When you hold your attention fixed upon a given objective to be attained, the Power of Life flows thru, with Its Infinite Irresistible Power and acts, until you have the results, you desire. That is why your fixed attention upon a thing, understanding the Power of Life, will release the Infinite Power of action there; the Power, Substance and Intelligence to constantly govern the activity, until the result is attained.
When you wish to accomplish a thing, decide upon what you want to do; so far as your outer intelligence will instruct you! If you are uncertain in any way, call the Power of your “Mighty I AM Presence,” which is your Individualized Presence of God—the Presence of Life, into action to instruct you; to stand by and see that you do the RIGHT THING, if there seems to be a lack of understanding in the outer consciousness! You are not taking chances. You are not dealing with indefinite results; but you are the DIRECTOR OF THE ENERGY, to produce the certain result you require.
If you will do this, any one can prove This Great Law to himself or herself; and to the whole world; because you are a Part of the Great Life and Its Mighty Activity in the human octave. All human forms which are here in embodiment at one time, are a Part of the One Great Life, and Its Mighty Action! To the degree Individuals understand how to call forth the Greater Power and Action of Life, will they become a GREATER PART IN THE EXPANSION OF THAT ONE GREAT LIFE.
I ask you to observe the vast number of mankind on Earth and how each one is different. No one has identically the same desire; no two are just alike. Then, you can see how earnestly Life has tried to find a means of expression; to pour Its Perfection into the Earth,
where mankind having forgotten Life, has charged and filled its atmosphere with discord, limitations and distress of every kind!
Mankind had wholly forgotten there was an Individualized Great Presence of Life, and how each one could call and release a Greater Power, a Greater Intelligence! People did not know it was possible. Even with all the attempts which have been made to instruct mankind in the Higher Ideals of understanding, still the people felt a mysterious condition; that it had to be done in some complicated manner; so Individuals might seek from another, some peculiar manifestation of the Explanation of Life! That is where the confusion of mankind has come in, concerning the Entire Universe. In fact, It was so simple the mass of mankind has not believed It.
In the Application of Life, again it is simple, but very Powerful and Majestic in Its Action, and will produce exact results. Therefore, if you want to be Free, first you must keep yourself obedient to Life, which is Harmony. That is the Outpouring of Divine Love, thru the Individual. The human cannot generate Divine Love; because it is charged with human qualities; but in its capacity to call forth from the Presence, Life’s Power—which is Wholly Pure and Perfect—the outer self can call and send forth in a Mighty Stream of Action, by currents of Energy—the Power of Divine Love, which harmonizes each one’s world! It prepares the way for the Great Intelligence of Life, to bring about conditions to produce the Perfection the Individual requires!
Therefore, if you want to understand This, try it out! If you do not succeed to your fullest desire, remember a great city is not built in a day ! You are a World within yourself. Beloved Individuals, do you quite understand that? You are an Individualized World within yourself, within your own feeling world and its capacity. Therefore, when you turn to the Presence of Life, with the desire to perfect yourself, you are perfecting the World!
You might say to Me—my world is of small dimension—but who shall say how far reaching that world of yours will become or how it will expand ? You are One in Life remember! Your feeling world— your thoughts and your feeling go out to the periphery of Life! It goes to the farthest distance! Therefore, to the degree that you are perfecting yourself, will you lift and assist in perfecting all which
touches your world, individually or otherwise. That is how far- reaching your World can become!
Further than that, you have a Great Privilege in pouring forth your Blessings to Nature, who has had the discord of mankind poured upon her Great Beauty and Perfection. It is time now mankind awakened to its responsibility; and poured out Love and Blessings upon Nature. Thus, Nature will come back and produce for Individuals, the Limitless Abundance they require of every good thing. Therefore, cooperate with Life! When Life sees the Individual is ready, It will pour out Its Limitless Blessings everywhere!
You are dealing with Life, and That Dispenser of Life which is your Higher Mental Body, knows with Great Intelligence all requirements, all demands and how all answers are to come! There is no such thing in Life as dealing with blind Intelligence. All Intelligence, even in Nature, all Activity is governed by a Great Intelligence; but mankind’s disobedience to Life, has caused people to believe this was not True! I say to you, as One in Authority for the Earth: “There is no such thing as chance”!
Mankind’s earthly activity, if the attention be given to Life, will be provided and directed with mechanical accuracy, into that which each Life Stream demands! Individuals will not find any chance anywhere along their Pathway of Life; but since mankind had forgotten THE SOURCE OF LIFE WITHIN NATURE, people have believed that all from the outer standpoint, must be a form of chance. When you understand that you are the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” the Individualized Presence of Life, the Greatest Intelligence in the Universe, then you know nothing in your experience—your Life Stream can be chance! It is under Great Intelligent Direction; but if you refuse to give obedience to It, you cannot blame Life for not producing Its Perfection for you. Life is always ready; always wants to produce Its Great Perfection; but since you had forgotten Its Source, how could you have all It
Beloved Friends of America, you are dealing with a Definite Law, a Definite Power! It is your Life called forth into action! Search out the Great Truth of Life which is in the Saint Germain Series of books! There you will find the Application, the Understanding, the
Explanation. Then apply It and see what Life will do for you! There is no mystery about It! Try It! The Messengers who have carried This Light forth with such earnest firm determination, have said that to thousands and thousands of people! From Our Records, which We have in the Invisible, there are over six hundred and seventy thousand people now in This “I AM” Activity!
Therefore, We are rendering a Service to the Earth unknown and quite unbelievable to a great many as yet; but This Work shall go on, until there are ten times or more, as many people as today who understand It; or at least have the opportunity to understand, there is a Great God Presence above each human Being, which beats each Heart; and gives Individuals Life and Intelligence, by which they can expand the Fulness of all Life wishes to express or give forth thru them.
Today, you stand in the Fulness of the Presence of Life! Why do I say that to you, who do not understand yet This Great Law? Because by the Power of the Cosmic Light, which is acting in the feeling world of mankind, you are standing now—this moment—in the Gateway of Freedom. Your chance to enter in and go forward or turn aside and go the human way, is quite within your own judgment and privilege; for that remains within the action of your Free will and choice.
Since I am speaking to you direct from the Cosmic Law today, may you understand and feel the Great Cosmic Love which reaches out Its Arms, and enfolds you in the Glory of the Perfection Life wants you to manifest. To the degree you are willing to accept those Enfolding Arms of Light, that Out-pouring of Divine Love into your Hearts, will you be able to understand; there is far more on Earth than that of which you have thus far dreamed.
Mankind is awakening to the Power of the Light, which is within the Individual. For centuries and centuries, mankind has understood
Beloved Students, My Joy today, in bringing to you the Radiation, the Power of Life, is not so much the Words which I shall say to you, but the Power of Radiation. You probably do not see Me! I stand above, pouring My Radiance to you, as I flash the Words to the Messenger. Will you be kind enough, in the Fulness of the Great Love which you have expressed in This Class, to open the Doors of your Hearts—of your feeling world; and let the Liquid Light pour forth today, in Its Final Achievement of all which I wish to do for you? Let Its Fulness flow forth! May I remind you, This is the Greatest Invincible Protection to you, which We have given forth thus far!
The Liquid Light will protect you from human suggestions; from discarnate entities attaching themselves to your feeling world; and from the influence of black magicians. This is what I have started forth and will continue to pour to the students who have Right Motives; who have earnest intensity to the Light! Remember, Beloved Ones, there is nothing hidden from the Light. We know exactly what is in your feeling, in your motive! Therefore, do not try ever to deceive each other; or worst of all try to deceive yourselves.
Unfortunately, many of mankind in the attempt to deceive others, have only deceived themselves.
Remember, if you do not have the Blessing, it is because something is acting in your feeling world—possibly unknown to you. If you would be sincere in asking for everything else but the Perfection of Life, to be taken out of your feeling world, you would prepare yourself for This Blessing. This is not just so many Words! It is a Substance of Life, charged into your feeling world. Since so much has been accomplished—I cannot take the time to even intimate to you all that has been accomplished, but sufficient I think has been said, to give you some idea and to make your Hearts rejoice forever—you who are sincere; that it was your Privilege to be present at an Out-pouring of This Kind.
Because a thing is invisible, Beloved Students, does not mean that it is not tangible. My Presence is invisible to you; but I am VERY TANGIBLE and My Currents of Energy are VERY TANGIBLE. Therefore, as you feel This Glow in your feeling world, try to understand what It means and the uplift which It brings into your feeling!
Shall I say something to you which reveals the mathematical precision of This Activity, which you will perhaps appreciate? In twenty minutes, the vibratory action of your bodies has been lifted twenty percent more, than it was twenty minutes ago. This you do not understand outwardly; but to Us, it is VERY TANGIBLE. I ask you to qualify all that is done to be eternally sustained within you; because We are here for Definite Action. We are here for Definite Results in your Life and This is to be sustained. We have for almost nine months, watched for the opportunity where We could begin to render This Service for the “I AM” Students.
You have read of Bob, Rex, Nada, Pearl and the Messengers, who came to Me in India and in the Cave of Light, described in the last chapter of the “Magic Presence.” That was all very Real, Beloved Students. Far more Real than you yet comprehend; but as you read and contemplate that chapter, steadily and surely, there will come the Full Import into your outer consciousness thru your feeling world, of just what It means.
Today, you are living in a world charged with human discord and mankind must have more than ordinary protection; and also the students who want to go forth to Victory. Therefore, This Assistance is being given, Beloved Ones; and I trust that every one of you can comprehend and feel the Truth of Those Words! If you can, then We will be able to render Greater and Greater continued Service.
Do you think, Beloved Ones, that the Messengers would come and come, again and again into your midst; and We would pour forth the Radiation, which is released in These Classes, if We had not some Definite Purpose for it? To be a temporary thing would be well; but in the ultimate, it would be comparatively useless. Therefore, ALL THAT WE DO HAS A PERMANENT SUSTAINING ACTIVITY; AND NO ONE CAN RELAX OR SLIP BACK FROM THIS WHICH WE BRING TO YOU.
Beloved Ones of Seattle, the difference between your Inner vibratory action now and one year ago, is remarkable. If I were to tell you exactly, you would scarcely believe Me. You do not see yet the Out-picturing of That, as perhaps many of you would like to, but I know It is there! I know the Inner Achievement is there! I know the clearing away of conditions which is releasing you into your Freedom is acting!
Depending upon the acceptance in your feeling and consciousness, that all and more than We have intimated is being done, do you have the Release of the Courage and Strength you require. Thru your acceptance of It, will It hold you sustained, until you see the Greater and Greater Out-picturing of all that must necessarily come forth, from within out. All mankind thru long centuries, have been bringing things from without in; and as you know, largely the things they did not want. Now in reversing the process, you are bringing forth the Perfection of Life from within, instead of human conditions from outside.
I urge you and repeat it again, Beloved Ones, since you have done this for centuries, remember how alert must be the guard. Do not for one moment give Power any longer to outside things, persons, places or conditions! If you continue to do so, We cannot help you; but in a limited manner; but if you will dismiss them and know, since you have observed This Chart, that your Presence is the
Governing Intelligence, all discord must dissolve. With your attention to It, all human qualities and conditions must dissolve and disappear! Then, you will have acted in the best manner possible, for Us to give you the Full Assistance We would like to; but if there is doubt or questioning in your mind, you will constantly requalify the energy; until you will only have the partial result of all We would like to give.
Surely, you who have known the Messengers during these years, have come to know definitely they are honest and sincere; and THE TRUTH WHICH THEY HAVE GIVEN FORTH IS FROM US
DIRECT! Now these are important points. If there are those who are here for the first time, you must understand, that all things which stir up in mankind—intense fear or whatever the discordant condition is, are depriving the people thru listening to what disturbs them; and holding them in their binding limitation.
You who have THIS OPPORTUNITY, need no longer go on in any kind of limitation, in any distress in your physical body, after this which has been done for you here! You can have the sensitiveness in your feeling world, by which your “Mighty I AM Presence” can direct you magnificently—accurately. Do not jump at conclusions! Wait the assurance of Its Direction! Then as you keep trying this out, you will find you can move just from one point to the other; with a definite mathematical precision which will delight you. IT WILL CAUSE YOU TO REALIZE, YOU HAVE ENTERED INTO THE
DIVINE DIRECTION OF LIFE. Thus, It will hold you Free from that which might remain of human accumulation, either in your world or in your associates.
This is a point of which I want to remind you; so much has been done for many of the students, and their entire accumulation dissolved and consumed; but remember, Beloved Ones, you are moving in constant contact with the feeling world of other Individuals, for whom this has not been done. Then, if you accept feeling from others, if you accept suggestions from others, you will be acting similarly, as if it were coming from your own world.
Do you not understand why the Messenger has, in This Class especially, stressed so earnestly your Call to the Presence, to hold about you, the Tube of Light and use the Violet Consuming Flame? The Messenger and sometimes We, gave forth directly Ourselves,
that Certain Accomplishment had been reached in the feeling world of mankind; and that the students had been freed from their own human creation and accumulation. They took it for granted and have thought: Now I won’t have any more problems—I won’t have anything more to do, but just smile and be Free! MY DEAR ONES, YOU MUST MAKE YOUR APPLICATION, UNTIL YOU ARE ASCENDED BEINGS, MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT!
Never forget, that just because your feeling world has been set Free from accumulation and discordant conditions, it does not mean the rest of the world has! You are constantly moving among other people who are not Free! Therefore, unless your guard is up by your Tube of Light, their discord can rush in upon you as before. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT YOU MUST HOLD YOUR PROTECTION BY
YOUR CONSCIOUS COMMAND, for the Light to stand guard and repel or dissolve and consume, everything of human qualities or a discordant nature; which attempts to touch your world or find action within it.
Do you not see that? I am very grateful for the opportunity to explain this one particular point to you today; for unless you see it, you would not understand what is happening to you. Because We have rendered This Certain Service to so many, it does not mean you must let down your guard or your application. Not at all! You should redouble it with great joy, because of the Assistance which is being given you.
I say to you ladies, if it came house-cleaning time and someone offered to assist you, would you just sit down and let them do all the work? I think not. You would be so grateful that you would take hold with them and do all you could, to complete that accomplishment as quickly as possible. Now if I am willing to give you My Assistance, will you not take hold with Me and do your part? Don’t expect Me to carry all. I think you see that clearly.
In This your Call to Life, which is so much beyond your comprehension as yet—and I say it really very kindly; in the human, as long as some of its qualities are yet acting, your comprehension is limited. I trust you will continue on after today, in Our Mighty Vibratory Action into which you have been drawn and held. I want you to still be held in It. Unless you determine otherwise, you will be!
Therefore, you will continue to go on, and on, in the raising, expansion and intensity of This Vibratory Action which has been released to you. You will hold It sustained, if you will do these simple things and give your attention to the Presence.
The Messenger has so often told you, certain simple things, which if you would do them, before retiring at night, would bring you such results. It is such an opportunity, Beloved Students, for you to set into action the Great Law of Life, to operate while your physical body is asleep; while there is no outer resistance, I want you so earnestly, to improve that opportunity.
I say to you definitely, if you would practice the following a little, it would do wonders for you. In whatever confronts you during the day, if it were something which seemed insurmountable, use your Decree and say: “Mighty I AM Presence!” while my body sleeps, reveal to me the solution of this problem—you would awaken in the morning, with a Clear Definite Understanding and Solution of the whole situation!
Even though This Service has been rendered, still you do not realize how much resistance is in the feeling world of the average Individual! You do not know how much still stands there thru habit— questioning this, or that, or the Power of the Light, or the Presence, to do these things! Yet the intellect sees and knows definitely, the Power of Light is in Its Full Action right there with you.
Beloved Ones, when you look at the Chart, take your determined stand that It is the Truth of Life! Therefore, your intellect cannot accept anything but the Power of your Presence at your Call; to silence all human qualities, perform Its Service and produce Its Perfection for you. There is no question about it. THEREFORE, IN ALL THE FULNESS OF YOUR HEART, YOUR GREAT HEART’S LOVE, FEEL YOURSELVES ONE WITH US.
The Love released in This Class has been very great. It proves to Me, you are capable of releasing This Power and co-operating with Life, which brings Its quick and All-powerful Release to you. As you go forward, I want you to feel you are never separated from Us. I want to see you be so strong and firm here. Even though the Messengers’ physical forms are away, they too are still with you. It
will prevent the human from accepting a let-down as so often is the case, for that must cease now in This Activity.
When We have brought you to this point, you must continue on. You will in This Group. Then, as you accomplish one thing after another, your confidence will be complete; but do not let your human once again question your ability or your authority, to call forth the Fulness of ALL YOU DESIRE FROM THE PRESENCE!
I prompt you on this, because We want to help you to be Free from all uncertainty! As the Messengers explained, when you make your Decree, stand unyielding until its Fulfillment. Then, you will be a Being of Dominion in your world. It must come! You cannot have Dominion in a wavering consciousness or feeling!
Therefore, in these promptings today, I want you to know this has not been a Discourse; but a school-room, and I want you to retain that. I insist you do, in the Full Strength of My Reminder and Prompting, which will stand guard in your feeling world and give you Its Assistance. Wherever you are, wherever “I AM,” My Rays of Light shall go forth to you; and if you want to be sure whether My Rays of Light and Energy are POWERFUL, ask Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl! They will tell you, whether My Rays of Light have Power or not!
Remember to accept My Hand and be the Power, the Intelligence of Light acting in your world!
I thank you.
November 13, 1938
Beloved Students of the Light, in all that you are today, in comparison to four years ago; and all you will become in the next two years, I ask you to watch the Fulfillment of your Calls, earnestly and sincerely. I am sure most of you have gone far enough in the Application of This Great Law, to see what It means to you; and as you become firmer and more determined in your Application, to give less and less attention to the appearance world, which is composed of but human qualities, then you will see how much more quickly, you will gain the Victory.
As the “I AM” Students have experienced the Expansion of the Light within their Hearts and within the cells of their bodies; it is most gratifying to Us, to see the Reality which is coming forth within you. You do not see It, but We do. We do not consider for a single moment, what your outer expression may be; but We watch how your Inner Light is sending forth, Its Color Pictures, which are the Truth of the Action of your Life.
One day, you too, will read the thought and feeling of mankind by its vibratory action, its Color Radiation; for THAT IS THE GREAT SILENT LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE. In Our
Octave of Light, We do not need to be present with each other in order to visit. We often choose to do so, but still We may flash Our Correct Thought and Feeling any distance, to those We love or with whom We wish to communicate.
Therefore, I am saying this today, so you may feel less limitation in pouring forth your Adoration and Love to your “Beloved I AM Presence” and to Us; and know how instantly—always without a single exception, comes back Our Response to you. There have been a great many throughout the student body, who at first have not seen the necessity of Our Assistance. Since they have found they have a “Mighty I AM Presence,” they think they might dispense with Us. Well, that would be quite all right, I am sure; but since you
cannot quite dispense with Us yet, We continue to offer Our Assistance.
Remember, if the Call of the Light comes from within the Heart of the Individual—even though he or she outwardly hated or disliked the Messengers, or even refused acceptance of Our Reality—still We would answer That Call quite as readily! As you come to understand the Truth of This Law and refuse acceptance to the appearance world of mankind, which is the periphery of Life; then you will understand Our Position and why We cannot be deceived in Individuals.
If time permitted, I could take you one by one and tell you exactly what your feeling was at the moment; because YOUR FEELING POURS FORTH A RADIANCE. It puts forth a color which is as plain to Me and which I read, as readily as you read your books. Radiation is within the Life of every one. Before you come to that point, you will begin to feel and accept Direction thru the Radiation, ofttimes as clearly as the spoken word. Many of you do today and have been doing it for some time. Usually, if you watch and follow your feeling, when you are undisturbed, you will seldom find it wrong.
Now this point I am taking up today, for I want all of the sincere students to be prompted; because We see the reason for it. If you receive a prompting or a discordant feeling, when you are in contact with someone, do not compel yourself to dismiss it instantly. It might be a Prompting to you. Ask the Presence of Life, your “Mighty I AM Presence,” to hold you steady, and reveal what that feeling is and what it means to you! Then, you will not cast aside a Prompting from your Presence, which is a guard; nor will you accept it as something which you would impose upon someone else; because it may be the direction of some discordant feeling, which might be projected there.
I want you to be so careful, and call forth your Discriminating Intelligence; to allow you to detect these things and do only the Right and Perfect thing, to all concerned—especially to yourselves! I perceive there are so many among the students, whose loyalty and earnestness is so great, they would rather blame themselves, than accept a prompting or the feeling about someone else. The prompting is the Call, so you might make Application and dissolve
the condition; whether it be really about the person you are contacting, yourself or something projected. Then you will feel released from it.
When you are making your Application, remember the imperative need of firmness yet a while. It is Our Expectation to complete This Work for America; in removing those who are now consciously or have been pouring forth destruction to the American people. We expect to seize the rest of those Individuals, before the close of the New York class. Then proceed at once—it cannot be done before that, to dissolve the substance which has been released into the atmosphere of Earth. It is the means by which the destructive forces from every direction, have held a certain influence over mankind.
There might be some of you in the room, who have seen this operate in official places, here in your capital. This force or substance is gathered by those who know how—and drawn around Individuals to make them do destructive things. I do not mean it is drawn by those in physical embodiment. It is projected and envelops the Individual whom they want to pull down. I have seen here in your city, magnificent human Beings struggling as within the coils of a great serpent, against that force projected at them, in their efforts to release themselves from it. Rarely do they succeed, unless We see and give Assistance which We ofttimes do. It is what often happens, because this substance does exist.
It has been released from mankind into the atmosphere of Earth. Consuming it, will be the next step! When it is dissolved, you will see a release in the feeling world of mankind, which has not existed, since the close of the Second Golden Age. Since that time, there has been a constant releasing and gathering of this psychic substance into the atmosphere of Earth. Individuals sometimes are clothed in it; and if you saw with the All-seeing-eye within, the shock would be severe.
This Good Messenger in his early years, as a channel for healing, often released Individuals. He drew off those garments, clothing the feeling world; and caused them to be dissolved and consumed. THEY WERE AS TANGIBLE AS THE PHYSICAL GARMENTS YOU WEAR. THAT IS HOW TANGIBLE THIS
Now mankind is fast being released from it. I am calling it to your attention, today, so the student body all over America, may make the Call that it be done with the closing of This Class and the beginning of the one in New York. With your firm determination and all the Mighty Energy you have released here, I do not question for a second that it can be done; for the consuming will increase thru the releasing of Our Mighty Energy.
Therefore, you stand in a position today, GREATER than has ever been, in your hundreds and thousands of embodiments; for you are calling, you are accepting, you are acknowledging the Greatest Power in the Universe, to save and sustain mankind. It is the Power of Light, which is Individuals’ own Life! You do not understand this, but throughout the ages, it has not been understood! Mankind has had no explanation, because every means was provided to keep human Beings from understanding the Simplicity, yet the Majestic Power of Life!
It is My Privilege to wield all Life’s Power in governing the Currents of Air and Energy. I trust the time will come ere long, when I can take you in a Class Room like this; stand before you, as I did with the Students in India, before they entered the Cave of Light; and render to you a Similar Service. “I AM” ready! “I AM” willing! Are you? Then, let us determine to do that! It shall come about! (applause)
I congratulate every one of you and the students throughout America! I congratulate the Staff about the Messengers for the Victory, Self-control and Mastery all are gaining ! We have been waiting for this to be complete enough, so We might do some of these things, which would give you such Strength and Encouragement; and settle forever in your minds, that We are Real. I know a great many of you do not question it for a second; but there are others at times—don’t mind if I say it—who wonder just a little. Therefore, don’t wonder any more! Be sure within yourselves. Then, soon enough, will come all the Proof you desire.
If it had not been for the unhappy Individuals who have spread such viciousness and discord among mankind, This Service might have been done already; but since many of the students were not anchored sufficiently, they listened to that viciousness. It disturbed their feeling world and has caused Us to withhold Our Presence! If Firmness can be held firm enough to dismiss those things, I see no reason why We could not come and talk to you in person!
May I remind you, that in your outer activity, when you become determined enough, it usually comes about, doesn’t it? When you become determined enough in having Our Presence, visibly and tangibly—and then you give the Obedience Life requires, would there be anything which would stand between you and Us? I think not! Remember, what Saint Germain has said to you: “The only distance between you and Us, is your thought and feeling.” That should not be very much, should it?
am very grateful for it, for you do feel much Greater Closeness; that much Greater Reality of Our Presence! As you have seen and felt the Activity of the Radiance within the room from time to time, there cannot be any question in your mind, there is an Intelligence which produces This Change of vibratory action! You know quite well, how the first three days you do not feel quite so happy, then all of a sudden, the Happiness returns.
Since you are to be set Free so soon, and no more discarnates are to be permitted to come into the boundaries of North America,
you can soon forget there ever was a mention of them. Many people have been fearful, but mankind had to know of the forces and conditions, under which people were laboring. Only by your attention being called to this and by your Calls to Life, to Light and the Power of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Greatest Intelligence in the Universe—to have the discordant substance from these individuals dissolved and consumed and the individuals themselves released and removed—would it ever have been done on This Earth! Had We not called your attention to these things, then how could it have been done?
If you will have confidence enough in Our Wisdom, as It comes from time to time, and not pass judgment, you will not be disappointed I assure you. If you allow your human opinions to judge as to what We should do; then you will probably be disappointed. As you see Continued Proof of all We have intimated, you will see after all, We are Real; and have told you the Truth at all times!
In the ages past, when people sought Us from the farthest corners of the Earth, for This Great Light and Wisdom, about fifty-five percent of Those Individuals succeeded in giving the Obedience which Life required. It was accomplished in the Protection of the Radiance of those places—the Retreats provided for It. Be careful, Beloved Ones, in your use of the word “Retreat.” THAT WORD really refers to those Sacred Sanctuaries of Light—not just a place, you go to in the outer world for rest! I like very much, the term which many are using for the concentration of Divine Forces-the Word “Sanctuary.” It is very apropos, for This Activity and all it attracts and means to you. Your Sanctuaries are each one a Sacred Focus of the Greatest Thing in the World— the “Mighty I AM Presence,” the Power of Light!
Therefore, as you go forth now, just stand firm and unyielding in your Application, remembering that in these Mighty Decrees which you issue in the opening of every Class, Our Mighty Power does move into action: “THE FORCES OF LIGHT MOVE ACROSS THE FACE OF THE EARTH AND ALL HUMAN DARKNESS DISAPPEARS”! MY DEAR ONES, THAT IN ITSELF, IS AN ALMIGHTY POWER AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT! IT GIVES FULL AUTHORITY FOR THE POWERS OF LIGHT TO PERFORM THIS
When you say to all human creation: “You have no power”! think what that means in the great body of students! With the Power of Light and Energy, which goes forth, saying to all human creation, all limiting and destructive qualities: “You have no power”!—then, you stop their action, as definitely from further interference with your world, as if you drew a Wall of Light.
Therefore, realize that in your Individual activity, the Same Exact Power is exerted and the same results are produced. Remember this, for We are constantly prompting you, more and more to be aware, to be alert, to these things in your Application. Take notice of the results which come! Oh, so many things are occurring about you, for which you do not give credit to the Presence; but the Mighty Decrees which you have used have produced these results! I WOULD RATHER BE MISTAKEN A DOZEN TIMES IN MY CALL BEING ANSWERED, THAN TO MISS ACKNOWLEDGING IT ONCE.
Remember, Acceptance is a powerful thing in your Life; and if you will accept every little thing, as a MANIFESTATION AND ANSWER TO YOUR CALL TO THE PRESENCE; then the Greater
Fulness will flow, flow, and flow; until like a great river everything of a discordant nature will be swept from your world at your Call. It is your Application which brings such tremendous results.
Had you not responded three years ago to This Mighty Application, these last two years the Messengers would not have been here—or any of your cities in America. They beat down by their Mighty Application alone, the first year, every obstruction of human qualities which arose before them! Had the student body not
responded by the issuing of These Mighty Decrees, We would have withdrawn them from the service of mankind. Therefore, AS ONE GREAT BODY OF LIGHT, I CONSIDER YOU HAVE PRACTICALLY WON THE VICTORY! GO ON, AND ON, AND ON, UNTIL EVERY ONE OF YOU, STANDS FORTH IN THE COMPLETE FREEDOM
OF YOUR LIFE! Any report in the future which comes concerning your Nation, concerning your political situation, concerning your industrial activities—upon which all of your physical Life depends; you must be ready instantly and firmly to say to that appearance, if it be limiting or discordant: “You have no power”! As the great body of students say that and feel it deeply; you will hold in abeyance everything, which destructively affects either the government, your cities, your industries or your transportation; until the Powers of Light can dissolve it!
I want you to feel Our Absolute Authority today, in your Calls to the Presence of Life! It is imperative! Beloved Ones of the Capital, you have been aware of the battle you have been waging; but you only know a small part of it. By being able to stand and hold the Light, it will now bring a Great Release to you—Greater Freedom and a Greater Rest in your Mighty Service to the Light!
Therefore, I want you to feel how We stand by watching—ready to release to the Individual, as well as the great student body, whatever is required at your Call; to give you health, your limitless supply, the Directing Intelligence and Invincible Protection which you require. We are your Friends of Light! We see far beyond that which you do; and so far as the Activities of your Life Streams are concerned, We know far ahead many times, what you are going to confront. In your Decrees, did We show you how much of that which would otherwise have acted, has been prevented from acting in your Life, you really would rejoice!
Now let us join hands in the Glory of This Greater Service into which We are entering; for from this day, We enter into a Tremendously Greater Service than any thus far. Therefore, as you observe the changes which will take place in all avenues of Life, remember the All-Seeing-Eye of God which you call into action, is the Revealing Power of all destructive forces, which would attempt to destroy you and your Beloved America. As you call It into action and
then abide in the Wisdom of the Presence, to bring forth Its Full Revealing Power, not one thing of human creation can interfere with or prevent it.
Therefore, you are moving like Charmed Individuals, as it were. If you can but realize it, This “I AM Presence,” Its Tube of Light and Its Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, will make you a Charmed Being; and I mean by that, untouched by any discordant destructive thing.
I am sure in the pleading of the Messengers, since they have been here, you have all now become firmly enough anchored in the demand for Harmony maintained in your feeling; to give Life Its Full Opportunity to flood your Being and World with Love, Happiness, Strength, Supply and All Good Things; which will give you the ease and rest in your feeling, that are needed.
I urge you—not all, but some who have been using a great deal of time—to use less time in your Decrees, but MORE DYNAMIC ENERGY. MAKE THEM SNAPPY AND FORCEFUL! THEN GO ON ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. WHEN YOU RETURN AGAIN, MAKE
DYNAMIC POWERFUL APPLICATION! Five minutes of that is more valuable than twenty-five when you are not releasing the dynamic energy! Therefore, as you come into the Fuller Activity of the Light, you will see this; you will understand it and by experimenting, you will see how much more time you have to do other things.
PRESENCE. Remember again, Beloved Ones, wherever your attention goes, your Life is feeding into that objective. If it be Perfection, it will produce Greater and Greater Perfection for you. If it be discordant, limiting things, then you must remember, you are inviting them, into your world of action. Therefore, THE CONTROL OF YOUR ATTENTION MEANS EVERYTHING TO YOU! IT IS NOT A MATTER OF A MOMENTARY FIXING UPON SOMETHING! YOU CAN WITHDRAW IT AND PUT IT BACK WHERE IT BELONGS! THEN SAY TO THAT APPEARANCE WHERE IT MOMENTARILY RESTS: “YOU HAVE NO POWER.” THEN YOU STOP THAT FORCE ACTING, THE MOMENT YOUR ATTENTION GOES TO IT;
My Dear Ones, you cannot observe a thing, you cannot turn your attention anywhere; you cannot let your feeling go forward, without your own Life Stream of Energy feeding into that objective. Then, think what a most unfortunate thing it is, when people are angered at each other or really hate each other. Look what you are doing to Life! The Stream of Light which goes forth—your Life, to a person, carries destruction like dynamite into the world of the Individual; and for all of that you are responsible. It never pays!
Therefore, I say to you Beloved Students: be firm; be strong in your Application, and unyielding in your determination to have Perfection; but you cannot have It, if you allow destructive qualities or feeling to act and go forth charging your Life Stream.
I am sure you do not keep yourselves aware of this enough! If you sent forth, or in other words, generated thirty percent of an activity of destruction or feeling to an Individual, ten percent of that feeling would go forth like a rocket, if it were violent anger or hatred; and you would retain twenty percent in your own feeling world of what you generated. It is approximately the proportion acting, in a lot of the conditions which you generate.
What a pity it is that Individuals do not want to understand These Great Simple Laws which would bring such Freedom to them. Yet they cannot have It, unless they give Obedience to This Law! Keep yourselves reminded constantly of These Requirements; and you will have no trouble in your Application and having its answer.
Remember, any destructive feeling which goes out to persons, places or conditions from anyone, is destruction sent out to Life; for Life is acting thru every Individual! If the Individual requalifies that or sends it forth in wrong action, Life is not responsible in any way; but you are responsible for Its misuse! After all, coming back to the fundamental, the principle underlying all disturbance, all destructive qualities sent forth—is but disobedience and destruction of Life. The
unfortunate thing is, that it does not always stop with the person, place or condition into which it is directed. It is so far reaching beyond your fondest imagination, that it does not pay any one to allow himself or herself to be influenced, to send forth one discordant destructive feeling!
I urge you—notice! I say, “I urge you,” to give This Cosmic Law Obedience; and see then how quickly you will be lifted into conditions you could scarcely imagine today. I tell you frankly, the matter of calling forth your supply is one of the smallest items in the experience of mankind; and the reason Individuals do not have it at their Call, is because they are not harmonious enough. Unbeknownst to themselves, they keep requalifying their Life energy and it becomes repulsion instead of attraction! The old statement made so long ago: “STAND IN THE LIGHT AND DRAW TO YOURSELF YOUR OWN,” IS ONE OF THE GREATEST STATEMENTS; ONE OF THE GREATEST TRUTHS; BECAUSE IF YOU WILL STAND IN THE LIGHT OF YOUR “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE,” IN A WHOLLY HARMONIOUS ENVIRONMENT, YOU WILL DRAW TO YOURSELF, YOUR OWN AND IN GREAT LIMITLESS ABUNDANCE.
In My endeavor to serve you, I have anchored within your feeling world a Part of Myself; by which I may act there at any time to serve you! I hope, if you want My Presence to act there, you know the Law and will be Harmonious. If you are not, it means you do not care to have Me! Therefore, I will wait, even though “I AM” there in your feeling world, still must I wait! I could force Myself thru your inharmony; but you do not understand, such a thing would not be wise. Sometimes the students have called forth with great intensity:
“Make me do the thing, I should do.” Well that is a kindly invitation, but since the Law of your Life is the Governing Power, it would hardly be correct for Us to take command of you; but you can rest assured since this has been given to you, WE WILL DO ALL YOUR LIFE STREAM PERMITS, TO ASSIST YOU QUICKLY INTO THE FULL VICTORY.
It reminds Me today, of Our many experiences at Chananda’s Home in India; for you are giving Us the same attention, the same feeling as though you were there. That means everything. One day, when We are able to show you the Light Rays projecting from Ourselves; We will show you how We govern the Light as a Consuming Activity, or as a Creative Activity: I long for It! I long to give you all that would give you Strength and Encouragement, and could never be changed again; but you must make the effort, Beloved Ones! I cannot just take your responsibility and project a sufficient force to repel everything you meet. Your Application and Strength must bring you to the point, where you are untouched by any discordant thing or suggestion.
FREEDOM. These might sound like Words to you; but to Us they are Qualities acting within your feeling world. To the degree you accept Them, keeping your outer mind reminded of it, will you find its Greater and Greater Power acting and serving you.
Therefore, in the Fulness of the Light which beats your Heart and gives you action, I charge you with Invincible Power, to take command of your mind and body; to give you Its Perfect Self-control; Its Perfect Harmony; Its Invincible Protection; Its Mighty Directing Intelligence; and to hold you so steady in the Harmony of Itself, that Its Directing Intelligence flows like a river; sweeping everything—all suggestions before it; and you move in the Pathway of Light—feeling
the Full Power of Its Achievement in everything required, in the Service you wish to give.
Stand in the Fulness of your Presence, God the “Mighty I AM”— in “The Light of God that never fails” and draw to yourself your own!
I thank you.
January 8, 1939
Beloved Children of the Light! I congratulate you, on the preparation and position in which your Application has placed you today. We shall begin Our Activity, as I did with the Substance in Chananda’s Home! I am standing here by Saint Germain’s Chair— the first time, I have brought Myself on to the stage! I will pass My Mighty Rays to you from My Forehead, Throat and Heart! May you realize This is the Observation of Life, of you and your world; for the coming activity of the six months before you.
It is Our Desire to hasten, to intensify the Expansion of Your Light as rapidly as possible, owing to the requirements at this time. Therefore, if there are any in the room who do not wish Me to do so, just send Me your thought and I shall pass you by. This is a Definite Activity of Life, and while little is understood in the outer world, yet We understand It quite well. If you care to co-operate with My Sincere Efforts, which are Infinite, then you will profit greatly by It.
The Western World has been unaccustomed to these more Idealistic Great Laws of Life, which you are coming into now! So, if you do not understand all that I do or call to your attention, please just accept It. Your Heart knows!
Your Higher Mental Body knows. Your Higher Mental Bodies have called to Me to render This Service! It is not only of My Volition, but It is the Call of your Life, which causes Me to be here today, to render This Service! Therefore, the Greater Part of the Activity will take place thru your feeling world; thru the atomic structure of your body in the Expansion of the Points of Light which are there. As you realize it, please hold yourselves as quiet as possible, and no matter what I might say during the Dictation, please just remain seated. Today, I wish you to remain as quiet as possible, in order to render This Service.
In rendering My Service to Bob, Rex, Nada, Pearl, this Good Messenger and those who were present in Chananda’s Home, it was
NEW DISPENSATION! I ask all of you, even though you might be here for the first time, to please accept That, as a Possible Activity in your experience. Thus, you will make and hold yourselves ready for all your Stream of Life wishes to do.
Remember, We never perform a Service of This Kind for anyone, unless your own Life Stream is calling to Us, because It is the Authority for you. We may render many other kinds of Service, but This is only at the Call of your own Life Stream! Since It is such a Definite Action, I ask you in the future, no matter what conditions confront you, to remain as poised in Self-control as possible! OUR ACTIVITY WILL GO ON, DAY AND NIGHT WHILE YOUR BODIES SLEEP AND ALSO WHILE THEY ARE WAKING. IT IS A CONSTANT ACTIVITY WHICH WILL GO ON, IN ITS CLEANSING, PURIFYING ACTION OF PERFECTION. SINCE THE GODDESS OF PURITY HAS COME FORTH, LIFE DEMANDS THIS SERVICE BE RENDERED YOU.
Never in the outer world, has anything been so magnificent as This Class, for all who have been privileged to be present. That is the reason for Our Service coming to you today. Life is holding All in Its Magnificent Readiness for release to you. Beloved Ones, in the lack of understanding, Oh how you have pushed aside, as it were— some of you for several life times, the Magnificent Perfection which Life—I cannot quite say struggled to bring forth, because Life in Itself never struggles—but thru the Higher Mental Body, saw the possibility of giving to you. Your feeling often caused a tremendous struggle in trying to free Itself, and reach out for the Blessings, which It knew were there; but when the attention was held so powerfully on the conditions of the outer world, the appearance world, the feeling was not able to release the Blessing of Life.
That is why, if you understand the Great Extreme Privilege which is yours in Our Understanding of Life; you will see how in co- operating with It, today, you have made it possible for This Service to be rendered. Please do not pass any human opinions about what I shall do. You know nothing about it; but I know exactly what I AM
doing, and I AM doing it! Therefore, be kind enough to accept ALL I offer, even though you might be here for the first time. Later you will see and understand why It has been done.
The need of mankind today is so great, every possible effort Life can permit, is being made; and I know many of you have sufficient Release of Light, to understand the Import of My Words, and that which I shall do for you. Remember, in all which is done, except in a few Activities of the Currents of Energy, you may, if you so determine, undo it; because you are the Authority as to how the Currents of Energy will act. In the Service which has been rendered in Previous Classes in preparation for This, a few have determined not to give obedience! They have made it impossible for Us to give them the Blessing, but that cannot be helped. It is the choice of the Individual; but you, today, who are understanding sufficiently to know something of the Meaning of My Words, I am sure will not fail to give the Obedience to Life; which enables This Mighty Work to go on in Its Blessing, Its Perfecting Activity; for the Release of your America
—for the Release of your America from going thru the destruction which would destroy its people. That, is why We have brought about such Powerful Means of reaching mankind; and We will reach two million people more within this year!
I want you to realize THIS is not an ordinary thing. It is a Mighty Activity of your own Life; calling as the “Call to Light,” indicates to you, for Its Freedom—not only calling, but demanding It! How is it that Life can demand certain things now, when It never has before? Because of the Cosmic Dispensation which has been given. The Source of all Life to this planet has said, the Light must expand within the people on this planet! Since This Group of people has been chosen as the “Cup of Light,” the Heart Focus for the Earth; you who are ready to give attention and obedience to Life, must be those thru whom This Light first expands! Its Radiance pouring forth in your Calls, touches the feeling world and activity of others of mankind.
It would be almost incredible, if I were to state to you mathematically, the Power with which This “I AM” Instruction does reach mankind. I mean by that, the power of the momentum which you have gained within This Class, especially. When you set
ponderous machinery into action—for instance, in your electric plants for generating the power, for heating, lighting and all electrical activity, you must have things in order. If something is out of order, then the entire activity is held in abeyance; until it is put into order, so the whole may go forth in BALANCED ACTIVITY.
While you are in somewhat of a similar position, Life will not permit you, who are ready to give obedience, to longer be held back by others who might not give the obedience. Therefore, I am more than delighted today, to call your attention to these facts; because in the mass raising activity, it would largely depend on the combined Harmony and Obedience. Since Life has made this slight change, I am grateful those who can, may go forward now, and the others follow later, if necessary.
Today, in accepting the Vast Power and Freedom, thru the Dispensation for your Ascension, I ask you, Beloved Ones; please do not look upon this idly. Do not think it is just someone’s imagination. It is a Reality, and remember, those who accept Our Assistance and do enter into the Ascension, will never in eternity return to this dense sphere of Earth! They will function forever in their Purified, Perfected Bodies, as We are doing today!
Think of it! This is not said to make you feel bad; but to make you feel charged, with the Current of Energy which is contained in My Words! Some of you were with Me at the time so long ago, when I went forward and you chose to give your attention to the things of the world. Now, once again, We meet to go forward together!
The Greatest, Mightiest of all the Power of Understanding, is this one point! Think, thru so many hundreds of centuries, you have played with the things of the outer world! In My choice to go forward, in the Perfection which was Ours then, I have gone on into This Great Glorious Dominion and Authority over Life! It makes it possible for Me to now give you Our Assistance today. Please see what Almighty Progress has been made, since those Children came to Chananda’s Home in India with your Messenger. Think of it!
There were a few who received That Great Blessing. Today, thousands and thousands within your America, are being prepared for a similar thing. Do you not see what your Calls and what Saint Germain has meant to the world, in bringing forth This
Understanding of Life, which has made all of this possible? Do you think for one minute, if you had not made the earnest sincere Call to the Presence of Life, your “Mighty I AM Presence” and to Us, these Things could have been done? It would have been impossible, because you would not have made the necessary preparation! While you do not know all you are doing in the outer activity of your Life, I say the preparation is there! Otherwise, I would not be here today, giving you This Opportunity and rendering This Service, which you could scarcely estimate! The fact is, it is being done, which shows you have given the obedience and made preparation for It!
In your Full Acceptance and in not allowing your mind or feeling to waver, by the suggestions of someone’s unbelief; you will hold steady in Our Mighty Blessing and Service which is offered you; to go forward continuously in Its Mighty Expansion.
Already in three different instances, those, who have made the change which others not understanding thought was so-called death, have made the Ascension. In each instance, there has not been one particle of Life remaining in the cells or structure of the flesh that remained behind; which is physical evidence of the Truth, they have made the Ascension.
There are quite a number who will make that change within a few months; but if you will follow This Instruction, you will enable the Full Complete Activity to take place which is required. Since today, your progress has prepared you very efficiently for this, it can easily and readily be done.
Could you see the Forces and Power which are being drawn from what you term Nature, from within the chemical elements and within the surface of the Earth; you would see one of the Greatest
Spectacles ever witnessed on This Earth. There may be places in the United States where It will become visible to the physical sight, although I cannot definitely assure you of that at the moment!
You, perhaps, have not thought of it so very seriously, but when the God of Nature and the God of Gold, were called forth to render Their Service to the Earth and to mankind, you have no idea how It has released the Intelligence, the Power and the Forces of the Four Elements—earth, air, fire and water! You former occult students may know something about that, not so very much; but however there is an Almighty Truth in It. Only when enough of mankind comes into the Understanding of This Light, can such Assistance take place. Again, I call your attention to the Magnificent Activity which your Calls and Mighty Decrees have released.
On the Messengers’ return here in July, will you please discontinue any previous meetings, outside of the Class itself! We wish to complete at that time, Certain Definite Work for America and for those who will be here, We wish you to have all the rest required; so you may have Our Service rendered to you in the class room. We find many people have become very weary; and I make This Explanation to you, for the Tremendous Activity and the Service in July. If you will do this, you will find a Power of Acceptance in your world of action, which will go beyond anything you have thus far imagined!
Plan, if you choose, to have your meetings before or following the main Class—I mean your Group Meetings. Then you will give the Full Power of your attention and acceptance of that which will be here in the Class room. It will be greatly to your blessing and benefit. Please understand all We request is such a Powerful Definite Blessing for you! When I asked the Outline be followed, my Dear Ones, if obedience to My Request had not been given, this today would have been impossible. I cannot blame you for wanting to give expression to your own ideas; but since certain Requirements have been imperative, We had to hold you definitely in a Balanced Harmonious Activity for the release of Energy from the large Groups all over America! That is why We held steadfast to the Request for the Outline to be followed! It is imperative that it still be followed anyway for this next six months and possibly longer depending upon
the Requirements; and see just how great is the achievement and regulation of conditions, which will be necessary in America!
There is not only the Protection for America, which is to be considered, but there is the condition of change in your government; in your cities; in all official places which must be made; and it must be made largely this year! At least, the entire preparation must be brought to a place of control, so that which is required may follow! This must come! Mankind is bound to be released from the limitations and domination of human qualities!
For the first time in the history of your Earth, the Inner Secret Service which has always been in existence, is taking Its Dominion in the Earth. There will be nothing hidden, which will not be revealed, but not necessarily to the curious! You have been using This Statement, without fully understanding just how far reaching it was. When you have taken the Statement: “There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed,” you should realize there has to be a Process by which it is done.
Of course your Decrees, your Call is Powerful; but there must be those who can operate That Law, in the physical octave; and within the Inner Secret Service are Those who can do It. This has come into action definitely! One of those Great Ones talked to you recently! Our Inner Activity of Light, has been set into definite action, and it is why these conditions can and will be revealed! There cannot be a thing to prevent it.
The treachery and deceit in official places, in your government, in the conditions of the capitols of your states and various places, will be revealed! The people will know what is going on! Then, they will no longer support the destructive people, because they will see the evidence of what is going on. There will be no mistakes made and those who have had such intent will see—may I use your expression
—“the game is up”! I assure you, the political game in America and the whole world for that matter, has been a treacherous thing; bringing upon mankind great privation.
How much does it matter, if individuals thru treachery and deceit, gain a few hundred thousand dollars, leaching it from their fellow man; if they find they cannot take it with them? Why go on
doing these things? That is to be stopped forever, in your Beloved America!
How great, my Dear Ones, should be your gratitude, and I am sure it is; for I have never known such a thing in all of Our Experience, since you left Me in that long ago. I have never known such Great Power of Divine Love and Gratitude being released, as has been in This Class. I congratulate you deeply, sincerely.
I congratulate you who have been so firm as Group Leaders, in holding with STAUNCH REALITY to the Outline and to the Purity of Life! I do congratulate you! I do congratulate you, Mr. Sindelar, on the strength which you have had to carry on the Magazine in the face of all opposition. You are to be congratulated really and the Goal which is yours and Mrs. Sindelar’s is well worth the effort which it has required.
I say to you fellow-students, the Messengers have met terrific forces and conquered! You have not realized the terrific forces from every conceivable source, which have been focused to try to stop the Magazine! Every one of you in your Service to Life, should make your Calls for the Expansion of the circulation of That Magazine. Beloved Jesus said: “It shall be the most sought after periodical in the World,” and so it shall be!
It will do Tremendous Work in that which We must accomplish in this six months; the completion following in the second. As you do this, you will render a Service never known in the world!
I am going to ask you a question and just thru your feeling answer Me. Do you realize in the combined Service, of getting the Books and This Magazine before the world, just what that means for its Victory! Do you know already people who have committed wrong, seek some Explanation of Life to help them? You saw in a recent newspaper article, the first outer evidence of how thousands and thousands of people have come in touch with These Books.
When destructive people are caught and the end of their destructive activity has arrived, their whole Life and attention seek the Understanding of Life!
You have no idea, My Beloved Ones, what THESE BOOKS mean to humanity today. Remember the transcriptions and the broadcasts, call people’s attention to the Presence of Life, the
“Mighty I AM Presence,” and to This Mighty Teaching; but the Magazine is the next step which should reach those people in preparation for the Explanation of the Light in the Books.
As all of you read and study, if there is no other way, hand those Magazines after you have read them, to others to read, thus calling attention to them. You will render a Service to yourself and your America which will transcend anything so far. It is quite easy to do this. It requires no expense on your part, except your subscription to the Magazine and the means of handing it out; but it is necessary. That is why I want you, if you will, to render This Service to America. I say to every one of you who is very earnest and sincere, YOUR COMPLETE FINANCIAL RELEASE IS COMING! Stand unyielding
and firm in your Call and it must appear! Please do not let your attention be fixed upon the conditions, which exist in the outer world; because if you do, thru your feeling, you will continue to deprive yourselves! The conditions which exist in the rest of the world, have nothing to do with your INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY, called forth from your Presence! Now please understand that, every one of you Blessed Students.
There are a great many still who find themselves thinking: “Well how can I accept my limitless supply, when such outer conditions are existing in the world”! It has not a thing to do with you; but as long as you insist on holding that attitude, you will experience the same thing, the rest of the world does. That is not necessary in This Great Law! You are talking to the Presence and Power of Life, which governs all in This World! Then, why should you pay attention to the conditions which mankind has created for and around the outer self. Now you are stepping out of that; and it no longer belongs to you, nor is it a part of you! If you see this, you will step out of it; and you will step into the Freedom which I am describing to you!
Today, in This Heart to Heart talk, I want you to realize every Word is a Power of Light, which has gone into action in your feeling world. If you will recall what I have said to you, then you will keep yourselves firmly reminded, so you do not yield to outer things. You will not yield again to the appearance world which has been depriving you. See the number who are in this auditorium today! Would you believe Me, when I tell you that your attention upon the
appearance world, has been largely the means of depriving you of the things for which you are calling? Sometimes in your feeling world, you were still accepting the conditions, which existed in the appearance world of limitations. Then of course you could not have the Fulness of the Release for which you were even calling. There are many who would have had their Release to a large degree, even without calling; if they had not kept their attention fixed upon the appearance world, which is but limitation!
You see when mankind does not know the necessity of Self- control, then automatically, the Life Stream will do certain things for you; but when you come into the Conscious Knowledge and Application of Life, you must give obedience; and make the Application which holds the Balance of these conditions. The Responsibility is yours. Of course, THERE MUST BE YOUR OBEDIENCE TO LIFE. These are important things to hold before your attention.
As the Messenger said to you, it is so—shall I use the expression “extremely ridiculous”—when one understands, what the attention does, in feeding the Gift of Life into conditions which limit or harm that one. Don’t you see how pitiful it is! You can control your attention! There is not one of you who cannot do it; but if you insist on feeding your Life into discordant appearances, limiting appearances; and accepting there is a power of human creation to
make you ill or distressed, then how can We prevent it! Your Free Will is paramount, since you are not destructive Individuals! We cannot interfere with that. With your obedience, We can do wonders beyond your fondest hopes; but We must have a certain amount of obedience to the Law of your Life, in order to do so. Obedience to the Law of Life is your Freedom!
Therefore, I ask you for your own progress, to please watch these simple things in your Life Activity; so you do keep your attention flowing to Constructive Things! Then, as Our Great Outpouring intensifies, you will not find yourselves at intervals, in a struggle against things to which you have given power.
There is another point which I want to bring to your attention with Almighty Power! A few of you have been disturbed, as you thought, by entities. Now don’t blame the poor entities! Some of that condition is within your own selves; and most of it is projected to you by human Beings, not entities! The day is not far distant, when the Student Body in Los Angeles and vicinity, will clean out every vicious person who is opposing This Work; and that one will stop projections and distress, which have been imposed upon a great many of the students.
Call to Myself and Victory in any such disturbance; and perhaps it will be well to call to Beloved Astrea, to seize and bind the entities, if there should be any around; but most opposition is consciously projected and it is vicious and it is vile! Persons who are so vicious, they would not give obedience to Life and This Law; and then try to project their devilishness at Individuals who are earnest and sincere in This Light, should be stopped. Do not give them any quarter. We are going to stop this thing! Not only turn back upon them their own viciousness, but use physical means if necessary to stop allowing them in your Groups or your association!
People should go about their own business and mind their own business; and if they are not interested in This Truth, they should leave It alone! There is a Mighty Reason, when I take this up Myself. You know I have not referred to it before, but it is time it be stopped; and the vicious falsehoods which are spread to try and prevent the Messengers holding these classes, should be silenced! It is ridiculous, when This “I AM” Instruction of Saint Germain’s, brings
only good to the people. The students should band together and stop it! Go to the officials, explain the Law and the Fundamentals of This Truth! Show them what these destructive Individuals are doing; and see they are silenced forever. That is the way to clean these things out.
Don’t be afraid to do it! I want you to be Free! Don’t feel you have to continue to be harassed and heckled by these insane creatures; because that is all they are. If they were not, they could not do these things. The idea of people who take it upon themselves humanly to interfere with your progress or the Expansion of your Light, is too ridiculous for consideration and should not be tolerated for a second! Remember! K- 17 will give you Limitless Assistance in revealing and bringing forth evidence to silence these creatures!
Will you for just a few moments accept Our Out-pouring now? First, the Radiance will be spread over the audience; and then out of that Radiance, will come the Currents which each Individual requires. Let all spend perhaps two minutes in silence, so This Radiance may have Its opportunity to flow in and assist you.
My Dear Ones, it is positively remarkable how you are able to still yourselves. I mean by that, not just the physical part of you, but the feeling world which is more important. I congratulate you with all My Heart. It shows what you can do! I want to show you how well you co-operated. What it seemed to Me must require at least two minutes, was accomplished in one. You remember in India, that which would have taken two years was accomplished in two days. I wish you to see, Beloved Ones, what your cooperation in obedience to Our Requests means to you. It means everything in Life in the Attainment of Its Perfection.
While I have been rendering This Service, the Goddess of Liberty, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Peace and the Goddess of Purity, Whose combined Out-pouring makes a Certain Concentration of Power, which later We will explain to you—are enthroned above you, pouring out Their Radiance! Their Currents of Energy went forth thru This Radiance and spread over the audience, to render Their Service!
Please do not try to explain to yourself how It was; what It was; or anything about It. Just accept It, and I assure you, We will do the rest. In some of these things, you cannot be of assistance, except to give your Full Acceptance; because you do not understand and Our Words would not cause you to understand, how to be of any special assistance, for We are the Doers. Just let Us do that which We know is essential; and do not allow your intellect to wonder anything about it!
I want you to feel, Dear Ones, that Our Assistance is not so much in what I am saying to you, in the outer worded expression; as It is of the Inner Activity which is so important—in order to hasten the Expansion of your Light, your comprehension; and give you a Fuller Power of Acceptance, in that which you will continue to call forth individually.
Will you on retiring each night, remember this afternoon and call for its Continued Action! It only takes a moment to call for Continued Action, the Continuous Expansion of Our Radiance which has been spread here this afternoon. Then, you will by your attention, keep the Power flowing, to do these things and bring about the Completion.
In human experience among so many people, there has been the enthusiastic desire to start something; but they do not hold the enthusiasm, to go on to the finish! Now your enthusiasm and your gratitude are sufficient, to carry you on to the completion of all you require in the Service, which We wish to do for you. So in the remembrance of all I have said, will you be kind enough to give the Full Obedience, in making your Call and giving Me your attention; which will keep this in action, until what is required is completed?
I presume Saint German thinks I am a rather doubting Thomas; but when He said to Me at the beginning of This Class, it could be done at the close of the Class, I waited to see. Of course, I had not been giving as much attention to you as He has; for when you have watched with Me—thru the centuries, in which We have watched mankind, you do not wonder that I question—not their desire; but their ability to give sufficient obedience to do these things. However, it is marvelous, because whenever He has said something will be done, I have found it accomplished.
I not only congratulate you, but I congratulate your Beloved Saint Germain for being able to do This; and He has done It from the beginning. I want you to realize that He is the Authority for you; and when in the beginning, We questioned the ability of the Beloved Ones to give Sufficient Obedience, He was right and has won! I want you to fully appreciate that, and I am sure you do. I want you to fully appreciate the Almighty Confidence He has in you; and you have not caused Him to regret one single effort! Is it not Magnificent Co- operation with Life?
You here in the city of Los Angeles can have done for you, a similar thing which was done in the Quiet of the Great Mountains— the Silence of the Great Mountains, and Purity of those Great Mountains in India! You are having done for you a similar thing today, in your city in the outer world. Does that mean anything to you? Does it not convince you, the Power of Life is actually taking Its Dominion in the outer world?
Again I thank you, I congratulate you with all My Heart! Stand firm, determined and unyielding in your Call to Light and to Life! Let Its Mighty Expansion go on within you—being more and more fearless and dauntless; knowing mankind has no power to limit you; no power to impose discord or pain or distress upon you!
BODY! Human Beings are so prone to accept human suggestions; especially if it be something concerning their bodies, for mankind is body conscious. I mean by that, Individuals give so much more attention to the body, than is necessary. A little twitch of a nerve or
something and they get excited and think something more distressing is the matter.
Don’t do that! You are in a position to command Obedience and Harmony in your physical body! Stand unyielding in it; determined to have it, and you will be very grateful; because you will learn to quickly dismiss disturbances in the body, such as pain and distress. My Dear Ones, do you forget the cause of everything which acts in your physical body, has to first have its cause in your feeling world? Then, don’t you see how powerful and great is the COMMAND, to act in your feeling world!
Suppose there were an intimation of pain and you say: “Mighty I AM Presence,” silence that human quality! It has no power! Then, your Presence must act in your feeling world with Full Authority. Then, distress cannot Out-picture in the physical structure of the body; because there is not one thing can act in the physical structure, whose cause did not first originate in your feeling world; because It is the cause of everything! That is why discarnate entities have caused so much distress to mankind, because they come and hover about the body, touch within your atmosphere; and you begin to feel in YOUR FEELING WORLD whatever is in them.
I think I should call to your attention today, so you remember it, that no imperfection which the physical body holds, can enter into the Higher Octaves of Light. If one be insane here, that one cannot be insane in the Octaves of Light; because that condition is within the brain structure! While the cause was most of the time in the feeling world, still the effect, which Out-pictured was in the brain structure of the body; or was an Interference in the nerves with their Balanced Quality of action. Those conditions do not enter into the Higher Octave!
If you have lived in such a condition, that you have bound yourself to Earth, the disease or condition with which you passed out, would not actually be in the next octave; but you would be holding the memory in your atmosphere of the condition with which you passed out! That is what is charged into the world of those left behind! Individuals who have discarnates hovering about them, often Out-picture the feeling of the discarnates; because the memory of that feeling, charges its quality into and thru the feeling world of the
one still in physical embodiment; and that person begins to Out- picture the same thing. The Simplicity of Life, makes you Master of the entire situation.
Do you not see how, if such a thing touched your feeling world, if you would just call forth the Light and blaze It forth, by Its Mighty Radiance, you would cut loose instantly anything which had attached itself to your feeling world. You have not felt your Authority yet; but I want you to feel It today! No matter what touches you or disturbs you, call forth the Light; and feel It expand thru every cell of your body and cut yourself loose from such things! You can dispel anything that comes around you; whether it be the projection of something into your physical body, entities or anything of the kind! It will act the same, insofar as you are concerned. Therefore, you are the Master!
Continuing what I said a while ago, to anyone who is disturbed by these projections; or if it be entities, call first to Beloved Astrea, then call to Me and I will stop that thing acting in your world! Recently so much viciousness has been projected at the students, I am determined that thing shall stop! If you will make your Call to Me, after you have called to your Presence, then at the same time, feel This Light go into and spread out in Its Dynamic Powerful Radiance, I will cut you Free!
Nothing in the world, my Dear Ones, can find action within your feeling world or affect your physical body, unless you let it. I want you to feel your Mastery! Don’t keep accepting that something has power to touch you! It doesn’t make any difference what it is! This Life Stream is, as you observe It here! (pointing to Chart) Think of Its Mighty Intelligence and Mastery! That is what you call forth! When you do call It forth and expand It thru the body, isn’t it just the same, as if you turn the Light on in this room when it is dark? The darkness disappears ! Well, all human qualities are darkness or shadows; and they have no power in the Presence of This Light. As you feel Our Light call It forth and expand It in, thru and around your body, It just acts automatically!
If you observed Its Action with the All-Seeing-Eye as I did, you would see the Light flash and blaze out around this body, as definitely as a Flame Itself. It means nothing destructive can stand
within That Flame. I want you to feel Our Mastery, Power and Assurance! There is no reason why you should be disturbed by any thing. It means so much now to take the Mastery; so nothing disturbs the constant Increasing Power, Harmony and Radiance which is about you.
I thank you and I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to serve you today. May It remain a Happy Glorious Memory within you always; until that day, when you stand in Our Octave of Light and I shake your hand and welcome you Home. Your Home is there, not here! I know that definitely! Therefore, you have just been on a peculiar vacation. Now you are coming Home today, to render your Real Great Service.
I thank you.
April 16, 1939
Beloved Ones of the Light, for such you are or you would not be here; therefore, I claim you, EVERY ONE, into the Light tonight!
I have drawn the Radiance from the Cave of Light in India where the Children, referred to in the “Magic Presence,” received Their Freedom! I have charged this audience and this room with the Radiance which is there! Will you be kind enough to accept Its Interblending Power with your Life Stream; to harmonize, to intensify and to bring the most rapid fruition of the Powers of Light, to act within your human form?
My Province for many centuries has been governing and assisting in perfecting the outer manifestation of the Life Streams of Individuals—for more than two hundred thousand years. The conditions which are existing in the appearance world today have had power or found expression among mankind.
Now notice! The conditions which have been dissolved from the atmosphere of Earth; the black magicians are no more! Much of the humanly created substance charged into the atmosphere of Earth has been dissolved; and mankind’s own accumulation of the ages, is being rapidly dissolved and consumed. Do you not understand the Tireless Efforts and the Energy which are being released to bless mankind and set the Earth Free once again? You might be justified in saying that from the appearance of Europe and the Orient, there seems little evidence of These Words. Oh, quite true! Quite true! but is the mankind of Earth wiser than I, who for two million years, have been the Authority to This Earth?
You can scarcely believe, Beloved Children of Light, that such a Stupendous Change can take place; and yet you shall see It! You have been told a number of times, this is the culmination of the ages. Only as you see certain coming outer manifestations, will you understand how very True it is! There are those who could have This
Great Opportunity and This Power of Action in their lives, but they do not take hold of It. How unfortunate all do not take advantage of It!
We have been patient a long time. We can still be patient for a time. Then the Great Law of Life says: “No longer, Children of Earth”! No longer may you have time to make up your minds! The Great Law of Life says then: “I shall make it up for you”! That is not unjust! It is a Blessing unknown to mankind today, for when the people will not do what is right; and after having imposed too much of the shadows upon the planet on which they are living; the Great Cosmic Law always demands the Release of Life’s Purifying Power, which will dissolve and consume the accumulation of mankind.
Oh, that the people might be ready! Yet, in all the ages which have passed, when people have been prompted to prepare for the coming changes, still in their unbelief they have said: “Thou art foolish”! Too late, they found they were foolish. Today, there are a great number of mankind who say: “Why be concerned about the coming changes! I will survive or pass out.” How do you know you will do either?
The Law of This Earth has undergone vast changes! There will be many who will say to Me: “How can Life change Its Laws”? Life never did, but the people in their interpretation of that which they believe is the Law of Life, are sometimes far from the Truth! We alone who know the Truth, should at least be listened to. When These Great Changes begin and the contending human Beings upon This Earth, see the Vast Cosmic Power taking action against their puny human selves, they will see how frail indeed is human effort.
Oh, the arrogance of HUMAN minds, to think they are authority; to think they hold dominion over the intellectual attainment; or to think they have the wealth of what is gathered about them! Beloved Ones of America, what would you be today, but for your Great Goddess of Liberty; pray tell Me! Where would you be, today, without Her Help? You would be a nation in bondage. You do not understand! Even though you believed My Words, STILL YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR GODDESS OF LIBERTY HAS
DONE FOR YOUR AMERICA; how Her Protecting Presence has stood guard, holding Her Almighty Freedom and Liberty for America;
holding the Power of Its Eternal Light, so one day there might come the response from mankind.
Will you believe Me when I say to you tonight, your Beloved Messengers, who in their Classes have read Washington’s Vision, containing that which the Goddess of Liberty gave him in those days of great trial, have drawn your attention to Her Great Help? Can you understand what that has done, as It spread Its Radiance among mankind; causing the people to release the Assistance which they must give, if these changes are to come; and if that third episode is to be kept from action in America? The people of America must give response to Her Presence of Life; and bring forth Its Action in the Call to Light, to give the Assistance which She has shown you so plainly.
Beloved Students and Friends of Beloved America, you Loyal Patriots, for there are many!—Remember those early days of effort, privation and giving of all, by those who were Real Patriots. It has not been in vain! By These Mighty Calls to save the Civilization of America, there is coming a Great Great Release and Relief! Even as in Washington’s day, when Beloved Saint Germain came and brought Release and Relief to Him; so today, shall come the Power of the Cosmic Light; to give Him the Assistance which is required to render That Service; which He is determined to give to your America and to the World!
How fortunate it is Beloved Ones, that you are privileged to become His Great Family of Light. One day, you will understand how great is your Privilege. He sought for two hundred years in Europe, to get the attention of millions of mankind; and yet but a few individuals would respond. After waiting more than one hundred and fifty years, He said: “I shall try once more.” Then, He found those who had been His children in an ancient time; and remembering the Strength they had, as His children at that time, and the privileges which were granted them, He determined to try again. He has not been disappointed in them. He has not been disappointed in you!
Be assured, Beloved Ones, THAT INITIATION which once came only within walled temples, is now being given in the outer world, thru your every action of the day. Life has now expanded Its Great Scope. There have been so many who have not had quite sufficient
patience. They have been within a few days or a few weeks of their Freedom and yet, have forsaken the opportunity of centuries! May the Light which is now intensifying, henceforth hold every one strong within the Light of his or her “I AM Presence”; so each one’s patience may continue, until he or she observes the Victory!
You have observed conditions of the past! Fall not into the mistakes which you have seen; but standing steadfast within your Presence of Life, your “Mighty I AM Presence,” stand firm and unyielding, until you see the Glory of your Victory achieved! Fifty Individuals within five years, who stood within a few days to a few weeks of their Victory of Life, have turned aside and returned into their unhappiness. If you would observe them, you would prevent yourselves making the same mistake!
We long to see you Free. We long to see you patient, until your Call to Life will set you Free! Since We are giving such Great Assistance, mankind should be patient! When the people have had for centuries, hundreds and thousands of lives in discord, to be patient a few years, even today, should become easy.
Beloved Students, We have prepared the Way for the Glory, the Expansion of the Light in your city. Since your Beloved Saint Germain saw fit to bring forth This Great Light here; We feel obligated to Him, to endeavor to establish a Mighty Focus of Light to spread Its Radiance! Even the Cosmic Powers as you observed, have come to Our Assistance. Will you go on in the old way feeling discord toward each other, when the Culmination of all Life stands at your Open Doorway? Can it be possible, mankind will not see, before the people stands the Open Door into the Octaves of Light!— the Jewelled Door of Achievement—of Eternal Victory? Is it possible that mankind and the Student Body will not see? Just because of little human differences, should Individuals allow sufficient discord to drive in, and turn them away from the Light; or delay their Victory which could be quickly achieved?
Beloved Ones, the Opportunity of Eternity is here! You alone must choose, and value all the promptings We give; and that is a thing which heretofore has been absolutely forbidden. In the requirements of the Earth at this time, these things are being permitted, which have never been done in the history of the Earth.
You who have failed so many times before, now when you stand absolutely ready for the Victory, will you fail again? Some have, but will you? You must decide! There is not one thing in This Universe which could make you fail but yourself—your own human self.
Remember, there are two of you—the human and the Divine. The human has been growing very frail in its power of dominion; and in your Calls to the Light, the Light within you has grown strong in Its Dominion! Will you not allow It to continue; until all human qualities have entirely vanished? Then in the Greatest Raising Power of your Presence of Life, the Earth can no longer hold its dominion over you! In the Glory of Its Magnificent Splendor of Life, stand and again gaze upon the Earth; looking down your Life Stream on all that has been
—seeing the years, the centuries of wasted energy.
Such is the condition of mankind. Centuries of wasted energy, and yet Life does not condemn you! Life does not say to you: “You shall do thus and so”! It says: “If you will give obedience, thus and so shall be the result”! Will you, My Beloved Children, give That Obedience? Will mankind awaken now at This Opportunity? Those who refuse it this time, will be compelled to wait a long time!
When Individuals think in their intellects, to cast aside the Opportunity which Life has offered them, it is quite a tragic thing. They feel, they are defying the Forces of Light! What a pity! What a pity! Life will not take you by the shoulder and say to you: “Give Me your Obedience”! Life waits in Its Infinite Patience for mankind, to willingly give the Obedience required for Freedom!
Beloved Mankind, you must understand you alone must determine to give obedience to Life! In the case of vicious Individuals, their Free Will is now withdrawn! That is why you are seeing such great changes in your schools, and it will also come in the political world! I say to you ladies and gentlemen, watch ! You will see the greatest changes in the political world you have ever witnessed; because its destructive influence and power are gone! Watch it and see! The gathering together of treachery and intrigue to prey upon the mass of mankind, shall cease forever!
Mankind SHALL arise in the Call to the Presence of Life for Its Dominion here! Remember, many of you who are here, have felt such inability, such helplessness before the forces of the appearance
world. Ladies and gentlemen, arise! Accept the Power of your Dominion, in your Call to Light and be frail no more! The most delicate lady in her Call to Life has Power Infinite; and you strong men, physically speaking, in your Call to Light with the ENERGY which is there, can release the Power of Life; to clear the conditions of the Earth; and render This Service which mankind needs in America today! Will you not render It?
Do you quite understand your Beloved America is like a Good Mother holding you in Her loving embrace? Do you understand, that is what your America means to you; from Her Bosom giving forth the glories of all mankind needs for Sustenance, Health, Strength, Energy and Power of achievement! Oh, Beloved Ones, you who live in the great cities, have forgotten the agricultural world! Remember it again please! Remember, without it you are lost! Remember— without your producers of the supplies of the world, you are lost! So, protect your supply of every kind! Remember—protect your transportation which has been brought to you in such magnificence! It is at the point of Great Achievement! Will you in the lack of your Call to Life, let It be delayed for another fifty years? You could have magnificent transportation within twelve years. It could be filling the Earth. You could have breakfast in New York and dinner in Los Angeles. Then, you could have breakfast in Los Angeles and dinner in London!
Try to follow Me for a few moments and understand—that in the atmosphere of Earth, there are Currents of Electrical Energy of which the outer world knows nothing! In the new means of transportation, there will come something of the Knowledge of these air currents! Then, you will go into those air currents; and be carried with their Natural Speed, far beyond what your airplanes have today. Those Natural Electrical Air Currents, will carry those planes at a speed far beyond what you have today. By the airplane’s own power, its speed can be three, five or seven times what you have today.
These are the conditions which are before the people, if they will make the Call to Life and let the Presence of Life bring It forth! They must call for all human selfishness to be wiped out; for that is what is withholding these things from mankind; because of the fear of loss of great wealth in cumbersome machinery! The machinery of the future
will be simple, light and magnificent; for the old cumbersome machinery must go! It has rendered a great service, beautiful and magnificent; but it cannot hold on forever. It must give way to that which is more Perfect; and everything which becomes more Perfect, becomes more simple; becomes lighter in weight; becomes more enduring.
As you have machinery today which is using almost human intelligence, yet there is that which is standing ready to come forth to you, so much more Perfect. For instance, let Me draw one illustration for you. There is machinery waiting to come forth into which you may dictate a volume; and it will come out at the finish, bound and complete.
Tonight, while I am talking to you, flashing My Words to the Messenger and he is speaking Them to you; instead of conveying his voice as you do over your radio; if you could see around the Messenger, you would see the mouthpiece to these Currents of Energy—carrying My Words throughout the nation and directly into the feeling world of the students! Do you realize this day, the entire “I AM” Student Body of America and the World is focused upon this room? The Students are receiving Our Radiance! Since they have been so obedient and willing to prepare themselves, I have arranged there shall go forth, the Exact Radiance which is here, to bless them in their loyalty and faith to the Light. Thus, We are considerate of the Requirements of those who are loyal to the Light.
How can it be? I ask you, how can it be, there is one in human form, who has heard of This Glory and Freedom of Life and who has not understood? Yet, soon will It be accepted throughout America, as the Greatest Ideal of Life and the Greatest Power of Its Perfecting Activity ever known to mankind, for so It is!
The mass of mankind must come to understand This Magnificent Understanding as the Individual’s own Life. Your Beloved Saint Germain brought It to your attention! Yet every particle of It is your own Life—Its Understanding, Application and Freedom of your own Life. Who should not want it? Who should not be willing to give the Obedience required in order to have Our Freedom, I ask you? There are those who rebel, for such is the condition of human qualification of Life’s Energy; and human accumulation does not want them to be Free. Not understanding, they give way to it and lose the opportunity.
However, I greatly rejoice tonight, in seeing in the near future, the Glory of That Light which will hold mankind steady in its slightest effort; in the forward movement and expansion of its Light and Freedom! Beloved Ones who have the Light thus far, you should be determined in your Calls to Life for your fellow man; until the point is reached wherein the Great Light Itself, holds individuals within a certain Grasp, as it were; until they can be sustained in the achievement!
Try to understand your Great Privilege today; and remember you are nearing the time, when you will be compelled to stand within the Radiance of your own “Mighty I AM Presence.” Only so far, can such Powerful Assistance be given! Then, you must take hold and finish! So, utilize the Opportunity in the Radiance which is being given now; and go forward like a rocket which you can do in This Great Attainment!
May I say something most encouraging? My Dear Ones, observing the Activity of This Light for five years and seeing the achievement here; it is the Greatest Encouragement to Us in the Continued Expansion of the Light in mankind; and It will expand and continue, until the Full Volume which We require is released. I rejoice with you in your willingness to serve the Light; and in your Great Loving Gratitude to the Messengers, Saint Germain and to Life.
Oh, My Dear Ones, I appreciate your Great Love for the Messengers, but one day when you see what they really have meant to America and the World, then will your Gratitude be great indeed. Today, to find the Response to the Light from the people of America, is a Magnificent Attainment. I congratulate you, I thank you, I bless you for your interest, for your determination to have the Freedom of Life!
Go on, My Beloved Children, and We will give you every Assistance which is possible to be given. Remember Blessed Ones of Chicago, We shall be watching over you! We shall be standing ready, to give you every Assistance for which you will earnestly call.
May you remember, that for the Victory of the Light in your city, you must have Harmony. There must be Love to one another; your willingness to put human qualities aside; and join, as One Great Point of Light, for the Blessing of mankind in America! I feel definitely sure, that every one of you will rejoice greatly to give This Obedience to Life.
May the Powers of your Light lift you quickly into Its Final—Its Eternal Freedom, Its Perfect Health and the GLORY OF THE LIGHT BE IN FULL COMMAND OF EVERY ONE to produce Its Harmony and Perfection everywhere for you forever!
I thank you.
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